Predicting Academic Achievement Predicting Academic Achievement: The Effects of Multiple Intelligences, Effort and Motivation Stacie Bailey Action Research Paper California State University, Northridge 1 Predicting Academic Achievement Abstract This study’s objective was to determine whether multiple intelligences, effort or motivation could be used to predict academic achievement in a College Prep Biology class at Highland High School. Gardner’s multiple intelligences, the School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale (SAMRS) and various classroom measures were used to collect data. The relationships between intelligence scores, SAMRS scores, assignment completion rates, and class and test grades were analyzed using correlation statistics and regression analyses. The results indicate that motivation is the strongest predictor of academic achievement, followed by effort, and that intelligence is not related to academic achievement. Further studies must be done to evaluate these relationships in other teacher’s classrooms and other academic subjects. 2 Predicting Academic Achievement 3 Predicting Academic Achievement: The Effects of Multiple Intelligences, Effort and Motivation Chapter 1 Introduction “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” – Thomas Edison “By natural ability, I mean those qualities of intellect and disposition, which urge and qualify a man to perform acts that lead to reputation. I do not mean capacity without zeal, nor zeal without capacity, nor even a combination of both of them, without an adequate power of doing a great deal of very laborious work” – Francis Galton, Hereditary Genius As both of these quotes illustrate, popular belief holds that motivation and hard work will lead to achievement and talent. A timeless question among educators and parents is whether intelligence or hard work and motivation will lead to academic success. In our current politically correct era, the idea that genetic intelligence is the primary factor in academic success is frowned upon. Our society likes to believe that no matter your genetic make-up, if you try hard enough you can achieve anything. While this may be true to some extent, at some point a certain level of intelligence is necessary for success. A brief survey of the literature will illustrate that cognitive ability is the number one predictor of academic achievement (Gagne & St. Pere, 2000). In my classroom, however, I do not see this trend across the board. In addition to the intelligent, highly motivated, high achieving students, I see students who are intelligent, but put forth little to no effort and have low academic achievement. I also have observed the opposite – students who do not catch on right away, but who put in 110% effort and have high academic achievement. I have rarely had a student for whom intelligence alone can lead to Predicting Academic Achievement 4 high academic achievement. Ablard (2002) found that while it would seem logical, intelligence does not necessarily equate to high motivation to achieve. Before beginning my research for this paper, I conducted a brief survey of my students’ performance in order to refine my study questions. I compared each student’s overall grade with his or her Figure 1.1 Relationship between missing assignments and class grades in Biology number of missing assignments. As would 110 100 90 relationship (see Figure 1.1). I found that as the number of missing assignments increased, the students’ grades decreased. Grade (%) be expected, I found an indirect linear 80 70 R2 = 0.8388 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Number of Missing Assignments (out of 60) While these results would appear to have a logical and simple explanation, I found that the more I thought about this trend, the less clear the explanation became. I could not tell from this small bit of data what caused each student to miss assignments. I developed two possible hypotheses; first, students with many missing assignments may just be lazy or lack motivation, and second, students with many missing assignments may not be doing their work because they lack an understanding of the concepts. I wondered if low effort (hypothesis 1) or low intelligence (hypothesis 2) was to blame for students not turning in their work and subsequently having low academic achievement. 40 Predicting Academic Achievement 5 Purpose The purpose of this paper was to examine the effects of intelligence and effort/motivation on academic achievement. The questions I will be attempting to answer are: Can intelligence, effort or motivation be used to predict academic achievement? If so, which provides a better prediction of academic achievement, or is academic achievement a result of some combination of the three? I hypothesized that effort alone would be an effective predictor of academic achievement. Without some degree of effort, I believe even the most intelligent students will not do well academically in a subject as challenging as College Prep Biology. Importance of Study The results of this study will be helpful to all teachers, but especially to high school teachers. High school students seem to rapidly lose motivation and many do not see any connection between effort and achievement. One of the most common questions I hear from my low achieving students is “Why am I getting a D (or F)?” Students do not seem to realize that their grade is a reflection of their effort and hence their learning. Many students are under the impression that seat time should be worth a passing grade. With the data from this study, I hope that teachers can show students and parents that effort is the key to academic achievement. This research will provide teachers with another Predicting Academic Achievement weapon in their arsenal of motivating techniques. I also hope to dispel the myth that only smart kids do well in science. Definition of Terms The following terms are used frequently throughout this paper. The definitions provided are my interpretation of each term and will illustrate how I have used each term. Intelligence is an innate ability to learn, process information, and see connections between multiple sets of data. Effort is the willingness to do work. Motivation is an intrinsic desire to do work. Achievement means performing at or above the academic average. 6 Predicting Academic Achievement 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review Intelligence The concept of intelligence is a highly contentious topic. A review of the literature on intelligence shows a divide between those who believe intelligence is fixed and leads to achievement (Walberg, 1984; Necka, 1996; Snyderman, 1987) and those who feel intelligence is dynamic and does not necessarily lead to achievement (Diseth, 2002; Williams, 2002; Maree & Ebersöhn, 2002; Reis & McCoach, 2000; Pirozzo, 1992). In fact, Pirozzo (1992) found that among students in the top 5% of intellectual ability (as measured by IQ) 50% do not achieve at a commensurate level in school. No single definition for intelligence exists, making a study into the effects of intelligence difficult. The most commonly held definition of intelligence among the public is the IQ score. IQ testing is still the most commonly used intelligence or aptitude assessment in both psychology and education (Reis & McCoach, 2000; “Intelligence and Achievement”, n.d). In recent decades, IQ testing has come under fire as being racially and culturally biased (Snyderman, 1987). Additionally, most researchers feel that a single number cannot accurately describe something as complex as intelligence (Gagne & St. Pere, 2000; Maree & Ebersöhn, 2002). The most prevalent alternate definitions of intelligence are emotional intelligence, practical intelligence, general intelligence, and multiple intelligences. Emotional intelligence includes the abilities to delay gratification, self-motivate and be persistent (Maree & Ebersöhn, 2002). Practical intelligence is the ability Predicting Academic Achievement 8 to manage oneself, others and the environment (Williams, 2002). Diseth (2002) defines general intelligence as consisting of three parts: spatial intelligence, fluid intelligence (physiological), and crystal intelligence (experiential, education). Other research has included practical intelligence within the scope of general intelligence (Williams, Blythe, White, Li, Gardner & Sternberg, 2002). In 1983, Howard Gardner revolutionized the field of intelligence research with his book Frames of Mind, in which he defined seven (he has since amended this number to eight) areas of intelligence (Garnder, 2003; Brualdi, 1998; Shearer, 2004; Greenhawk, 1997). Gardner coined his theory “multiple intelligences”. As cited in Maree and Ebersöhn (2002), Van den Berg found the following four unifying themes across all definitions of intelligence, “the ability to adjust to new situations; the ability to learn; the ability to handle abstract relationships and symbols; and the ability to solve new and diverging problems” (p264). With the obvious internal disagreement in academia about the definition of intelligence, the idea of measuring intelligence encroaches on a whole new array of issues. The IQ test is the oldest means of measuring intelligence, having originated during the nineteenth century (“Intelligence and Achievement”, n.d.). Again the research is divided, with some studies asserting that an IQ test is insufficient as a measure of true intelligence (Diseth, 2002; Williams, 2002; Gardner, 2003) and others show that IQ provides an accurate measure of true intelligence (Gagne & St. Pere, 2000; Gottfredson, 1997; Walberg, 1984; Snyderman, 1987). For the purposes of my research, I tend to side with the former group and contend that intelligence can be measured, but not through the Predicting Academic Achievement 9 traditional IQ test. Therefore, I measured Gardner’s multiple intelligences (for complete descriptions of Gardner’s multiple intelligences see Appendix A). Gardner developed his theory of multiple intelligences in response to perceived cultural and racial biases of traditional IQ tests (“Intelligence and Achievement”, n.d.). Gardner (2003) asserted that people have a “set of relatively autonomous intelligences” (p.4) rather than a single, general intelligence (often referred to as g). The eight intelligences Gardner developed were kinesthetic, logical, intrapersonal, visual/spatial, linguistic, interpersonal, musical, and naturalistic. To use a metaphor, multiple intelligences are like a tree with one branch being general intelligence (Shearer, 2004). Effort and Motivation Effort, or the time and energy a student is willing to put into their school work, is dependent upon the student’s motivation. Effort requires motivation; however, motivation does not necessarily lead to effort. Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation results in students setting learning goals, or learning for the pleasure of learning. Extrinsic motivation leads to performance goals, or learning for the sake of achieving and being recognized through grades or awards (Ablard, 2002; Deci, 1991; Vallerand & Bissonnette, 1992; McGregor & Elliot, 2002; Covington, 2000). Students who are intrinsically motivated are less likely to experience a sense of failure for not achieving, whereas those who are extrinsically motivated are more likely to give up after a failure (Ablard, 2002). In a review of the literature, Covington (2000) found that motivation, preferably intrinsic, is necessary for achievement. Vallerand and Predicting Academic Achievement 10 Bissonnette (1992) studied over 1000 junior college students and found that intrinsic motivation was correlated to successful course completion. The source of motivation remains a complex issue. A conflict exists in the literature with some studies showing a zero correlation between motivation and IQ, while others show that the intellectually gifted have higher intrinsic motivation or that their motivation is a part of their giftedness (Gagne & St. Pere, 2000). I think it can be safely hypothesized that without motivation, intelligence alone will not lead to achievement. Chiu (1997) developed the School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale (SAMRS) to “a) [identify] students’ levels of academic achievement motivation, b) [predict] students’ academic achievement, c) [assess] how programs affect students’ achievement motivation and d) [supplement] information from clinical psychoeducational studies of children” (p.293). Chiu’s instrument consists of 15 statements regarding students’ behaviors which teachers evaluate and rate on a type of Likert scale. Chui found that the SAMRS scores correlated with GPAs (r = .73) and standardized test scores (r = .61). These moderate to high correlations provide validity for the SAMRS instrument. Reliability was established through testing and retesting (r = .91). For this study, I measured motivation with the SAMRS. Academic Achievement While academic achievement may be easy to define, the causes of achievement are not so obvious. An interesting dichotomy exists between societal views of achievement in Japan, where student achievement is markedly Predicting Academic Achievement 11 higher, and the United States. In Japan, effort is considered the primary cause of academic achievement, while in the US, ability or intelligence is viewed as the primary determinant for achievement (Holloway, 1987). Again the literature is sharply divided between intelligence and motivation as the primary indicators of academic achievement. In a survey of almost 3000 studies, Walberg (1984) found correlations of .71 between IQ and achievement (r2 = .5) and .34 between motivation and achievement (r2 = .12). A study of 200 high school females also found that IQ was the best predictor of achievement (Gagne & St. Pere, 2000). Other studies have found that IQ does not predict achievement. Maree and Ebersöhn (2002) assert that emotional intelligence has a much greater predictive power for achievement than IQ. They propose that achievement is a result of positive outlook, learning from failure and a belief that one can and will succeed. A study of 89 Norwegian undergraduate students found a very small relationship between IQ and achievement (Diseth, 2002). These results were obviously very disconcerting to the author who spent a great deal of time offering possible sources of error to explain why these unexpected results occurred. It would be errant to assume that only IQ and motivation can affect academic achievement. A plethora of factors such as socioeconomic status, parental education level, past school success, peer groups, cultural background, teachers’ expectations, and classroom atmosphere can all have an impact on achievement (Myers, Nichols & White, 2003; Maree & Ebersöhn, 2002; Nichols & White, 2001; Spera, 2005; Davis-Kean, 2005; Lubienski & Lubienski, 2005; Reis Predicting Academic Achievement 12 & McCoach, 2000; Pirozzo, 1982). Due to the limitations of action research, I narrowed the focus of my study to intelligence and effort, with the caveat that these are not the only variables that affect achievement. Measuring achievement tends to be rather straightforward. The two most common achievement measures are standardized (state and federal) testing and class grades (Reis & McCoach, 2000). I used a combination of class grades and unit exams to measure achievement in my research. Predicting Academic Achievement 13 Chapter 3 Methodology The purpose of this study was to determine if intelligence, effort or motivation better predicts academic achievement in a high school biology class. Participants As the researcher and teacher, I was a sixth year biology teacher with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biology and a teaching credential in the biological sciences. My second period class participated in this study. This class consisted of thirty-two students, 59% female and 41% male. They ranged in age from fourteen to sixteen and none of them were classified as special needs or gifted. Their ethnicities were varied, with 38% Hispanic, 34% Caucasian, 16% Black, and 12% Asian. As a whole, the class tended to be quite attentive and well behaved. This study was conducted at Highland High School in Palmdale, California. The surrounding community ranged from lower class to upper-middle class with most students coming from middle to upper-middle class homes. Highland High School had almost 4,000 students and was granted the California Distinguished School award just prior to this study. Materials and Procedures All of the data collection was completed during the fall semester of 2005. The units covered during this semester were Cells, Cellular Energy, Molecular Genetics, and Mendelian Genetics. Predicting Academic Achievement 14 Measuring intelligence. Students completed an online intelligence assessment modeled after Gardner’s multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligences, n.d.). This assessment consisted of 40 items, each with six possible responses ranging from “This is not like me at all” to “I am always like this” (see Appendix A). At the end of the survey a score chart was produced providing scores (25 was the maximum score) in each of Gardner’s eight areas of intelligence (see Appendix B for a sample). Measuring effort. To create a quantitative measure of a student’s effort, the percentage of assignments each student turned in on time and complete was calculated. A complete assignment was defined as a student receiving at least 50% credit. For example, if out of 60 total assignments, a student did not turn in four and received less than half-credit on three more, their total on-time, complete assignments would be 53 out of 60 or 88%. Measuring motivation. Chiu’s (1997) School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale (SAMRS) was completed by me for each student to gauge their motivation (see Appendix D). Each survey consisted of 15 items with a Likert type “never to always” rating system with five choices. The most favorable response received a score of ‘5’ and the least favorable response a ‘1’ (see Appendix E). The scores were summed and converted to a percentage. Measuring academic achievement. The scores from the four unit exams for the aforementioned units were averaged together to obtain a measure of academic achievement. Each unit exam consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions (see Appendix F for sample questions). The genetics exam also Predicting Academic Achievement 15 included open-ended Punnett square problems (see Appendix G). The exams are department exams created using the textbook publisher’s test bank software. For the molecular genetics exam, an alternate version with free-response questions, written by me, was offered to interested students (see Appendix H). Students had to come after school to take the alternate exam. Students received the higher of their two scores. The overall class grades will also be used as a measure of academic achievement. I will rely more heavily on the class grades in my data analysis because I feel the tests are poorly written and measure more what a student has memorized and how well a student can decipher the question than how much the student understands the material. Because the class grade also incorporates lab work, class work and homework, I believe it is a more accurate measure of academic achievement. Analysis The scores from each of the eight areas of intelligence and the effort and motivation scores were compared, using statistical analyses, to the academic achievement scores. Correlation tests were completed as well as regression analysis. Predicting Academic Achievement 16 Chapter 4 Findings The research questions guiding this study were: 1) Can intelligence, effort or motivation be used to predict academic achievement? 2) If so, which provides a better prediction of academic achievement, or is academic achievement a result of some combination of the three? To answer these questions, students took a multiple intelligence test measuring Gardner’s eight areas of intelligence, I completed the School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale (SAMRS) for each student and calculated their assignment completion rate, and students took various unit exams. Intelligence The results of the multiple intelligences tests can be seen in Figure 4.1. Interpersonal intelligence showed the highest average score ( X = 19.3, σ = 3.5), while visual/spatial intelligence showed the lowest average score ( X = 14.5, σ = 4.3). The intelligence with the narrowest range of scores was logical intelligence (range = 12), whereas visual/spatial intelligence showed the broadest range of scores (range = 20). Figure 4.1. Distribution of multiple intelligence scores 25 25 23 25 23 23 23 20 20 19.3 15.3 15 16.0 15.9 14.5 15.9 16.0 14.7 10 7 5 9 6 10 8 6 3 6 Linguistic Maximum Average Minimum Logical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical Visual/Spatial Naturalistic 0 Kinesthetic Intelligence Score (out of 25 max) 23 Predicting Academic Achievement 17 Effort As shown in Figure 4.2 the assignment completion rate for this class is relatively high ( X = 89.6%, σ = 7.2). The number of completed assignments ranged from 43 out of 60 to 60 out of 60. Figure 4.2. Distribution of assignment completion percentages 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 70-75 75.1-80 80.1-85 85.1-90 90.1-95 95.1-100 Assignment Completion (%) Motivation Student motivation, as measured by the SAMRS, showed a much wider distribution than did the assignment completion rate (see Figure 4.3). The SAMRS percentages ranged from 38.7% to 86.7% ( X = 64.1%, σ = 12.7) Predicting Academic Achievement 18 Figure 4.3. Distribution of School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale Scores 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 35-40 40.1-45 45.1-50 50.1-55 55.1-60 60.1-65 65.1-70 70.1-75 75.1-80 80.1-85 85.1-90 SAMRS Score (%) Academic Achievement The distribution of test averages and class grades are shown in Figure 4.4. Tests equate to approximately 25% of the class grades which accounts for the discrepancy between the test grades and class grades. The average test grade for the class was a 62.3% (σ = 16.5) while the average class grade was a 75.2% (σ = 10.0). The correlation between test grades and class grades was moderate (r = .66; see Figure 4.5). Predicting Academic Achievement 19 Figure 4.4. Distribution of average test scores and class grades 14 14 12 Number of Students 11 10 10 8 7 6 7 6 4 2 2 2 3 0 Class Grade 2 < 60 60-69.9 Average Test Score 70-79.9 80-89.9 Average Scores (%) 90-100 Figure 4.5. Relationship between average test scores and class grades 100.0 90.0 R2 = 0.4379 80.0 Class Grade (%) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Average Test Score (%) 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 Predicting Academic Achievement 20 Relationship between intelligence and academic achievement As previously mentioned, the multiple intelligence tests yielded eight separate scores for each student. As a group each of these eight scores was compared to the test averages and class grades (see Table 4.1). Logical and visual/spatial intelligences showed positive correlations with average test scores, albeit slight (r = .33 and .07 respectively). The other six intelligences showed zero or negative correlations with Table 4.1. Correlation (r) values between multiple intelligences and academic achievement Area of Intelligence average test scores (Figure 4.6). While none of the correlations are of a significant value, an interesting pattern does appear, with logical and visual/spatial Logical Visual/Spatial Intrapersonal Kinesthetic Naturalistic Interpersonal Linguistic Musical Correlation with Test Average 0.33 0.07 -0.07 -0.16 -0.18 -0.28 -0.40 -0.40 Correlation with Class Grade 0.25 0.01 -0.20 -0.24 -0.19 -0.25 -0.39 -0.38 intelligences topping the list and musical and linguistic intelligences at the bottom of the list. Figure 4.6. Trendlines showing relationship between mulitple intelligences and average test scores 100.0 Kinesthetic Naturalistic Visual/Spatial Musical Intrapersonal Interpersonal Logical Linguistic Average Test Score (%) 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 0 5 10 15 20 Mulitple Intelligence Score 25 30 Predicting Academic Achievement 21 Relationship between motivation and academic achievement The results of the SAMRS surveys correlated quite well with academic achievement (r = .78 with class grades and .64 with test scores, see Figure 4.7). The strongest relationship was seen between the SAMRS score and class grades. A regression analysis indicated an R2 value of 0.614 indicating that the SAMRS score is 61% effective at predicting class grades. The SAMRS score was 40% effective at predicting test scores. Figure 4.7. Relationship between SAMRS score and academic achievement 100.0 R2 = 0.614 90.0 80.0 R2 = 0.4055 Grade (%) 70.0 60.0 Class Grade Test Avg. 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 SAMRS Score (%) Relationship between effort and academic achievement The relationship between assignment completion and academic achievement, while strong, is not as strong as the relationship between SAMRS scores and academic achievement (see Figure 4.8). Assignment completion correlates to test scores and class grades with r-values of 0.15 and 0.75, Predicting Academic Achievement 22 respectively. Regression analysis shows that assignment completion is only 2% effective at predicting test scores, but is 56% effective at predicting class grades. In other words, students who completed their assignments were likely to do well overall in the class, but were not necessarily likely to do well on the tests. The opposite also held true in that a few students who had low assignment completion rates did very well on the tests but tended to do poorly overall in the class. Figure 4.8. Relationship between assignment completion and academic achievement 100.0 90.0 2 R = 0.565 80.0 Grade (%) 70.0 R2 = 0.0214 60.0 50.0 40.0 Class Grade Test Avg. 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 Completed Assignments (%) Synthesis of Findings These results indicate that effort and motivation are better predictors of academic achievement than is intelligence. In fact, most areas of Gardner’s multiple intelligences were negative predictors of academic achievement or showed no relationship at all to achievement. The only area of intelligence that Predicting Academic Achievement 23 could be considered a very slight predictor of achievement was logical intelligence. The strongest predictor of academic achievement in this study was the student’s SAMRS score. Predicting Academic Achievement 24 Chapter 5 Discussion Overview of Study The purpose of this study was two pronged. First, I wanted to determine if effort, motivation or intelligence could predict academic achievement in my 2 nd period biology class. Second, I attempted to establish which variable was a better predictor of academic achievement. To answer these questions my students completed a survey measuring Gardner’s multiple intelligences and I completed the School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale for each student. In addition, I recorded their test scores during the first semester and calculated their assignment completion rates. Correlation scores and regression analyses were used to interpret the results. Summary of Findings The results of this study showed that effort and motivation are better predictors of academic achievement than Gardner’s multiple intelligences. In fact, six of the eight areas of intelligences showed a negative correlation with both test scores and class grades. The only two areas of intelligence to show slight positive correlations were logical and visual/spatial. The best predictor of both test grades and class grades was the SAMRS score. The assignment completion rate was a good predictor of class grades, but not test grades. Conclusions and Recommendations This study indicates that the commonly held notion that intelligent people will succeed in school may be flawed. I found that intelligence, in the form of multiple intelligences, has very little to do with academic achievement. On the Predicting Academic Achievement 25 other hand, effort and motivation lead to academic achievement regardless of intelligence. This finding supports the results of Holloway (1987) who showed that effort is prized by Japanese society where academic achievement is high, whereas intelligence is valued in American society where academic achievement is comparably low. These results also are comparable to those obtained in numerous studies into motivation and achievement (Covington, 2000; Vallerand and Bissonnette, 1992) The only area of intelligence to show a slight correlation with academic achievement was logical intelligence. The department tests I must give consist of 35-50 multiple choice questions. Students who are logical thinkers will be better able to sort through the choices presented and eliminate the illogical answers, thus increasing their chances of choosing the correct answer. While it is outside the scope of the questions asked in this study, I think these particular results indicate the need to reexamine the tests my department is giving. Since this study indicates that effort is the best predictor of academic achievement, I will use these results to teach my students about the characteristics of a successful student. Students who come to school prepared, volunteer for extra credit, complete their assignments, and ask for help will succeed in my class. I will emphasize these qualities to my students in the hopes of motivating those who have always believed success in science is reserved for the “smart” kids. In classrooms, teachers must emphasize the importance of effort. At the youngest ages, parents and teachers must reward our students for their efforts. Predicting Academic Achievement 26 We cannot allow students to get away with the excuse that they are just not smart in science, or math, or reading. This study shows that, in my class, the oft heard phrase “I suck at science” is an excuse for laziness. With the proper motivation and effort, any student can realize high academic achievement. Students enter my classroom having grown up in our society which encourages instant gratification and minimal effort for maximum results (Colvin, 2004; “Who wants”, 2003). From commercials for miracle diet pills to multimillion dollar “liability” lawsuit judgments, students are inundated with this message from a young age. I must work against this emerging societal norm in my classroom to raise student achievement. Most teachers face this battle with their students. Often if students don’t see an immediate payback, they will not put forth any effort. I believe this is the biggest problem currently facing our schools. Limitations of the Study I believe my findings on intelligence were not as strong as they could have been had I been able to give my students and IQ test. I have found no research regarding a link between multiple intelligences and academic achievement. Most research examining the relationship between intelligence and achievement uses the IQ test to measure intelligence. I am not sure if my final conclusions would have been different had I used an IQ test, but I think the effects of intelligence on achievement certainly would have been clearer. My inability to use the IQ test also prevented me from comparing my results to the plethora of research based on IQ testing. There is certainly a need for more research examining the Predicting Academic Achievement 27 relationships between IQ scores and multiple intelligence scores and between multiple intelligences and academic achievement. While my findings are limited to my classroom, anecdotal evidence from my colleagues indicates that they see the same trends in their students. In the future I would like to broaden my study to my entire department or school. Another limitation to my study was the fact that, due to time and resource constraints, I had to ignore the multitude of outside factors which can affect academic achievement such as socioeconomic status, parental education level, past school success, peer groups, and cultural background (Myers, Nichols & White, 2003; Maree & Ebersöhn, 2002; Nichols & White, 2001; Spera, 2005; Davis-Kean, 2005; Lubienski & Lubienski, 2005; Reis & McCoach, 2000; Pirozzo, 1982). Some questions raised by this study that should be examined in future research are: 1. Will the same results be seen department-wide or school-wide? 2. What, if any, relationship exists between multiple intelligences and IQ? 3. What is the relationship between multiple intelligences and academic achievement in other subjects (such as English or math)? 4. What are some successful motivational techniques to raise student effort and subsequently raise student achievement in my classroom? 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Predicting Academic Achievement 31 Appendix A Multiple Intelligences Descriptions Visual/Spatial (picture smart): Ability to picture and manipulate objects in your head Good at art, visual puzzles, graphing, map reading Kinesthetic (body smart): Strong athletic ability Good coordination Good at reading body language Naturalistic (nature smart): Notices patterns in the natural environment Good sensory perception Knows and remembers things about plants and animals Musical (music smart): High ability to create music and interpret sounds Keen discrimination between musical notes and tones and voices Logical (math smart): Ability to see patterns and connections, think inductively See geometric and numerical patterns Good with computers and puzzles Can process abstract concepts Intrapersonal (myself smart): Strong sense of self Ability to resist peer pressure and take on leadership roles Interpersonal (people smart): Ability to work well in groups Good sense of others’ feelings, empathetic Linguistic (word smart): Ability to acquire and process language Can process abstract concepts Good at reading and writing Predicting Academic Achievement 32 Appendix B Multiple Intelligence Assessment Now answer these questions by clicking on the box that you most agree with. There are 40 questions. You will need to answer every question before you click the "Finish" button. This is not like me at all I can link things together and pick out patterns easily. I can recognize and name different types of birds, trees and plants. I enjoy logic problems and puzzles. I learn best when I have to get up and do it for myself. I like to think through problems while I walk or run. I know myself well. I am sensitive to the moods and feelings of others. I am interested in why people do the things they do. My mood changes when I listen to music. I have a good sense of balance and like to move around a lot. Pollution makes me angry. I like to make lists. I am good at mathematical problems and using numbers. I enjoy games involving other people. I like to work with my hands. I can pick out different instruments when I listen to a piece of music. I can use lots of different words to express myself. I remember things like telephone numbers by repeating them to a rhythm. I enjoy social events like parties. I can take things apart and put them back together easily. I am very This is a This is I am like this rarely like bit like sometimes like more often this me me than not I am always like this Predicting Academic Achievement 33 This is not I am very This is a This is I am like this I am like me at rarely like bit like sometimes like more often always like all this me me than not this I have a good sense of direction. I learn well from listening to others. I like to use charts and diagrams in my learning. I like to work with a team. I enjoy making music. I can sort out arguments between friends. I enjoy being outdoors when I learn. I like to think out loud. I like working and thinking on my own and quietly. I enjoy working on my own. I always do things one-step at a time. I find it easy to explain to others. I enjoy writing things down. I keep or like pets. I am observant. I often see things that others miss. I am an independent thinker. I know my own mind. I need to see something in it for me before I want to learn something. I can remember pieces of music easily. I get restless easily. I can picture scenes in my head when I remember things. Predicting Academic Achievement 34 Appendix C Sample Multiple Intelligence Results Predicting Academic Achievement 35 1. Chooses to work above and beyond what is expected (extra credit, etc.) 2. Brings in materials (pictures, newspaper clippings, old coins, etc.) related to classroom activities. 3. Is prepared for class daily (paper, pencil/pen, etc.) 4. Sticks with a task until it is completed. 5. Attempts to solve problems that others have difficulty with. 6. Chooses minimum over maximum assignment. 7. Asks questions to better understand materials being studied or to aid in solving assignments. 8. Refuses to do assignments or homework. 9. Finds the answers to the assigned questions. 10. Participates in class discussions or activities. 11. Carelessly hurries through assignments. 12. Does something over again just to get it right. 13. Tries to avoid competitive situations. 14. Shows enthusiasm toward class studies. 15. Hesitates to start something that might lead to failing. Always Frequently Occasionally Seldom Never Appendix D School Achievement Motivation Rating Scale Predicting Academic Achievement 36 Always Frequently Occasionally Seldom Never Appendix E Key to SAMRS 1. Chooses to work above and beyond what is expected (extra credit, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 2. Brings in materials (pictures, newspaper clippings, old coins, etc.) related to classroom activities. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Is prepared for class daily (paper, pencil/pen, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 4. Sticks with a task until it is completed. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Attempts to solve problems that others have difficulty with. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Chooses minimum over maximum assignment. 5 4 3 2 1 7. Asks questions to better understand materials being studied or to aid in solving assignments. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Refuses to do assignments or homework. 5 4 3 2 1 9. Finds the answers to the assigned questions. 1 2 3 4 5 10. Participates in class discussions or activities. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Carelessly hurries through assignments. 5 4 3 2 1 12. Does something over again just to get it right. 1 2 3 4 5 13. Tries to avoid competitive situations. 5 4 3 2 1 14. Shows enthusiasm toward class studies. 1 2 3 4 5 15. Hesitates to start something that might lead to failing. 5 4 3 2 1 Predicting Academic Achievement 37 Appendix F Sample Unit Exam Questions Cell Exam 1. Which means of particle transport requires input of energy from the cell? a. Facilitated diffusion b. Osmosis c. Active transport d. Diffusion 2. Which organelle makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? a. Golgi apparatus b. Vacuole c. Ribosome d. Mitochondrion 3. You won’t find a cell wall in which of these kinds of organisms? a. Plants b. Animals c. Fungi d. None of the above 4. The cell theory applies to a. Bacteria b. Plants and animals c. Multicellular organisms d. All of the above Cellular Energy Exam 1. Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true? a. Enzymes work best at a specified pH. b. All enzymes work inside cells. c. Enzymes are proteins. d. Enzymes are organic catalysts. 2. A student is collecting gas given off from a plant in bright sunlight at a temperature of 27°C. The gas being collected is probably a. Oxygen b. Carbon dioxide c. ATP d. Vaporized water 3. The stroma is the space that surrounds a. Thylakoids b. Chloroplasts c. Plant cells d. All of the above 4. Which of the following passes high energy electrons into the electron transport chain? a. NADH and FADH2 b. ATP and ADP c. Citric acid d. Acetyl-CoA Molecular Genetics Exam 1. Genes contain instructions for assembling a. Purines b. Nucleosomes c. Proteins d. Pyrimidines Predicting Academic Achievement 38 2. Which of the following statements is false? a. Some genes code for enzymes. b. The instructions for making some proteins are not specified by genes. c. An organism’s inherited traits depend on proteins. d. An organism’s genes determine its inherited traits. 3. If a specific kind of protein is not continually used by a cell, the gene for that protein is a. Always transcribed b. Never expressed c. Turned on or off at different times d. Not regulated 4. Mutations may spread through a population if they a. Occur in body cells b. Occur in sex cells c. Can be passed from one generation to the next d. Both B and C Mendelian Genetics Exam 1. When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, all of the offspring were tall because a. The allele for tall plants is recessive b. The allele for short plants is dominant c. The allele for tall plants is dominant d. They were true breeding like their parents 2. Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be a. Hybrid b. Homozygous c. Heterozygous d. Dominant 3. If an organism’s diploid number is 12, its haploid number is a. 12 b. 6 c. 24 d. 3 4. Which of the following is caused by a dominant allele? a. Huntington’s disease b. PKU c. Tay-Sachs disease d. None of the above Predicting Academic Achievement 39 Appendix G Punnett Square Exam Answer all questions on the provided answer sheet. Show all work in the spaces provided. 1. In the P generation, a tall plant (T) is crossed with a short plant (t). What is the probability that an F2 plant will be tall? 2. If a man with blood type A and a woman with blood type B, both of whom are heterozygous, produce an offspring, what are the offspring’s possible blood types? What are the genotypes of the parents? 3. In watermelon plants, the allele for solid green fruit (G) is dominant over the allele for striped fruit (g). Pollen from a flower of a homozygous striped watermelon plant is used to pollinate a flower from a heterozygous green watermelon plant. What are the genotypes of the parents? What percent of the offspring of this cross will have striped watermelon? 4. In a population of pigs, curly tails (T) are dominant over straight tails (t). If two parents are heterozygous for this trait, what percent of their offspring will have straight tails? 5. A colorblind woman marries a man who has normal color vision. What are the chances of having a colorblind daughter? 6. In certain plants, the alleles for flower color, red (R) and white (W), show incomplete dominance. In the P generation, a white flower is crossed with a red flower. Name the phenotype ratios of the F1 and F2 generations. 7. A man with blood type A marries a woman with blood type AB. Name the one blood type that their offspring could NOT be. 8. Black hair (B) is dominant over white hair (b). Two black mice are mated several times. They produced 23 black and 8 white offspring. What are the parents’ genotypes? 9. Hemophilia is a recessive, sex-linked disease. If a carrier female marries a normal male, what are the possible genotypes of the offspring? What are the genotypes of the parents? What are the expected phenotypes of the offspring? 10. What allele combinations would be found in the gametes of a pea plant whose genotype is RrTt? 11. If a pea plant that is heterozygous for round, yellow peas (RrTt) is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous for round peas but heterozygous for yellow peas (RRTt), how many different phenotypes are their offspring expected to show? 12. Gerald bred his two pet aliens together. One was purebred for red eyes and little ears and the other was purebred for green eyes and big ears. Red eyes (R) are dominant over green eyes (r) and big ears (E) are dominant over little ears (e). Gerald’s aliens follow Mendel’s laws of inheritance. What phenotypic ratio would Gerald expect to find in the F2 generation? Predicting Academic Achievement 40 Appendix H Alternate Molecular Genetics Exam Answer each question in complete sentences. 1. From Griffith’s experiment, explain why the mouse died when injected with a mixture of heat-killed disease causing bacteria and live harmless bacteria. 2. Draw a DNA molecule. Label the sugar phosphate backbone. Show at least five base pairs. 3. Replicate the following DNA strand: ATCGTCAGT 4. Transcribe, then translate the following DNA strand: TACGAATCGAGTGGC 5. What would be the tRNA anticodon for the mRNA codon AUG? 6. The process of making RNA from DNA is called and it occurs in the . The process of assembling a protein from RNA is called and it occurs on the . 7. Which type of mutation has a larger effect on the final protein sequence, a point mutation or a frameshift mutation? Explain. 8. List two differences between DNA and RNA.