CLATSOP SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES – MARCH 13, 2013 OSU EXTENSION CONFERENCE ROOM ASTORIA, OREGON Those in attendance: Cary Johnson – Director at large 2 Jerome Arnold – Director Zone 1 Katherine Kahl – Director Zone 2, Treasurer Ted Warila – Director Zone 3, Vice Chair John McKesson – Director Zone 4 Wayne Carmichael – Director Zone 5 Misty Metcalf Ogier – Office Manager Wendi Agalzoff-LaRue – District Technician Nathan Herr – CREP Technician Sarah Tanavasu – NRCS District Conservationist CALL TO ORDER Treasurer, Katherine Kahl called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. ANNOUNCEMENTS Brownsmead Corn feed and farmers market, August 24, 2013 MINUTES February 13, 2013 – The acting Chair, Katherine Kahl entertained a motion to approve the minutes for the February 13, 2013 regular meeting, Wayne Carmichael moved, Cary Johnson second, motion approved unanimously. FINANCIAL The Office Manager presented a report for the months of February 2013 of the General fund budget vs. actual, a list of transactions for the checking and petty cash accounts, customers served report and activities. ACTION ITEMS Master Garden Plant Sale – The District Technician presented a proposal to purchase plants to sale at the Master Garden Seminar booth. Ted moved to approve a budget amount of $50.00 from general fund to purchase native plants for resale at the Master Garden booth show, Wayne Carmichael second, motion approved unanimously. Connect 2013 Training for Staff – Ted Warila moved to send and cover travel expenses for the Office Manager and District Technician to go to the Connect 2013 Training, Jerome Arnold second, motion approved unanimously. OCEAN Dues for staff – Jerome Arnold moved to pay employees dues of $10.00 each for a total amount due of $20.00 to the Oregon Conservation Education Association Network to access scholarships for employee training opportunities, Ted Warila second, motion approved unanimously. Garmin Budget Proposal – The District Technician presented a proposal for the purchase of 2 digital Garmin GPS units that would upgrade her from manual entry to directly uploading data, reducing time spent doing data entry and replace the ones that were borrowed from NRCS. She has secured funding to purchase one unit and is asking for funding from general fund for the other unit. John McKesson asked about personal property insurance. Wayne Carmichael suggested checking multiple retailers to seek best pricing.“Cary Johnson announced a potential confict of interest” Jerome Arnold moved to approve a budgeted amount of $510.00 for the purchase of a digital Garmin GPS unit, John McKesson second, motion approved unanimously. District Wear Proposal – The District Technician presented her research on developing district wear for employees and Directors or to make available to the public. The District Tech chose to use Vista Print and was asking if after each person paid for their own item ordered if shipping and handling could be taken out of general fund. John McKesson suggested not taking that out of general fund. It was agreed that all who order would share the shipping and handling cost. Ted Warila moved to approve covering the expense of District Wear for employees that require the use of signage in the field out of the project monitoring account and Directors and public would pay own expense and shipping for the product, John McKesson second, motion approved unanimously. Biosecurity – Katherine Kahl asked that we look into disinfecting our shoes before visiting landowner’s property or purchasing shoe covers out of respect for our local farmers. The board asked that staff research this and present proposal at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS CREST Task Agreement – The District Technician presented to the board the CREST Task Agreement for manual bio-control of purple loosestrife for CREST. John McKesson asked about Brownsmeads purple loosestrife. Katherine Kahl reminded John that he is not covered under workers compensation in the field only at a Board meeting. TA/LMA funding scope of work – The District Technician presented the Scope of work for the TA/LMA funding and received feedback from the Board. Wayne Carmichael asked that a higher percentage be focused on outreach. 2012-13 District Annual Work Plan – The District Technician presented the previous year work plan with proposed changes and a rough draft of the Districts work plan for next fiscal year for Board input. Katherine Kahl suggested that Board members review these documents to be discussed at the April meeting. Use of District employee’s License – The Office Manager reported communications regarding use of the District’s herbicide applicator license. The District Technician will be addressing and purchasing personal protection equipment for weed specialist employees. Clatsop NRCS District Conservationist Position – The office manager suggested with the start of a new biennium and with possible federal funding cuts that the District write a letter of support to the Basin Team Leader requesting NRCS maintaining a District Conservationist in the Clatsop office especially after it was very clear at the local work group meeting how valuable a DC located in Clatsop is to the County. The Board agreed to have the District Technician write a letter from the Board in support of a District Conservationist located in Clatsop County. Forestry Meeting – Jerome Arnold reported on a Forestry meeting in Cannon Beach, introducing a change to the State Forest Management Plan for high value conservation. County Funding – After speaking with a couple of Commissioners, Jerome proposed the Board request $6000.00 for the 2013 County Contribution. The Board was in consensus to ask for $6000.00 this year as oppose to $4000.00 asked for during previous years. OLD BUSINESS Oregon Resiliency Plan – John McKesson discussed the aftermath possibilities after a big Cascadia earthquake event and recovery. Jerome Arnold expressed that SWCD’s could play a large role during a resiliency effort. Native Plant Sale – Staff shared the overwhelming response to the Districts first native plant sale. The District was unable to supply the demand. All plants sold with-in the first 30 minutes and many contacts made. 468 plants were sold, 4 of which were donated, creating 100% profit for those 4 plants. REPORTS District Technician – Wendi Agalzoff-LaRue. Report reviewed. See report. Wendi asked if the District would like to begin being a part of the NACD Annual Poster Contest for outreach purposes, the Board agreed to table that decision to another year. CREP Technician – Nathan Herr. Report reviewed. See report. District Conservationist – Sarah Tanuvasa. See report. BOARD MEMBERS Director Zone 1 – Jerome Arnold. Jerome reported that he attended & testified at the legislative Joint Ways & Means Sub-Committee on Natural Resources about the OWEB budget and spoke with Tom Byler and Jerry Nicolescu. He also met with Representative Deborah Boone and Senator Betsy Johnson. Jerome urged the Board talk to everyone they can about the District going for a tax base. Director Zone 2 – Katherine Kahl. No report. Director Zone 3 – Ted Warila. Ted reported that Diking District #9 received their annual report back form the Army Corps and is considered unacceptable, which means that the Corps would not assist in the event there was a dike breach. Diking District #9 has been combined with #5 and #8. Jerome asked if OCZMA could help. John did not believe that would be beneficial. There may be a program they can enter in if they have a plan for repair, then they can get assistance from the Corps. Director Zone 4 – John McKesson. Report was shared during new and old business item. Director Zone 5 – Wayne Carmichael. Wayne had some HB’s to discuss but in the essence of time he would table until the next meeting. Director at large position 1 – Mike Seppa. Absent. Director at large position 2 – Cary Johnson. No report. ADJOURN Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 12:27 PM. MINUTES APPROVED: _____________________, CHAIR DATE: _________________