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Thomas Gottschalk
PhD Student
HCI G-320
+41-1-633 4167
click here
Study of Chemistry and Political Science at Friedrich-AlexanderUniversity (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg
Research Exchange with D. C. Braddock, Imperial College London, UK
Research Exchange with J. F. Stoddart, University of California, Los
Diploma Thesis with R. W. Saalfrank, FAU Erlangen
Diplom-Chemiker (Univ., mit Auszeichnung), FAU Erlangen
Graduate Student with F. Diederich, ETH Zurich
Zerweck-Prize of the Universitätsbund der FAU Erlangen
Switchable Container Molecules
Reversible switching between an open and a closed conformation is the key
property of novel container molecules that are based on the resorcin[4]arene
platform. Whereas the closed form binds cycloalkanes with high strength and
remarkable selectivity (cyclohexane is much preferred over cyclopentane and
cycloheptane), acid-induced switching converts the host to an open form that
immediately releases the encapsulated guest. This process is fully reversible:
Neutralization of the acid completely and immediately restores the guest-hosting
properties of the container molecule.
T. Gottschalk, B. Jaun, F. Diederich, Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 264-268; Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 260-264. Container Molecules with Portals: Reversibly
Switchable Cycloalkane Complexation.
D. C. Braddock, D. M. Badine, T. Gottschalk, Synlett 2001, 12, 1909-1913.
Cyclopropylmethylsilane Terminated Prins Reaction: Stereoelectronic Controlled
Formation of (E)-Skipped Dienes.
D. C. Braddock, D. M. Badine, T. Gottschalk, A. Matusuno, M. Rodriguez-Lens,
Synlett 2003, 3, 345-348. The Cyclopropylmethylsilane Terminated Prins Reaction:
Stereoelectronic Controlled Formation of (E)-Skipped Dienes Alcohols and a (Z)Skipped Diene Modification.
Last update: Dec. 2006