MINIMIZATION OF PUMPING COST IN ZONED AQUIFERS BY MEANS OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS K. L. Katsifarakis1 and D. K. Karpouzos2 Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, A.U.Th, GR- 54006 Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece E-mail: klkats@civil.auth.gr1, dimkarp@civil.auth.gr2 ABSTRACT Minimization of groundwater pumping cost, through proper distribution of the total flow rate to a number of existing wells, is a common problem in groundwater resources management. This paper deals in particular, with aquifers that bear zones of different transmissivities. A boundary element code is used for the numerical solution of the flow problem, i.e. calculation of water level drawdown at each well, which enter the cost function. This code has been integrated with a genetic algorithm, which is used as optimization tool. Constraints include the sum of well flow rates and limits to hydraulic head drawdown at the wells. Application of the proposed method to an aquifer with 4 zones of different transmissivities concludes the paper. ΕΛΑΧΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ ΚΟΣΤΟΥΣ ΑΝΤΛΗΣΗΣ ΣΕ ΑΝΟΜΟΓΕΝΕΙΣ ΥΔΡΟΦΟΡΕΙΣ ΜΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ ΓΕΝΕΤΙΚΩΝ ΑΛΓΟΡΙΘΜΩΝ K. Λ. Kατσιφαράκης1 και Δ. K. Kαρπούζος2 Τομέας Υδραυλικής και Τεχνικής Περιβάλλοντος, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών Α.Π.Θ., GR-54006 Θεσσαλονίκη E-mail: klkats@civil.auth.gr1, dimkarp@civil.auth.gr2 ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Η ελαχιστοποίηση του κόστους άντλησης υπόγειου νερού, με κατάλληλη κατανομή της απαιτούμενης παροχής σε προϋπάρχοντα πηγάδια, είναι ένα κοινό πρόβλημα διαχείρισης υδατικών πόρων. Στην εργασία αυτή εξετάζεται ειδικά η περίπτωση άντλησης από υδροφορείς, οι οποίοι χωρίζονται σε ζώνες με διαφορετική μεταφορικότητα. O υπολογισμός της πτώσης στάθμης σε κάθε πηγάδι, που υπεισέρχεται στη συνάρτηση κόστους, γίνεται με τη μέθοδο των οριακών στοιχείων. Ο αντίστοιχος κώδικας ενσωματώνεται σε έναν γενετικό αλγόριθμο, που χρησιμοποιείται ως εργαλείο βελτιστοποίησης. Οι περιορισμοί του προβλήματος αφορούν στο άθροισμα των παροχών και σε όρια της πτώσης στάθμης. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται ενδεικτικά σε υδροφορέα με 4 ζώνες διαφορετικής μεταφορικότητας. 1. INTRODUCTION Minimization of groundwater pumping cost, through proper distribution of the total flow rate to a number of existing wells, is a problem that arises quite often in groundwater resources management. From the environmental point of view, though, it is a problem of minimization of energy consumption and of the respective environmental impact. From the mathematical point of view, it is a typical optimization problem, and typical optimization techniques, e.g. linear and non-linear programming, have been used for its solution. The objective function, which should be minimized, is: N F C H i Qi (1) i 1 where C is a constant and N is the number of the wells, while Qi and Hi are the flow rate and the distance between ground level and water level at well i, respectively. The basic constraint is that the sum of the well flow rates be equal to the water demand Qd, which is known a priori. Additional constraints may include upper bounds of water level drawdowns at the wells or at protected areas of the flow field. The optimization tools are combined with groundwater flow simulation codes, which calculate si, i.e. water level drawdowns at the wells. The latter enter the cost function through the respective Hi. In most cases, finite elements or finite differences have been used as flow simulation tools. In this paper, pumping cost minimization in zoned aquifers is investigated. The optimization tool is based on genetic algorithms, while a boundary element code is used in groundwater flow calculations. Genetic algorithms have been recently applied to groundwater flow problems (e.g. McKinney and Min-Der Lin [1], Wagner [2], El Harrouni, Ouazar & Cheng [3]). Boundary elements, on the other hand, have been used very efficiently for groundwater flow simulation in zoned aquifers (e.g. Latinopoulos and Katsifarakis [4], Katsifarakis, Andreatos and Vournelis [5]). The two techniques have been combined to calculate transmissivities in zoned aquifers, based on a restricted number of field measurements (Karpouzos & Katsifarakis [6]). Genetic algorithms and boundary elements are briefly outlined in the following paragraphs. Then their use in minimizing pumping cost is illustrated, through application to an aquifer consisting of four zones of different transmissivities. 2. THE OPTIMIZATION TOOL Genetic algorithms are a mathematical tool, which can be used in many scientific fields (from biology to machine learning). They are particularly efficient in optimization problems, especially when the respective objective functions exhibit many local optima or discontinuous derivatives. There are already extensive books, e.g. Goldberg [7] and Michalewicz [8], which deal with the theoretical background, the computational details and applications of genetic algorithms. Their main features are the following. Genetic algorithms are essentially a mathematical imitation of a biological process, namely that of evolution of species. They start with a number of random, potential solutions of the problem. These solutions, which are called chromosomes, constitute the population of the first generation. In binary genetic algorithms, each chromosome is a binary string of predetermined length. Each chromosome of the first generation undergoes evaluation, by means of a pertinent function or process. This process depends entirely on the specific application of genetic algorithms. Then, the second generation is produced, by means of certain operators, which imitate biological processes and apply to the chromosomes of the first generation. The main genetic operators are: a) selection b) crossover and c) mutation. Many other operators have been also proposed and used. Selection is used first. It leads to an intermediate population, in which better chromosomes have, statistically, more copies. These copies substitute some of the worst chromosomes. Then, the other operators apply to a number of randomly selected members of this intermediate population. The result is an equal number of new chromosomes, i.e. new solutions, which replace the old ones. Thus, the next generation is formed. The whole process, i.e. evaluation-selection-crossover-mutation-other operators, is repeated for a predetermined number of generations. It is anticipated that, at least in the last generation, a chromosome will prevail, which represents the optimal (or at least a very good) solution of the examined problem. The genetic operators, which have been used in this problem, i.e. to accomplish minimization of pumping cost in zoned aquifers, are outlined in the following paragraphs. 2.1 Selection Selection can be accomplished in many ways. The most common processes are: a) The biased roulette wheel and b) The tournament method. The latter has been preferred, because it applies equally well to maximization and to minimization problems, while the former applies naturally to maximization problems only. Selection through the tournament method starts with determination of the respective constant KK. Then it proceeds in the following way: KK chromosomes are randomly selected from the population of the current generation, and their fitness values are compared to each other. The chromosome with the best (largest or smallest) fitness value passes to the intermediate population. This process is repeated PS times, PS being the population size. In this way, the intermediate population is formed. Moreover, in our genetic code, the best chromosome of each generation is separately preserved through the selection process. 2.2 Crossover Crossover applies to pairs of chromosomes, which are binary strings of length SL. Two chromosomes, which are named parents, are randomly selected from the intermediate population. An integer number XX, between 0 and (SL-1), is randomly selected, too. Then each parent binary string is cut to 2 pieces, immediately after position XX. The first piece of each parent is combined with the second piece of the other. In this way, two new chromosomes are formed, which are called offspring and substitute their parents in the next generation. The process is illustrated in figure 1, in which XX=10, i.e. separation of parent chromosomes takes place after the 10th position (gene). Parent A: Parent B: Offspring A: Offspring B: 1000101110|10011100 0101101100|10101011 100010111010101011 010110110010011100 Figure 1. Crossover after the 10th gene (position of the binary string) Crossover aims at combining the best features of both parents to one offspring. All chromosomes of the intermediate population have equal probability to undergo crossover. But this probability is actually larger for the better chromosomes of the parent generation, because they have got more copies in the intermediate population. 2.3 Mutation Mutation applies to characters (genes), which form the chromosomes. In binary genetic algorithms, the gene, which is selected for mutation, is changed from 0 to 1 and vice versa. This process aims: a) To extend search to more areas of the solution space (mainly in the first generations) and b) To help local refinement of good solutions (mainly in the last generations). Mutation probability is equal for all genes of all chromosomes. Its magnitude depends on the chromosome length SL, but generally it is much smaller than the respective crossover probability, because the latter refers to chromosomes, not to genes. 2.4 Antimetathesis Many additional operators have been proposed in the literature, to further improve performance of genetic algorithms. A number of them are problem specific, while others are of general use. In this paper, one more operator, of general use, has been introduced. The operator applies to pairs of successive positions (genes) of a chromosome. Any position (except for the last one) can be selected, with equal probability pa. If the value of the selected gene equals to 1, it is set to 0, while that of the following gene is set to 1. The opposite happens if the value of the selected gene is 0. More explicitly, the following happen, with regard to gene pairs: 11 becomes 01 * 00 becomes 10 * 10 becomes 01 * 01 becomes 10 In the first 2 cases, the new operator is equivalent to mutation at the selected position. In the last 2 though, it is equivalent to mutation of both genes. Morover, it can be interpreted as a limiting case of the inversion operator. A name that describes exactly the function of the new operator, in the last 2 cases, is antimetathesis. This name is in line with the tradition in genetic algorithm terminology, which calls for terms of greek origin. Antimetathesis and mutation are used alternatively (in the even and odd generations respectively). 2.5 Handling constraints The usual way to deal with constraints, is to include penalty functions in the evaluation process. Each penalty function affects the fitness value of chromosomes, which violate the respective constraint, increasing it in minimization problems and decreasing it in maximization ones. In this paper, such a penalty function is introduced to deal with constraints on the hydraulic head drawdown. The constraint on the sum of well flow rates is bypassed by using a multiplication factor, as explained in subsequent paragraphs. 3. GROUNDWATER FLOW SIMULATION Groundwater flow simulation is necessary, in order to calculate the values of hydraulic head drawdown. The boundary element method is used in this task. This method is very efficient in solving steady-state groundwater flow problems. It is based on the second Green’s formula for transformation of surface to line integrals. Its main feature is that it does not require grid construction over the field area, since it is based on discretization of external and internal field boundaries. These boundaries are divided to pieces, which are called boundary elements. Calculations are performed in two stages. First, the values of hydraulic head φ and its vertical derivative q = φ/n are calculated for each boundary element. Then φ is calculated separately for each internal point of the flow field. This is a very important advantage for our application, since φ values have to be calculated in very few internal points (e.g. at the wells only). Another, even more important, advantage is that areas of wells are described very accurately as concentrated “loads”, i.e. without distributing well flow rates to grid elements. A boundary element code, extensively tested in other applications (e.g. [5], [6]), has been used. It is based on constant boundary elements and its accuracy is satisfactory [4]. To be incorporated in the genetic algorithm, the code has been divided in two parts. The first, which includes data input and some preliminary calculations, is executed only once. The second (and main) part has to be executed for every chromosome of every generation, since it is the main part of chromosome evaluation procedure. 4. APPLICATION EXAMPLE The proposed method of pumping cost minimization, has been applied to the aquifer of figure 2. This aquifer bears 4 zones of different transmissivities, while its external boundary consists of 2 constant head parts (namely ΑΒΓ and ΖΗΘ) and two impermeable parts (namely ΓΔΕΖ and ΘΙΑ). Hydraulic head φ on ΑΒΓ equals 0, while on ΖΗΘ φ=10m. Transmissivity of zones 1 to 4 have the following values: T1 = 0.001m2/s * T2 = 0.0001m2/s * T3 = 0.002m2/s * T4 = 0.0001m2/s * Nine wells are available to pump a total groundwater flow rate of 300 l/s. Three of them are located in zone 1, one in zone 2, three in zone 3 and two in zone 4. Ground elevations (Elev) at the locations of the wells, with reference to φ=0 plane, appear in table 1, together with the respective coordinates. TABLE 1. Coordinates and ground elevations at the locations of the wells well 1 4 7 xi 400 1450 900 yi 300 1000 1500 Elevi 5 10 40 well 2 5 8 xi 900 900 200 yi 300 900 1000 Elevi 5 30 10 well 3 6 9 xi 1400 900 250 yi 300 1200 1500 Elevi 5 35 15 It has been mentioned in the introduction that the pumping cost can be expressed as: N F C H i Qi (1) i 1 where Hi can be written as Hi =Elevi - φi (2) In order to implement the genetic algorithm, which has been outlined in previous paragraphs, the following set of parameters has been selected: population size = 30, crossover probability = 0.30, mutation/antimetathesis probability = 0.01, number of generations = 52, selection constant KK =3, chromosome length SL= 72. The chromosome length has been determined in the following way: Each chromosome represents a set of well flow rate values Qi, expressed as a binary number. To allow for 70% of the total flow rate (i.e. for 210 l/s) to be pumped from a single well, 8 genes are needed for each Qi. Thus, for 9 wells, SL =72. Φ = 10 Η (600,2000) Θ (0,2000) Q9 (250,1500) Ζ (1100,2000) Q7 (900,1500) T4 = 0.0001 T3 = 0.002 T2 =0.0001 Ε (1800,1300) Q6 (900,1200) Q8 (200,1000) Ι (0,600) Q4 (1450,1000) Q5 (900,900) Λ (400,600) Κ (1100,600) Δ (1800,600) T1 = 0.001 Q1 (400,300) Q2 (900,300) Q3 (1400,300) Δ (1800,600) Α (0,250) Β (500,0) Φ=0 Γ (1800,0) Figure 2. Laterally confined aquifer with 4 zones of different transmissivities 4.1 Handling the main constraint Attributing 8 genes (digits) to each Qi means that it may vary from 0 to 255. Therefore SQ, i.e. the sum of the 9 Qi may vary from 0 to 2295. According to the main constraint, though, SQ should be equal to Qd = 300. To fulfill the constraint, each Qi is multiplied by the factor Qd/SQ. In this way, proportions between well flow rates are preserved. 4.2 The evaluation procedure The evaluation procedure for each chromosome includes the following steps: a) Calculation of the hydraulic head φi at the location of each well, using the respective set of adjusted well flow rate values. b) Calculation of the fitness value VB. In the first step, the boundary element method is used, as explained in previous paragraphs. Boundary discretization is shown in figure 2. The outer boundary of the flow field has been divided in 22 elements, while the interface between zones of different transmissivities in 16 elements. In the second step, Hi for each well is calculated, by means of equation 2. Then the fitness value is calculated directly from equation 1 (in which the constant C has been set to 1). The fitness of each chromosome increases, as the value of VB decreases. 4.3 Typical results Results of 10 runs appear in table 2. It includes the fitness value VB of the best chromosome and the respective 9 well flow rates. It can be seen that all runs end up with similar flow rate distribution patterns. TABLE 2. Best chromosome’s fitness value and respective well flow rates (l/s) VB 27.261 27.249 27.247 27.248 27.265 27.251 27.251 27.252 27.253 27.254 Q1 56.19 56.88 52.72 57.70 60.88 57.72 57.20 57.00 56.67 55.97 Q2 51.83 49.46 49.32 50.66 49.90 50.36 50.43 49.13 51.05 50.35 Q3 52.75 53.67 53.39 53.24 54.29 54.39 54.63 53.42 54.20 54.57 Q4 2.98 3.22 3.25 3.75 3.14 3.80 3.27 3.82 3.60 3.04 Q5 40.83 36.60 39.02 37.06 34.83 37.53 37.59 39.59 40.03 41.22 Q6 34.40 36.60 37.13 35.89 35.46 36.82 35.02 35.06 34.41 34.66 Q7 52.98 55.89 53.39 54.42 54.29 52.49 53.93 54.37 53.30 53.16 Q8 3.67 3.46 2.98 3.28 3.14 3.09 3.27 3.58 3.15 3.04 Q9 4.36 4.20 3.79 3.99 4.08 3.80 4.67 4.05 3.60 3.98 4.5 Introduction of additional constraints In many cases of practical interest, it is required to keep Hi at the wells smaller than a certain value. Such a constraint can be taken into account, by incorporating a penalty function to the evaluation process. In this way, solutions that violate the constraint are not rejected, but their fitness decreases. As an example, the constraint Hi < 90 (3) has been added to the previous problem. To take it into account, the quantity PEN = 100(Hi – 90)2 (4) is added to Hi, if it is larger than 90m. Results of a typical run, together with the respective values of Hi, appear in rows 2 and 3 of table 3. In the last 2 rows of the same table, typical results, which have been obtained without the constraint, are presented for comparison purposes. It can be seen that, as a result of the constraint, the largest Hi value decreased drastically, from 99.36m to 91.96m. But it can also be seen, that it is impossible to render all H i smaller than 90m, without reducing the total well flow rate Qd. TABLE 3. Well flow rates (l/s) and respective values of Hi (m) Well 1 2 3 4 5 6 Qi 62.93 55.75 58.79 3.59 34.50 31.19 Hi 91.41 91.50 91.78 90.16 91.49 91.77 Qi 52.72 49.32 53.39 3.25 39.02 37.13 Hi 79.06 83.87 84.84 87.25 96.52 98.54 7 45.54 91.96 53.39 99.36 8 3.59 88.26 2.98 81.81 9 4.14 87.97 3.79 84.99 4.6 Computer time requirement The time required to run the respective program is comparatively large (20 to 30 minutes on a Pentium at 133 MHz). This is due to the repetitive use of the boundary element code. 5. FINAL REMARKS The combination of genetic algorithms and boundary elements, which has been described, offers an attractive and dependable alternative to classical optimization techniques in the field of groundwater hydraulics. Genetic algorithms in particular, which are based on simple mathematics, can be easily adapted to each specific problem. Its relative drawback, i.e. comparatively large computer time requirement, is offset by simplicity of input data preparation, which saves a lot of time for the user. REFERENCES 1. McKinney D.C. and Min-Der Lin (1994) “Genetic algorithm solution of groundwater management models”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 30(6), pp. 1897-1906. 2. Wagner B. J. (1995) “Sampling design methods for groundwater modeling under uncertainty”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 31(10), pp. 2581-2591. 3. El Harrouni K., D. Ouazar & A.H.-D Cheng (1996) “Boundary and parameter identification using genetic algorithms and boundary element method”, Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Methods and Water resources III (eds. Y. Abousleiman, C.A. Brebbia, A.H.-D. Cheng & D. Ouazar) pp. 487-495, Beirut, Lebanon, 1995. 4. Latinopoulos P. and K. Katsifarakis (1991) “A boundary element and particle tracking model for advective transport in zoned aquifers”, J. of Hydrology, Vol. 124(1-2), pp. 159-176. 5. Katsifarakis K.L., N. 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