CH 14 Study Guide

Name : ____________________
Date: ___________ Per. ____
CH 14 Study Guide – Heredity and Genetic Disorders
1. Human female eggs contain what sex chromosome?
2. What is the probability of having a boy offspring?
3. What percentage of human sperm cells carry an X chromosome?
4. How many individual chromosomes are pictured in a normal human karyotype?
5. Sex – linked genes are located on the __________ chromosome.
6. Why is colorblindness more common in males than it is in females?
7. If a boy is colorblind, who did he inherit this trait from? ___________________
8. What sex chromosomes make up a male? _________ Make a female? ______
9. Who determines the sex of the baby? Mom or dad?
10. A human karyotype maps out 44 __________________ and 2 ____________________
11. A ____________________ can be used to determine whether a person has inherited the
normal number of chromosomes.
12. What chromosome(s) form a Barr Body?
13. The formation of a Barr Body inactivates what chromosome?
14. What can you conclude about a cat with spots of more than one color?
15. What are the different possible genotypes for a person with blood type A?
____________________ Blood type B? ____________________ Blood type AB?
_______________ Blood type O? _____________
16. A person with type O blood can safely receive a blood transfusion only from a person who has
blood type ________.
17. Pedigree 18. Carrier 19. Sex-linked trait 20. Of the diseases discussed in section 2, which one does not appear until later in life?
21. If both parents have Huntington’s Disease, does that mean all of the offspring will have the
disorder? Explain why or why not.
22. What causes sickle cell disease?
23. In cystic fibrosis, a change in a single gene causes the protein CFTR to do what?
24. The failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called ___________________
25. A person who has Down Syndrome has ___________ copies of chromosome 21.
26. Turner’s Syndrome, Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Down Syndrome are all caused by
27. A female with the disorder ______________________ inherits only one X chromosome.
28. Nondisjunction can lead to the disorder called ____________________________, in which a
male has an extra X chromosome.
29. Restriction enzymes can be used to cut what?
30. What new field of science is described by the overlap of Life Science and Information Science?
31. What did scientists in the Human Genome Project look for in DNA to identify the locations of
32. How much of our DNA encodes the instructions for building proteins?
33. Why is it helpful to sequence many human genomes, instead of just one?
34. What was the first step in sequencing the human genome?
35. What is the goal of the Human Genome Project?
36. More than 40% of the proteins coded for in the human genome are similar to proteins found in
37. What prevents insurance companies from discriminating against people based on information
derived from genetic tests?
38. The law that protects people from being discriminated against because of information learned
in genetic tests is called the ____________________________________________.
39. When DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis, the ______________ fragments
move fastest.
40. Haplotype -