Antigone Formal Essay Outline

Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Due Date: ___________
Formal Essay Outline
Introduction Paragraph: The first paragraph should be an introduction and
overview of the novel, ending with a thesis statement regarding Creon as a tragic
Attention Getter: (Share some thought-provoking details about the subject; ask your reader a challenging question; begin with a
dramatic, eye-opening statement; provide an informative quotation)
Background information leading to your thesis including author and title of novel:
(What background information does your reader need to know in order to understand your topic? Highlight the main areas you will be writing
about in the paper.)
Thesis Statement: (Turn The Prompt
Body Paragraph #1: Creon has several character flaws that lead to his downfall. Discuss
two of these flaws, providing textual evidence for each in this paragraph.
(T)opic Sentence 1: (Preview the contents of your body paragraph—what is this paragraph going to be about?)
Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Due Date: ___________
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence (this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote): Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time)
Provide quote that supports your topic sentence
called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this is
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
(T)ransition into Creon’s second character flaw :
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence (this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote): Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time).
(Q)uote :
Provide a 2nd quote that supports your topic sentence Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this
is called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Due Date: ___________
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
Body Paragraph #2: Creon’s interactions with another character lead to his development
as a tragic hero. Discuss at least two of these interactions and provide textual evidence (you
must include a lead in (who said it) and the line number at the end of your selected textual
(T)ransitional Topic Sentence 1: (Transitions from your previous paragraph topic to this paragraph topic; Previews the
contents of your body paragraph—what is this paragraph going to be about?)
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence (this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote): Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time)
Provide quote that supports your topic sentence
called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this is
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
(T)ransition into a second interaction with a character that leads to Creon’s
Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Due Date: ___________
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence(this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote) : Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time)
Provide a 2nd quote that supports your topic sentence
is called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
Body Paragraph #3: In this paragraph, you will provide two pieces of textual evidence
relating to either Creon’s character interaction developing the theme or his character flaws
leading to theme development. (You must include a lead in (who said it) and the line number at
the end of your selected textual evidence).
(T)ransitional Topic Sentence 1: (Transitions from your previous paragraph topic to this paragraph topic; Previews the
contents of your body paragraph—what is this paragraph going to be about?)
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence (this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote): Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time)
Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Provide quote that supports your topic sentence
called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
Due Date: ___________
Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this is
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
(T)ransition into second example of character interaction / character flaws leading to
theme development :
(I)ntroduce your textual evidence (this is your lead in to the quote – not the
quote): Provide some context – who says the words? Where are they said? Are they in response to someone? Are they describing
something? Pretend that your reader hasn’t read the book in a long time)
Provide a 2nd quote that supports your topic sentence. Provide a line number in parentheses at the end of the quote – this is
called an in-text (or parenthetical) citation.
(A)nalysis: (Provide an analysis of how this quote supports your topic sentence – Explain how this quote proves what you are saying in
the topic sentence)
Name: ________________
Period: ____________
Due Date: ___________
Conclusion sentence of Body Paragraph #3:
Conclusion: The conclusion of this essay should summarize Creon’s role as a tragic hero,
including character flaws that lead to his downfall, interactions that develop his role as a tragic
hero and how this leads to the theme of the play. The conclusion paragraph does not need
textual evidence.
Restate thesis: (Write your thesis statement again, using different words.)
Summarize the body paragraphs of your essay:
Final thought/clincher: (Look back at your attention getter—how can you end the essay and make it come full circle?)