ERRATA CHART Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2013 – 2014 May 1, 2012 Page Number July 1, 2013 Page Number Additions and/or Revisions Cover Page - Denotes Revised Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide – July 1, 2013 Table of Contents i - iv i - iv 1. Revised page numbers IEP Team Participants 35 35 Transition from Part C to Part B 1. ADDED: For parents of a child possibly transitioning from the Part C early intervention services provided by an Infants and Toddlers Program to Preschool Special Education Services, a Part C early intervention services representative is a required team member at the IEP team meeting where a child’s eligibility for preschool special education i.e. determined. A Part C early intervention services representative may be invited to attend the IEP team meeting for the development of a child’s IEP, at the request of the family. 2. DELETED: In the case of a student who was previously served by a local Infants and Toddlers Program, Part C, an invitation to the initial IEP team meeting must, at the request of the parent, be sent to the Part C service coordinator or other representatives of the Part C system to assist with the smooth transition of services. [34 C.F.R. §300.321(f); COMAR 13A.05.01.06] Maryland Statewide IEP Process Guide Errata Chart July 1, 2013 1 ERRATA CHART Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2013 – 2014 May 1, 2012 Page Number July 1, 2013 Page Number Additions and/or Revisions Section I – Meeting and Identifying Information Student Participation on District/Statewide Assessments and Graduation Information Plan for Participation in Assessments to be Administered During the Term of the Current IEP 1. RETURNED to IEP: “Government” and accompanying “YES/NO” radio buttons “Mod-HSA Government” and accompanying “YES/NO” radio buttons NOTE: The aforementioned items are changes to the IEP and have no impact upon the revised Process Guide Section II – Present Level of Achievement and Functional Performance No Changes to this section Section III –Special Considerations and Accommodations Supplementary Aids, Services. Program Modifications, and Supports 1. “Therapeutic Behavioral Aide” will be added to the list of “Provider(s) Primary / Other”. COMAR10.09.34.01B(10) defines a therapeutic behavioral aid as an individual who is: (a) A health care professional or a nonprofessional who is supervised by an individual who is licensed, certified, or otherwise legally authorized to provide mental health services independently in the state Maryland Statewide IEP Process Guide Errata Chart July 1, 2013 2 ERRATA CHART Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2013 – 2014 May 1, 2012 Page Number July 1, 2013 Page Number Additions and/or Revisions where the service is rendered; (b) Trained and supervised by a therapeutic behavioral service provider to implement a behavior plan; and (c) Available on-site to provide one-to-one behavioral assistance and intervention to accomplish outcomes specified in the behavioral plan. NOTE: The aforementioned change is to the IEP and has no impact upon the revised Process Guide Transition: To be Completed Annually Beginning at Age 14, or Younger if Determined Appropriate 128 1. REVISED “Document Basis for Decision(s) (required) text field moved from bottom of section to just above “Projected Category of Exit” 128 Section IV – Goals No Changes to this section Section V – Services 138, 145, & 149 138, 145, & 149 143 143 Length of Time 1. DELETED: “Select Length of Time (in 15 minute increments)” 2. ADDED: “Length of Time” ___ Hours ___ Minutes Related Services 1. ADDED: “Transportation” is now to be included on the “Related Services” page. The Maryland Statewide IEP Process Guide Errata Chart July 1, 2013 3 ERRATA CHART Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2013 – 2014 May 1, 2012 Page Number 148 July 1, 2013 Page Number 148 Additions and/or Revisions only data to be provided is the “Nature of Service” (Specialized Transportation”, the “Begin Date”, and the “End Date” 2. REVISED: “Discussion of Service(s) Delivery” revised to now read “Discussion of Service(s) Delivery Including Description of Transportation Services, If Provided” Section VI – Placement Data 162 162 Transportation 1. REVISED: “Specialized Transportation” is now “Consideration of Transportation Needs: Is the Related Service Transportation needed based on the unique needs of the student or to allow the student access to special education services?” This statement is followed by radial buttons for “YES/NO” and then “If yes, consider:” which is then followed by a provided open text field. 2. DELETED: “Transportation is not on the related services page of the Statewide IEP. The required information for transportation is located on the LRE Decision Making and PLACEMENT Summary page of the Statewide IEP.” 3. REVISED: “Document All Specialized Equipment Needed” is now “Is Specialized Equipment Needed? If yes Explain.” Indicate Yes or NO, If Yes explain/describe all specialized equipment the student needs for transportation. 4. REVISED: ”Personnel Needed to Assist Student During Transportation” is now ”Personnel Needed to Accommodate Student During Transportation.” If “yes” explain the type/role of the personnel needed to accommodate the student during transportation.” Maryland Statewide IEP Process Guide Errata Chart July 1, 2013 4 ERRATA CHART Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2013 – 2014 May 1, 2012 Page Number July 1, 2013 Page Number Additions and/or Revisions 5. ADDED: “Are Other Supports Needed to Accommodate the Student During Transportation?” “Indicate YES or NO.” If yes, explain / describe the supports needed to accommodate the student during transportation.” 6. REVISED: “Document Basis for Decision(s) Required” is now “Discussion of Consideration of Age and Disability, Time and Distance Involved in Travel, and Unique Needs of the Student.” Section VII – Authorizations No Changes to this section Maryland Statewide IEP Process Guide Errata Chart July 1, 2013 5