chambermay2013 - Cohase Chamber of Commerce

May 14, 2013 Chamber Board Meeting @ WRSB, Bradford
Present: Erin, Lisa H, Marv, Anne, Karen, Scott, Keisha, Mark, Monique
Minutes from last month were approved as written
Karen handed out new version of Treasurers report, some discussion
Moved (and seconded) to approve this report, voted in the affirmative
Follow up on Antiques Fair—still an outstanding bill from Wings. Anne will contact Mary D. with details:
2 doz muffins and 4 bags of donuts returned from original receipt.
Used 4 bags donuts. 1 dz muffins
Had 2 crockpots chili (and Rolls with chili)
Marvin mentioned that St Jay Auto wants to have their BBQ in Sept. We owe them one for their sponsorship at
the Hogzilla level during the last event. He’ll follow up and connect with caterers/bbq teams.
Mark- recently came to his attention that the town of Piermont has not paid their assessment for the last two
years, apparently because we have not sent them an official invoice. He did so, and they have now paid for those
2 years.
Debriefed Chamber night at Newbury Village Store: about 8 people attended event (3 Board members.) Some
feedback not terribly positive, but those folks seemed to be expecting a different kind of event. Verdict is still out
as to whether or not we want to continue to host these gatherings. The next one is at Ariana's restaurant, May
Joint business associations meeting this Thrs. 16 people planning to come presently. The Chamber is well
Marv to Scott: are there more businesses in Fairlee that we can get to join? Any thoughts?
A few names surfaced and Marvin will follow up on some.
Anne will talk to Peg at Holy Mackerel, Mill Gardens.
Some general discussion about other chambers and their inclusion of members from this area- seems that the
Upper Valley Chamber’s list online is not that current from what we can see.
Note: take link to UV Chamber off our website
Some discussion of the annual membership drive timing. Should we change our drive to another time of the year?
Would it be possible to have different cycles for diff. businesses? Restaurants quiet in Nov thru March, so hitting
them earlier would be better. Could there be a separate new member drive at different time, maybe earlier?
Maybe October... ? more discussion needed on this but some consensus that we might move it up in the fall.
Lisa: Insurance premiums will be dwindling and we need to think about replacing that income stream in the near
future. What are some strategies we might consider? One big fundraising event? Or what else? Could we close the
present office and have a different physical space registered, one that doesn't cost us anything? Other ideas...
Charge more for annual meeting and other events, restructure dues so large places like hospitals are operating on
a different fee structure, or other large businesses. Need to examine options in the coming months while keeping
the idea alive to charge (reasonable amounts) for events/dinners, etc. that we sponsor/provide such as the ED
P R Committee: Rich suggested that the Franconia website is a nice model and we are working on something
similar. Will be working with Monique and will produce a mock-up to show Board before final launch.
Map and guide update. New quote for printing just in. Quoted $3970, a little higher than last year. Will go to
press this week. Passed around for a quick proofread- found one error on Map.
Economic Develop. Comm. : Hang 10/Take 5. Need to collect $$ from members who are participating. Going to go
ahead and print brochures while we’re waiting for that to come in, regardless. Need to have new chair for EDC
since Gary is gone. Marv and Erin have agreed to co-chair this committee. Gary is hoping that their bank will find a
replacement for him to join the Chamber. Erin will connect with Brenda (Leete) who lives in Newbury, about her
potential interest.
Paddle the Border is this weekend, Sunday, May 19, from Woodsville to Bedell Bridge park.
Events: Garden Tour. Anne brought everyone up to date about this event. Going with June 23, Sunday, and have 4
gardens confirmed so far. Several suggestions were forthcoming so she will follow up on those, trying to add
about two more to the roster for this year’s tour. We agreed to ask Debra Blanchard to do the tea again from 1-3
PM at Lake Morey Inn. If she is unavailable we’ll make alternate plans. Anne will email all marketing materials to
board members for help in approaching sponsors. Time will be 11AM-3PM for the tour and starting place/tickets
will also be at LM Resort. More info will be circulated through email in the coming weeks.
VAACE meeting: Mark attended and summarized briefly ongoing discussions about Health Care issues.
Marv mentioned that the WDC is planning another fall career fair.
Next meeting will be Tuesday June 11 at Anne Dall’s home in Lyme, 52 Breck Hill Rd, 5:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Dall