DRAFT INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS SEEKING PARTNERSHIP COLLABORATION OR FEDERATION ARRANGEMENTS PARTNERSHIPS, COLLABORATIONS AND FEDERATIONS DEFINITIONS: PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships fall under a number of different headings that have either evolved in order to address community needs or through a strong sense of commitment between staff in different schools that are keen to share their expertise, resources and facilities in order to extend opportunities and learning experiences for children and young people. Suffolk has a strong and traditional platform for schools working together but at this stage many partnerships would benefit from reviewing their desired outcomes and looking to enhance and further develop these in a more structured approach. COLLABORATIONS (formally known as Soft Federations) The term collaboration describes schools that decide to join forces and work together whilst retaining their separate governing bodies and maintaining the schools distinctive ethos and characteristics. An example of this may be where two or more schools have one Headteacher between them or where a High and Middle School have an Executive Head. This arrangement is less formal that a Hard Federation but needs to be carefully considered and with new ways of thinking being applied regarding the roles of school leaders and managers. HARD FEDERATIONS A hard federation has a single governing body for all the schools within the federation. This may be two or more schools and can be across school phases. A move to a hard federation requires statutory changes. Advice and guidance for this can be obtained from the Area Manager for Learning and Improvement or through Governor Services. PROCESS FOR SEEKING A PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENT STARTING POINT Seeking a Partnership? What , why, who? benefits, implications Secure Agreement in Principle From governors and staff Discuss with LA (Area Manager I&L) regarding way forward Carry out consultation with staff, parents and consider pupils Secure representatives / a panel of governors to: Produce pack with vision Criteria Introductory letter or advert LA to broker Partnership When a school is a School of Concern, in an Ofsted category or at the request of the governors LA will: Find an acting Head for your school Work with you to find an appropriate proven leader Support and guide you through the process Depending on the circumstances and needs of the school Send out invitation / application against a set close date Close date: Select school(s) wish to pursue further: and Make contact Arrange visit to applying school Meet Headteacher, CoG, Informal meeting with staff and governors IF CONTINUING WITH CHOSEN SCHOOL Visit of staff from applying school Presentation by Headteacher to Governors sharing the vision Discuss and adjust vision Decide together whether to continue to partnership Bring the two GB’s together Commence work on the contract of Agreement Finalise starting date, Ht salary etc Commence work to secure a long term and productive partnership INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS SEEKING A PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENT Partnerships are at the heart of 21st Century schools and are essential to: Extend the breadth and quality of provision Raise and sustain standards within school communities Respond better to pupils’ wider needs Widen the impact of our strongest school leaders, teachers and governors Widen opportunities for collaborative professional development Deliver greater value for money Introduction This paper has been produced to assist Governing Bodies in seeking and finding a suitable partner school(s) when they are in the position of seeking a successful Headteacher to lead more than one school to ensure sustainability security and school improvement. However it should be clear that the purpose of partnership or collaborations may also be to address some of the following: To raise standards in teaching and learning across the school To offer opportunities for children and young people beyond their own school in order to enhance curriculum experiences and enable access to wider provision To provide and support staff in the school(s) to share good practice, extend their experiences and offer opportunities for developing their roles and responsibilities To share staffing and resources across schools in order to enhance children’s learning, increase efficiency and to provide more cost effective solutions To develop and secure more effective governance To support and develop the effectiveness and potential sustainability of all schools To enable infant and junior schools to develop as primary schools As part of the process of making changes to leadership arrangements in schools the LA would wish to support and guide all schools seeking collaborations or partnerships, you are therefore asked to contact the Area Manager for Learning and Improvement for support at the outset. It should be noted however that in exceptional cases intervention by the local authority may be deemed necessary especially if a school is in an Ofsted category or identified as a school causing concern Before embarking on a partnership it should be recognised that changes in working will be required and that there are key requirements for such a venture to be successful. The conditions for success are: Shared identity Common purpose and standards Strong, cohesive leadership Recognising such a change will require a major commitment from all those involved Strong management infrastructure Trust, sense of openness and the willingness to operate in a joined up way Robust systems of review Effective communication mechanisms Many schools often take the view that: ‘We are a good school; we achieve good standards and can not see how working with another school will benefit us’. Alternatively they look at a school who have invited expressions of interest in a partnership and comment: ‘I can’t see that that school has anything worthwhile to offer us’. All schools can gain and benefit from working with others. Every school can develop further and by working with other schools, where ever they are in their development results in gains for those involved and provides opportunities and lessons for learning by all. It should also be recognised that schools have a responsibility not only for the children and young people in their own school but also for those across the wider community. Therefore governors are asked to open their minds and approach any invitation or offer as an opportunity to develop further, raise the quality of learning for children and young people and to build on community cohesion. For schools wishing to establish a Hard Federation detailed information on the conditions and process for this is available in the Governors Guide to the Law. Area Managers and the Governor Services will be please to assist schools if they are considering moving into this direction. All partnerships, Collaborations and Federations should be viewed as a long term commitment. Such arrangements take time to achieve initial goals. Therefore any undertaking to move into an arrangement should be allocated a minimum period of at least 18 to 24 months but ideally should be for at least 5 to 8 years. Regular reviews and monitoring are essential in order to track progress and ensure the developments meet the defined success criteria. First Stage Requirements – Preparation PART 1 1. Why is Partnership being sought? Reason: Headteacher resignation Unable to secure Headteacher for vacancy Actively seeking a Partnership / Federation For all of the above a phone call should be made to the Area Manager – Learning & Improvement, to discuss implications and to take advice on the processes to take this forward. In some scenarios the Area Manager may already be active in seeking an appropriate partner for your school. This particularly applies to schools of Concern and Schools that are in an Ofsted category. 2. Understanding the process and implications Ensure all parties are informed (governors, staff, parents, *pupils) and understand the requirements and commitments required for a partnership in order that Governing Body may come to an agreement in principle as to whether a partnership should be considered and pursued. Includes: *Perceptions of pupils (optional at this stage but pupils thoughts should be included at some point). A member of the LA will be willing to attend a staff and Governing Body Meeting and a Parents meeting to outline the issues and to respond to questions. Experience has also shown that it is valuable to hold discussions with a Headteacher and or governor who have experience in establishing and working in collaboration. 3. Appointment / Partnership Panel ( This will not be required if the LA is brokering a partner school on the Governing Body’s behalf) The GB will need to appoint a panel of Governors to lead on the process. This may vary between 3 to 5 people. Terms of Reference will be required for the panel to make recommendations to the full Governing Body as to who the best partner available for the school following completion of the process. 4. Information required for process. Panel / Governors to prepare the following: a) A pack for potential candidates outlining; (model to be included?) The vision for the partnership ( this will in due course be expanded with the considered partner) Aims of a Partnership and the expected outcomes The perceived benefits of working together What the school would want to bring to a partnership What they would want others to bring How the above could be brought together b) Criteria for Partnership see attached c) Time frame for process including: Advertisement / Letter of invitation date ( example attached) Application close date Short listing and proposed time frame for process d) Advertisement / letter of invitation to other schools in: The pyramid Cluster Wider PART 2 Next Step once applications / expressions of interest received. If more than one expression of interest / application is received the school will need to shortlist against the initial criteria and prioritise on the basis of approaching the school that meets most of the criteria first. Make contact with the first school to arrange: a) b) c) d) A visit by the panel to meet the applying Headteacher in their school Request a tour of their school An informal meeting with Governors and staff Initiate a discussion with the Headteacher ( with CoG present) explaining issues in the application, clarifying areas against the criteria, looking to secure purpose and common values, etc… This part of the process could be facilitated by an LA representative. The discussion with the Headteacher would replace an interview process of the Headteacher. It is suggested that the meeting with the Headteacher could take place during an afternoon that concludes in the meeting with staff and governors. A session in which the school council is also consulted may be considered appropriate. The above would be viewed as Part 1 of the appointment process The above can only take place following consultation with staff, pupils and parents PART 3 On returning to school the initiating Governing Body should determine whether to continue to work with the initial school or conduct similar visits with the other schools that have shown an interest in order to determine the best partner. Once agreement has been made as to which school to take further the following needs to take place: Offer staff from the applying school to visit the proposed partner school Staff from the inviting school should be offered the opportunity to visit applying school All staff should have an opportunity to feedback their thoughts to a representative who it turn will present the information to the Governing Body panel(s) after the visits Please remember to contact any other school that expressed an interest informing them that you will not be taking their application forward PART 4 A meeting should be arranged by the leading school inviting the Governing Body panel from the applying school with at least 1 member of staff to visit and tour the leading school. During this visit the applying Headteacher should be requested to make a presentation sharing their proposed vision for the partnership, based on discussions so far to the panels of both Governing Bodies Following the presentation the panels should debate whether the vision is one that both parties could share. Adjustments should be agreed upon until there is a basic framework for a shared vision between two schools. If this can be achieved the panels should clarify that they are both in principle in agreement to proceed and then bring this part of the process to a close. It is recognised that part of these discussions may take place in individual school discussions culminating in a joint panel meeting. Please ensure that at all stages the original criteria and referred to and checked. Governors should report back the accepted principles on which they will be moving forward to ensure that there is a full commitment behind the move If it is felt that the schools could become appropriate and committed partners then the panels should meet to: Agree the ISR for the Headteacher (Guidance for this will be provided by the LA) The proposed working arrangements for the completion of the contract between the two schools The proposed starting date The processes for communicating the schools intentions to staff, parents and the community. All of the above should be supported by a member of the LA. The LA has aright to intervene in a partnership being formed in schools that are in an Ofsted category. They would also want to challenge arrangements moving forward with a school that is viewed as a school in difficulties and unable to meet the priority and performance agendas required. INFORMATION FOR THE APPLYING SCHOOL. In responding to the invitation to become a partner school the Headteacher should: Complete the Headteacher application form required for Headteacher appointments Complete a short statement as to why they consider themselves suitable to be leader of more than one school With the Governing Body complete a joint statement with governors addressing: The vision of partnership Aims of a Partnership and the expected outcomes Perceived benefits What the school would want to bring to a partnership What they would want others to bring How the above could be brought together Before any application is sent consultation must have taken place with staff and parents regarding the possibility of a partnership. An agreement in principle to securing a partnership must be made by the full Governing Body and formally recorded. Agreement of the decide ISR range must also be recorded. The LA is willing to support consultation and provide information and guidance at the Governing Body meeting and Parents meeting The timeframe for the above is estimated to be at least10 to12 weeks. Governing bodies should prepare a programme against a time frame in order to recognise the time that will need to be given to keep on track of the process. They will also need to be prepared for the additional work that there initially will be, once the partnership has been agreed in order to establish the right culture and conditions for the future. References are not required for partnership arrangements however Governing Bodies should be aware of each schools latest Ofsted outcome and they should be prepared to share information around the school standards and assessment results. An open and honest approach should be established from the outset in order that priorities for working may be identified and focussed outcomes to aim for are agreed upon. Once a partnership arrangement is secured it is the responsibility of the Governing Bodies to inform the LA and payroll of the changes in working that have been made. Example Advert Inspiring Head needed for Partnership with Thorndon CEVCP School Thorndon CEVCP School The Street, Thorndon, Eye, Suffolk. IP23 7JR We are a friendly and happy village school with a highly committed team of staff, governors, pupils and parents. We are looking for an enthusiastic, experienced leader who will Embrace the challenge of federation and make our strategic vision a success Recognise and develop current strengths and ensure progress continues Develop a close and supportive relationship with our staff, governors and wider community, with whom we have very positive links Build on our positive Ofsted and SIAS reports as a ‘good’ school (Nov. 2009) Appointment Type: Permanent from September 2010 Pupils on roll 51, Group 1, ISR L7 – L13 Closing date for applications Friday 23rd April 2010, interviews will be held on 20th and 21st May 2010. It is essential that all applicants will have the consent and agreement of their governing body prior to application. Further details and application forms are available from the Northern Area Office, Adrian House, Alexandra Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 1PL. Tel: (01502) 405293 SAMPLE / EXAMPLE LETTER FOR SCHOOLS INVITING EXPRESSIONS OF INTERST IN DEVELOPING A PARTNERSHIP Copy to Chairs of Governors and Head teachers of all schools within the cluster Dear ……………………………School is seeking to establish a partnership with a school in the ………………..Cluster in order to secure a Headteacher for our school and to extend and share opportunities for the children in our school communities. We are a Group .. school with …pupils on roll. Following our last Ofsted inspection in……. our school was recognised as a ‘…………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………School has a plethora of opportunities to offer a partnership. We provide: Over the past few years our pupils and staff have achieved consistent high levels of achievement across the school that include Within a secure partnership we are looking to : We recognise that other schools also have many strengths and qualities of which they are proud and this is why we believe that partnership working is the way forward. Partnership working has already proved itself in Suffolk to raise standards in children’s learning and to enhance the opportunities and experiences for everyone within the school community. I therefore request that you will take this invitation seriously and to give this matter your careful consideration. If you are interested then would you please contact ………. in order that we can provide you with more information and detail which will hopefully enable you to consider this initiative further and ultimately so that we can come together to explore this exciting opportunity . We have identified that consultation with parents, staff and members of the governing body is paramount as part of this process and would advise that for more information on this matter you may wish to contact the Area Manager for Learning and Improvement at who is able to offer information and guidance as to how to proceed. I look forward to hearing from you Please respond by …….. Yours sincerely CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF A PARTNER SCHOOL Qualifications Essential Advice should be sought for the LA that the Ht of the school applying for the partnership has the appropriate qualifications and proven leadership and management skills and experience School Attributes Leadership Communication Leadership Personal Attributes A similar size school ( You may feel this is not applicable as you want to partner with a Primary or High/Middle School Same religious affiliation Similar ethos and values Similar community e.g. rural Same phase – (see bullet 1) EXAMPLE Desirable Same religious affiliation Effective in building positive working relationships Effective in communicating with pupils, staff governors, parents/carers and other stakeholders Sensitivity and able to recognise the emotional reactions of others Experience of working with the wider public and communities Confidence in public speaking Enthusiastic, reliable and committed Approachable and friendly High level of integrity and self motivation Good sense of fairness Good leadership Excellent organisational skills Good strategic vision Sound understanding of the changes taking place in education and learning Ability to manage and lead teams Good delegation skills Clear understanding and skills in understanding administrative and financial requirements for the management of a school Personal presence and a sense of authority Teaching and Learning Community Successful in meeting the learning needs of children Successful in developing school improvement needs Knowledge and ability to implement current thinking of effective learning and teaching practices Experiences of implementing strategies to raise pupil progress and achievement Ability to monitor and evaluate the performance of schools and pupil attainment Ability to set and monitor targets for improvement with staff and pupils Experience of success with the given Key Stage / age range Expects and promotes high standard of achievement and behaviour Ability to work with others to promote the school(s) in the community Ability to uphold and further develop the school(s) distinctiveness and ethos Ability to encourage the commitment of the wider community to the school Ability to develop the school as the centre of the learning community Experience and ability to work with other providers, and schools in meting the needs of the children and young people in the community Ability to develop mechanisms to ensure effective development and working across the schools Ability to build on a foster a commitment of the schools vision of the partnership with staff governors, parents and the community Experience of partnership or collaborative working Collaboration PROPOSAL FOR AN AGREEMENT DOCUMENT TO SECURE A COLLABORATION OR PARTNERSHIP All collaborations and partnerships between schools are unique. Flexibility, adaptability and are crucial to their success and as such the approach for using this document needs to be equally flexible until agreement can be reached and shared with all parties. The agreed document should outline the partnerships vision and aims and the intention for action for at least the first twelve months of the collaboration or partnership. A supplementary action plan should then be produced annually to ensure developments continue and the partnership is strengthened and improved. Names of schools who within the partnership:…………………………………………………………………… This agreement has been produced by the above schools and is the record of agreement and commitment for the new partnership of ……………………………………………………………………………………. Commencing (date) …………………………………………………………. This partnership / collaboration will be monitored on a regular basis with a full review taking place on (date) ……………………………. (Should be within the first 12 months) … and an initial review on …………………………….. The agreed shared vision for the partnership/ collaboration between the above schools is as follows: As a collaboration / partnership the Governing Bodies of the aforementioned schools aim to develop and benefit our schools by: (Examples below that may be adopted) 1. Establishing shared common goals on which we will build and work. 2. Identifying the strength and characteristics of our / the schools, sharing and developing good practice from which we may all learn and looking to support further developments and opportunities for those within our school communities. 3. Exploring how to maintain and develop the ethos within the schools ensuring the focus is based on the spiritual and personal wellbeing of the pupils and all those who contribute to the learning that takes place. 4. Establishing a joint committee to build and develop the partnership arrangements and to support the raising of standards of attainment in the schools. 5. To identify areas of the curriculum that could be developed and engage in joint curriculum work. 6. To identify opportunities to exchange and share good work practices and to offer quality learning opportunities to the children 7. To build on existing provisions within each school whilst developing partnership between both schools for the educational future of the pupils and their families, the professional development of staff and to ensure inclusion and commitment of the local community. 8. To work together in order to support and share issues and circumstances that will enable staff at all levels to develop their professional skills and expertise In order to achieve this we will work together to: 1. To produce a written protocol and contract agreed by each governing body. 2. Produce a termly / annual action Plan to lead our work 3. Review staffing structures including focussing on roles and responsibilities and look to offer opportunities for staff to undertake broader responsibilities should they wish to do so 4. Plan for joint CPD for staff and joint Governing Body training 5. Produce agreements and protocols for the sharing of premises, resources and future procurements 6. Communicate developments with all those in the school communities in order they may recognise the value and benefits of the arrangements 7. Ensure parental and community involvement 8. Regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of the arrangements to ensure there is a focus on quality and standards and that the outcomes are positive and beneficial to children’s learning experiences. PRINCIPLES: The agreed principles for working together may be as follows: To establish that partnership is to secure and provide high quality leadership for the schools and to ensure the sustained improvement in the development of children’s learning. The governing bodies will work together through a joint committee to oversee the effective development and operation of the partnership. Will secure through working with the Headteacher the understanding and commitment of the staff and be aware that the changes in working will create new opportunities and demands for which a flexible response may be needed To give account to all stakeholders following regular monitoring and evaluation Measuring the success of the partnership will be crucial. This can be provided through the recording of data monitoring decisions and actions: Through the schools improvement plan (SIP). Partnership working Impact on the standards of teaching and learning Impact on teachers professional development and support Benefits to pupils Links between schools and the local community Identification of barriers and challenges To adapt a flexible approach for the effectiveness of the partnership SUGGESTED TERMS OF REFERENCE: SUBJECT TO CHANGE (It is useful for Governing Bodies to agree some terms of reference for the operation of the partnership.) The areas that could be covered by these terms of reference; Headteacher: Decisions on the allocation of time/days the head will contribute towards each school over the course of a week/term etc and adapting a flexible approach The Headteacher should report to both Governing bodies separately on matters pertinent to each school and to the Joint Committee for matters relating to the partnership Should the existing Headteacher resign the Governing Bodies will collectively review and decide whether to maintain the collaboration and form a joint panel to recruit a new post holder. . Joint / Partnership Committee: The Partnership Committee will meet a minimum of twice a term. Representatives of both schools will then report to their full governing body. The partnership will dissolve if it is considered to be no longer beneficial to either school and recommended by the Governing Bodies. This will be through written notification and a two term window of notice. (All partnerships should be established to operate in a minimum period of time e.g.18months to 2 years.) The joint partnership committee will decide on how they will inform both the schools of actions and decisions taken. For example, through newsletter updates, meetings, mass mailing etc. Governance Arrangements The Partnership Committee should comprise of: The Chairs of Governors The Headteacher Deputy Head teachers or the senior leads with responsibilities for managing the schools in the HT absence. Two nominated non-staff Governors, Other governors. In church schools representation should also ensure the inclusion of foundation governors.