
Kingsley Charles Dunham
Dunham 1
Kingsley Charles Dunham—Bibliography
This listing has been compiled by Graham McKenna, Helen Kelly and Louise Pettifer from a variety of sources
including Sir Kingsley’s own lists and collections, the catalogue and indexing services available in the Library of the
British Geological Survey at Keyworth, Durham University Library and the County Library’s Local Studies section at
Durham. Tony Johnson, the author of the Biographical Memoir, John Lumsden of Durham University Library and
Brian Young of the British Geological Survey have all been most helpful in supplying information and validating
references. The compilers are aware that, as well as the items listed here, Sir Kingsley’s output included various internal
and consultancy reports which are not all currently in the public domain .Work to identify and list such items continues.
Graham McKenna
British Geological Survey Library
Caerphilly Castle. Mech. Boy. October 1983. 80
Translation of Uber die bildung der alaunschiefer und die entstehung der Kieslagerstatten Meggen
und Rammelsberg F. Frebold. Abh. Prakt. Geol. BergwLehre. Bd 13.
The genesis of ores in relation to petrographic processes. Pan-Am. Geol. 56(4), 285-295.
Mineral deposits of the north Pennines. In: The geology of Northumberland and Durham Proc. Geol.
Ass.. 42(3), 274-281.
Discussion on the genesis of ores in relation to petrographic processes. In: Report of the Centenary
meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1931, Sectional
transcations – C(Geology). pp. 380-390. Also report in The Durham University Journal. 27(4), p.275.
Genesis or ores in relation to petrographic processes. Nature, Lond. 129(3247). 121.
Quartz-Doleritz pebbles (Whin Sill type) in the Upper Brockram. Geol. Mag. 69(819). 425-427.
The ore deposits of the north Pennines: a genetic study. PhD Thesis, University of Durham.
Crystal cavities in lavas from the Hawaiian Islands. Am. Miner. 18(9), 369-385.
Edited The great sulphur vein of Alston Moor by L.M. Thompson. Proc. Univ. Durham. phil Soc.
9(2), 91-98.
A note on the texture of the Crestmore contact rocks. Am. Miner. 18(11), 474-477.
Structural features of the Alston Block. Geol. Mag. 70(828), 241-254.
(with E.S. LARSEN) Tilleyite, a new mineral from the contact zone at Crestmore, California. Am.
Miner. 18(11), 469-473.
The genesis of the North Pennine ore deposits. Q. Jl. Geol. Soc.Lond. 90(4), 689-720.
The genesis of the North Pennine ore deposits. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc.,Lond. 1274, 47-51.
Correspondence from H.T. Stearns. Crystal cavities in lavas from the Hawaiian Islands. Am. Miner.
20(12), 880-882.
The geology of the Organ Mountains with an account of the geology and mineral resources of Dona
Ana County, New Mexico. Bull. New. Mex. Sch. Mines. 11.
The geology of the Organ Mountains with an account of the geology and mineral resources of Dona
Ana County, New Mexico. DSc Thesis, Harvard University.
(With F.M. TROTTER) Map sheet Gloucestershire-Monmouthshire 38SE (1: 10,560) London:
Geological Survey.
(With M.A. PEACOCK) Xenoliths in the Organ batholith, New Mexico with a morphological
description of diopside crystals. Am. Miner. 21(5), 312-320.
The barytes, fluorspar and lead resources in Upper Teesdale and Weardale by Granville Poole.
Newcastle upon Tyne, North-East Development Board. Accompanying map by K.C. Dunham.
(With W.W. VARVILL) Discussion on a study of shapes and distribution of the lead deposits in the
Pennine limestones in relations to economic mining. Trans.Inst Min. Metall.Section E. 46, E519-528.
(With W.W. VARVILL) Discussion on a study of shapes and distribution of the lead deposits in the
Pennine limestones in relations to economic mining. Bull. Instn. Min. Metall. 389, 12-21.
The environment and structure of metalliferous deposits. Mine Quarry Engng. 2(6), 213-216.
The mineralogical investigation of metalliferous deposits. Mine Quarry Engng. 2(7), 273-276.
The paragenesis and color of fluorite in the English Pennines. Am. Miner. 22(5), 468-478.
Fluorspar and barytes in the northern Pennines [correspondence]. Geol. Mag. 74(4), 189-190.
Underground waters in relation to ore deposition. Mine Quarry Engng. 3(8), 297-301.
Discussion on applied geology at Halkyn District United Mines, Limited G.A. Schnellmann.
Trans.Inst. Min. Metall. 48, 625-630.
Discussion on applied geology at Halkyn District United Mines, Limited G.A. Schnellmann. Bull.Inst
Min. Metall, 416, 3-7.
Discussion upon peneplains and related landforms initiated by F. Dixey. Abstr. Proc.geol. Soc., Lond.
No. 1356, 73.
Discussion on The structure of Gower by Professor T.N. George. Abstr. Proc.geol. Soc., Lond. No.
1359, 94.
Dunham 2
Review of Geological Investigations in East Greenland pt III The Petrology of the Skaergaard
intrusion, Kargerdluggsuaq, East Greenland by L.R. Wager and W.A. Deer. Copenhagen: Reitzel
(1939). Geogrl Jl. XCV, 394-395.
Discussion on the lead-zinc mineral resources of Great Britain by W.R. Jones. Trans..Inst Min.
Metall. 50 101-104.
(Discussion on the lead-zinc mineral resources of Great Britain by W.R. Jones. Bull. Instn. Min.
Metall.. 434, 18-22. Errata note in Bull. Instn. Min. Metall. 435, (article by W.R. Jones), 1940, 13.
(With F.M. TROTTER and W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet Gloucestershire 38 NE (1:10,560) London:
Geological Survey.
(With W.C.C. Rose) Geology of the iron-ore field of south Cumberland and Furness. Geological
Survey of Great Britain Wartime Pamphlet. No. 16.
Iron ore deposits of the northern Pennines. Geological Survey of Great Britain Wartime Pamphlet.
No. 14.
1942. Award of the Murchison Fund to Kingsley Charles Dunham. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc.,Lond No. 1383,
Vein minerals of the northern Pennines: lead and zinc ores, fluospar, baryte and witherite. In A survey
of industrial facilities of the north-east region by A.A.L. Caesar. pp. 46-48. Newcastle upon Tyne:
North East Development Board.
Discussion on the structure and ore deposits of the Carboniferous Limestone of Eyam district,
Derbyshire by J. Shirley. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc.,Lond No. 1396, 83.
Annual reunion with exhibits and demonstrations held at the Geological Museum, South Kensington,
on May 8th 1943. Exhibition and demonstration with C.J. Stubblefield. Proc. Geol. Ass. LIV(3), 118119.
The production of galena and associated minerals in the northern Pennines; with comparative
statistics for Great Britain. Trans. Inst Min. Metall. Engrs, 53, 181-252.
The production of galena and associated minerals in the northern Pennines; with comparative
statistics for Great Britain. Bull. Instn. Min. Metall, 464, 1-34.
(With H.G. DINES) Barium minerals in England and Wales. Geological Survey of Great Britain
Wartime Pamphlet No. 46.
The production of Galena and associated minerals in the northern Pennines. Min. J. 224(5716), 150153.
Reply to the I.M.M. President on the occasion of the award of the Consolidated Gold Fields of South
Africa Ltd Gold Medal. Trans. Inst Min. Metall. Engrs. 54(12-14). (Award details 26).
(With C.J. STUBBLEFIELD) The stratigraphy, structure and mineralization of the Greenhow mining
area, Yorkshire. Discussion with and reply by. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 100(3/4), 209-268.
1945-50 Articles on music in the Welwyn Times
Annual Reunion of the Geologists’s Association, 2nd November 1946.
Exhibit to illustrate the geology of German barytes and fluorspar deposits. Geol Assoc. Cir. 485, 2.
Barytes and pyrite in North-west Germany mining and treatment of barites at Meggen (Westphalia),
Bad Lauterberg (Harz) and Hartenrod (Hesse-Nassau), with notes on the Meggen pyrite deposit.
London HMSO for British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, Final Report No. 287.
The coast range batholith, British Columbia. Nature, Lond. 157(3984), 310.
Discussion on the sequence of geochemical changes leading to granitization by D.L. Reynolds. Abstr.
Proc. Geol. Soc. ,Lond. No. 1422, 58.
Discussion on the teatural features of the granites and invaded rocks of the singo batholite of Uganda
and their petrographic significance by B.C. King. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. No. 1428, 25-26.
A projected central mill for the Durham flouorspar industry, by A. Pearson. Trans. Inst Min. Metall.
Engrs. 55, 297-315 and 335-338. Discussion 320.
(With J.A. SMYTHE) Ankerites and chalybites from the northern Pennine Orefield and the north-east
coalfield. Mineralog. Mag. 28(197) 53-74.
Excursion to Durham and the northern Pennines. Mineralog. Mag. 28(196), 45-51.
(With S.E. HOLLINGWORTH) Excursion to Penrith and the North-west. Mineralog. Mag. 28(199),
(With others) The fluorspar industry in Germany: mines and treatment plans in the Nabburg and
Regensburg districts, Upper Palatinate (Bavaria). London HMSO for British Intelligence Objectives
Sub-Committee Final Report No. 1335.
A contribution to the petrology of the Permian evaporite deposits of north-eastern England. Proc.
Yorks geol. Soc. 27(3), 217-227.
(With G.F. CLARINGBULL AND F.A. BANNISTER) Dickite and collophane in the Magnesian
Limestone of Durham. Mineralog. Mag. 28(201), 338-342.
Geology of the Northern Pennine Orefield Volume 1: Tyne to Stainmore.London : HMSO.
(With J.H. TAYLOR) Guide to excursion A.1 Economic geology of England and Wales. Eighteenth
International Geological Congress, London.
Dunham 3
Petrographical descriptions of two cycles of sedimentation from the Middle Coal Measures,
Woodborough Borehole. Appendix to Marine bands and other faunal marker horizons in relation to
the sedimentary cycles of the Middle Coal Measures of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire by W.
Edwards and C.J. Stubblefield. Q. Jl. Geol. Soc. Lond. 103(4), 209-260.
Review of Mineral resources of the United States. Nature, Lond. 161(4104), 991-992.
Sixty years of village cricket. Hatfield Hyde Cricket Club Diamond Jubilee Programme. 8-20.
Sources of road aggregate in Great Britain: A list of the larger roadstone quarries and gravel pits
compiled by the Road Research Laboratory. In: Introductory remarks on the geological distribution
of roadstones. London: HMSO.
Geology and reserves of lead and zinc ores: a world survey. Nature, Lond. 163(4131) 9-11.
Geology, paragenesis and reserces of the ors of lead and zinc. 18 th International Geological Congress
– Great Britain 1948. Proceedings of Sectional Meeting F. Geol. Mag.. 86(1), 15-16.
Mineral resources of the British Commonwealth and Empire. Nature, Lond. 164(4167), 427-428.
(With C.J. STUBBLEFIELD) Pateley Bridge Field Meeting 14-15 June 1947. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc.
27(4), 301-303.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) Permo-Triassic geology of south Cumberland and Furness. Proc. Geol. Ass.
60(1), 11-40.
(With A.I.G. McLAUGHLIN & E. ROGERS) Talc pneumoconiosis. British Journal of Medicine, 6,
(with J.C.C. ANDERSON & C.O. HARVEY) Talc, other magnesium minerals and chromite
associated with British Serpentines. Supplement no. 1 – The Corrycharmaig Serpentine Instrusion,
Glen Lochay, Perthshire. Geological Survey of Great Britain Wartime Pamphlet, no. 9, supplement
no. 1.
Vein minerals of the Northern Pennines: Lead zinc and iron ores, fluospar, barytes, witherite. In:
North East Coast: a survey of industrial facilities comprising Northumberland, Durham and the
North Riding of Yorkshire by the Northern Industrial Group. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Andrew Reid, pp
Excavations at Allard’s Quarry, Marnhill, Dorset, by A.Williams. Appendix 2 – Report on the
specimens of stone from Allard’s Quarry Marnhull, Dorset. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. archaeol. Soc. 72,
Introduction to the symposium – The geology, paragenesis, and reserves of the ores of lead and zinc.
Symposium and proceedings of section F, International Geological Congress, Report of the 18 th
session, Great Britain 1948, part VII, 11-39.
Lower Carboniferous sedimentation in the northern Pennines (England). In: Rhythm in sedimentation.
Proceedings of Section C, International Geological Congress, Report of the 18 th session, Great Britain
1948, (ed P. ALLEN) part IV, 46-63.
Mining customs of Derbyshire. Report of a North England Home Service Talk. The Listener,
44(1119), 10.
Petrography of the nickeliferous norite of St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Amer. Min., 35(9/10), 711727.
(With J.T. TAYLOR) The use of diamond-impregnated tools for rock-slicing. Mineral. Mag. 29(210),
(With V. A. EYLES & J.H.TAYLOR) Geological and petrographical notes. Appendix to The crystal
structure of some chamosite minerals by G.W. Brindley. Mineral. Mag. 29(212), 502-525.
Review of Geology and Mineral Resources in the British Colonies. London: HMSO.
Nature, Lond. 168(4287), 1109-1110.
(With G. ARMSTRONG, C.O. HARVEY, P.A. SABINE, & W.F. WATERS) The paragenesis of
sylvine, carnallite, polyhalite, and kieserite in Eskdale boring no.s 3, 4, and 6, north-east Yorkshire.
Mineral. Mag. 29(214), 667-689.
Review of Ore genesis. A metallurgical interpretation; an alternative to the Hydrothermal Theory by
J.S. Brown. London: Thomas Murby and Co.
Nature, Lond. 167(4236), 6.
Petrography of the igneous rocks. In: The concealed coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire by
W. Edwards. 3rd ed. London: HMSO, 78-79.
Recent work on the Cleveland Ironstone. In: The constitution and origin of sedimentary iron ores: a
symposium. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 28(2), 66-101.
Sources of road aggregate in Great Britain compiled by the Road Research Laboratory. Introductory
remarks on the geological distribution of roadstones: England and Wales. 2 nd ed. London: HMSO, 26.
Age-relations of the epigenetic mineral deposits of Britain. Trans. geol. Soc. Glasg. 21(3), 395-429.
Reviews of Eruptive rocks – their genesis, composition, classification and their relation to ore
deposits by S.J. Shard. London: Thomas Morby, 1950 and The study of rocks. 3 rd edition. London:
Thomas Morley, 1951. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 2(4), 259-260.
Fluorspar, Special Report on Mineral Resources of Great Britain, No. 4, 4th edition. London: HMSO.
Dunham 4
(With F.M. TROTTER) Genesis of the West Coast hematite deposits chapter vii. In: T. Robertson
The iron ore deposits of Great Britain. In: Symposium sur les Gisements de fer du Monde, 19 th
Congress Geologique International. Alger: [The Congress] tome II, 435-438.
Hone stones etc. In: The excavation of Iron Age villages on Boscombe Down West by K.M.
Richardson. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, LIV(CXCIV), p.164.
Iron ore deposits of Furness chapter iv. In: T. Robertson The iron ore deposits of Great Britain. In:
Symposium sur les Gisements de fer du Monde, 19 th Congress Geologique International. Alger: [The
Congress] tome II, 423-427.
Iron ores of the northern Pennines (England) chapter viii. In: T. Robertson The iron ore deposits of
Great Britain. In: Symposium sur les Gisements de fer du Monde, 19 th Congress Geologique
International. Alger: [The Congress] tome II, 423-427.
Contribution to The Mesozoic Ironstones of England: The Liassic Ironstones by T.H. Whitehead et al.
London: HMSO.
Reviews of Proceedings of the Fourth Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress held in Great
Britain 9-23 July 1949, London: Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress. Nature. 169(4308), 855.
Discussion on Some geographical results of the exploration for potash in North-East Yorkshire by
L.R. Raymond. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. No. 1480, 11-12.
Alexander Reid (obituary). Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond . No. 1502, cxxxvii-cxxxviii.
Petrography of the Millstone Grit and Lower Coal Measures. In: Geology of the country between
Bradford and Skipton. Explanation of sheet 69. One-inch Geological New Series, by J.V. Stephens,
G.H. Mitchell & W. Edwards. London: HMSO, 111-118.
(With others) A guide to the geology of the district round Ingleborough. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 29(2),
(With J.E. MOREY) A petrographical study of mediaeval hones from Yorkshire. Proc. Yorks. geol.
Soc. 29(2), 141-148.
Red coloration in desert formations of Permian and Triassic age in Britain. In: Deserts Actuels et
Anciens. Section 7 Comptes Rendus de la Dix-neuvieme Session Congres Geologique International,
Alger. 25-32.
(With W. ANDERSON) Reddened beds in the Coal Measures beneath the Permian of Durham and
south Northumberland. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 29(1), 21-32.
Reply to Dr. G.M. Leeds on receiving the Bigsby Medal. Proc. Geol. Soc. ,Lond. No. 1499, 92-93.
Review of Rocks for chemists – an introduction to petrology for chemists and students of chemistry.
London: Thomas Morby. Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta. 3(2/3), 155.
Contributions to Geology of the country around Chatham. Explanation of sheet 272. One-inch
Geological New Series by H.G. Dines, S.C.A. Holmes and J.A. Robbie. London: HMSO, 12-13 and
Contribution to The Carboniferous rocks of Edendork, Co. Tyrone by J.A. Robbie. Bull. Geol. Surv.
Gt Br. No. 8, 21-37.
Concentration of minerals during metamorphism. In: Natural processes of mineral concentration,
[Proceedings of the] 3rd Inter-University Geological Congress Durham, 42-46.
Contributions to Geology of the country between Burton-upon-Trent, Rugely and Uttoxeter.
Explanation of sheet 140. One-inch Geological New Series by G.H. Mitchell. London: HMSO.
The inhomogeneous earth: an introduction to the congress. In: Natural Processes of mineral
concentration, [Proceedings of the] 3rd Inter-University Geological Congress Durham, 5-8.
Geology in Edinburgh: A Holmes and F.H. Stewart. Nature, Lond. 178(4526), 180.
(With G.A.L. JOHNSON) Dun Fell excursion 18-21 May 1956. Proc. Yorks geol. Soc. 31(1), 72-74.
(With M.H.P. BUTT & G.A.L JOHNSON) The northern Pennines: exhibit. In: Catalogue of the
Geological Society of London 150th anniversary celebration Conversazione. London: Geological
Society. 8.
Science in the Durham Colleges. Nature, Lond. 179(4574), 1334.
(With M. DUNHAM) The stone of the Neville Screen in Durham Cathedral. Durham University
Journal. March. 47-50.
(With R. PHILLIPS, R.A. CHALMERS & D.A. JONES) The chromiferous ultrabasic rocks of
eastern Sierra Leone. Overseas Geol. Minl. Resour. Bull. Supp. No. 3, 1-44.
Foreword. Journal of Durham Colleges Geological Society. Michaelmas.
Future of mineral exploration in Great Britain and Ireland. Nature, Lond. 182(4643), 1136-1137.
Geology. In: The Buildings of England: Northumberland by N. Pevsner & I.A. Richmond. London:
(With W.HOPKINS) Geology around the university towns: the Durham area. Geologists’ Ass. Guide
No. 15.
(With T. EASTWOOD, F.M. TROTTER & W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet SO 50 NW (1:10,560).
London: Geological Survey.
(With F.M. TROTTER) Map sheet SO 50 NE (1:10,560). London: Geological Survey.
(With F.M. TROTTER) Map sheet SO 51 SE (1:10,560). London: Geological Survey.
Dunham 5
Middleton in Teesdale excursion 17-19 May 1957. Proc. Yorks geol. Soc. 31(3), 326-327.
The tectonic framework of Carboniferous sedimentation. In: The Upper Palaeozoic -[Proceedings of
the] 7th Inter-University Geological Congress Swansea, 22-28.
Epigenetic mineralization in Yorkshire. Proc. Yorks geol. Soc. 32(1), 1-30.
Foreword. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. 1(2), 3-4.
Obituary. Friedrich Adolp Paneth. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 16(1/3), 196.
The future of non-ferrous mining in Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of a symposium arranged
by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy in collaboration with the United Kingdom Metal Mining
Association, held on 23rd and 24th September, 1958. London: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
Summing up and conclusions by K.C. Dunham.
Geology and roadstones of Northumberland and Durham (with discussion). Jl. Instn Highw. Engrs.
VI(2), 102-107.
(With W.C.C. ROSE & T. EASTWOOD) Map sheet SO 51 SW (1:10,560) London: Geological
Non-ferrous mining potentialities of the northern Pennines. In: The Proceedings of a Symposium on
the future of non-ferrous mining in Great Britain and Ireland. London: September 1958. Trans. Inst
Min. Metall. Engrs, 115-147.
Background to a borehole. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. 1(3), 18-21.
(With W.W. BLACK, C.J. STUBBLEFIELD & K.A. JOYSEY) Cracoe, Grassington and Greenhow
Hill: Field meeting 29 August – 2 September 1959. Proc. Yorks geol. Soc. 32(4), 375-377.
Foreword. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. 1(3), 4-5.
Contributions to Lexique Stratigraphique International. Volume I Europe, Fasc 3a Great Britain VIII
Upper Carboniferous. Paris Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
(With F.M. TROTTER, W.C.C. ROSE & F.B.A WELCH) Map sheet 233 Monmouth (1:63,360).
London: Geological Survey.
Natural raw materials for the chemical industry in the North-east. (Report of a lecture by Kingsley
Dunham). Chemy Ind. 49, 3rd Dec, 1497-1498.
Review of Petrochemische berecheungsmethoden auf aquivalenter grunlage by C. Burri. Basel:
Birkhauser Verlag. Nature, Lond. 186(4718), 56-57.
(With R.J. FIRMAN & M.H.P. BOTT) South-west Lake District excursion 22-24 May 1959. Leader.
Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 32(4), 372-373.
Syngenetic and digenetic mineralization in Yorkshire. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 32(3), 229-284.
Black shale, oil and sulphide. Advmt Sci., Br. Ass.. 18(73), 284-299.
(With M.H.P. BOTT) Foundations of the northern Pennines. Times Science Review. 41, 13-14.
(With M.R. HOUSE & J.C. WIGGLESWORTH) Geology and structure of the Maltese islands. In:
Malta: background for development (eds H. BOWEN-JONES, J.C. DEWDNEY & W.B. FISHER),
Durham: University of Durham Department of Geography, pp.25-33.
Granite beneath the northern Pennines. Nature, Lond. 190(4779), 899-900.
Discussion on R.L. Stanton’s ‘Elemental constitution of the Black Star orebodies, Mount Isa,
Queensland, and its interpretation’. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 72, 375-378.
(Obituary) Esoer Signius Larsen Jr. Abstr. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. No. 1602, 157.
Review of Rock forming minerals Vol 1: Ortho- and ring silicates by W.A. Deer, R.A. Howie & J.
Zussman. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta. 26(12), 1357.
Rookhope and Weardale excusion 19-22 May 1961. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 33(3), 262-264.
(With G.A.L. JOHNSON) Sub-surface data on the Namurian strate of Allenheads, south
Northumberland. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 33(3), 235-254.
Toast to ‘the guests’ at the IMM Dinner, Grocer’s Hall, April 4. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 72, 656-658.
Training of geologists and geophysicists in the United Kingdom for service in the underdeveloped
countries. United Nations Conference on the application of science and technology for the benefit of
the less developed areas. 27/9/62. Agenda item A.5.1.4. 6pp.
(With D.M. HIRST) Chemistry and petrography of the marl slate of South-east Durham, England.
Econ. Geol. 58(6), 912-940.
Earth science and ore science. Can. Min. Man. National Business publications Ltd, Gardenwater,
Quebec, 11-22.
Earth science and ore science. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 72, 697-714.
Foreword. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. 1(5), 1962-63, 2-3.
Contributions to The geology of Moor House: a national reserve in north-east Westmorland by
G.A.L. Johnson. London: HMSO. Nature Conservancy Monograph. 2.
Earth science and ore science. Qd Govt Min. J. 64(741), 409-418.
Foreword. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. 2(1), 1963-64, 2-3.
Neptunist concepts in ore genesis. Econ. Geol. 59(1), 1-21.
Reply to the toast of ‘The Institution’ by H.E. The Rt Hon. Sir Eric Harrison IMM Dinner,
Goldsmith’s Hall, April 9. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 73, 625-627.
Dunham 6
(With others) Granite beneath Visean sediments with mineralization at Rookhope, northern Pennines.
Q. Jl. Geol. Soc. Lond. 121(3), 383-417.
Map sheet 25 Alston (1:63,360). London: Geological Survey.
The natural concentration of useful minerals (Abbott Memorial Lecture). Nottingham: University of
Review of The origin, metamorphism and deformation of evaporites by H.Bochert and R.O. Muir.
London: Van Nostrand. Nature, Lond. 207(4997), 563.
(Obituary) Prof. Arthur Holmes. Nature, Lond. 208(5010), 525-526.
Upper Teesdale and Lunedale excursion 22-24 May 1964. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 35(2), 287-290.
Arthur Holmes. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 12, 291-310.
(Obituary) Arthur Holmes. University of Durham Gazette. XIII New Series No. 2, 4-5.
(With F.W. ANDERSON) The geology of Northern Skye Explanation of the Portree (80) and parts of
the Rubha Hunish (90), Applecross (81) and Gairloch (91) sheets. Edinburgh: HMSO.
(Obituary) Lawrence Rickard Wager. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 30(8), 839-840.
(Obituary) Lawrence Rickard Wager. Univ. Durh. Gaz. XIII New Series No. 2, p. 5.
(Obituary) Prof. R.G.S. Hudson. Ir. Nat. J. 15(8), 215-217.
Reply by Prof. K.C. Dunham: Granite beneath Visean sediments with mineralization at Rookhope,
northern Pennines. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 122, 88.
Reply to Prof. F.W. Shotton on receiving the Murchison Medal. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. 1634. 141142.
Review of Research on the nature of mineral-forming solutions by N.P. Vermakov. London:
Pergamon Press. Nature. Lond. 212(5069), 1410-1411.
Role of juvenile solutions, connate waters and evaporitic brines in the genesis of lead-zinc-fluorinebarium deposits. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth Science. 75 B226-229.
Contribution to the discussion on C.F. Davidson’s paper ‘Some genetic relationships between ore
deposits and evaporites’. Trans Inst. Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth Sciences. 75, B304.
United States of America. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond.. 1633, 119-125.
Commonwealth co-operation in research projects in research: geology and geophysics. In: The Royal
Society Conference of Commonwealth Scientists (7-11 April 1967). Reports and Papers submitted.
London: The Royal Society, 198-201.
Economic geology of the continental shelf around Britain. In: The technology of the sea and sea bed:
Proceedings of a conference … AERE Harwell, 5-7 April 1967. London: HMSO Vol. 2, 328-341.
Also discussion p. 348.
English potash beds offer challenge for deep mining. Wld Min. 20(2), 48-50.
Field meeting at Durham excursion 2-9 July 1965. Leader. Proc. Geol. Ass. 78(2), 325-334.
Geology in Durham, a valedictory lecture delivered 10/2/67. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society.
3(1), 31-34.
(With F.M. TROTTER) Map sheet SO 50 NE (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
Mineralization in relation to the pre-Carboniferous basement rocks, northern England. Proc. Yorks.
geol. Soc. 36(2), 195-201.
Practical geology and the natural environment of Man – 1. Contents and islands. Q. Jl geol. Soc.
Lond. 123(1), 1-24.
Veins, flats and pipes in the Carboniferous Limestone of the English Pennines. In: Genesis of
stratiform Lead-Zinc-Barite-Fluorite deposits in Carbonate rocks (the so-called Mississippi Valley
deposits). Lancaster, PA: Economic Geology Publishing (Economic Geology Monograph no. 3), 201207.
(With J.A. HILL) The barytes deposits at Closehouse, Lunedale, Yorkshire. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc.
36(3), 351-372.
Description of mortars. In: The Stone Mortars by G.C. Dunning. Reports of the Research Committee
of the Society of Artiquaries of London, 23, 112-114.
The geochemical significance of argo-40/argon-39 age determinations on White Whin from the
northern Pennine orefield. Proc. R. Soc. Series A: Mathematical & Physical Sciences. 307(1490),
Geological Survey of Canada Report of Activities; Part A: May to October 1966 [Essay Review].
Geol. Mag. 105(1), 81-82.
Contributor to Geology of the country around Cockermouth and Caldbeck. Explanation of one-inch
geological sheet 23 by T.Eastwood, S.E. Hollingworth, W.C.C. Rose and F.M. Trotter. London:
James Haward Taylor. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc.. No. 14, 443-448.
Reply to Dr. S. H. Shaw on receiving the Gold Medal. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 77. Minutes of
proceedings, 30.
(With R.J.H BEVERTON & D.J. MACLEAN) Minutes of evidence: sub-committee E, 18th June
1968. London: HMSO.
Dunham 7
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1967.London: HMSO,
(With J.S. SHEPPERD) Superficial and solid mineral deposits of the continental shelf around Britain.
In: Mining and Petroleum Geology: Proceedings of the Ninth Commonwealth Mining and
Metallurgical Congress (ed M.J. JONES) London: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 2, 3-26.
Practical geology and the natural environment of Man – II. Seas and Oceans. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond.
124(1), 101-129.
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1968. London: HMSO,
Sedimentary ore deposits: a conspectus. In: Sedimentary ores, ancient and modern (revised), (ed C.H.
JAMES). [Proceedings of the] 15th Inter-Unversity Geological Congress, Leicester, 1967, 5-12.
Serge Tomkeieff and the petrochemistry of basalt (First Tomkeieff Memorial Lecture, October 1969).
Newcastle: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 19p.
Contributor to The geology of the country around Sevenoaks and Tonbridge. Explanation of one-inch
geological sheet 287, New Series by H.G. Dines, S. Buchan, S.C.A. Holmes and C.R. Bristow.
London: HMSO.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) (Obituary) Frederick Murray Trotter. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. 1655, 133-135.
(With H.I. DREVER) Northern Skye: the lava succession in Northern Skye. In: The Tertiary igneous
geology of the Isle of Skye by G.M. Brown et al. Colchester Benham & Co. for the Geologists’
Association (Geologists’ Association Guide no. 13), 20-24.
Time and place in orogeny by P.E. Kent, G.E. Satterwaite & A.M. Spencer (eds). London: Geological
Society of London Special Publication 3, 311p. Displacement within continents: closing remarks by
K.C. Dunham, p289-290.
(Obituary) Charles Findlay Davidson. Proc. Geol. Soc., Lond. 1651, 223-224.
A discussion on the structure and evolution of the Red Sea and the nature of the Red Sea, Gulf of
Aden and Ethiopia rift Junction held at The Royal Society 27-29 March 1969 organized by N.L.
Falcon … [et al]. Phil. Tran. R. Soc. Section A. 267, 1-417. Introduction to the general discussion
Applied geophysics in the Natural Environment Research Council in Great Britain. Geological Survey
of Canada, Economic geology report, 26, 658-666.
Exploring the continental shelf around Britain. Geology journal of the Association of Teachers of
Geology. 2, 21-27.
Geological aspects of development and planning in Northern England: A symposium report (ed P.T.
Warren). Leeds: Yorkshire Geological Society. Introduction and summary 1-2 and 161-162.
Gravel, sand, metallic placer and other mineral deposits on the East Atlantic continental margin.
Institute of Geological Sciences Report 70/13. 79-85.
Methods and aims of the Institute of Geological Sciences of Great Britain. Evi Jelent. magy. K. foldt.
Intez. 54(1), 65-67.
Mineralization. In: Geology of Durham County by G.A.L. Johnson. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb.
41(1), 124-133.
Mineralization by deep formation waters: a review. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth
Science. 79, B127-136. Discussion, 80, B50.
Stratabound sulphide deposits; rock association and genesis. In: International Mineralogical
Association, General Meeting, 7th-International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, TokyoKyoto Meeting. 83.
(With J.S. SHEPHERD) Superficial and solid deposits of the continental shelf around Britain.
Proceedings of the Ninth Commonwealth Min. Metall Congress, London, 1969. Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy. 2, 3-25.
(With J. ROBBIE) A forward look for the Institute of Geological Sciences in Scotland. Journal of the
Geological Society. 127(5), 431-435,
Frederick John Owen Evans. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, Scribners. Vol 4,
Geological controls of metalliferous provinces. Proc. Pacif. Sci. Congr. 12, 1, 395.
The Institute of Geological Sciences and the municipal engineer. J. Instn muni. Engrs. 98(5), 132133.
Introductory talk: Rock association and genesis. In: International Association of the Genesis of Ore
deposits Meeting (3rd: 1970: Tokyo/Kyoto), 1971, Papers,… Toyko: Society of Mining Geologists of
Japan (Special Issue no. 3), 167-171.
Map Sheet 50 Hawes (Drift) (1:63,360). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
Map Sheet 50 Hawes (Solid) (1:63,360). London: Institude of Geological Sciences.
The nature and source of mineralising fluids. Abstract of a lecture delivered 7 May 1971 to the
Geologists’ Association. Cir. Geol. Ass. 732, 1.
Dunham 8
Plutons beneath the English Pennines in relation to mineralization of the cover rocks. In: E. Raguin
Colloque Scientifique; Les roches plutoniques dans leur rapports avec les gites mineraux. Resumes et
communications courses, 27.
Report of the Director.In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1969. London: HMSO,
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1970. 1-7.
A sermon preached at the service for the commemoration of the founders and benefactors of the
Cathedral Church of Durham, 28th October, 1970. The Bishoprick, 46(2), 20-24.
(With M. SOLOMON & T.A. RAFTER) Sulphur and oxygen isotope studies in the northern Pennines
in relation to ore genesis. Trans.Inst. Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth Science. 80(777), B259275. Discussion in 81, B172-173, and 82, B46.
Tapping the earth’s face; geological researches in three centuries. [3 books reviews]. In: Times
Literary Supplement. 26th February 1971, 243-4.
(With W.C.C. ROSE)
Ulverston excursion 3-6 July 1970 Leader. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 38(3),
Arthur Holmes. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, Scribners. Vol 6, 474-476.
Basic and applied geochemists in search of ore [The 9th Sir Julius Wernher Memorial Lecture]. Trans.
Inst Min. Metall. 81, 44-49.
Earth science. In: Department of Education and Science, London: HMSO, 1972, 35-51.
The evidence for subsidence: the regional setting. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Section A: Mathematics &
Physical Sciences. 272(1221), 81-86.
Global resources of metals for the electrical industries. Electronics and Power. 18, 411-414.
The influence of crustal resources. In: Earth Science and the Quality of Life Les Sciences de la terre
et la Condition humaine Proceedings of Symposium 24 th International Geological Congress, Montreal,
1972. 16-24.
John Smith Flett. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol 5. New York: Scribners. 38-39.
Mineral resources and the quality of life. In: 24th International Geological Congress, Abstracts. 24,
(With D.A. GRAY) Problems associated with the subsidence of south eastern England – a discussion
held on 26 & 27 May 1971 [at] The Royal Society. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Section A: Mathematics &
Physical Sciences. 272(1221), 79-274.
Robert Alfred Cloyne Godwin – Austin. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York,
Scrobners, Vol 5, 436-437.
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1971. London. Institute
of Geological Sciences, 1-11.
Review of River of tears: the rise of the Rio Tinto Zinc Mining Corporation by R. West. London:
Earth Island. Nature, Lond. 240(5376), p.109.
Availability of resources. In: Fuel, conservation or crisis?A conference held at the Royal Bath Hotel,
Bournemouth, 1973. Slough: Combustion Engineering Association, 5-20.
Cold, colder. Review of The Ice Age in Britain by B.W. Sparks and R.G. West. In: Times Literary
Supplement. 30th March. 359.
Editorial viewpoints. In: International Journal of Environmental Studies. 5(4), 241.
Review of Gitologie des concentrations minerales stratiformes. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1970.
Mineralog. Mag. 39, 123-4.
The demand for minerals [abstract]. . Jl geol. Soc. Lond, 129(3), 324-325.
Contribution to The Durham Area by G.A.L. Johnson. Colchester: Benham & Co. (Geologists’
Association Guide 15) 2nd edition.
Geochemistry of metalliferous provinces in Phanerozoic platforms. Abstract In: Mineralium
Deposita. 8(1), 92-3.
Geological controls of metallogenic provinces. In: Metallogenic provinces and mineral deposits in the
Southwestern Pacific: Proceedings of a symposium… Canberra: Australian Government Publishing
House (Bulletin BMRGG no 141), 1-12.
Geological Survey in a modern society. Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka. 1(1),
Geological surveys, mineral exploration and international co-operation. Institute of Geological
Sciences, Overseas Geology & Mineral Resources. 41, 4-9.
Map sheet 25 Alston (Solid and Drift) (1:50,000). London: Institude of Geological Sciences.
Massifs plutoniques sous les Pennines d’Angleterre et leur relation avec la mineralisation des roches
de couverture. In: Les Roches plutoniques dans leurs rapports avec les gites mineraux by P. Morin
(ed), 187-190.
Mineral resources: aspects of a 21st century problem. Proc. R. Instit Gt Br. 46, 77-85.
The new outlook in global tectonics. In: Conference Report No. 9. Conference of Geology Teachers,
University of London, March 1973. London: University of London, 4-10.
A recent deep borehole near Eyam, Derbyshire. Nature Physical Science. 241(108), 84-85.
Dunham 9
Review of Ores in sediments by G.C. Amstutz and A.J. Bernard (eds). Mineralog. Mag. 39(304), 490491.
Report of the Director. In: Institude of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1972. London:
Institude of Geological Sciences. 1-11. (Includes speeches made at the opening by H.M. Queen of the
Story of the Earth exhibition at the Geological Museum).
The advancement of environmental science. Presidential address. B.A. Record. 24, 1-19.
Availability of resources – fuel conservation of crisis? Proceedings of the Combustion Engineering
Conference, Bournemouth, 5-15.
The BA and the Earth Sciences [summary]. Open Earth, 14, 17-19.
(With M.E.D. POORE) A discussion on the exploitation of British mineral resources (other than coal
and hydrocarbons) in relation to countryside conservation. Organizers. Proc. R. Soc. Series A:
Mathematics & Physical Sciences. 339(1618), 217-416.
Drift thickness maps of Scotland [correspondence]. Geol. Mag. 111(1), 79.
Epigenetic minerals. In: The geology and mineral resources of Yorkshire by D.H. Rayner and J.E.
Hemingway (eds). Leeds: Yorkshire Geological Society, 293-308.
(With P.E. KENT & P. ALLEN) European Earth Sciences disunited [correspondence]. Nature, Lond.
249(5458), 608.
Geochemie erzfuhrender Provinzen in Phanerozoischen plattformen [Geochemistry of metalliferous
provinces in Phanerozoic platforms]. Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommission
Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1.
Geological setting of the useful minerals in Britain. Proc. R. Soc. Series A: Mathematics & Physical
Sciences 339(1618), 273-288.
Geological Survey in a modern society. Geol Jb Reihe A. 15, 71-75.
Granite beneath the Pennines in north Yorkshire [short communication]. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc.
40(2), 191-194.
How long will our minerals last? New Scient. 61(881), 129-130.
The influence of crustal resources. Ambio, 3, 126-129.
(With F.M. TROTTER, W.C.C. ROSE & F.B.A. WELCH) Map sheet 233 Monmouth (1:50,000).
London: Institute of Geological Sciences. Contribution of mining information.
Metals conservation – eking out finite resources. Design Engng. Sept, 116-121.
Mining geology [address]. Journal of the Korean Institute of Mining Geology. 7(3), 145-150 & 7(4),
Natural resources, the engineer and the environment (19 th Graham Clark Lecture, 8th January 1974).
London: Council of Engineering Institutions, 24p.
Non-renewable mineral resources. Conference on the Conservation of Materials 1974 Harwell
proceedings of the conference. Harwell: The Conference, 3-14.
Non-renewable mineral resources. Resources Policy. 1(1), 3-13.
(With E.G. POOLE) The Oxfordshire Coalfield. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 130(4), 387-391.
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1973. London: Institute
of the Geological Sciences, 1-13.
The world’s energy. Illustrated London News. June, 55-61.
The advancement of environmental science. Geology, 6, 37-44.
Aspects of the world energy problem. In: Fuel, Food and Famine, Pontypridd: Glamorgan
Polytechnic Environmental Society, 2-16.
Review of Lord Kelvin by Joe. D Burchfield. Times Literary Review, 24th October, 1272.
Review of Metal Mining by J.B. Richardson. Times Literary Review, 14th February, 175.
Review of Through the crust of the earth by Lord Energlyn. Times Literary Review, 2nd January, 7.
Review of The Unquiet landscape by Denys Brunsden and John C. Doornkamp. Times Literary
Review, 7.
Review of The work of the river by C.H. Crickmay. Times Literary Review, 15th August, 929.
Can Britain be self-sufficient in minerals? New Scient. 65(941), 702-705.
Discussion on ‘Controls of barite mineralization in the Lower Magnesium Limestone of the Ferryhill
area, County Durham’. Trans. Inst Min. Metall Section B: Applied Earth Science. 84(819), B35-36.
Discussion on ‘Residual soil geochemistry in the discovery and evaluation of the Butiriku, carbonate,
south-east Uganda’. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth Science. 84(819), B33-35.
(With A.J. SMITH) A discussion on the geology of the English Channel organised for The Society
and the Marine Studies Group of the Geological Society. Phil. Trans. R. Soc Section A: Mathematics
& Physical Sciences. 279(1288), 1-295.
Energy for Britain [William Menelaus Lecture]. South Wales Institute of Engineers
Final report of the second director. (Report on the completion of his Directorship 1967-1975)
Appendix A. In: Our corporate history. Key events affecting the British Geological Survey, 19671998 by D. Hackett. British Geological Survey Technical Report WQ/99/1. 1999.
Dunham 10
Interactions between government and science. In: International Forum on Technological
Development 1975 Austin Texas; Interactions of science, government and industry. Austin:
University of Texas.
Review of Introducing geology; the Earth’s crust considered as history (2 nd ed) by D.V. Ager. Nature,
Lond. 254(5497), 236.
Map sheet NZ 03 NE (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences. Contribution of mining
New geological framework [3 book reviews]. Nature, Lond. 257(5523), 257.
Report of the Director. In: Institute of Geological Sciences Anuual Report for 1974. London: Institute
of Geological Science, 1-13.
Review of Availability of world energy resources by D.C. Ion. New Scient. 69(986), 296.
Jethro Justinian Harris Teall. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, Scribners. Vol 12,
(With W.B. EVANS) Map sheet 58. Barrow-in-Furness (1:50,000) (Drift). London: Institute of
Geological Sciences.
(With W.B. EVANS) Map sheet 58. Barrow-in-Furness (1:50,000) (Solid). London: Institute of
Geological Sciences.
(With W.B. EVANS) Map sheet SD 16 NE and part of SD 16 SE (1:10,560). London: Institute of
Geological Sciences.
(With W.C.G ROSE) Map sheet SD 26 NE (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
(With W.B. EVANS) Map sheet SD 26 SW and part SD 16 SE (1:10,560). London: Institute of
Geological Sciences.
Origins of the metalliferous ores in relation to exploitation (John Coffin Memorial Lecture). London:
University of London.
Preface to English edition of V.I. Smirnov Geology of mineral deposits (translated from the Russian
by H.C. Creighton). Moscow: MIR Publishers, 5-6.
Provisional contribution of the United Kingdom to the International Geological Correlation
Programme, 1976. London: Royal Society.
Reply to Sir Peter Kent on receiving the Woollaston Medal. Jnl. Geol. Soc. Lond. 132(6), 701-702.
Report of the Director. In: Institute of the Geological Sciences Annual Report for 1975. London:
Institute of Geological Sciences, 1-12.
Research into energy supply needed urgently says Sir Kingsley. In: Fact (BCRA) No. 104, December,
Review of Geology explained: The Peak District by F. Wolverson Cope. Times Literary Supplement
10th September, 1137.
The twenties. The Johnstonian. 27 Summer, 11-12.
Earth Science in Europe. In: Europe from Crust to Core ed by D.V. Ager & M. Brooks. London:
Wiley, 3-11.
Geological aspects of world energy in the medium term [Aspectos geologicos de la energia mundial, a
mediano plazo]. In: Proceedings of the Segunda conferencia de la Serie “Oracion Isaac Newton”
Geological aspects of world energy in the medium term [Aspectos geologicos de la energia mundial, a
mediano plazo]. In: Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales. 37(114).
(With W.C. ROSE, W.B. EVANS & M. MITCHELL) Geology and hematite deposits of south
Cumbria. Economic memoir for 1:50,000 geological sheet 58 and southern part of sheet 48. London:
(With W.B.EVANS) Map sheet SD 26 NW (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet SD 27 – Dalton-in-Furness (1:25,000). London: Institute of
Geological Sciences.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet SD 27 SE (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
(With W.B. EVANS) Map sheet SD 27 SW (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
Map sheet NY 81 NW (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences. Contribution of minerals
Mineralogy: towards the twenty-first century. A discussion, held 7 & 8 April. 1976 [at] The Royal
Society organized by J.E.T. Horne. Phil. Trans. R. Soc Section A: Mathematics & Physical Sciences.
286(1336), 231-638.
Natural resources and international interdependence. In: Proceedings of a Special Conference of the
International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Vienna, November, 1977.
Progress in mineralogy [Mineralogical Society Centenary Presidential address]. Mineralog. Mag.
41(317), 7-26.
Progress in mineralogy [summary]. Phil. Trans. R. Soc Series A: Mathematics & Physical Sciences.
286(1336), 235-237.
Address at the inauguration ceremony, Institute of Geologists. British Geologist. 4(2), 26-27.
Consultant to Atlas of earth resources. London: Mitchell Beazley
Dunham 11
Contribution to the discussion on ‘Braided river bed forms and related sedimentary structures in the
Fell Sandstone Group (Lower Carboniferous) of north Northumberland’ by A.V. Hodgson. Proc.
Yorks. geol. Soc. 41(4), 528.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet SD 27 NE (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
The metallogeny of Britain. In: Industrial geology ed by J. Knill. Oxford: University Press, 137-165.
The mineralisation of south Cumberland and Furness. Report of a lecture. Proceedings of the
Westmorland Geological Society. 2(2), 12-16.
(With A.A. Wilson) North Swaledale – Arkengarthdale mineral belt, North Yorkshire field meeting 810 July 1977. Leaders. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 42(2), 188-191.
The outlook for world energy (report of a lecture). Proceedings of the Cumberland Geological
Society. 4(1), 75.
(With K.E. BEER, R.A. ELLIS, M.J. GALLAGHER, M.J.C. NUTT and B.C. WEBB) United
Kingdom. In: Mineral deposits of Europe Vol : Northwest Europe. London: Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy, 263-317.
United Kingdom contribution to the International Geological Correlation Programme: 1976-1978
report prepared on behalf of the British National Committee for the IGCP. London: Royal Society.
Weardale minerals. The Bonny Moor Hen. Journal of the Weardale Field Study Society. 1, 5-9.
William Bullerwell. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 24, 1-13.
World supply of non-fuel minerals the geological contraints. In: Resources Policy Conference 1978.
Christ Church Oxford; Conference preprints,..; Science and Technology A1-A11.
Discussion on ‘Mineralised brecca pop and other instrusion breccias in the Harlech Dome, North
Wales’ by P.M. Allen and G.D. Easterbrook. Trans. Inst Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth
Science. 88(2), B132-133.
Geological research applied to the minerals industry. Trans. Inst Min. Metall. Section A: Mining
Industry. 88(1), A67-86.
(With W.C.C. ROSE) Map sheet SD27 NW (1:10,560). London: Institute of Geological Sciences.
Silvermines orebodies, County Tipperary, Ireland by S. Taylor and C.J. Andrew. Discussion by M.J.
Gallagher and others reply by the authors]. Trans. Inst Min. Metal. Section B: Applied Earth Science.
88(20, B125-131.
Sir John Flett and Geological Survey work on British volcanism [abstract]. Bull. Geol. Surv. Gt Br.
70, 5.
(With M. MITCHELL & W.H.C RAMSBOTTOM) Dinantian biostratigraphy of South and West
Cumbria field meeting 29 June – 2nd July. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 43(4), 403-406.
The evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle: a discussion (held 1 & 2 November
1978 at The Royal Society organised by D.K. Bailey, J. Tarney and K.C. Dunham. Phil. Trans. R.
Soc. Series A: Mathematics and Physical Sciences. 297(1431), 135-493. Introductory remarks by
K.C. Dunham 137-138.
(With D.A. GREENWOOD and others) The Northern Pennine Orefield meeting 7-10 September.
Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 43(4), 406-409.
Post-Carboniferous copper metallogeny in Northern England. In: European Copper Deposits:
Proceedings of an international symposium edited by S. Jankovic & R.H. Sillitoe. Belgrade: Faculty
of Mining and Engineering (Special Publication Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits No.
1), 277-278.
Arthur Holmes (1890-1965). In: Dictionary of National Biography 1961-1970. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1981. 533-534.
Review of Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits 2nd ed edited by H.L. Barnes. Mineralog. Mag.
44(333), p113-114.
Mineralization and mining in the Dinantian and Namurian rocks of the northern Pennines by P.J. Say
and B.A. Whitton. In: Heavy metals in Northern England: Environmental and biological aspects.
Durham: University of Durham. 7-17.
James Ernest Richey (1866-1968). In: Dictionary of National Biography 1960-1970. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1981. 880-881.
James Haward Taylor (1909-1969). In: Dictionary of National Biography 1960-1970. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1981. 999-1000
Review of Ou sont les metaux pour l’avenir? Les provinces metalliques. Essai de metallogenie by P.
Routhier. Mineralog. Mag. 44(334), 237-238.
Sydney Ewart Hollingworth (1899-1966). In: Dictionary of National Biography 1961-1970. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1981. 530-531.
Zimbabwe in the context of world mineral resources. Chamber of Mines Journal. 23(7), 31-35.
Review of Metallisation associated with acid magmatism edited by A.H. Evans. Open Earth, 18, 56.
Leonard Hawkes. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 28, 125-139.
The Mineralization of the Pennines [report of a lecture]. Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings
4(2), 179-181.
Dunham 12
Reply on receiving the ‘Leopold von Buch Plakette’ from the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft’. Z.
dt. Geol. Ges. 133(2), 117-118.
(With G.A.L. Johnson) The stone of Durham Cathedral: a preliminary note. Transactions of the
Architectural & Archaeological Society of Durham & Northumberland. 6, 53-56.
Review of Coal Utilisation: Technology, Economics and Policy by L. Grainger and J. Gibson.
International Journal of Mining and Engineering. 1(3), 278-279.
Essay review. Mine waste reclamation. International Journal of Mining and Engineering, 1, 277-279.
Frank Dixey. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc .29, 159-176.
Ore genesis in the English Pennines: a fluoritic subtype. In: International Conference on Mississippi
Valley type Lead-Zinc Deposits, proceedings volume edited by G. Kisvarsanyi & others. Rolla, Mi:
University of Missouri-Rolla, 86-112.
Sidney Henry Haughton. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 29, 245-267.
Address at the annual dinner of the Russell Society 13th April 1984. Russell Society Newsletter. 12, 68.
Classification, age and origin of the Cumbrian hematite. Proceedings of the Cumberland Geological
Society, 4(3), 259-266. Comments by A.M. Evans, 405-406.
Course books for Open University courses. Earth’s physical resources, (5238). Milton Keynes: Open
University Press.
Genesis of the Cumbrian hematite deposits. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 45(1-2), 130.
Excursion report on The geology of the Durham area. Excursion 16-18th September 1983. Mercian
Geologist, 9(3), 179-181.
Letter. Keeping coal for the future. The Times, 22nd June 1984, 13.
Memorial to Sidney Henry Haughton 1888 -1982. 14, Geological Society of America, 1-4.
A metalliferous geologist looks at the coal business. British Geologist. 10(4), 110-111.
Origin of low temperature lead-zinc ores of the Mississippi Valley type. Journal of the Open
University Geological Society, 5(2), 32-38.
A Brancepeth boy. St Brandon’s Church, Brancepeth Parish Newsletter, 8-9.
Coal reserves: a metalliferous geologists looks at the coal business. British Geologist. 12(3), 110.
Geology. Mining Annual Review. 8-9.
(With A.A. WILSON) Geology of the Northern Pennine Orefield Volume 2. Stainmore to Craven.
Economic memoir covering the areas of one-inch and 1:50,000 geological sheets 40, 41 and 50 and
parts of 31, 32, 51, 60 and 61. New series. London: HMSO.
Review of The dark side of the earth by R.M. Wood. New Scient. 108(1478), 65.
Professor Basil Charles King, DSc, FRSE. In: Journal of the Arthur Holmes New Series, 1, 7-8.
(Obituary) Professor William Bayne Fisher. In: Hatfield Record, 4, 4-7.
Sir Kingsley receives Aberconway Medal. Presentation by Colin Bristow to Sir Kingsley Dunham
and his reply. British Geologist, 12(3), 100-101.
Geology in the real world. In: Geology in the real world – the Kingsley Dunham Volume edited by
R.W. Nesbitt & I. Nichol. London: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1-10.
(With G.A.L. JOHNSON) The site and stones of Durham. Friends of Durham Cathedral Annual
Report. 53.
Discussion by K.C. Dunham and P.J. Rogers and reply by the authors on ‘Geochemistry of granites
beneath the north Pennines and their role in orefield mineralization’ by G.C. Brown, R.A. Ixer, J. A.
Plant and P.C. Webb. Trans. Inst Min. Metall. Section B: Applied Earth Science. 96(3), B339-232.
(With N.L. FALCON) Percy Edward (Peter) Kent. Biogr. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 33, 345-373.
The red doors of Brancepeth. St Brandon’s Church, Brancepeth, Newsletter, November, 7-8.
Roy Phillips. Journal of the Arthur Holmes Society. New Series, 2, 3-5.
Weardale as a geothermal area. Friends of Killhope Newsletter. 9, 2-6.
Pennine mineralisation in depth. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 47(1), 1-12.
Centre of excellence named after Sir Kingsley Dunham. British Geologist. 16(4), 143-146.
Geology of the Northern Pennine Orefield. Volume 1. Tyne to Stainmore. Economic Memoir
covering the areas of 1:50,000 and one-inch geological sheets 19 and 25 and parts of 13, 24, 26, 31,
32 (England and Wales). London: HMSO.
Review of The rocks speak by Haddon King. Parkville, Victoria: Australian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, 1989. Mineral Ind. 966, 40-41.
(Obituary) Arthur Raistrick, 1897-1991. Friends of Killhope Newsletter. 21, 3-5.
(With B.L. HODGE) Clastics, coals, paleodistributaries and mineralisation in the Namurian Great
Cyclothem, Northern Pennines and Northumberland Trough. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 48(3), 323-327.
Foreword [relating to 175th anniversary of the Society and the 150th anniversary of the publication of
De La Beche’s ‘Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon and Somerset’]. Trans. R. geol. Soc. Corn.
21(5), 213-216.
Upper Greensand petrology. In: Geology of the Tollard Royal-Tarrant Hinton district. 1:10 000 sheets
ST 91 NW and 91 SW :part of 1:50,000 sheets 313 (Shaftesbury) and 314(Ringwood) by C.R.
Bristow. British Geological Survey Onshore Geology Series, Technical Report WA/91/20, 4.
Dunham 13
(Obituary) William Colin Campbell Rose. Annual Report of the Geological Society [for] 1991, 28.
Four models for Mississippi Valley/Alpine-type lead-zinc deposits. Report of a lecture. In: Trans. Inst
Min. Metall. Section B, B170-B171.
Four models for Mississippi Valley/Alpine-type lead-zinc deposits. In: Mineral deposit modelling in
relation to crustal reservoirs of the ore-forming elements, abstracts volume edited by R.P. Foster.
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
A plain man’s guide to the rocks and minerals of Killhope. In: Men, mines and minerals of the North
Pennines edited by Bryan Chambers. Killhope: Friends of Killhope, 1-12.
Thomas of Hatfield and the Pennines (part of a lecture). Hatfield Record, 5(1), 11-13.
Ore genetics in the northern Pennines (The Pybus Memorial Lecture1991). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc.
Northumb. 56(1), 5-12.
(Obituary) Thomas Brennan Nolan 1901-1992. Annual Report of the Geological Society [for] 1992,
(Obituary) William Hopkins. Password. 36, 3.
(Obituary) William Hopkins 1899-1992. Annual Report of the Geological Society for 1992, 28.
Farewell to the Durham Coalfield (Special Lecture – St Mary’s College, Durham).
Foreword to “Regional Geochemistry of north-east England”. Keyworth, Nottingham, British
Geological Survey, v.
Rookhope in retrospect. In: Out of Pennines edited by Byron Chambers. Killhope: Friends of
Killhope, 1-6.
(With J.G. HOLLAND) (Obituary) Sir Malcolm Brown. The Independent (final edition), 4th April, 20.
(Obituary) John Edwin Hemingway. Geoscientist, 8(5), 23-24.
Living through the revolution: new ideas on plate tectonics. Geography Review, 12, 12-15.
Schoolboy reflections. Chapter 8. In: A history of Durham Johnston School by M. Robson. Durham:
Robson, 63-67.
(With G.A.L. JOHNSON) Emplacement of the Great Whin Sill Dolerite Complex and the Little Whin
Sill in relation to the structure of northern England. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 53(3), 177-186.
(With B. YOUNG, G.A.L. JOHNSON, T.B. COLMAN & R. FOSSETT) Rich silver-bearing lead
ores in the northern Pennines. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 53(3), 207-212.
So it’s Dunham for Durham. Autobiography. In preparation.
(425) 1980
Sir Kingsley Charles Dunham (biography). In: Modern Scientists and Engineers. New York: McGraw
Hill, 316-317.
(426) 2001
(M. Bott and G.A.L. Johnson). Kingsley Charles Dunham 1910-2001. Annual report of the
Geological Society 2001, 37-38.
(B.L. Hodge) Professor Sir Kingsley Dunham 1910-2001. Mineralog. Mag. 65(5), 691-694.
(B. Young) Sir Kingsley Dunham 1910-2001. Russell Society Newsletter. 39, September, 4-5.
(429) 2002
(G.A.L. Johnson) Sir Kingsley Charles Dunham (1910-20010. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc. 54(1), 63-64.
Dunham 14