mammal covalent

1. ____________ proposed that all life be categorized into three large “domains”, a taxonomic unit above “kingdoms”.
a. Carl Woese
b. Carl Linneaus
c. Charles Darwin
d. Lyn Margulis
2. In the binomial naming system for species,
a. the genus and species names are both capitalized.
b. only the genus name is capitalized.
c. only the species name is capitalized.
d. neither the genus nor the species name is capitalized.
3. The total numbers of species of animals living today, and already extinct, are both in the
a. tens of thousands
b. hundreds of thousands
c. millions
d. billions
4. In IB104 this semester we have covered 16 animal phyla, one more than I initially planned. This is ______ of the total
number of animal phyla generally recognized by zoologists.
a. 100%
b. 50%
c. 25%
d. 10%
5. Which of the following is a homologous character, evolving from a common ancestor by direct shared descent, and would
therefore be a reliable and informative character in building a phylogeny?
a. The wings of birds and insects.
b. The swimming fins of penguins and sharks.
c. The forearm bones of crocodiles and mammals.
d. The trachea of insects and the booklungs of spiders.
6. The nervous system of animals develops from epithelial cells or the epidermis, which is part of the
a. endoderm.
b. ectoderm.
c. mesoderm.
d. mesoglea.
7. Although the earliest animal fossils are from the Ediacaran Period, we are confident from biochemical phylogenetic
methods that animals in fact evolved earlier during the ______________ Era, very approximately ___ Byr ago.
a. Paleoproterozoic; 2
b. Mesoproterozoic; 1.5
c. Neoproterozoic; 1
d. Paleozoic; 0.5
8. The importance of choanoflagellates to our understanding of animal evolution is that they
a. are the closest relatives to animals, at least by biochemical evidence.
b. are protists that often form “multicellular” colonies.
c. closely resemble the choanocytes of sponges.
d. all of the above.
9. Which of the following is NOT a determining factor for microscope resolution?
a. The length of the microscope stage
b. The light gathered by the objective
c. The wavelength of light shining on the specimen
d. The cone of light traveling from the condenser through the specimen
10. Which major adaptation evolved in conjunction with bilateral symmetry?
a. Bipedalism
b. Radial symmetry
c. Cephalization
d. Pseudocoelom formation
11. Trichoplax adhaerens is the only named species representing the animal phylum
a. Placozoa.
b. Porifera.
c. Rotifera.
d. Nemertea.
12. Although they are tiny, corals build some of the largest structures on the planet, coral reefs. They are members of the
a. Porifera.
b. Cnidaria.
c. Platyhelminthes.
d. Onychophora.
13. Which statement is NOT true of the comb jellies or Ctenophora?
a. They are always sessile.
b. They are almost entirely marine.
c. They do not have nematocysts.
d. They swim by beating rows of fused cilia.
14. In addition to being bi-laterally symmetrical, all members of the “subkingdom” Bilateria are also
a. diploblastic.
b. triploblastic.
c. ecdysozoans.
d. lophotrochozoans.
15. Flatworms have no need of a
a. digestive system.
b. respiratory system.
c. excretory system.
d. reproductive system.
17. Many animal parasites that infect mammals exhibit complicated lifecycles. In the case of the trematode worms that cause
schistosomiasis or bilharzia, the secondary host is a
a. mosquito.
b. snail.
c. roundworm.
d. annelid.
18. The first animal to have its genome completely sequenced, a decade ago, was a member of the phylum
a. Platyhelminthes.
b. Nematoda.
c. Arthropoda.
d. Chordata.
19. The phylum name Tardigrada literally means
a. slow walker
b. water bear
c. round worm
d. ribbon worm
20. When you go to a seafood restaurant and order a seafood platter that includes shrimp, scallops, lobster, and squid, you are
eating representatives of ____ animal phyla.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
21. Chitons have a radula for scraping food off surfaces and therefore are unusual members of the phylum
a. Arthropoda.
b. Mollusca.
c. Annelida.
d. Echinodermata.
22. The remarkable similarities of the squid and mammalian eyes do NOT include
a. an iris for regulating the amount of incoming light.
b. a lens to focus the incoming light.
c. a retina of photosensitive neurons.
d. the mechanism of development of the eye.
23. Onychophorans or velvet worms are
a. strictly herbivorous marine worms.
b. members of the “subkingdom” Deuterostomia.
c. found only in Africa, Australia, and South America.
d. famous for breeding on the East Atlantic coast of America.
24. Although they have “shells” the barnacles are actually members of the phylum
a. Annelida.
b. Arthropoda.
c. Mollusca.
d. Echinodermata.
25. The arthropod class Trilobita are perhaps most famous for
a. having gone extinct approximately 220 Myr ago.
b. having the largest number of species of any class of arthropods.
c. being unsegmented, unlike all other arthropods.
d. having unjointed legs, unlike all other arthropods.
26. The Chelicerata are named for their
a. mouthparts.
b. many legs.
c. stiff bristles.
d. segmentation.
27. Which is NOT a feature of adult echinoderms?
a. penta-radial symmetry.
b. anus forms from blastopore.
c. cephalization.
d. tube feet.
28. The notocord that helps defines the phylum Chordata and gives them their name is
a. the dorsal nerve cord.
b. a supporting structure for the gills.
c. a feature of their muscular pharynx.
d. a dorsal rod-like structure supporting the length of the animal.
29. Adult sea squirts have two “siphons” (the oral and atrial openings), features that resemble those of sponges and
cephalopods, but they are a subphylum of the Chordata known as the
a. Urochordata.
b. Cephalochordata.
c. Lancelets.
d. Placoderms.
30. Lampreys and hagfish are grouped together in the Agnatha by virtue of having
a. no notochord.
b. no jaws.
c. gills.
d. parasitic lifestyles.
31. Which vertebrate class is distinguished by the evolution of the amnion, a specialized membrane surrounding the
developing egg that prevents dessication?
a. cartilaginous fishes.
b. bony fishes.
c. amphibians.
d. reptiles.
32. The mammals are NOT defined by
a. having hair.
b. feeding milk to their young.
c. several differently shaped kinds of teeth.
d. a placenta which nurtures the young before birth.
33. When biochemical polymers are broken down into their constituent monomers during digestion, water molecules attack
and break the covalent bonds holding the monomers together, hence these reactions are called ___________ reactions.
a. synthetic
b. condensation
c. dehydration
d. hydrolytic
34. In animals, while carbohydrates are primarily for energy storage, they can also be structural in the form of
a. glycogen.
b. chitin.
c. starch.
d. cellulose.
35. Fatty acids consist of
a. a long hydrocarbon chain.
b. a long hydrocarbon chain with an acid group at the end.
c. a long hydrocarbon chain linked to a glycerol molecule.
d. three long hydrocarbon chains linked to a glycerol molecule.
36. Which is NOT covalently bonded to the central carbon of an amino acid?
a. a hydrogen.
b. a hydroxyl group.
c. a carboxyl group.
d. an R group.
37. The secondary structures of proteins (alpha helixes and beta-pleated sheets) are maintained by
a. covalent bonds.
b. hydrogen bonds.
c. disulfide bonds.
d. van der Waals forces.
38. The three parts of a nucleotide do NOT include
a. an amino group.
b. phosphates.
c. a pentose sugar.
d. a ringed base.
39. In an electron microscope the electrons are focused using lenses that consist of
a. glass.
b. quartz.
c. diamond.
d. magnets.
40. The German histologist Theodore Schwann is remembered for championing the theory that animals are made up of cells,
and today his name is used for a special type of cell which
a. produces insulin in the pancreas.
b. coats the axons of nerve cells.
c. contracts using myosin and actin.
d. can divide to reproduce itself and generate specialized cells.
41. E. coli bacteria are a useful standard for size measurements of cells because they are approximately ____ micron(s) long.
a. 1
b. 10
c. 100
d. 1000
42. Most animal cells have
a. one nucleus and one mitochondrion.
b. one nucleus and many mitochondria.
c. many nuclei and one mitochondrion.
d. many nuclei and many mitochondria.
43. The bumps on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum that make it look rough are
a. ribosomes.
b. secreted proteins.
c. phospholipids.
d. secretory vesicles.
44. Microfilaments involved in the cytoskeleton of animal cells are constructed primarily out of a single type of protein,
a. actin.
b. myosin.
c. tubulin.
d. dynein.
45. Phospholipids consist of
a. a phosphate group and two fatty acid chains.
b. two phosphate groups and one fatty acid chain.
c. two phosphate groups and two fatty acid chains.
d. three phosphate groups and one fatty acid chain.
46. Phospholipid bilayers are permeable to _________ but not to __________.
a. small neutral molecules; ions.
b. large neutral molecules; ions.
c. small ions; large ions
d. ions; lipids.
47. A single-cell freshwater protist is transferred into salt water. Which of the following is likely to happen?
a. The cell bursts.
b. The cell shrinks.
c. Salt is pumped out of the cell.
d. Water is pumped into the cell.
48. Molecules that are moved across membranes by transport proteins include
a. oxygen.
b. carbon dioxide.
c. glucose.
d. hemoglobin.
49. Cystic fibrosis involves mutation of the gene encoding a channel/transporter that moves ______ ions across membranes.
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. calcium
d. chlorine
50. After engulfing a bacterium in a membrane-bound vesicle, a white blood cell or lymphocyte digests the bacterium by
fusing the vesicle with ______________.
a. a lysosome.
b. a peroxisome.
c. the Golgi complex.
d. the endoplasmic reticulum.
5. Degradation or “burning” of glucose would lead to release of
a. carbon dioxide only.
b. carbon dioxide and water.
c. carbon dioxide and oxygen.
d. carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen.
6. Protein enzymes achieve their spectacular effects in reaction pathways by
a. driving the reactions towards production of more product.
b. consuming all of the available substrate.
c. accelerating the attainment of dynamic equilibrium.
d. simultaneously making and breaking multiple covalent bonds.
7. In addition to proteins, which class of biochemicals sometimes function as enzymes?
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. RNA
d. DNA
8. Protein enzymes are sensitive to temperature because the _________ break at high temperature.
a. covalent peptide bonds that connect the amino acids to each other in their primary structure
b. covalent disulfide bonds between cysteines that maintain their tertiary structure
c. hydrogen bonds that help maintain their secondary and tertiary structures
d. van der Waals forces that maintain their primary and secondary structures
9. The net end point of glycolysis for a single glucose molecule is ___________ molecules.
a. 2 ATP, 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, and 2 water
b. 4 ATP, 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, and 2 water
c. 2 ATP, 1 pyruvate, 2 NAHD, and 2 water
d. 2 ATP, 2 pyruvate, 4 NADH, and 2 water
10. After glycolysis yeasts recycle NADH to NAD with the production of
a. ethanol
b. ethanol and carbon dioxide
c. ethanol and water
d. ethanol, carbon dioxide, and water.
11. The integral membrane enzyme ATP synthase uses the passage of hydrogen ions across a membrane to trap energy in
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. Which membrane is it in?
a. nuclear
b. cytoplasmic
c. inner mitochondrial
d. outer mitochondrial
12. The efficiency of energy trapping in the form of ATP by aerobic respiration is roughly
a. 10%
b. 40%
c. 90%
d. 100%