Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6 Sample Programs 6.1 Introduction The following section includes a module from each of Biology, Earth and Environmental Science, Senior Science, Chemistry and Physics Preliminary courses. These sample programs have been developed to represent a model through which the modules may be unpacked and programmed. Each sample program contains possible elements of a teaching program that can assist in understanding the requirements of the syllabus and provide the teacher with assistance in identifying resources and planning the day-to-day running of the class involved. The elements of each sample program include the following: Contextual outline of the module – the purpose of the contextual outline is to provide teachers with an overview of the intent of the module. The contextual outline should be viewed as ‘setting the framework’ for the module. However, it is not examinable. Concept map – this provides teachers with an overview of the links between various aspects of the knowledge and understanding incorporated into the module. Skills overview – a broad range of skills are mandated by the syllabus, and these programs have been developed with the view that certain skills are better developed within some contexts than others. The skills best suited to the module are identified. In addition, skills that will need to be taught during each module have been identified by the insertion of a T after the code for the skill. The need to teach this skill will have been identified several times in the module. However, it is expected that the level of support required should decrease during each module as students increase their expertise. Values and attitudes overview – although all aspects of the values and attitudes outcomes can be addressed throughout the modules, specific examples of the areas for focus have been identified in the teaching program. References – comprehensive, but not exhaustive lists of texts, websites, videos and software have been identified. It is expected that one aspect of the skills development of the students in each course is that they learn to identify a wider range of resources and assess the value of these resources. A range of possible assessment tasks – the type and use of each assessment task would depend on students’ prior experiences. Within the sample programs are examples of diagnostic, formative and summative tasks that could be used to assess a range of skills, knowledge and understanding. Note that the lists of assessment tasks are included, not in the expectation that students will undertake every task, but merely to stimulate discussion and to provide examples of how the different types of tasks can be used. Syllabus extracts – each section of the teaching program is preceded by the relevant syllabus extract, so that relationships between the syllabus and teaching strategies are identifiable. 39 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 Indication of timing appropriate for each teaching segment – each module has been assigned a number of indicative hours based on the work of the feasibility teams during the period of syllabus development. Each section of the teaching program has been assigned a number of hours on the basis of the work required in the section. This allocation of time is no more than a guideline because students’ prior learning and experiences will determine the time required to implement each area of skills and knowledge and understanding development. Preparation suggestions – where included, these cover the range of resources that the teacher might have to collect and/or develop prior to the implementation of that section of the syllabus. The suggestions may assist teachers with identifying possible new resources as well as signalling the need to order perishables at appropriate times. Suggested teaching and learning activities – these demonstrate the unpacking of the syllabus and the amalgamation of columns 2 and 3 in each module. While a sequence is suggested, teachers could well decide to use a different way of organising the activities required to implement the syllabus. Footnoted references – these indicate resources which can be used in each section of the teaching program; the full references are listed at the end of each module. Evaluation questions and pro forma – a wide range of evaluation questions has been included and the focus used by each teacher during this evaluation period may be influenced by the philosophy and policies of the school and science faculty. A sample pro forma is included and it is envisaged that the issues mentioned above would determine the questions on this pro forma. The programs have been designed so that, in most cases, it is possible to align the syllabus references and the preparation required with the accompanying teaching strategies on the opposite or following page. Teachers are encouraged to use the sample programs in this way, so they may become familiar with the relationship between the syllabus and its interpretation in the suggested teaching and learning strategies. To assist with implementation, further sample programs on the modules in each syllabus are being developed by the organisations listed below. The material developed is available at the website indicated. Department of Education and Training: Catholic Education Commission: Association of Independent Schools: Science Teachers Association of NSW: Please note that while every care has been taken to ensure that syllabus requirements have been met in each sample program, it remains the responsibility of the teacher implementing the program to confirm that this is the case. Teachers will need to determine that the level of specificity required by the syllabus has been achieved during the delivery of the relevant course. 40 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2 Sample Program — Biology Stage 6 Syllabus: Module 8.3 – Patterns in Nature (35 indicative hours) 6.2.1 Contextual Outline from Syllabus ‘Living things use raw materials in different ways to construct new living tissues and repair existing tissues. All living organisms carry out similar processes to form the structures that make up their bodies. To carry out these processes, raw materials need to be obtained. The types of raw materials and the way in which these raw materials are obtained differ between living organisms but there are more similarities than differences in the overall processes involved, the elements used and the molecules made. ‘Intake of the materials required by all living organisms and the removal of waste products are influenced by the surface areas of membranes through which these nutrients and waste products must pass. In large multicellular forms, complex organ systems, with large surface area to volume ratios, have evolved to facilitate movement of material across the membranes of these organs that are concerned with specialised functions in the bodies of these organisms.’ 6.2.2 Concept Map cells unicellular organisms discovery nutrients structures systems in multicellular organisms technological diffusion and osmosis developments types of microscope current development s s 41 surface area/volume adaptations Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.3 Skills During this module, teaching/learning activities should allow time to reflect on the patterns observed in the organisation of living organisms, with an emphasis on generalities rather than details. A student’s development of a skill will benefit from the teacher modelling it and then assisting the student to refine it. The skill development in this program focuses on: efficient use of the light microscope developing scientific research and communication skills in extracting information, drawing and writing effectively. Skills that need to be taught during the module have been identified with a T after the code for the skill in the Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities tables. The need to teach a skill will have been identified several times in the module. However, it is expected that the level of support required should decrease during the module as students increase their expertise. 6.2.4 Values and Attitudes This module develops a further understanding of the complexity and interconnectedness of living organisms within ecosystems, as well as increasing understanding of the complexity of organisation within living organisms. A study of this module will assist the development of positive values about and attitudes towards the living components of the environment. A study of this module will enhance students’ understanding of the importance of maintenance and conservation of the non-living components of the environment because of their impact on living things. 42 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.5 Some References for This Sample Program Texts Allan, R & Greenwood, T, Year 11 Biology 1999, BIOZONE Learning Media Australia, QLD, Australia, 1998, ISBN 0-909031-30-4 Allan, R & Greenwood, T, Year 12 Biology 1999, BIOZONE Learning Media Australia, QLD, Australia, 1998,ISBN 0-909031-31-2 Aubusson, P, Kennedy, E & Snyder, W, Biology, The Spectrum of Life (2 edn), 1996 Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1996, ISBN 0 19 553820 X Cohen, Hill, McDonnell, & Mayer, Biology Practicals For Senior Students, Heinemann Education, Richmond, VIC, 1989, ISBN O 85859 495 1 Dircks, R & Sphiros, J, (ed) Biological Science: The Web of Life; NSW Student’s Work Book, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 1987. Griffin, DR & Novick, A, Animal Structure and Function, Holt Winehart and Winston, New York, 1970, ISBN 03 077505 1 Kaskel, A et al, Laboratory Biology:Investigating Living Systems, Charles E Merrill, Columbus, Ohio, 1983, ISBN 0 6750 7003 1 King, RJ & Sullivan, FM, Senior Biology, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1992, ISBN 0 582 86783 5 King, RJ & Sullivan, FM, Senior Biology Laboratory Manual, Longman Cheshire Melbourne, 1992, ISBN 0 582 87661 3 Mudie, K & Brotherton, J, (ed), Core Biology Practical, Heinemann Educational, Richmond, VIC, 1984, ISBN 0 9599599 0 3 Mudie, K & Brotherton, J, New Core Biology, Heinemann Education, Richmond, VIC, 1992, ISBN 85859626 1 Wilkinson, JW & Nash, BJ, Biology Today: Practical Manual, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1989, ISBN 0 333 50282 5 Websites has sections on cell structure and function and includes many ideas for practical experiences. For this section, there is a potential reading exercise on the function of cell organelles. There is also a small section on cell history with a flow chart. has a range of images about cell organelles. has the history of the light microscope. might provide appropriate practical experiences on: – osmosis – diffusion – effect of surface area/volume ratio on the rate and extent of diffusion. has text on the contributions of Robert Brown to Biology. has general and detailed information on photosynthesis with some history. This website could also be used in option 9.9 biochemistry. has a comparison table of anatomical structures of humans and insects. 43 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 Videos Classroom Video, How a Plant Works, (while the suggested audience is years 6–10 this contains a good overview of photosynthesis, stomates and root systems). Martin and Rosenthal Educational Pty Ltd, Systems of the Body Vols 1,2,3. CD-ROM The Digital Frog, Longman Logatron, 1995, ISBN 0582 944880 6.2.6 Assessment Tasks Outcomes about which A range of possible diagnostic and/or formative assessment information tasks. could be gathered Pre-test or concept map developed to ascertain prior knowledge. P13 Each student presents a short oral report on a current form of microscopy (either electron or light) and its impact on society, eg in P4 forensic science. This task would require an Internet search and a decision made by each student about the specific application of light P12 or electron microscopy to be reported upon. Note: this could be used as diagnostic or formative assessment and its use would depend on students’ prior experiences in researching and oral presentation. P11 With teacher/librarian assistance students identify a range of appropriate resources about the development of understanding of P6 plant or human nutrition including identification of a named vitamin. Students practise efficient data collecting techniques to identify P12 useful information from secondary sources. Students organise data by selecting and using appropriate methods P13 to demonstrate a trend or pattern in development of understanding OR P14 identify a trend or pattern in development of understanding. This is an activity written into the program after students have had experiences in research skills. At this stage, this activity could be used as a diagnostic tool to identify areas of weakness in students’ skills prior to their continuing with these skills independently. P11, P12 Use a microscope to examine teacher-selected prepared slides of mitosis in plant or animal tissue. This activity is written into the teaching program. After practice with the slides, this could be used to assess students’ ability to: prepare and focus microscope identify different stages of mitosis P6 design and construct suitable pictorial representations of the P13 organisation of chromosomes and/or cells. 44 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.7 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘Organisms are made of cells that have similar structural characteristics.’ The study of these components throughout history has increased understanding about them. (6 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: Students: • outline the historical development of the cell theory, in particular, the contributions of Robert Hooke and Robert Brown • describe evidence to support the cell theory • discuss the significance of technological advances to developments in the cell theory • describe impacts of current developments in light microscopy that allow living cells and organelles to be observed • identify cell organelles seen with current light and electron microscopes • gather and process information and use available evidence to assess the impact of technology including the development of the microscope on the development of the cell theory • perform a first-hand investigation to gather first-hand information using a light microscope to observe cells in plants and animals and identify nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, chloroplast and vacuole • process information from secondary sources to analyse electron micrographs of cells and identify mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nucleus, nucleolus and cell membranes Preparation 1. Microscope work • risk assessment of microscope use and safe work practice • selection of prepared slides – unicellular animals – TS and LS stem, root, leaf – leaf epidermis – TS animal sections such as villi, lung, blood 2. Download or collect electron micrographs and verify that websites to be used are currently active 3. Resources for history exercise to relate developments in technology with developments in cell theory. 45 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 review the construction and use of the light microscope following teacher modelling, set up a light microscope to examine prepared slides of a range of plant and animal specimens after identifying any safety issues involved 1 following teacher modelling, prepare diagrams of cells observed under the microscope, label nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, chloroplast and vacuoles and compare these diagrams with photomicrographs taken with light microscopes access an appropriate website and/or use electron micrographs to recognise mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nucleus, nucleolus and cell membranes to identify trends/patterns in the relative distribution and/or abundance of organelles2 after teacher modelling of methods and aspects of comparison used in the study of biology, engage in a class discussion to assess the value of microscopy in describing cells, and develop a written comparison of light and electron microscopes as tools to understand cells 3 using supplied reference texts and articles, summarise the history of development of microscopes and the discoveries about cells that accompanied these developments 4 after class discussion about cell theory, assess the contributions of Hooke and Brown5 to cell theory in terms of the technology available at the time and the limitations placed on their work by this technology summarise any evidence identified in activities undertaken thus far that supports cell theory (this will be added to as the unit progresses) use teacher-supplied articles from scientific journals and/or web articles, and work in pairs to identify and describe current developments in both light and electron microscopy assess the impact of current developments in microscopy through participation in a class discussion in developing a theory about how cells work 1 Aubusson et al 1996 Wilkinson JW, Nash BJ Biology Today Practical Manual 1989 3 Aubusson et al 1996; King RJ, Sullivan FM Senior Biology 1993 ; 4; 5 2 46 12.1 a 13.1 c 12.3 a 13.1 a T 13.1 a 14.3 d T 14.3 b 12.3 d 12.4 d 14.1 e Register Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Students: Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.8 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘The membranes around cells provide separation from and links with the external environment.’ The materials needed by the cell have to move through these membranes. (6 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: Students: identify the major groups of substances found in living cells and their uses in cell activities recall that there is movement of molecules into and out of cells describe the current model of membrane structure and explain how it accounts for the movement of some substances into and out of cells recall that diffusion involves random movement of particles compare the processes of diffusion and osmosis explain how the surface area to volume ratio affects the rate of movement of substances into and out of cells describe the relationship between the structure of cell organelles and their function plan, choose equipment or resources and perform a first-hand investigation to gather information and use available evidence to identify the following substances in tissues: glucose starch lipids proteins chloride ions lignin plan, choose equipment or resources and perform a first-hand investigation, to model the function of a cell membrane perform a first-hand investigation, gather information and use available evidence to observe and compare the difference between osmosis and diffusion perform a first-hand investigation to gather data and demonstrate the effect of surface area to volume ratio on rate of diffusion Preparation 1. Microscope work • risk assessment of wet mount slide production and review of safe work practices • organisation for disposal of wastes 2. Practical experiments • determine which compound tests should be first-hand experiments and which should be investigations from secondary data – risk assessment on experimental procedures for testing chemicals in tissues – collection/ordering of appropriate tissue samples, eg plant tissues (potatoes, onions etc) • identify suitable first-hand investigations for observing diffusion, osmosis and for testing the effect of surface area on rate and extent of diffusion. These may take time so plan to have experiments running over two or more lessons if single periods are involved – collection and/or ordering of materials involved. 47 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 following teacher modelling, practise safe cutting techniques and make wet mount slides of available tissue through class discussion and brainstorming, predict the variables involved in staining and identify those that need to be kept constant if the presence of particular chemicals is to be determined with teacher guidance and class discussion, identify the equipment that could be used to test for the presence of particular compounds in tissue and determine its suitability discuss potential hazards involved and safely use a range of procedures to identify glucose, starch, lipids, proteins, chloride ions and lignin in plant and/or animal tissue given an appropriate key showing the chemical test and expected result6 where possible, identify the cell organelles and tissues in which these substances are found based on the work and activities already undertaken develop a technique to verify the effect of a staining procedure on plant material identify and use methods to safely dispose of waste materials use teacher-selected text(s) to summarise the uses of glucose, starch, lipids, proteins, chloride ions, lignin in the cells of plants and/or animals and relate these, where possible, to the observed location of the chemical in the cell use teacher-selected resources and notes to develop a description of the current model of cell membrane structure plan, choose equipment or resources and perform an investigation that could simulate how the current model of the cell membrane suggests how substances move in and out of cells — possible open-ended investigation which may go over a number of weeks discuss their understanding of diffusion in terms of particle movement using a teacher-selected and planned procedure, perform an investigation to demonstrate and distinguish between osmosis and diffusion7, efficiently disposing of wastes discuss appropriate ways in which information which compares objects or items could be presented with teacher modelling if necessary, construct a written discussion which compares osmosis and diffusion using a teacher-selected and planned investigation, gather data on the effect of surface area/volume ratio on the rate of diffusion8 with teacher modelling if necessary, construct a written explanation on the relationship between surface area/volume ratio and rate of diffusion use an appropriate text to identify the function of observed organelles collate the above data and in group and class discussion, and relate the structure of cell organelles, including their folded nature, to their function add any further evidence supporting cell theory from the above experiences to their previous summary9 6 Kaskel et al; Cohen et al (using butcher-provided fresh liver rather than rat liver); King & Sullivan Senior Biology Laboratory Manual; ; 8 Cohen et al; ; 7 48 12.1 d T 11.2 b T 11.3 c T 11.3 b T 11.2 c T 12.1 c T 14.1 h T 13.1 a Range 11.2,11.3 12.1 12.1 a T 12.1 c 13.1 a 12.2 b 14.1 a 12.4 c 13.1 a 12.3 a 14.1 e 13.1 a Register Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Students: Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.9 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘In multicellular organisms, differentiated cells perform specialised functions.’ The digestive system of animals provides an example of this differentiation as animals have specialised structures to obtain nutrients from their environment. (4 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: Students: recall that most multicellular organisms have specialised cells, tissues, organs and systems that carry out particular functions identify that tissues, organs and organ systems in multicellular organisms consist of different types of cells recall that systems in multicellular organisms supply the needs of cells describe the role of teeth in increasing the surface area of complex foods for exposure to digestive chemicals explain the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of a vertebrate herbivore and a vertebrate carnivore with respect to: the chemical composition of their diet the function of the structures involved perform a first-hand investigation to use a microscope and prepared slides to observe specialised cells including: – sperm cells – red and white blood cells gather information from secondary sources to compare the digestive systems of mammals including a grazing herbivore, carnivore and a nectar feeder perform a first-hand investigation to demonstrate the relationship between surface area and rate of reaction Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9 Identify appropriate videos, CD-ROMs or models available to allow students to visualise the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and systems Collate appropriate texts or other resources for note-taking and summarising by the students about the importance of specialisation in cells Order microscopes and select a range of prepared slides of animal tissue including blood and sperm Identify suitable practical exercise to demonstrate the effect of increased surface area on rate of reaction Risk assessment of proposed practical exercise Select resources that allow visualisation and note-making by the students about the differences in the digestive systems of mammals with different eating habits. Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology 49 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 with teacher assistance if necessary, tabulate some different types of systems in multicellular organisms and identify the roles of these systems discuss the need for systems in multicellular organisms in relation to supplying the needs of cells, and justify conclusions based on class discussion, and using the digestive system of a multicellular organism as an example, identify the organs making up the system based on class discussion and appropriate resources, identify and describe what is meant by tissue with reference to one organ such as the stomach using one example of tissue, such as the stomach wall, describe the role of specialised cells in the tissue set up a light microscope to examine animal tissues containing specialised cells including blood cells10 and sperm cells with teacher modelling if necessary, construct and complete a written exposition about the importance of cell specialisation in multicellular organisms with teacher assistance/guidance, identify variables that need to be kept constant and discuss strategies to ensure that they are kept constant during an examination of the effect of increased surface area on the rate of a chemical reaction11 with teacher assistance, if necessary, set up the most appropriate equipment to examine the effect of increased surface area on the rate of a chemical reaction12 carry out a teacher-planned procedure to determine the effect of increased surface area on the rate of chemical reaction using models or a demonstration, describe the roles of mammalian teeth in increasing the surface area of food available for digestive chemicals to act on access information from a range of teacher-selected resources about the digestive systems of mammals including a grazing herbivore, carnivore13 and a nectar feeder with teacher guidance if necessary, prepare a summary overview to compare the digestive systems of mammals including a grazing herbivore, carnivore14 and a nectar feeder, acknowledging sources of information in appropriate formats for the grazing herbivore and the carnivore, identify the main chemicals in their diet and the main structures involved in their digestive systems and the function of each select and use, with teacher guidance if necessary, an appropriate method to illustrate trends and/or patterns in length and complexity of digestive systems construct an explanation of the relationship between the length and complexity of digestive system and food intake in selected mammals15 10 Wilkinson & Nash King & Sullivan Senior Biology Laboratory Manual 12 King & Sullivan Senior Biology Laboratory Manual 13 Griffin & Novick 14 Griffin & Novick 15 Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology 11 50 13.1 c 14.1 b T 12.3 d 12.3 d 12.3 d 12.1 a 13.1 a 11.2 b T 11.3 a 12.1 a 13.1 b 12.3 a 13.1 a 13.1 c 12.3 a 12.4 c 13.1 a 14.1 c Register Students: Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.10 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘In multicellular organisms, differentiated cells perform specialised functions.’ Plants have specialised structures to obtain nutrients from their environment. (6 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: Students: distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs in terms of nutrient requirements recall the materials required for photosynthesis recall the role of photosynthesis in ecosystems recall the use of word equations for summarising chemical reactions identify the general word equation for photosynthesis and outline this as a summary of a chain of biochemical reactions explain the relationship between the shape of leaves, the distribution of tissues in them and their role explain the relation between the organisation of the structures used to obtain water and minerals in a range of plants and the need to increase the surface area available for absorption perform a first-hand investigation to use a microscope and prepared slides to observe specialised cells including plant epidermal cells perform a first-hand investigation to separate the mixture of pigments in a leaf by chromatography perform first-hand investigations to demonstrate the need for chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis gather, process and analyse information from secondary sources to trace the history of: development of understanding of plant nutrition OR – development of understanding of human nutrition including the identification of the role of a named vitamin Preparation 1. Order microscopes and select prepared slides with examples of plant tissue such as roots, stems, leaves and including plant epidermis; reflect on previous risk assessment to ensure safety issues have been addressed 2. Identify appropriate practical experience to extract plant pigments and carry out risk assessment to identify potential hazards and safety precautions required 3. Organise seeds/seedlings/plant specimens for experiments on photosynthesis involving the need for chlorophyll and light — these experiments may need to run over more than one day 4. Identify appropriate models, diagrams and/or photographs of leaves to assist understanding about the relationship between structure and function 5. Organise for the use of the library and/or Internet for students to spend time in accessing information. 51 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 Students: in class discussion or brainstorming sessions and with access to appropriate resources, distinguish between the needs of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms and write a definition of each discuss the role of photosynthesis in ecosystems16 name the raw materials needed for photosynthesis and identify the structures responsible for obtain these raw materials from the environment through brainstorming and discussion, relate the organisation of roots and leaves in a range of plants to the need to increase surface area for absorption using a teacher-selected and organised procedure, safely extract pigments from leaves and identify the extract as a mixture by separating its components by chromatography17 carry out a teacher-selected procedure to demonstrate the need for chlorophyll18 and light19 in photosynthesis20 use a microscope and prepared slides to observe a range of specialised cells in plants including plant epidermal cells21 construct, from provided illustrations and/or models, a written and/or labelled pictorial description of the generalised organisation of tissues in a leaf22 using a range of teacher-selected leaves of different shapes, discuss the distribution of tissues in them and relate this to the role of leaves in plants discuss the adaptive advantage of leaf structure in producing an increased surface area/volume ratio for absorbing raw materials for photosynthesis23 possible open-ended investigation or on-going assignment: with teacher/librarian assistance, identify a range of appropriate resources about the development of understanding of plant or human nutrition (including identification of a named vitamin if human is chosen) and – practise efficient data collecting techniques to identify useful information from secondary sources – organise data by selecting and using appropriate methods to: identify a trend or pattern in development of understanding demonstrate a trend or pattern in development of understanding describe how word equations summarise chemical reactions and, with teacher assistance, construct a general word equation for photosynthesis with teacher assistance or direction, construct a simple flow chart to outline steps in photosynthesis to demonstrate that the word equation summarises a chain of reactions 16 Allan & Greenwood T Year 11 Biology Aubusson et al p87 18 Mudie & Brotherton Core Biology Practical 19 Wilkinson & Nash p38; Cohen et al p17 20 21 Wilkinson & Nash p28 22 Wilkinson & Nash p25; 23 Aubusson et al p57,78; Allan and Greenwood Year 12 Biology p78 17 52 12.3 c 14.2 a T 14.3 d T 12.1 a,d 12.2 b 12.1 a-d T 12.1 a-d T 13.1 a 14.3 d T 14.2 T 11.1 a 12.3 b 12.4 c 14.1 a 13.1 d 13.1e Register Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.11 Syllabus Extract Overview Gas exchange processes occur in both plants and animals and, in multicellular organisms, specialist surfaces are necessary to ensure maximum absorption. (3 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: identify gases exchanged in plants and animals compare the gas exchange surfaces in multicellular animals, including an insect, a fish, a frog and a mammal describe the role of stomates and lenticels in a range of plants Students: gather and process information from secondary sources and use available evidence to identify and compare the gaseous exchange surfaces in an insect, a fish, a frog and a mammal process information from secondary sources to compare the role of lenticels and stomates with gas exchange in algae Preparation 1. Collect reference material on insect, fish, frog and mammal 2. Assess time span involved and determine the possibility of using microscopes and prepared slides to examine stomates and lenticels 3. Assess time available to include practicals on gas exchange surfaces in animals24 (not required by syllabus but useful learning experiences) 24 Aubusson et al p 283 53 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 Students: tabulate from teacher-selected resources, the inputs and outputs, in terms of gases, from plants and animals relate the gaseous inputs and outputs of plants and animals to the raw materials and wastes associated with respiration and photosynthesis25 compare the environments of water plants such as algae with terrestrial plants in terms of the amount of water in which gases may dissolve for diffusion, justifying inferences and conclusions made using teacher-collected resources, identify and describe the role of stomates and lenticels26 in a range of plants compare the role of lenticels and stomates with gas exchange in algae discuss the role of diffusion in gas exchange in algae and explain why more elaborate gas exchange surfaces are needed in terrestrial plants27 from teacher-collected resources, extract information about the gaseous exchange surfaces28 in an insect29, a fish, a frog30 and a mammal31 draw up a comparison table of the gas exchange surfaces in an insect, a fish, a frog and a mammal and discuss the reasons for the differences between them (The last two dot points continue practice into research skills after prior diagnostic assessment. Teacher guidance could be minimal at this stage.) 25 Register Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities 13.1 e 14.3 d T 14.1 b T 12.3 d 14.2 a T 12.3 b 13.1 e Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology Allan & Greenwood Year 12 Biology p 77 27 Aubusson et al p 285; 28 Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology 29 has a comparison table of anatomical structures of humans and insects 30 The Digital Frog 31 Aubusson et al p 110 26 54 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.12 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘Transport mechanisms and systems move dissolved nutrients and metabolic wastes in many plants and animals.’ The role of transport systems is crucial to the survival of multicellular organisms as all cells must obtain nutrients and remove wastes. (6 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: recall the role of the circulatory and excretory systems in humans recall the role of the root, stem and leaf in flowering plants explain the relationship between the requirements of cells and the transport systems in multicellular organisms outline the system used to transport sugars in plants outline the water transport systems in plants including: root hair cells xylem stomates evaluate the efficiency of the open and closed circulatory systems using one vertebrate and one invertebrate as examples compare the structure of excretory systems in insects, fish and mammals and give reasons for the similarities and differences identified Students: perform a first-hand investigation to identify and describe factors that affect the rate of transpiration perform a first-hand investigation of the movement of materials in xylem or phloem gather and process secondary evidence for the two-way flow of material in phloem and/or xylem gather and process information from secondary sources to compare the generalised structure of excretory systems in insects, fish and mammals and account for the differences identified gather and process information from secondary sources to discuss, using examples, the role of technologies such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals Preparation 1. Select practical exercises for the investigations of transpiration and movement of materials 2. Carry out risk assessments on proposed practical exercises 3. Order equipment and perishables for practicals 4. Identify and collect necessary resources for use by students in gathering and extracting information exercises. 55 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 32 Classroom Video How a Plant Works Cohen et al p 21; Mudie and Brotherton Core Biology Practical 2.4; 34 Wilkinson & Nash p 44; Cohen et al p 20; Mudie & Brotherton Core Biology Practical 2.6, 2.7; Aubusson p 86 35 Aubusson et al p 64 36 Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology 37 Allan & Greenwood Year 11 Biology 33 56 12.3 c 12.1 a 12.1 d 12.1 b 12.2 a T 14.1 g T 12.3 d 14.2 c T 12.4 d T 14.3 b 12.3 d 14.3 c T 13.1 a 12.3 a 12.4 c Register Students: extract information from visual and spoken material by viewing, taking notes and summarising from a video to revise the roles of root, stem and leaf in flowering plants32 carry out a teacher-planned procedure or series of procedures to trace the movement of materials in xylem33 identify and use safe work practices during the procedure(s), including identification of any potential hazards carry out a teacher-planned procedure, in groups, minimising hazards and wastage of resources, to gather first-hand information that allows identification and description of factors which affect the rate of transpiration34 through class discussion and sharing of results from the above experiments, describe the features of a water transport system in the studied plant(s) collate information from a range of teacher-selected resources to gather information about the two-way flow of material in phloem and/or xylem discuss ways in which the relevance of material can be determined evaluate the relevance of provided secondary information to produce a summary discussion about the two-way flow of materials in phloem35 and/or xylem through brainstorming, concept map construction or group discussion, outline the roles of the circulatory and excretory systems in humans36 summarise and collate information from a range of secondary sources to compare the generalised structure of excretory systems in insects, fish and mammals37 relate the differences in examined excretory systems to the differences in environmental pressures for each organism studied, giving reasons for the similarities and differences described use an appropriate text-type to prepare a written account which distinguishes between open and closed circulatory systems and evaluates their efficiency using examples from previous activities access information from teacher-selected resources, identify information and assess its reliability in describing technologies, including the use of radioisotopes, in tracing the path of elements through plants and animals – if students were given appropriate resources such as written texts to extract material from, this could be used as part of their assessment task in this area; an earlier diagnostic task would need to have been carried out in order to give students practice without teacher assistance and feedback. Skills Content Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.13 Syllabus Extract Overview ‘Maintenance of organisms requires growth and repair’ and this involves mitosis, chromosomes and DNA. (4 indicative hours) Syllabus Reference Students learn to: recall the role of cell division in growth, repair and reproduction in multicellular organisms identify mitosis as a process of nuclear division and explain its role identify the sites of mitosis in plants, insects and mammals explain the need for cytokinesis in cell division recall that information is transferred as DNA on chromosomes when cells reproduce recall that genes consist of DNA identify that mitochondria and chloroplasts also contain DNA Students: perform a first-hand investigation of prepared slides, using a microscope, of the sequence of changes in the nucleus of plant or animal cells undergoing mitosis perform a first-hand investigation of a plant root tip to observe the stages of specialisation/differentiation after mitosis process information from secondary sources to describe the activities of the chromosomes during mitosis process information from secondary sources to compare the patterns of growth of plants, insects and mammals Preparation 1. Order microscopes and select prepared slides to be used 2. View videotapes, animations or other audiovisual resources to reinforce the steps in mitosis 3. Prepare worksheets for audiovisual resources or prepare lesson on listening and notemaking skills for these activities 57 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 38 39 through brainstorming and class discussion, list situations in which cell division will be necessary in a multicellular organism define mitosis as a process in which nuclear divisions result in the production of cells for growth and repair – this could be achieved by teacherled discussion and/or use of audiovisual aids use a microscope to examine teacher-selected prepared slides of mitosis in plant or animal tissue38 collate information from a suitable secondary source such as a video showing mitosis through time-lapse photography to summarise the sequence of steps in mitosis and describe the activities of chromosomes during mitosis recall, through brainstorming, discussion or revision of resources, that information is transferred as DNA on chromosomes when cells reproduce recall through brainstorming, class discussion or review reading, the relationship between genes and DNA through teacher-led class discussion, suggest reasons for the duplication of nuclear material during mitosis, thus formulating a cause and effect relationship use teacher-selected resources to extract information identifying the presence of DNA in chloroplasts and mitochondria use brainstorming and teacher-assisted discussion to define and identify the purpose of cytokinesis after mitotic divisions, using a cause and effect relationship to explain the phenomenon conduct a teacher-designed experiment to observe stages in specialisation and differentiation in plant root tip cells39 using teacher-identified resources, illustrate the patterns of growth in plants, insects and mammals to identify similarities and differences use an appropriate text type to compare patterns of growth of plants, insects and mammals Aubusson et al p 37 or p 80 (hands-on experience) Aubusson p 79 58 14.3b 12.1 a, b, d 12.3d 14.3b 14.3b 14.3d T 12.3b 14.1g T 12.1a 12.4c 13.1a Register Students: Skills content Suggested Teaching and Learnig Activities Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 6.2.14 Evaluation Sample questions that could be included in an evaluation sheet to be completed by teachers involved in the delivery of this unit Resources identified 1. What resources would you recommend using again? 2. What resources should definitely be deleted from the list? 3. Any new and better resources identified? 4. Are there areas of content where further or different resources would be useful/are needed? First-hand experiences 1. Mention any particular difficulties or problems with equipment or other resources. 2. Any better practical experiences identified? 3. Any better ideas for illustrating the skills required by the syllabus? Skills development 1. Did any skills need more attention than others in this module? 2. Does the program allow practice of the skills that students need most practice in? 3. Was the selection of content from each major skill area appropriate for the students involved? 4. Was the selection of content from each major skill area appropriate for the dot point addressed? Teaching and learning strategies 1. Were the teaching and learning strategies used appropriate for the cohort involved? 2. Were the strategies suggested effective in achieving conceptual development for all students? 3. Were the strategies suggested efficient in achieving conceptual development for all students? 4. What was the student response to the unit? 5. What problems arose for students? 6. Did this teaching program provide sufficient variation in learning opportunities for the range of different types of learners in the group? 7. Did this unit provide choice for students with different interests/abilities within the constraints of syllabus requirements? Assessment tasks 1. Which outcomes need further assessment? Indicative timing 1. Is the indicative time for each section appropriate? If not, which areas need more/less time? 59 Science Stage 6 Support Document Part 1 Evaluation Date Commenced:__________________ Date Completed:____________________ How well did the program address the development of skills identified? Which activities worked well? Which activities need to be changed? Suggestions for additional resources. Which outcomes did students display to a high standard during this module ? Which outcomes need additional attention following the completion of this unit? Other Comments: Teacher: ______________________________ Date: __________________________ 60