. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 REPORT TO: Executive Board REPORT NO. HCWD/09/11 DATE: 10 May 2011 LEAD MEMBER: Mark Pritchard (Housing and Planning) LEAD OFFICER: Head of Community Wellbeing and Development CONTACT OFFICER: Anna Irwin (Tel: 292531) SUBJECT: Confirmation of Article 4(2) Direction: Grenville Terrace: Ruabon Conservation Area WARD: Ruabon 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT 1.1 To seek approval of the proposals to confirm the Article 4(2) Direction for Grenville Terrace, Ruabon Conservation Area. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The proposed Article 4(2) Direction for Grenville Terrace within the Ruabon Conservation Area was supported by the Planning Committee on 6 December 2010 and approved by the Executive Board on 14 December 2010. The effect of the Direction is to restrict Permitted Development rights in relation to residential properties within the Ruabon Conservation Area in order to prevent erosion of its architectural and historic character through unsympathetic alterations to the visible elevations of the building and boundary structures of their curtilages. 2.2 The Direction was made on 17 December 2010 and came into effect from that date. Following a 28 day period of consultation, one representation was made objecting to the Direction. 3 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 That the Executive Board approves the proposals for the confirmation of the Grenville Terrace, Ruabon Conservation Area Article 4(2) Direction, made under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, and that the Head of Community Wellbeing and Development be authorised to carry out the statutory procedures in respect of the confirmation. REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION To give additional protection to the visible elevations of residential properties within Grenville Terrace in the Ruabon Conservation Area thus protecting its special character by the confirmation of the Article 4(2) Direction. Lawrence Isted Head of Community Wellbeing and Development 4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4.1 The proposed Article 4(2) Direction for Grenville Terrace within the Ruabon Conservation Area was supported by the Planning Committee on 6 th December 2010 and approved by the Executive Board on 14th December 2010. The effect of the Direction is to restrict Permitted Development rights in relation to residential properties within the Conservation Area in order to prevent the erosion of its architectural and historic character through unsympathetic alterations to the visible elevations of the building and boundary structures of their curtilages. 4.2 The Direction was made on 17th December 2010. Notice of the Making of the Ruabon Conservation Area was published in the local press on 17th December 2010. A similar notice was also served on all the affected properties on that same day and the landowner notified. 4.3 In all cases the notice: 4.4 Indicated the properties and classes of development involved Explained the effect of the Direction and that it was made under Article 4 Named a place where the Direction could be inspected Specified a period of 28 days beginning on 17th December 2010 within which representations could be made to the Local Planning Authority in relation to the Direction. The Direction came into effect from the date of service of the notice on the owner/occupier and will lapse if not confirmed by the Council within six months. 5. CONSULTATION 5.1 In deciding whether to confirm the Direction, the Council is required to consider any representations made in response to the notices published. Within the specified 28day period, one representation was made objecting to the Direction. A copy of this representation is summarised as Appendix 1. 5.2 Members will note that in accordance with the decision of the Planning Committee of 6th December 2010 and the Executive Board of the 14th December 2010, it was agreed that numbers 1-4 Grenville Terrace should be included within the boundary of the Ruabon Conservation Area. The objection received on behalf of the landowner during the 28-day period consultation for the Article 4(2) Direction largely relates to the extension of the Conservation Area and therefore such points cannot be considered as part of this consultation. 5.3 The relevant objections raised by the representation refer to the poor condition of the properties and the boundary walls, the inappropriate use of materials, in particular the replacement of windows and doors in modern uPVC and timber alternatives and inappropriate later flat-roofed extensions to the rear of the terrace. The Council’s suggested response is included in Appendix 1. 5.4 I consider that whilst the condition of the properties has deteriorated due to neglect and vacancy, the properties retain sufficient historic fabric and detailing as well as characteristic features common to the Ruabon Conservation Area which warrant protection through an Article 4(2) Direction. Furthermore, an Article 4(2) Direction has been in effect within the remainder of the Ruabon Conservation Area since 3 rd September 2010 and I therefore consider that the Grenville Terrace Article 4(2) Direction will ensure a consistent approach to the management of the Ruabon Conservation Area as a whole. 5.5 The issue was referred to the Planning Committee on the 3rd May 2011. The Planning Committee’s recommendations will be reported orally to the Executive Board. 6. SCRUTINY COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6.1 Not Applicable. 7. IMPLICATIONS 7.1 Policy 7.1.1 Community Strategy The proposals for the confirmation of the Grenville Terrace, Ruabon Conservation Area Article 4(2) Direction accord in particular with the strategic priority: Creating a place that cares for, and is proud of the environment: The confirmation of the Grenville Terrace, Ruabon Conservation Area Article 4(2) Direction will help increase the appreciation and care of the historic built environment. 7.1.2 Unitary Development Plan (UDP) The UDP states that, ‘the Council is committed to action to rectify the damage done in the past, to prevent further deterioration, and to conserve and enhance those landscape elements which form an important part of the local heritage and its residents’ quality of life.” 7.2 Budget. There are no budget implications. 7.3 Legal. The preparation, consultation and appraisal of the Article 4(2) Direction forms part of the legal process of the making of the Grenville Terrace, Ruabon Conservation Area Article 4(2) Direction. 7.4 Staffing. There are no staffing implications. 7.5 Equalities. There are no implications. BACKGROUND PAPERS Plan LOCATION WEBSITE INFORMATION APPENDIX 1 GRENVILLE TERRACE, RUABON CONSERVATION AREA ARTICLE 4(2) DIRECTION CONSULTATION SUMMARY Ref. 1 Name Carter Jonas on behalf of Sir Watkin WilliamsWynn Representation Summary 1. This representation sets out a number of reasons why Grenville Terrace should not be included within the Ruabon Conservation Area boundary. Council Response 1. The Ruabon Conservation Area boundary was amended to include Grenville Terrace in December 2010 and therefore its inclusion cannot be disputed as part of this consultation. 2. Points raised by the representation specifically relating to Grenville Terrace and the built elements affected by the Article 4(2) Direction are as follows: a. Both the walls and gates are in a poor state of repair, the gates are no longer operational and have decayed through weathering. The wall has undergone a number of amendments including concrete additions, pebbledashing and the addition of timber panel fencing and concrete posts. None of these features are desirable for any Conservation Area. a. The boundary walls to the frontage of Grenville Terrace require repair but remain largely unaltered. Sandstone boundary walls are recognised within the adopted Ruabon Conservation Area Character Assessment and Management Plan as character features of the area to be retained where possible. The alterations described relate to boundary walls further along the B5605 and not those affecting Grenville Terrace. b. Grenville Terrace is of no architectural merit and this has been confirmed by Cadw who do not consider the terrace to be worthy of listing. Sandstone construction is merely limited to the fascia with poorly designed brick extensions to the rear. b. Cadw have stated that Grenville Terrace does not possess sufficient architectural or historic merit to warrant listed status, however, the properties display particular characteristics in their construction and use of materials that ensures it has local interest and therefore merits its inclusion within the Conservation Area. c. c. The terrace has a number of different materials on the windows and doors, including wood and uPVC. The wood is in a poor state of repair and the uPVC is not in keeping with buildings included within a Conservation Area. Whilst the original windows and doors have been replaced with modern alternatives, the proportions of windows and door openings, window surrounds and sills largely remain unaltered therefore permitting future reinstatement. d. Grenville Terrace has multiple features that are described as problematic in the adopted Conservation Area Character Assessment and Management Plan such as the use of inappropriate materials and alterations. It is also a neglected and untidy site. d. Whilst the condition of the properties has deteriorated due to neglect and vacancy, the properties retain sufficient historic fabric and detailing as well as characteristic features common within the Ruabon Conservation Area to warrant the protection of an Article 4(2) Direction.