genetics Study Guide(fall 2014 for old book)

Genetics Unit Test Study Guide
This is not a complete list of all the material that could potentially be on your genetics unit test – use your class notes as a guide
Mendel’s experiments – Laws of heredity
system of symbols to represent traits
hybrid, allele, dominant, recessive
terms used in genetics (genotype, phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, monohybrid cross, Punnett square, test cross)
solve single – trait inheritance problems
more terms in genetics (selective breeding, inbreeding, hybridization, pedigree chart)
interpret pedigree charts
system of symbols used for multiple alleles and interpretation of the dominance hierarchy
When is the dominant phenotype expressed? When is the recessive phenotype expressed?
solve multiple allele problems (eye colour in fruit flies – wild-type, honey, apricot, white), using the correct notation
the difference between complete dominance, codominance, and intermediate inheritance
solve intermediate inheritance and codominance problems (using the correct notation)
what is a dihybrid cross? how is it similar and different than single gene inheritance?
the law of independent assortment
solve dihybrid cross problems using two methods - a 16 square (dihybrid) Punnett square and also mathematically, using the
Law of Products
more terms used in genetics (mutation, sex-linked trait, recessive lethal )
system of symbols to represent traits located on the sex chromosomes
why do male offspring inherit a sex-linked trait from the mother? Why are males affected more often than females?
solve sex linkage problems
what are the three components of DNA? what is a complementary base pair?
What is a point mutation? Identify and describe the 3 types of point mutations? How do point mutations differ from
chromosomal mutations?
human genome project
what is gene therapy? three strategies for gene therapy ?
DNA fingerprinting – what is it? How is it used? Interpret a gel
purpose/process of genetic screening
Material From Chapter 3:
How does asexual and sexual reproduction differ?
What are the 2 key processes involved in sexual reproduction?
The names of the stages of meiosis and describe what is happening at each stage
Why is it important that the daughter cells resulting in meiosis are haploid?
What are homologous chromosomes? Describe the difference between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids.
What is 2n and n?
What 2 sex chromosomes do “normal” females have? What 2 sex chromosomes do “normal” males have? Which sex
chromosome determines gender?
What is nondisjunction? Describe when nondisjunction can occur during meiosis.
define: genetic material, gene, locus, centromere, sister chromatid, gamete, fertilization, crossing-over, tetrad, synapse,
zygote, haploid, diploid, gametogenesis, polar body, primary oocytes, ootid, autosome, sex chromosome,
Chapter 4 Review Questions: page 158 – 159 # 2, 3, 5 – 15, 17
Chapter 5 Review Questions: page 188 – 189 # 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17 a) to d)