Daily Lesson Plan Teacher: Michael Ulrich Subject: American History Date: Spring 2010 Topic: The Founding Fathers Grade: 7 Allocated time: One Class Period (50 Minutes) Student Population: 16 students in the class all with GIEP (gifted individual educational plans). State Standards: Specific number: 8.1.7 A, B, & C, 8.3.7 A, B, C, & D. Exact Wording: 8.1.7.A: Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of events. 8.1.7.B: Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view for historical events. 8.1.7.C: Form a thesis statement on an assigned topic using appropriate primary and secondary sources. (Reference RWSL Standard 1.8.5 Research) 8.3.7.A: Classify the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups throughout United States history. 8.3.7.B: Examine the importance of significant historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to United States history. 8.3.7.C: Compare how continuity and change have impacted U.S. history. Belief systems and religions Commerce and industry Technology Politics and government Physical and human geography Social organizations 8.3.7.D: Examine conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations in U.S. history. Ethnicity and race Working conditions Immigration Military conflict Economic stability Goal for Understanding: Students will understand more about the men who helped to shape the newly formed United States. Instructional Objective (Statement): Students will be able to connect the American Revolution to the men who supported it from the beginning. Student Behaviors Sources for Evidence Criteria for Evaluation Students will read a chapter out of Joseph Ellis’ book, Founding Brothers, to jump-start the lesson. Students will use the class text to research specific Founding Fathers. Teacher will provide the Chapter on a hand-out. Teacher will provide list of Founding Fathers, and students will use the text for further research. Students will then decide which of the Founding Fathers was most significant during the Revolutionary Period, and why. Each student will be given the opportunity to voice their opinion on which Founding Father’s role was most significant to the American Cause. Students will collectively take a short online quiz on the Founding Fathers. Online Quiz (see Resources) Teaching to the Objective Estimated Time 10 minutes Students will highlight information from the hand-out for further use in class. Students will provide information on each Founding Father they were instructed to research. Discussion rubric. Quiz Score. Teaching to the Objective Introduction Students will be given a hand-out on the first chapter of Founding Brothers, which gives a brief introduction to the Revolutionary Period and the leaders during that time. 20 minutes Differentiation The teacher will provide the handouts to each student. Developmental Activity Students will use the textbook and internet resources (if computers are available) to identify the listed Founding Fathers. - Founding Fathers to be researched are: George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin Alexander Hamilton The teacher will provide assistance to students finding difficulty in researching some of the Fathers. Students will present their findings, as well as discuss their choice for the most significant Founding Father. Students must support their pick with evidence from the text, primary or secondary sources, or the internet. 10 minutes Students can work in groups if the teacher allows it. Assessment Students will be situated back into regular seating. A quiz will be presented on the board, and the students must respond to each question. - The question will be asked, and then followed by the answer choices. - The teacher will repeat the choices A-D and the students will vote by a show of hands which answer is correct. Students can present individually or as a group depending on the amount of class time remaining. 10 minutes Closure Students will review the quiz answers and the teacher will elaborate on why the answer was correct, or identify the mistake if the answer was wrong. Materials: Textbook, hand-outs, PowerPoint, multiple computers (if computer lab is available), internet resources. Resources: Textbook Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. Vintage Books, 2002. http://mulrich6667.wikispaces.com/Founding+Fathers http://www.mystudiyo.com/ch/a104312/go