LESSON PLAN LP#: 1 Date: Course: Social Studies (or Technology) Teacher: Parker Grade: Middle School GOAL: The student will be able to identify important founding fathers and their contributions (setting a foundation for lessons later in the unit). STATE STANDARD Civics-Gov’t Standard BENCHMARK INDICATOR OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES/TIME ASSESSMENTS MODIFICATIONS 2. The student understands the shared ideals and diversity of American society and political culture. 4. The student identifies important founding fathers and their contributions. Review founding fathers, in order to set the foundation for later activities in the unit. --Discussion of “Minute Biographies,” using web graphic organizers found at “Resources” at www.usd281.com/ prerepublic (20 minutes) -- Students begin to research their own “Minute Biographies” (20 minutes) (More info below at “Directions for students”.) Rubric to be used when the assignment is complete found at www.usd281.com/ prerepublic Although working on separate assignments, students can be paired by teacher for research, keeping in mind any necessary modifications. MATERIALS: Materials available online at www.usd281.com/prerepublic: (1) Scanned pages from the book Minute Biographies [by Nisenson, S., and Parker, A. (USA, 1931)] about John Adams (p. 11); Thomas Jefferson (p. 88); George Washington (p. 152); and Benjamin Franklin (p. 68). (2) Online graphic organizers. (3) Online rubric for the assignment. (4) Students will need textbook, (or other books such as We The People), paper, and pencil. TECHNOLOGY (plug in or battery): Hardware: Teacher computer (battery) and overhead projector; Software: Web browser; Other: Internet connection. (Student use of computers for this lesson is not mandatory.) Directions for students: After looking at scanned pages from the book, Minute Biographies, we will spend approximately 20 minutes of class discussing the founding fathers John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. As part of this unit you will develop a biography page using a similar format as the ones used in Minute Biographies. It will be on one of the four founding fathers assigned to you: George Mason, James Madison, Thomas Paine, or Samuel Adams. We will begin by researching your assigned "founding father" using your social studies textbook, or other books, such as We The People. Write down notes that you will use later.