making medieval culture and traditions in our own days

Comenius 1 School partnership
Report about the last project meeting
Partner schools
Coordinating Institution
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale M. Guia Cagliari, Italy
Lasnamäe Üldgumnasium Tallinn, Estonia
Escola S/3 Daniel Faria – Baltar, Portugal
Centrul de Excelentă pentru Tineri Capabili de Performantă Iaşi, Romania
Srednja biotehniška šola Kranj, Slovenia
All partner schools representatives met in Baltar, Portugal, on the 19th May and filled in
the Final Report for the first year of the project.
Every school carried out the following activities:
visits to historical buildings: Italy – castle and ethnographic museum in Sanluri, castle and church in Las
Plassas, medieval quarter in Cagliari; Portugal – Monasteries of Cête and of Paço de Sousa, Guimarães
castle and Paço dos Duques; Slovenia – medieval town and museum in Skofja Loka and in Kranj, plague
monument and the church on the hill Smarna gora, castle in Bled, Romania – monastery Golia, Estonia –
Rakvere castle. After each visit reports and comments were written on the experience.
Learning material for students with special needs.
Each school collected original medieval recipes and a medieval menu was produced.
We completed mini multilingual glossary with 20 basic words/usual expressions in English and national
language of each partner school.
Medieval photo gallery – 10 photos for each country about medieval buildings through school exchange.
Project website created by the Romanian school with the collaboration of the other schools
Posters were designed on different medieval themes.
Every school carried out specific activities:
Italy – medieval day (performed simulations of medieval duels and battles, expositions of typical medieval tools and
food; information on Sardinian medieval history)
Portugal – viewing a movie about medieval times and writing a report on it, designing posters on each country.
Slovenia – workshop on leather purses and belts, breast pins; medieval days with performances of music school in
medieval costumes; at geography lesson students researched countries of the schools involved in the project,
research work on medieval gardens
Estonia – medieval day at school, medieval contest, making medieval costumes, writing a drama text, power point
presentation on different subjects in medieval times, making a website, designing ornamental frames for medieval
menus, workshops about medieval objects, writing a libretto and a seminar on Latin language in medieval time.
Romania – creating a project website, power point presentations on medieval themes, food exposition and film
viewing on medieval period.
We had a first project meeting in Slovenia to plan the activities for the school year, to share information about
educational systems and to discuss issues concerning children with special needs; the second project meeting took
place in Portugal with the participation of two students from Slovenia; the third project meeting took place in
Portugal where we presented our activities to each others and evaluate them as well as the collaboration between
Comenius 1 School partnership
partners during the first year. Portuguese and Estonian teachers went to Sardinia to participate in a teacher
exchange. A Slovenian teacher went to Portugal to participate in a teacher exchange.
Dissemination of the project:
Portugal – articles in the school magazine and local newspaper, school website
Italy – school website, posters on school walls
Slovenia – articles in school magazine and in local newspapers, interview on the local radio and TV station, school
radio, school project website (
Romania – posters on school wall, power point presentations on medieval themes
Estonia – posters on school wall and school website (
Every school presented the project to the teachers, students and parents on different stages of the project.
The collaboration was very effective: the participants exchanged information and experience by emails, sending cds,
photos and reports.
The Romanian teachers agreed on creating a common project website and the Estonian teachers agreed on
designing medieval menus with ornaments.
The staff mobility was very important. We shared information, took part in different school activities, got contact with
other colleagues, different teaching approaches and methods. Teachers got to know different school systems and
school equipment. Teachers got in touch with other European cultures.
Project products: reports on visited places, photo gallery, learning written material, glossary, posters, school projects
websites, medieval recipes and menus, documentation of activities recorded on cds.
The Estonians also produced candles and costumes, power point presentation on medieval objects and a libretto.
The Slovenian school produced leather belts, breast pins, purses.
Both Portugal and Slovenia produced posters on the countries involved in the project.
Portugal, Slovenia, Italy and Estonia produced a website for the project.
The Romania team produced a power point on medieval themes
During the project teachers exchanged opinions about what they were doing with their students, both with the project partners
and the teachers of their own schools.
During the final meeting the activities were evaluated in discussion. Participants agreed that the project gave opportunity to
realise activities that otherwise wouldn’t have taken place. It gave opportunity for more active learning methods. Some teachers
also pointed out the good collaboration with colleagues of other subjects, especially History ones, promoting interdisciplinary
work. It was also a very good opportunity to study regional history which is not usually focused, because programmes are
centred on national history. Teachers of some schools highlighted the lack of English teachers participation. In general, it would
have been good if more teachers had been involved in the project. During the project some teachers felt the need for a previous
preparation, such as seminar from their National Agency.
We also elaborated a questionnaire to be given to the students at the end of the school term to evaluate the impact of some
activities on them. Then, each school will write a conclusion on students’ opinions/suggestions which will be presented on the
project website.
The Romanian school couldn’t participate in the teacher exchange due to lack of funds. The Italian teachers didn’t
participate in the teacher exchange, because the coordinator left the school and there wasn’t staff to take care of this
Next year the Slovenian school will take charge of the coordination of the project with the agreement of the other
partner schools. Due to the leaving of the Italian coordinator, the Italian school decided to end the project after the
first year.
On the final project meeting the Estonian school introduced IT documentary system in their school.
Comenius 1 School partnership
Italy, Maria Setzu
Estonia, Siiri Tall
Slovenia, Bernarda Božnar
Portugal, Fatima Poças
Romania, Cristinel Miron
Porto, 22nd of May 2007