Study Guide for Chapter 5 Science Test Please know the following definitions: Mineral Relative Age Cast Metamorphic Rock Amber Rock Cycle Sedimentary Rock Imprint Mold Igneous Rock Also know: Rock is made of minerals, and comes in different shapes, colors, and sizes. Geologists are scientists who study the physical properties of rocks. Know the following: In what type of rock are most fossils found? What is conglomerate made of? What does finding fossil evergreen leaves tell scientists about an area? Which part of an animal’s body is less likely to become a fossil? How are rocks with small grains and fine textures formed? What happens when wood or bones become petrified? What are three properties used to identify minerals? What causes a metamorphic rock to become an igneous rock? Also: Be able to look at a diagram and tell which sediment is the youngest and oldest. Essay questions: What are 2 different ways rocks can be used? What are 2 different ways fossils form? Extra Credit: What are 2 reasons that casts of fossils are sometimes displayed in museums instead of the real fossils themselves?