11 Programme Structure, Levels, Modules and

Programme Specification - Foundation Degree in Community Pharmacy Practice
1. Awarding
2. Teaching
3. Accredited by:
4. Final Award:
5. Programme Title/Department
University of
Greenwich, University
of Kent
The Medway School
of Pharmacy
Not required
Fd Community
Pharmacy Practice
Fd Community Pharmacy
Practice/Medway School of Pharmacy
6. UCAS Code:
7. QAA
8. Educational Aims of the Programme: [Maximum 0f 150 words]
The aim of the Foundation Degree in Community Pharmacy Practice is to
Equip students to undertake careers in pharmacy and other related health care professions
The programme achieves this aim by
Providing knowledge about scientific and problem solving principles
Providing a broad knowledge of the pathophysiology and pharmacology of selected disease states
Describing aspects of pharmaceutical and biochemistry suitable for pharmacy students
Providing an introduction to physiology and pharmacology
Introducing students to the ways in which medicines are designed, developed and manufactured
Developing transferable skills to facilitate personal development, including progression to honours options, in particular the BSc. in Pharmaceutical Science.
9. The programme provides opportunities for learners to achieve the following outcomes: [where
relevant, provide reference to subject benchmarking statements]
10. The following teaching, learning and assessment methods are used to enable
learners to achieve and demonstrate these outcomes:
A Knowledge and understanding of:
Physical chemistry
Fundamental biochemistry
Fundamental physiology
The historical context of Pharmacy
Basic dispensing skills
Communication skills
Introduction to pharmacy law and ethics
The basic principles of drug action
The therapeutic use of drugs in various diseases / disorders
Organic chemistry
Medicine design, development and manufacture
A Teaching and learning:
Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical laboratory, pharmacy-practice training and
student-centered intensive workshops are given that are appropriate to the
outcomes specified in the seven taught course specifications. In addition field
trips are integrated within the curriculum. These are undertaken to introduce a
holistic approach to the practice of pharmacy, to enable the students to interact
with other healthcare professionals, to understand the role of the pharmacist in
these relationships and to be able to relate complex theory to the patients.
The work placement is a key element of the learning. Students will use work
books in the placement and will formulate a reflective portfolio
A Assessment Methods:
The assessment methods associated with each course are given in the course specifications.
Various combinations of coursework; practical laboratory sessions or pharmacy
practice; dispensing examinations; case studies; oral and poster presentations and
formal examinations assess each course. The nature of the assignments is appropriate
to the subject areas and learning outcomes outlined in the individual course specifications.
B Intellectual skills:
B Teaching and learning
Recognising and using appropriate theories, concepts and principles from a range of scientific
Integration of theory with practice
Apply in practice settings the knowledge and understanding required to meet the needs of the
patients and other healthcare professionals
Intellectual skills are developed through intensive workshops, seminar work and
coursework assignments. The use of reflective practice, audit and project work
during the placement will also promote intellectual skills development
Data acquisition, collation and appraisal
Collecting and integrating evidence and applying them in a balanced way
Apply knowledge and understanding to address familiar and novel problems
Recognise and analyse novel problems and planning of strategies for their solution
Production of Pharmacy-specific documentation
B Assessment Methods
The ability to contribute to the development of healthcare through reflective practice and
A variety of assessment methods are used that include, formal examinations, open
book examinations, essay coursework, numerical problem-solving coursework,
oral presentations, poster presentations, reflective practitioner journal entries from
visits and the development of a portfolio during the work placement
Student centered learning involving library based research and oral presentations
will be encouraged.
C Subject Practical skills
C Teaching and learning
Subject practical skills are developed in a coordinated and progressive manner
throughout the programme. These skills are highlighted in the tutor-led, student
centered intensive workshops and computer-based sessions. Pharmacy practice
including training in pharmacy dispensing will be addressed in the Pharmacy
Practice 1 Course reinforced in the work placement.
Reflective practitioner skills are developed throughout the course in both workbased and class-based scenarios.
Group video analysis of simulated
patient/pharmacist interactions will be made and documented within the student’s
practice portfolio and reflection upon communication skills in practice will also be
included in the portfolio. Teacher practitioners. The work placement supervisor
and other healthcare professionals will advise these teaching and learning
Safe handling of chemical/pharmaceutical materials (chemical/physical/hazardous properties)
Conduct of standard pharmaceutical laboratory procedures
Planning, conducting, evaluating and reporting the results of investigations, including the use
of secondary data in this process
Operation of standard pharmaceutical instrumentation
Ability to critically evaluate and interpret purposively laboratory and clinical observations and
measurements, in terms of their significance and underlying theory
Ability to undertake risk assessment concerning pharmaceutical procedures and practices
Using management techniques and information appropriately in the decision-making process
Competence in dispensing
Preparation and presentation of medicines, by manufacturing and extemporaneous dispensing
Calculation of medicine dose and dosage requirements
Interpretation of prescriptions and other orders for medicines
The ability to advise patients and others on the safe and effective use of medicines
C Assessment Methods:
A variety of assessment methods are used to assess subject practical skills. These
include reflection upon practice within the placement, reflection upon
communication skills in practice. The reflective portfolio is a vital component in
the assessment of the skills required. A formal dispensing examination is
D Transferable/ key skills:
D Teaching and learning
Computer, data-base management, problem-solving, teamwork, presentation
skills, communication skills and reflective practice are developed in a
contextualized manner throughout the programme. These skills are enhanced in
seminars, workshops, coursework assignments, group video simulated
patient/pharmacist interactions and during the placement. Student-centered
computer and information retrieval exercises are incorporated at all levels of the
Effective written and verbal communication
Interpersonal skills: The ability to interact with patients, public and healthcare professionals
Appreciating issues of sample selection, accuracy, precision and uncertainty, in the collection
and analysis of data
The ability to understand the dangers of decision-making based on incomplete information
Risk assessment in the laboratory and processing environments
Use of appropriate numerical and statistical problem-solving skills
Competent in the use of IT (word processing, spreadsheet, database use, archiving information
and information retrieval)
Information retrieval: primary secondary information sources, including on-line
Internet communication
Able to work independently and as part of a team
The ability to plan projects and use appropriate time management skills
Positive attitude and constructive approach to group discussions
Listening to and appreciating the views of others
Reflective practice
Acquisition, transformation, interpretation and critical evaluation of data
Time management and organisation
Understanding the power and utility of SWOT analysis
Appreciating the need for professional codes of practice and conduct
Recognising the moral and ethical issues related to the subject
Working with an ethical attitude and approach
Taking responsibility for one’s actions
Taking a responsible attitude to academic and personal career development
The ability to keep up-to-date
Understand the need for CPD
Ability to operate within a quality management framework
Key to the generation of a successful pharmacist, fit for the 21 st century, will be
development of reflective practice. Reflective practice will be encouraged and
developed from day one to ensure that graduates can relate all aspects studied to
the practice of their profession. The placement requires a reflective portfolio.
This will enable the student to develop and refine their individual approach to
future CPD programmes.
D Assessment Methods:
A variety of assessment methods are used to assess transferable key skills. These
include problem solving assignments and peer-reviewed, team-based oral
presentations, pharmacy practice simulations and reflection upon communication
in practice. The development of a reflective portfolio is a vital aspect of the
assessment of this programme. These individual assessments are contextualised in
A, B and C above.
11 Programme Structure, Levels, Modules and Credits
12 Awards, Credits and Progression of
Learning Outcomes (shown in Field 9)
The Fd Community Pharmacy Practice is only offered in the full-time mode. In line with the Foundation Degree Framework there is provision for the student
who has achieved the award of Fd Community Pharmacy Practice to achieve full honours within 1.3 years in BSc Pharmaceutical Science.
Stage 2
Learning Through Reflection on Practice 2 (60credits) Level 2
Essential Pharmacology for Pharmacy (15 credits) Level 2
Biochemistry for Pharmacy (15 credits) Level 2
Medicines: Design and Manufacturer (30 credits) Level 1
240 credits
Stage 1
Learning Through Reflection on Practice 1 (45credits) Level 1
Essential Chemistry for Pharmacy (30 credits) Level 1
Essential Physiology for Pharmacy (15 credits) Level 1
Pharmacy Practice 1 (30credits) Level 1
Students completing courses of
less than 30 credits will be
eligible for a Certificate of
Credit. Completion of courses
from 30-60 credits mean
students are eligible for
Certificate of Professional
Students completing 120 credits
will achieve a Cert HE