Meeting Protocol: Team Meeting Guidelines

Meeting Protocol
Date/Time. Meetings will be held on [date], from [start time] to [end time], unless
otherwise communicated to the team by the Facilitator. Length of meeting will
be based on the content of the agenda. Meetings typically will be held in the
[location] room.
Roles. The meeting roles are: Facilitator, Scribe, Timekeeper, and Process
Observer. Roles will be rotated on a [weekly or monthly, etc.] basis. Roles for
subsequent meetings will be established a week in advance as a formal agenda
item or rotated on an alphabetical basis. All team members will volunteer for
meeting roles, with everyone sharing equally in each role.
Minutes. The Scribe will fill out the scribe sheet (including a summary of the
topic discussed, a decision/action to be taken, deadline/person responsible,
action item completed) during a meeting. This sheet will constitute the minutes
and will be placed in the team binder at the end of each meeting, as well as in the
electronic folder for the team. Blank copies of scribe forms are available through
the electronic folder. Use a uniform template.
Minutes of the meeting are due out to members within _____ day(s) of the
meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be distributed to team members by
e-mail. Minutes will also be filed in the team binder and the team’s electronic
folder. The Scribe is responsible for ensuring that the minutes are distributed.
Open Action Items List. The Scribe is responsible for maintaining the list of
Open Action Items from one meeting to the next. The items on the list are
typically reviewed during the update portion of the team meeting. The Open
Action Items List is attached to the agenda. It is just an update, not an
opportunity to open discussion.
Help/Hinder List. The Process Observer will encourage the other team members
to follow the Help/Hinder List and speak up if there is a problem during the
meeting. All team members share responsibility for observing and enforcing the
Help/Hinder List. The Help/Hinder List is maintained in the team notebook.
Agenda: The Facilitator will prepare the agenda and insure that the agenda is
followed. The agenda will focus on planning, problem solving, and decision
making agenda items over informational agenda items. The agenda will include:
1) Housekeeping, roles, and agenda review; 2) Updates and follow up from
previous action items; 3) Agenda items in priority order, including an open
period if time permits; 4) Closure to include Scribe action items, Process
Observer report, agenda items for the next meeting, and time and roles for the
next meeting.
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The agenda is to be prepared and distributed _____ hours before each meeting.
All team members may contribute items to the agenda.
Decision Making: Decisions will usually be reached by consensus. In case of
absence, members have _____ hours after receipt of the scribe notes to disagree; it
is the responsibility of the person who disagrees to make sure that the Facilitator
puts it on the next agenda. Decisions will be made when _____ percent or more
members are present.
Confidentiality: Team issues stay within the team unless consensus to do
otherwise is reached. Team members are never to identify “who said what”
outside the team meeting, unless agreed to by the team.
Buddy System: Each member will select a “buddy” within the team. This person
is responsible for fulfilling the team member’s role in his/her absence, as well as
for gathering all relevant material and bringing the team member up to speed for
the next meeting.
Buddies are: [list buddies here]
Meeting Cancellation: If agenda information is not ready by the time of the
meeting, the Facilitator may cancel the meeting. Communication about not being
ready for the meeting must go to all team members. This will allow other
members to submit alternate agenda items.
Absenteeism: When a team member is not able to attend a meeting, he/she is
expected to notify the Facilitator or his/her buddy. Chronic absenteeism is
harmful to the team and will be discussed by the whole team if a member misses
more than _____ meetings in a row.
Late Arrivals: When team members arrive late, it is assumed that he/she has a
legitimate reason for doing so. The Facilitator will stop the meeting progress for a
few minutes to bring the member “up to speed” on the topics that have been
discussed. If a member is chronically late, the team will discuss the behavior with
the team member.
Visitors: Visitors are welcome at the team’s meetings. The Facilitator should be
notified in advance if a visitor will be attending. The visitor will be provided
with a team meeting agenda and other materials, as appropriate.
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