University of Idaho - IBEST Genomics Resources Core INSTRUCTIONS for Illumina MiSeq Sequencing Sample Submission Aug 2012 - Version 1.0 The University of Idaho – IBEST Genomics Resources Core wishes to work with investigators to ensure they receive good data and the correct data to answer the biological questions intended for the project. As such, core personnel request that investigators: 1. Consult a core bioinformatician as to the projects goals, design, and replication as early as possible in the project (preferably before sample collection). 2. Consult a core molecular specialist during sample preparation in order to ensure optimal quality data. Contact: Bioinformatics: Matt Settles 1-208-885-6051 Laboratory: Suresh Iyer and Dan New 1-208-885-7023 Submitting Samples to the IBEST Genomics Resources Core Documentation ALL samples need to be accompanied by a completely labeled gel (e.g. 1, 2, 3) and ladder, with the sizes of each band of the ladder marked clearly. ◦ Gels should be high quality regarding camera resolution, band intensity, band separation, ladder separation, and sufficient quantity of nucleic acid. ◦ Laser printer copies do not provide the resolution needed. ◦ Each sample should be clearly labeled both on the gel image and on the tube. In addition to labeling your tubes with your sample ID, please also include a numerical tube ID 1-99 on the tube. A completed "454 Sequencing sample submission sheet" (provided) is also required, both email and physical copy accompanying the samples. Shipping Please ship samples overnight by FedEx on dry-ice to C/O Daniel New C/O Suresh Iyer University of Idaho IBEST Genomics Resources Core Life Science South Rm 252 Moscow, ID 83844-3051 All samples to be accompanied by a complete “Sequencing Sample submission Sheet”. Below is a guide to quantity and quality of sample, or if you have an uncommon sample type please call the core laboratory. High quality DNA is required for successful library generation and high quality Illumina sequencing. DNA can be extracted using the DNA extraction method of your choice. Samples should be delivered preferably in Tris-HCl 10mM, pH 8.5 with 0.1% Tween 20 (or Qiagen EB), or in 1X TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl and 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0), free of any particulate matter, and in 1.5mL tubes. DNA – Submission Sample type Quantity Double Stranded DNA - 1 μg in ≤ 100l buffer As quantified by Fluorometer. If quantifying using a nanodrop/spectrophotometer, then at least 2 μg (in a maximum of 100l buffer) is required. Spectrographic QC of DNA (Nanodrop) (Highly Recommended) DNA concentration ≥ 5ng/µL (A260 x 50 x Dilution Factor) A260/A280 ≥ 1.8 A260/A230 ≥ 1.8 Amplicon Sequencing High quality PCR product is required for high quality sequencing. PCR products should only be generated in consultation with the Core, size of the PCR product should not exceed 800bp. Samples should be delivered in 1X TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl and 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0), and free of any particulate matter. The amplicons generated should preferably contain no secondary bands or primer dimers visible. Please submit samples in 1.5ml tubes only. DNA – Submission Sample type Quantity Double Stranded PCR product - 100ng of each PCR product As quantified by fluorometer (consult the core if you do not have access to a fluorometer) Agarose Gel and/or Bioanalyzer QC of DNA Verify PCR samples are of desired molecular weight Samples must not be degraded No secondary bands or primer dimers should be visible. PCR reactions should be done in 50ul volume preferably. 10% of PCR product should be loaded and run on a 2% agarose gel. Agarose gels should be run without Ethidium bromide (EtBr) in 0.5xTAE buffer also without EtBr. Place gels in a 1ug/ml EtBr bath for staining (~30 min). Remove and then briefly destain with water (~5 min). Stained gels are then viewed and photographed.