INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEIC ACIDS AND MOLECULAR CLONING References: E.coli: Cellular and Molecular Biology: F.C. Neidhardt ed. Volumes 1,2. (1987)- a detailed reference on things E.colial. an excellent review of most of the things we will do in the last section of the lab. A MUST-READ-BEFORE-DOING-ANEXPERIMENT website. Voet, Biochemistry, pp916-918, 932-933, 897-902. Jacobs, “Life in the Balance- Cell Walls…” Science, 278, 1731 (1997) The next series of experiments will be devoted to the nucleic acids. In them se we are going to learn some of the basic techniques that are used by biochemists who study nucleic acids. At one time, nucleic acid research was a separate branch of the field of biochemistry practiced mainly by microbiologists and a few hardy organic chemists and physicists. Researchers could and did study enzymes without knowing much about how to work with nucleic acids, except perhaps how to get rid of them in the early steps of enzyme purification. This is no longer so. The advent of recombinant DNA technology, a technology which includes the discovery of restriction endonucleases i.e., the ability to cut at specific DNA sites, thus enabling us to cut out defined chunks of DNA, the discovery of methods of inserting foreign DNA into other organisms and also of having them expressed in quantity, has given biochemists a useful and general way of producing large quantities of almost any DNA, RNA and protein they want to study. It has also provided a way to produce modified enzymes on demand. This makes it possible to test models for catalysis, for example, by making an enzyme that lacks a particular amino acid in the active site. The experiments in the DNA section of the course cover some of the basic methods used in recombinant DNA work. Your instructors have not been able to reduce the content of some of recombinant DNA protocols so that they can be completed in a single afternoon. Therefore, you may sometimes be required to come in early to get an experiment started. Labs sometimes stretch over several lab periods so you may be required to come in on an off day to get things ready for the next session. We have, however, been able to 1 adapt a good cross-section of useful techniques to a suitable time frame and those of you who may be going on to do further work in biochemistry should find this a useful exercise. Plasmids Chromosomal DNA contains the biological information we need. Chromosomal DNA is difficult to obtain in pure form and, if allowed unrestricted transcription and translation would produce a large mass of biochemical products. Thus, if we want to use chromosomal DNA as a source from which we produce our material of interest, we must painfully remove the very small fraction of the components of interest from a larger mass of irrelevant products with very similar chemical and physical properties. Historically, the solution to this problem has been to study smaller pieces of DNA as a substitute for chromosomal DNA. Ideally, small pieces need to be constructed so that they not only contain the component we want to examine, but also DNA components that will allow them to be replicated by cellular machinery. An example of such a piece of DNA is called a plasmid. Plasmids are extrachromosomal, semi-autonomously-replicating pieces of DNA that occur naturally in bacterial cells. They allow genetic information to be transferred both vertically and horizontally. Plasmids are circular, and contain genetic elements that allow replication in a suitable host by using the enzymes and energy provided by the host. In short, plasmids are molecular parasites. Like viruses they use cells for propagation of the species. They usually provide a benefit for the host by carrying genes that might confer selective advantages to the host. Some of these selective advantages are providing genes for antibiotics resistance, for trace element metabolism, or that enhances disease-causing ability. One of the most widely used plasmids in the laboratory is called pBR322. It is a circular bit of DNA of about 4600 base pairs. The designation "pBR" derived from the first letters of "plasmid Bolivar Rodriguez" the latter two letters being the initials of the constructors of the plasmid-Bolivar and Rodriguez. pBR322 is derived from a much larger natural plasmid, and has been stripped down to the bare minimum of sequence required to carry out its laboratory functions. This plasmid has two protein-coding genes, one that confers resistance to ampicillin, a form of penicillin, while the other confers resistance to tetracycline. The presence of these genes allow bacteria which carry them, to grow on nutrients containing those antibiotics, whereas ordinary 2 bacteria lacking that gene will not grow. This process of growing bacteria under conditions where only a desired genotype is viable is called “selection”. We will make extensive use of selection to isolate recombinant species of interest. There is also an origin of replication, which governs plasmid replication. Plasmids such as pBR322 are replicated by a "relaxed" or “low stringency” mode. These plasmids can replicate without host protein synthesis requiring only DNA polymerase I activity. “Relaxed replication” plasmids are present in about 10-100 copies per cell and are passed to each daughter cell as the parent cell divides. Unlike most natural plasmids, pBR322 and its derivatives have no system for spreading horizontally through the bacterial population; they cannot be transferred by bacterial conjugation. The use of non-conjugative plasmids is a sort of a safety feature, so those antibiotic-resistant traits cannot easily and inadvertently, be transferred to non-laboratory strains of bacteria. The only way to get the DNA into a new strain of bacteria is through deliberate manipulation in the laboratory. Another useful feature of pBR322 derivatives is that only a single type of recombinant plasmid can stably exist in one cell at any one time. If we introduce mixture of pBR322 and another plasmid, such as pIH1034 with the same origin of replication, into a population of bacteria, and we pick a single bacterial cell to grow up (easily done, with standard bacteriologic techniques), we will find that the cell we choose will have only one of the two plasmids. a. The plasmids used this semester are both derivatives of pBR322. They have been made by modifying pBR322 in different ways. Commercial plasmids contain a sequence of DNA, which allow the insertion of foreign DNA into the plasmid in such a way that the replication of the plasmid is not affected. These sequences are called “Linker” regions or “multiple cloning sites (MCS)”. These foreign sequences are then carried along as silent passengers as the plasmid replicates and can be translated by the host's translation systems. Thus plasmids, with independent replication and translation, can provide large amounts of almost any piece of DNA or its gene products, which we have cloned into it. the isolation experiment. The addition of the fusion protein gene raises the Mr of the pIH1034 to about 11 kbp. 3 Bacterial Hosts The bacterial host we will use in our experiments is a laboratory strain of Escherichia coli, E. coli. E.coli is a "gram-negative" bacterium that normally grows in the human gut and is the best-studied of all micro-organisms. Some strains are modestly pathogenic, although most laboratory strains are believed to be completely safe, because they are significantly disadvantaged relative to the wild bacteria already in your body. In spite of the fact that laboratory strains are non-pathogenic, you must follow "good microbiological practice" in handling live cells because you do not want to contaminate your experimental set-up. All waste should be placed in containers for sterilization before disposal, and you should wash your hands and the bench-top at the end of the day. You must not mouth pipette when handling cultures or other material that potentially contains living cells. We also take these precautions to protect ourselves in case an unwanted contaminating strain of bacteria entered our cultures from the environment. Restriction Endonucleases and formation of Recombinant DNA. Restriction endonucleases are enzymes derived from a variety of bacterial species. Their normal biological function is to prevent foreign DNA from subverting the cellular machinery. They do this by chopping foreign DNA to pieces. Host DNA is protected because host-specific methylation enzymes modify it, so that they are not substrates for the host's restriction system. Thus this specific methylation prevents host endonucleases from destroying the host's own DNA. Restriction enzymes are enormously useful in the laboratory. In general, DNA in the laboratory will lack the strategic, species-specific methylations, and so will be cut to bits. In a given piece of DNA, the cuts will always be in the same place, at fixed sites corresponding to recognition sequences three to six base pairs in length. These recognition sequences are the restriction sites for the enzyme. There are some restriction endonucleases that don't cut at fixed places but we will not run across them in this course. Most restriction sites (all the ones in our experiments) are palindromic. This means there is a center of symmetry. Because of this palindromic symmetry, the bottom strand reads exactly the same as the top. 4 The sites of actual cleavage are offset, by three base pairs in the example below. The consequence of this is that the ends are cohesive or sticky i.e. has complementarity with the other fragment produced by the hydrolysis. Even after they have been cut, they have some tendency to be held together by base pairing. This tendency is not enough to hold them together under at room temperature, but, at lower temperature, this cohesion provides enough net stabilization to greatly aid the joining of free ends by the DNA ligase. Any piece of DNA cut by the same enzyme will be also be cohesive with the cut plasmid. This is what allows us to readily create recombinant DNA by being able to join two different DNA’s cut with the same restriction endonuclease. The pIH1034 plasmid was created by ligating two ends of the chromosomal lacZ gene to complementary ends i.e. cut with the same restriction enzyme, in the vector pMAL-c2 in such a way that the LacZ DNA was in the reading frame of the upstream malE DNA. This ensured that the insert would code for a fusion protein containing an amino terminal malE protein fragment covalently linked to an active -galactosidase. 5'-GAATTC-3' 3'-CTTAAG-5' EcoRI 5'-G-OH + 3'-CTTAA-O-P POAATTC - 3' HO-G-5' The recognition site for the restriction endonuclease EcoRI. Note that the sequence is palindromic; the last three nucleotides are complementary to the first three. Cleavage sites are indicated by the arrows. All EcoRI-cut ends have a three-base 5' overhang, and because of the symmetries, all ends from all EcoRI sites are cohesive. Fig: 30: EcoRI Hydrolysis of DNA Restriction enzymes are named according to an agreed scheme. The first letter corresponds to the genus, and the second two to the species of bacteria from which the enzyme is derived. There may be additional letters or numbers to indicate a particular strain. Some bacteria contain several 5 restriction enzyme activities with different specificities, so the final part of the enzyme name is a Roman numeral indicating whether it is the first, second, or third enzyme in the particular strain. As examples, the enzymes you use in this course may include: Pst I derived from Providencia stuarti, Pvu II from Proteus vulgaris and Bgl I from Bacillus globigii. Many of your experiments will involve the enzyme -galactosidase. This enzyme is encoded by the lacZ gene of E. coli. lacZ is part of the Lac operon which encodes several genes required for the metabolism of lactose. Those of you who have completed a course in molecular genetics will know that the genes of the lac operon were among the first E. coli genes to be characterized in detail. Many of our ideas about bacterial gene organization, transcription, and repression were originally formed through study of the Lac system. -Galactosidase is a tetramer of three identical 116,000 Da (Da is the IUPAC symbol for g/mole) subunits. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of the substrates with galactose at the non-reducing end of the molecule. Among the most useful of these synthetic substrates is bromo-chloro-indolyl galactoside (abbreviated, thankfully, as Xgal). Upon hydrolysis, the bromo-chloroindolyl moiety (the "X") turns blue and precipitates from solution. Thus, a colony of bacteria expressing -galactosidase will turn an attractive shade of blue when grown on nutrient agar containing X gal. You will make use of this phenomenon in the first experiment when you use this blue color to identify the clone containing -galactosidase. In the first set of experiments in the lab involve proteins; assaying, characterizing and isolating them. We will learn to operate and understand the instrumentation used in these processes and to generate some of the important numbers connected with these processes. In the next set, the DNA section we are going to learn some basic bacteriological methods, including sterile technique, preparation of liquid and solid media, isolation of pure cultures, and use of selective and indicator media to isolate a given bacterial genotype. We will also isolate plasmid DNA from a selected clone, a method called the miniprep method-a quick method for isolating DNA from small volumes of cells. The miniprep method usually yields microgram quantities from 5ml of cells. We should isolate enough plasmid DNA in this small volume to provide for our plasmid DNA needs for the entire semester. In experiment eight we show you how to "transform" an appropriate host, that is introduce your plasmid into a plasmidless (wild type) E. coli strain and show that the transformed strain expresses the plasmid phenotype. 6 Experiment nine, part A, sets the stage for your Southern blot experiment. In this experiment you will label a lacZ DNA fragment by PCR. This labeled DNA will be used later as a probe for part B, the Southern blot proper. In part B you will use probe will be used as a reporter molecule for the presence of the lacZ gene in a chromosomal DNA mixture. Experiment ten, our last canned experiment before the independent projects, is one in which we transcribe some DNA to produce a self-splicing RNA. We will then use a polyacrylamide gel to look at the kinetics of the selfsplicing reaction. 7 Experiment 6 - Selecting a Clone. Reading in Handouts: Genotypes and Phenotypes - Brown "DNA Sequencing". E.coli growth Medium - Russel Hopper, Gen. Eng. News. WSU website mentioned before — see bacterial growth and selection sections. Overview - You will be given aliquots of pure cultures from three E.coli strains. These had been grown overnight and diluted out so that single cells could be formed on plating out. These single colonies, or clones, consist of billions of cells grown from the single cell are easily visible on the agar surface. You are going to check out the phenotype of the unknowns and select the pure culture containing the plasmid you have been assigned. Clone selection will be based on the fact that the phenotype is based on expression of all genetic information contained in the cell. One of the strains will be a wild type containing only chromosomal DNA while the two other strains will contain, in addition to chromosomal DNA, a plasmid. The wild type can express only proteins coded for by the chromosomal DNA, while the plasmid-containing strains will show a phenotype determined by the genetic information expressed by both chromosomal and plasmid DNA, and as the plasmids contain sequences which allow them to survive in some antibiotic-containing environment, we can distinguish one pure culture form the other by inspecting their viability in our selection media. Thus we need to find out the genotype of the host strain and that of your plasmid and, by adding these genotypes, predict the phenotype expected of a host cell containing that plasmid. Information in the lab handouts, manual and in lecture will describe common bacterial genotypes and phenotypes. These sources of information should enable you to select your particular clone. What we will do Today A. Prepare sterile agar plates for the transformation experiment. B. Prepare sterile equipment for the transformation experiment. C. Select single colonies for Plasmid isolation. 8 A - Preparing Solid media and Sterile Techniques Preparing Solid Selective Medium. We have provided you with all the plates and supplies needed for today's experiments. Your job will be to make your own plates for the transformation experiments to be done in a couple of weeks. A group, the students on one side of each aisle, usually two or three students, will cooperate in the making of a set of plates. We are trying to grow a defined culture and so the only non-sterile component is the bacteria we introduce into our medium. Everything else needs to be sterilized. If things are not marked as sterile, don't use them. Unlabeled equipment lying about are generally not sterile. Use sterile pipettes or pipette tips to introduce the antibiotic into the autoclaved solutions. Each group will make up 400ml of LB (Luria-Bertani) medium in a 600ml Erlenmeyer flask following the recipe in the reagents section at the back of the lab book. Add enough agar to give a final concentration of 1.5% (w/v). The 1.0% formulation of a solution means that 1.0 g of solute is dissolved in enough solvent to give 100 ml of the final solution. Place a stirring-bar in your Erlenmeyer and cover with aluminum foil cap. The stirring bar will be used to disperse the antibiotic solution we will add later to the sterilized medium. Agar is not soluble in water at room temperature so it needs to be autoclaved for dissolution. The autoclave not only dissolves all solids, but also sterilizes the resulting solution by raising its temperature to 120°C at a pressure of about 2 atmospheres. A time setting of 30 minutes will sterilize most solutions. Your instructors will show you how our autoclave works. It might be necessary to coordinate with other groups, as autoclave space is limited. After autoclaving is done, remove the Erlenmeyer using the thermal gloves and eye protection and allow the solution to cool down in a water bath to about 65°C before adding ampicillin. The ampicillin, at a final concentration of 50 g/ml allows for the selection for the clones of interest, i.e. those able to grow in the presence of ampicillin. As too much antibiotic will kill all the cells, we need to calculate how to add enough ampicillin to allow resistant cells to grow while killing only sensitive cells. So while the solutions are cooling calculate the volume of stock 50mg/ml ampicillin to be added to your 400 ml of cooling LB-agar solution to give a final concentration of 50 g/ml. The ampicillin is heat-sensitive so we have to cool the solution before adding the agar. While waiting for the agar to cool, mark a set of Petrie dishes by running 9 a marking pen down its side to make a single hash mark. In this lab no hash mark means a plain LB plate, a single hash mark indicates an LB-amp plate, and two hash marks means a tetracycline plate. The formula for the ampicillin dilution calculation is one you last used in your freshman year in General Chemistry CiVi = CfVf Ci = initial concentration Vi = initial volume Cf = final volume Vf = final volume Our stock (initial) concentration of ampicillin is 50 mg/ml. Mix the amp-agar solution gently on the stirring plate and pour the plates quickly. Pour each plate by removing the lid, retaining it in your hand, and dispensing about 30 ml of the agar solution into the dish. Replace the cover and allow the plates stand out overnight to set and dry. Do not throw the sleeves away, they will be used to store your amp plates. Also cut off the top of the sleeves neatly to remove the sterile Petrie dishes, don't just rip the sleeve apart. B. Preparing Sterile Equipment for the Transformation experiment This will be done while we are doing other things. This sterile equipment will be used in the transformation of a wild type E.coli in a few weeks time. Each group of students - group is defined as two students, one assigned a pUR290 plasmid and the other a pAtRNA-1 plasmid, - will combine to sterilize enough equipment for their own use. Each group needs to sterilize: 1.7ml eppendorff tubes. 0.7ml Eppendorff tubes. Spreaders. Yellow pipette tips. Blue pipette tips. 50 ml Erlenmeyer tubes. 10 C. Selecting Clones. This experiment will be done in groups of two. Reagents: Sterile Spreaders. Bring gloves for this experiment. Three sets each of solid medium selection plates containing either, no antibiotic, just solid rich medium, (no hash marks); an ampicillin-Xgal mix in solid rich medium, (one hash-mark) or tetracycline in solid rich medium, (two hash-marks). A set of unknown cultures labeled A, B and will be provided. Attach group numbers to the unknown numbers in your lab book as the unknowns will be scrambled so that each group has a different allocation i.e. one groups A, B and C will be another groups’ C, A and B. There are 6 groups and three scrambled unknowns so be sure to record your group number in your lab book. The unknown are all 106-fold dilutions of overnight pure cultures. Protocol Pure cultures stored at -70C are revived in LB-amp liquid medium and grown overnight. They were then diluted out 106-fold in fresh LB-amp liquid medium and distributed to the groups. A 106-fold dilution should be enough to allow the formation of single colonies. Each culture is to be plated out on each of the selective solid media. There is thus a set of selection plates for each unknown. Plate 50L of unknown A onto the surface of each member of the selection plate set. Repeat for unknowns B and C using a fresh set of selection plates for each unknown. After plating, allow the plates to stand, lid-side up for about 15 minutes. Tape the three plates together, about 5 inches of tape along one side will do. This is just to keep them together during incubation and storage. 11 Place the plates, lid-side down, in the incubator by the west door in lab M227. This has been set to 37C. Tomorrow morning I will take the plates out and store them in the refrigerator until the next lab period, when you can score them. What is happening in the Plates The presence of the antibiotics tetracycline or ampicillin in a medium, allows for selection of bacteria with plasmids containing the relevant antibiotic resistance genes. Xgal is a substrate for -galactosidase and allows for the detection of cells containing an active lacZ gene and IPTG is an inducer of the LacZ gene. The induction of the lacZ gene makes for a more sensitive assay for cells containing this gene. Some of these induced cells die and the -galactosidase leaks through to the external medium where it hydrolyzes Xgal. This hydrolysis produces an insoluble blue product around colonies expressing the lacZ gene and allows us to identify these colonies. Even with induction it might take more than an overnight incubation to produce enough Xgal product for detection. The hydrolytic reaction is as shown in the figure below. The final product, the one allowing visualization, is the same insoluble indigo product we saw in the Western blot. Fig. 31: X-Gal - Another Substrate for -Galactosidase. 12 Marking and Filling Plates for the Clone Selection Use Sharpies, permanent markers, for all labeling. You should get your own sharpie for the semester, the lab does not provide these. Label each plate with your name. The general rule for Petrie dishes: all labeling is done on the bottom of the plates, not on the lids, because lids are easily mixed up. Place all contaminated spreaders in a container and autoclave them along with the biological waste before you go. g III: Scoring Plates and Selection of Clones. I will remove your plates for the incubator and store them for you in the refrigerator so you can score them next time. “Scoring” means making a table of clone number versus behavior on the different media (usually a “+” to indicate growth, a “-“ to indicate no growth and a “?” to indicate uncertainty). From this information, you will be able to deduce what plasmid, if any, each clone carries. If in doubt, consult your instructor. But before consulting the instructor, make some effort to understand the information on your own. Use the following table to record the data from this experiment. The plasmids do not correspond to the phenotypes shown. The data are entirely fictional, the form for data entry is the point. Unknowns. A B C LB + + + Amp/Xgal/IPTG + + ? Tet + Plasmid Wild type Plasmid I Plasmid II Lab report Count the number of colonies on each plate and record the results in a table as above. Calculate the number of colonies in the original over-night culture, before dilution. See pages 108-109 of the lab book. 13 Identify, if possible, all the unknowns. Construct a second table with unknown letter, your identification and the genotype expected for all selective conditions. Be sure to explain (briefly, almost monosyllabically), in a separate paragraph, your identifications criteria, including why some unknowns could not be identified (if this, in fact, turns out to be true). The information for your identifications depends upon you applying the knowledge that the phenotype of each strain is the sum of chromosomal and Plasmid DNA information expressed in the selection media. The wild type, E.coli strain C90, has no antibiotic resistance. Articulate your choice of clones "Clone number “x” was selected for my plasmid prep because….". Highlight and identify the entry on the list that you would use for your plasmid prep. Note any unexpected phenotypes and rationalize their appearance. Design a procedure for isolating and identifying separate strains from a common mixed liquid culture. 14 Experiment 7 :Miniprep Isolation of Plasmid DNA Reading: P.Serwer, Agarose Gels, Electrophoresis, 1983, 4, 375-381. Voet, Biochemistry, 862-870. It has been known since the 1920’s that living cells could be “transformed” by other cell, even “dead” other cells. Griffith’s demonstration that extracts of killed virulent pneumococcus strain could “transform” a live avirulent strain into a live virulent strain paved the way for a scientific examination and explanation of the phenomenon. Some twenty years later the work of Avery, Macleod and McCarty capped Griffith’s discovery by proving that “transforming” material was DNA. In experiment 8 we are going to follow in Griffith’s footsteps and use exogenous DNA to change the genotype of an E.coli strain. In this experiment, experiment 7, we are going to isolate the DNA for that transformation. The genetic information we are going to add, in one case, is an expressible LacZ gene, and in the other case, information coding for selfsplicing RNA. The hard work of getting these sequences out of the ancestral chromosomal DNA and into a conveniently expressible form has already been done for us. Our source for these genes will be plasmids contained in an E.coli strain called TG2. All we have to do is allow the strain to divide and isolate the plasmid produced. We need only picograms of plasmid to transform a significant number of bacteria, but we do need relatively pure DNA, so that we can limit the information we add to the cells genetic repertoire to only that contained in the plasmid. What we do today will allow us to approach the transformation experiment with a characterized DNA and thus be able to specify our transformation conditions. Toady we are going to: A. Isolate plasmid DNA from an overnight culture. B. Characterize the plasmid by agarose gel electrophoresis. C. Quantitate plasmid recovery by a fluorescent DNA assay. 15 A. Plasmid Isolation At first glance, plasmid isolation looks like a difficult task, as we need to separate the plasmid DNA from all the other unwanted components of the cell, some of which have similar properties to the plasmid to wit, chromosomal DNA. Other cellular components are low molecular weight and could be difficult to remove from a plasmid solution, and could easily interfere with the transformation. However the situation is less complicated than it looks at first glance. We are going to use a commercial kit called the Qiaprep-spin plasmid purification kit that will allow us to isolate pure plasmid DNA rapidly and efficiently from the bacterial mix. Plasmid isolation is a standard technique in all biochemistry labs and our method is just one of the many simple and effective commercial methods for plasmid purification. Background for Qiaprep-spin Plasmid Isolation Protocol This kit has been specially designed for the rapid isolation of plasmid DNA from cell cultures and the secret of its success is a silica matrix to which nucleic acids will bind specifically. Thus all we really need to do to isolate plasmid DNA is to break open the cells to release the DNA, treat the cytoplasmic solution, allow the DNA to bind to a silica filter, wash off all non-binding components and then wash off the pure DNA. All in all, this is a very simple procedure. The initial step in the isolation involves resuspending the cell pellet in a resuspension buffer containing RNase. The RNase is added to hydrolyze the RNA released when the cells are lysed. RNA has similar physical properties to DNA and would tend to be coprecipitated with DNA if no precautions are taken. So we use a chemical difference- susceptibility to RNase- to separate RNA from DNA. RNase is a very stable enzyme and is not irreversibly denatured even under the harsh condition used to break the cells open. It is thus ready to remove RNA when conditions allow. The cells are then lysed under alkaline conditions, a process naturally called alkaline lysis. Alkaline lysis is the most useful of several methods used to release DNA from intact bacteria. It is quick and gives good yields of relatively clean DNA. Alkaline lysis involves treating a cell suspension with a lysis solution containing SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate or lauryl sulfate), EDTA and sodium 16 hydroxide. The SDS along with EDTA, added in the resuspension step, weaken and disrupt the E.coli cell walls to allow release of the cytoplasmic contents. SDS also functions to denature released proteins. At the same time the sodium hydroxide works to denature DNA partly hydrolyze RNA and denature protein. These reactions serve to convert some components to a form called an insoluble precipitate that facilitates their removal from the plasmid solution. Next, we neutralize the alkaline solution by adding a neutralizing solution containing guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), a chaotropic salt. On neutralization the small circular plasmid DNA re-anneals rapidly and remains in solution. The large, more complex, chromosomal DNA cannot re-anneal rapidly enough and, along with the denatured proteins and cell membrane components, form a dense insoluble network which can be pelleted by centrifugation. The supernatant thus contains the soluble, mainly plasmid, DNA and the pellet contains the unwanted cellular debris. The next step is a binding of the DNA to a silica membrane. It has been shown that, under conditions of high concentration of chaotropic salts, DNA will bind selectively to silica surfaces. The mechanism of this binding is unknown. Small non-binding DNA fragments and proteins do not bind to silica and are washed off the membrane. So filtering the solution through the silica pad allows the retention of the bound DNA. The retention step is followed by a series of washing steps to remove unbound or weakly bound material from the filter. Washes containing buffer, chaotropic salts and ethanol remover everything we want to remove and we are left at the end of the washing steps with only DNA bound to the filter. The DNA is then washed with a TE buffer. This serves to remove, or elute, the DNA. The plasmid is now in a small volume of TE in a clean container and is ready for analysis. Care and Feeding of the Pipetman Today you will be introduced to the use of an automatic pipettor for handling small volumes (microliters) of reagents. These volumes are probably much smaller than anything you’ve handled in previous courses. The 17 small volumes used in molecular biology reflect the very small amounts of material that are actually needed for the experiment as well as the very expensive cost of almost all the reagents. Most of you will use the PipetmanTM brand of automatic pipettor. These are a basic tool of the molecular biology laboratory. Your instructors will teach you how to use the Pipetman. If any of these pipetmen are lost, everyone sharing in their use, will be apportioned their cost for the replacement (about $200). If you have not used a pipettor before, you should listen carefully to a description of its use. These instruments are a vital part of the protocol and should be cared for and used as instructed. They are quite expensive to buy and maintain, as well as being fragile. When you had done with them for the day be sure they are returned to where they were found before you leave the lab. To keep your sanity, remember that the amounts of DNA we are isolating in today’s experiment are very small and cannot be seen by the naked eye. These first few experiments will allow one to become familiar with working with molecular biological amounts of reactant and should impress one with the role of faith in science. The second part of today’s lab is the characterization and quantitation of your plasmid. Characterization means to determine the purity, restrictability and molecular weight of your plasmid. You should read the assigned reading s on restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis before coming to class. Electrophoresis will be done in a submarine gel electrophoresis unit using agarose as the sieving material. After resolving the DNA bands we will visualize them in the gel by a dye-binding method. For this experiment we will provide the gels and all other necessary materials. In later experiments, you will have a chance to make these yourself. While you are electrophoresing your DNA you are going to learn to use the spectrofluorimeter to determine DNA concentration. Plasmid Miniprep Protocol. Our isolation protocol is based on that suggested by the manufacturers of the Qiaprep-spin columns. 1. Pellet about 3.4 ml of the overnight culture in an eppendorff tube by filling the tube with 1.7 ml of culture, microfuging for 1 minute, decanting and discarding the supernatant, and repeating the process with another 18 1.7 ml of the culture. Be careful to remove all the excess liquid from the top of the pellet in both centrifugation steps. 2. Add 0.250 ml of resuspension buffer (P1) to the pellet and resuspend using a pipetman. Resuspend thoroughly so that there are no clumps. Clumps will reduce your yield of plasmid. 3. Add 0.250 ml of lysis buffer (P2) and mix by inversion. The suspension should clear as the cells lyse. Allow 5 min at room temp for lysis. 4. Add 0.350 ml of neutralization buffer (N3) to neutralize the solution. This contains guanidinium.HCl, GuHCl, an irritant, so wear gloves and eye protection in this step. 5. Microfuge for 10 min. 6. Place a Qiaprep-spin column in a 2 ml microcentrifuge tube and add the supernatant from the previous step to the column. 7. Microfuge for 60 seconds to remove unbound material. 8. Wash the column with 0.5 ml of wash buffer (PB). This also contains GuHCl so wear gloves. The volumes of the various washes will exceed the volume of the collection tubes so, after each wash, decant the spent solution into the waste container. Use a fresh collecting tube. 9. Wash again with 0.75 ml buffer PE and microfuge for 60 seconds. 10. Microfuge for a further 2 minutes seconds in a clean collecting tube to remove the traces of last (PE) wash solution. 11. Place the Qiaprep column in a clean collecting tube and elute DNA by adding 100l of Elution buffer (EB), a TE buffer, and microfuging for one minute. Transfer the plasmid solution to an eppendorff tube. 12. Label the eppendorff containing your plasmid and keep the tube in the assigned container in the freezer when not in use. 19 B: Analysis of DNA by Agarose gel electrophoresis The basis of the electrophoretic method is differential migration based on differences in the mobility of the migrating species. Charges will migrate in an electric field toward the electrode of opposite charge. Cations will move toward the cathode (negatively charged electrode) and anions move toward the anode (positively charged electrode). On the electrophoresis unit, the anode is traditionally marked in red and the cathode in black. In the field alone, in the absence of any frictional effects, the migration distance is dependent on the charge/mass ratio of the molecule. When both of these parameters are independent, electrophoresis can be a sensitive discriminator of molecular mass and/or shape. However DNA has a constant charge/mass ratio, each nucleotide being of roughly the same mass and having one negative charge at the pH of electrophoresis. Thus in a medium which offers no resistance to migration, no differentiation of differentsized DNA molecules should take place. However, in agarose, a cross-linked galactose polymer with a continuum of varying pore sixes, the DNA has to be pulled by the field through the various pores of the sponge toward the cathode and thus encounters a resistance which depends on its molecular volume or size. The smaller molecules move through the agarose matrix meeting little resistance and migrate faster i.e. larger distances in a give time. Larger molecules move with more difficulty and migrate smaller distances. Thus migration is inversely proportional to mass. The basic unit of the agarose is the disaccharide consisting of the 1,3-linked -D galactose and the 1,4-linked 3,6 anhydro--L galactose as shown in the figure below. Fig. 33: Agarose unit 20 Pouring the Gel Agarose is a linear polymer of the above disaccharide. An average agarose molecule is 400 units long and is consequently insoluble in aqueous solutions at lower temperature. It, however, dissolves at 90°C. As it cools, it forms a porous gel consisting of hydrogen-bonded networks of agarose helices and unordered agarose chains, through which the DNA must move. Gel Preparation Set up the gel unit as shown in the figure below. Note the small gap between the bottom of the comb and the cradle surface. This allows the formation of a well in the solidified agarose. Figure 34: Setting up Agarose Gel Add 0.5g of agarose to 50 ml of 1X TAE buffer in a 100ml Wheaton bottle. This makes a 1% agarose gel which will separate DNA fragments ranging in size from about 8000 bp to about 1500bp. Add 3L of ethidium bromide and heat in the microwave for 1min and 20 seconds. Cool under the faucet for about 30 seconds and pour into the gel unit. Allow cooling for 30 minutes before using. Remove the container and place in the transfer unit. Remove the comb only when electrode buffer just prior to use, covers the gel. 21 The figure below shows the arrangement of a gel during the run. Fig. 35: Agarose gel electrophoresis. Preparing Restriction Digests Add 10 L of your plasmid prep to each of two 0.7ml eppendorff. To one of these –one marked “cut” add 10 L of HindIII restriction endonuclease solution (to be provided), mix, and incubate at 37 oC for 30 minutes. To the other marked, “uncut”, add 10L of the same buffer as added to the cut sample and incubate in the same manner. At the end of the incubation add 5L of the 10X loading buffer to both samples, mix and bring them to the TA, who will show you how to load them on the gel. Loading buffer contains some dyes to enable you to track the progress of the electrophoresis. It also contains a high density component, such as glycerol, to enable one to sink the DNA solution into the well so that migration would take place through the sieving matrix and not through the relatively non-selective electrode buffer. Loading buffer is sometimes called ”anticonvective” or “sample buffer”. Load as much of both solutions as the wells will hold. This is usually about a 20L volume. Electrophoresis is carried out at a constant current of 90 mA for 50-60 minutes. Sketch the set-up of the electrophoretic apparatus and jot down the power supply settings needed for agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA in you lab book. Next time you run an agarose gel you need to be able to set up the run yourselves. After the electrophoresis run is complete look at the gel in the transilluminator. The gel contains ethidium bromide (about 3 L of 22 10 mg/ml ethidium bromide per 50 ml gel solution) so wear gloves when you handle the gel. Ethidium bromide binds to duplex DNA by intercalation. This binding allows interaction between the DNA and the ethidium bromide so that the latter can absorb radiation in the UV region and re-emit some of that radiation as visible orange-red light. The intercalated ethidium-DNA complex is therefore visible on the gel and can easily be seen and sketched or photographed for a permanent record in you lab book. Ethidium bromide is thought to be a mutagen, as might be expected for a compound that intercalated double-stranded DNA. Wear gloves when working with ethidium bromide, and avoid getting any of the solution on your skin. Discard all waste solution into the carboy provided. Migration of Various DNA Species in Our System Your plasmid prep might contain some of the following nucleic acid species. Any of these, if not removed by a particular step, can be carried through the isolation and will show up on the gel. We need to be looking for these when we interpret our gel. Supercoiled DNA is the most compact form of DNA and will consequently migrate more rapidly than other forms of DNA of the same or larger molecular weight. Nicked relaxed Plasmid DNA has an intermediate mobility under our electrophoretic conditions. It has a more extended conformation and, effectively, a larger volume, therefore migrating more slowly than supercoiled DNA. Other even more slowly migrating bands are supercoiled plasmid dimers and protein-bound DNA forms. Plasmid Multimers can be formed during replication. These will be migrate at higher molecular weights and will only be seen in the uncut lane. In the cut lane the restriction endonucleases will hydrolyze these to the plasmid monomer molecular weight Chromosomal DNA is large and will migrate the least distance. It is usually sheared during the isolation so look along the line of migration to see if there is a faint column of DNA all the way down the migration path. Also look in the wells for very large chunks of DNA which cannot enter the gel. 23 A schematic diagram of an agarose gel separation is shown below. Fig. 36: Agarose Gel profile. Your goal in this experiment is to isolate a pure plasmid. Analysis of the electrophoretic profile of your plasmid prep will tell you whether you have been successful or not. A successful experiment is one in which we get lots of clean plasmid DNA of the correct molecular weight. So inspection of the uncut lanes will tell you if there is extensive contamination of your miniprep and the inspection and analysis of the linear lane will allow you to determine the molecular weight of your plasmid. The molecular weights of the components of the -Hind III standard DNA set are given in the reagents and recipe’s section at the end of the manual. C: Fluorimetric Assay to Determine DNA Concentration Basis of the fluorescence method: When compounds absorb light the energy of the photon is used to move one or more of their outer electrons farther away from the nucleus. This is called the excited state. In most cases the lifetime of the excited state is short (about 10-8 sec) and then the electrons fall back to the stable ground state emitting a photon of identical 24 energy to the one absorbed. In some cases the compounds in the excited state dissipates some of its energy internally (by converting it into thermal energy). As a consequence the light emitted when the electron falls back to the ground state is less energetic (it has a longer wavelength). If the time frame for the photon emission is about 10-7 seconds the process is called fluorescence. If the emission time is of the order of 10-3 seconds or longer the process is called phosphorescence. Fluorescence is an extremely useful method of analysis because compounds that fluoresce have two characteristic and independent electromagnetic properties, a shorter wavelength at which they absorb the light and a longer wavelength at which they emit the less energetic light. Using the property of fluorescence we can determine the concentration of the compound by measuring either absorbance or emission spectra. This is because the intensity of light, whether absorbed or emitted, is proportional to the number of molecules doing the absorption or emission. The fluorimeter differs from the spectrophotometer in that the detector is at right angles to the light source and we measure the intensity of the emitted light – the lower energy radiation – at right angles to the light path. This has one important consequence, the instrument does not have to read and interpret small differences in relatively large intensities as it does in the spectrophotometer, but rather compares the emitted light with darkness (no fluorescence). This makes for a much more sensitive analytical method. In addition this fluorimeter is equipped with series of quartz mirrors that reflect and concentrate the emitted radiation to further increase the sensitivity of the assay. In our particular assay Hoechst 33258 a bis-benzimidazole derivative binds specifically to DNA. The structure is shown below. Under the conditions of the assay the dye binds predominantly to A-T rich regions and the electron excitation is facilitated. The signal due to RNA binding is well below 1% that of the DNA and so the assay is relatively specific for DNA. Single stranded DNA has about 50% of the fluorescent signal of the duplex DNA and, therefore, the mode of fluorescent enhancement does not appear to be primarily by intercalation. 25 Figure 37: Hoescht 33258 DNA-binding Fluorophore The dsDNA-dye complex is excited at 365nm and the Hoechst dye emits light at about 460nm. The light is detected and its intensity measured by a photon detector in the fluorimeter. The assay is sensitive to about 1-2 ng of supercoiled DNA under our conditions. The spectral characteristics of DNA-dye complex depends on the nature and shape of the DNA bound by the dye. It is therefore best to use the same form of DNA in the standard as is present in the unknown DNA being quantified. Hoescht like ethidium bromide dye is intercalating and therefore a potential carcinogen. Always use gloves when working with solutions which contain either of these dyes. Pictures of the mode of binding of the dye to DNA are shown below. Figure 38: Hoescht-DNA Complex 26 Things to be Done when Measuring DNA Concentration 1. Allow the instrument to warm up for at least 30 min. With the scale knob in the most sensitive position (fully clockwise) adjust the meter to read “000” with only working dye solution in the cuvette. The instrument is fairly stable and the zero point should not change much during the time of the assays. Do not change the scale knob on the fluorimeter during the assay. As we all will be using a common standard, we need therefore to measure our unknowns under the same conditions used in measuring the standard. We have to relate our unknown’s fluorescence intensity to the concentration scale fixed by the standard. This means that the instrument settings must be held constant during a run. The same scale factor used in determining intensities for the standards must be used to determine intensities for the unknowns. 2. Run a blank. We need to use a proper blank to zero the fluorimeter before taking readings. In this case the blank consists of Hoescht dye at the same concentration as it is in the unknown plasmid DNA solution. This is because the dye itself fluoresces at the wavelength of measurement and we need to be able to subtract the dye’s contribution from the fluorescent intensity we observe in order to determine the DNA concentration accurately. 3. Run a standard Curve . This method of analysis does not provide consistent extinction coefficients and so we need to run a standard curve in order to calculate concentration. We will run a standard curve for the class so as to demonstrate the use of the fluorimeter. The DNA used in the standard curve will be pBR322 a commercial plasmid. Be sure to record the results in your lab book, as you will need them to determine your concentration of plasmid DNA. Protocol for Determining DNA Concentration Turn the instrument on and allow it to warm up. Make the blank by mixing 20 L water with 20 L of 2X assay solution. There is some fluorescence in the absence of DNA. Draw up about 10 L into the capillary. Only one blank is needed to set the instrument for the afternoons readings. 27 Make your unknown DNA solution as follows: 1. Add 5 L of your miniprep DNA to 5L of water in a small eppendorff. 2. Add 10L of 2X-assay solution (a solution of Hoescht dye and buffer) to your DNA solution and mix with a pipetman. 3. Pull up your diluted DNA solution into a capillary tube and wait 10 minutes before doing the assay. 4. If your DNA signal is lower than the lowest standard signal you need to assay a more concentrated solution of your unknown. Do this by diluting 5L of your DNA solution in 5L of 2x assay solution. Measuring Fluorescence Place the capillary with the blank Hoescht solution into the unit and adjust the meter to zero with the “ZERO” adjust knob. Needs to be only once per session. Place the capillary containing the standard into the unit and record the reading in fluorescent intensity units. Needs to be done only once per session, therefore, already done for you. Place the capillary containing the unknown into the unit and record its intensity. Lab Book information for Plasmid Prep Look at the picture of your gel and get qualitative information about its purity and restrictability Determine the molecular weight of your plasmid using a plot of log kbp vs. migration distance. Calculate the concentration of your DNA solutions in ng/L. This unit is particularly convenient for calculation the volumes of DNA needed in the transformation experiments. Have you achieved the goal of isolating pure plasmid DNA? How do you know this? 28 Experiment 8 – Transformation of E.coli Readings: Hengen, “Electrotransformation”, TIBS, 20, 248(1995) Chung and Miller, 1993, Methods in Enzymology, 18, 621. Transformation is an indispensable molecular biological too. It is impossible to imagine the rapid progress in our knowledge of things biological in its absence. The goal of transformation is to be able to insert foreign DNA into a host in such a fashion that the host will express the foreign information as if it were the host’s own. In some cases the foreign DNA consists of a plasmid, a vector - a piece of replicable DNA with its own origin of replication - and an insert containing the gene of interest. The hosts we use are bacteria. They are easy to grow and grow rapidly; doubling about every half-hour. It is easy to get transforming material inside bacteria, easy to disrupt the cell and release its cytoplasmic contents. Bacteria are relatively simple in composition so our isolation of our gene product is simplified. Once inside the cell, the plasmid, with accompanying insert information, is replicated, transcribed and translated by the host’s enzymes as if it were host information. The plasmid is now a permanent part of the genetic repertoire of the host and the host is said to be “transformed”. Any time we allow the host to grow it will express the added information. We can thus use the host as a source for the inserted DNA or as a source of the protein coded for by the insert. Our Transforming Material Our transforming experiment follows the footsteps of Griffith in the 1920’s, and that of Avery and MacLeod in the late 1940’s. They established that foreign DNA, isolated from all the other components of dead cells, could be incorporated into, and expressed by, live cells of a different strain. We will be using plasmids to “transform” bacterial cells. Each student will use the plasmid isolated in the previous experiment to effect the transformation. Both plasmids encode a gene for -lactamase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes ampicillin. The E.coli we transform lack this enzyme, but upon taking up the plasmid, they begin to express the plasmid -lactamase as they grow. The enzyme diffuses out of the cell and inactivates local ampicillin. Cells are thus able to grow in the ampicillin-free medium. 29 Barriers to transformation E.coli does not willingly to take up foreign DNA. As in all life forms there is an “immune” system which is designed to maintain the genetic status quo. This means it is designed to prevent the incorporation of foreign DNA. E.coli has developed such a defense system to and expresses enzymes that can distinguish between self and non-self DNA and take action to destroy the not-self DNA. The strains we use have been engineered to remove these defense systems. So once foreign DNA gets in, it can be replicated along with the host chromosomal DNA and express its particular set of proteins. Even with the cytoplasmic “immune system” inactivated, the foreign DNA still needs to get inside the cell to subvert the normal workings of the cell, and the polysaccharide outer cell wall of E.coli presents a formidable physical barrier to invasion. We will therefore abuse the cells briefly to make them more “competent”. For a cell “competence” means that their cell walls have become permeable enough to allow the indiscriminate entry of large foreign macromolecules. The fraction of cells that are made competent at any time is very small, sometimes only about 0.0001% but considering that we start with about 1010 cells/ml, even such a small competent fraction will give us thousands of transformants. Those cells, which do not take up our plasmids, are of no use to us. They use nutrients and make components that interfere with our isolation of what we want. We therefore need to get rid of them. We will do so by growing our transformation mix on an ampicillin-containing plate. Only those cells expressing -lactamase will grow and those without it will not. As the only source of this enzyme is the plasmid, only plasmid-containing cells will grow. Thus the ampicillin-containing plates are called selective media – selecting for the presence of -lactamase. The strain of E.coli to be used in this experiment is TG2. You should be familiar with the TG2 genotype and phenotype from earlier experiments. Overview of the Experiment We are going to compare two different types of transformation methodologies. One of these is an electrical method called electrotransformation and the other is a chemical method called the onestep method. Each student will need to know something about the other 30 method. Each group will make their own competent cells. The competent cells from one method will be pooled before using them in the transformation. This will allow us to look at the effect of plasmid and method on transformation efficiency. The lab instructor will assign a transformation method to each student at the appropriate time. Outline of the Experiment: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. I. Make Cells Electrically Competent. Transform Electrically Competent Cells. Making Cells Chemically Competent. Transforming Chemically Competent Cells. Plating Out Cells on a Selective Medium. “Scoring” the Plates. Analysis of the Results. Making Cells Electroporetically Competent Electrotransformation is the process of transforming cells by applying an electric field across them. It is based on the observation that placing the cells in an electric field causes a transient breakdown of their membranes, just as one would blow holes in the dielectric of a capacitor if one put a high electric field across it. In some cells these holes will be resealed as the cells repair themselves. Thus, if we include some replicative form of foreign DNA in a cell suspension and subject the suspension to a high electric field (about 18kV/cm – for a short period of time – about 5 msec), the foreign DNA can diffuse inside the cell during the time the membrane is compromised. When the membrane reseals, the foreign DNA will be trapped inside. A diagram of the electroporator is shown below. 31 Fig. 39: Schematic diagram of the Electroporator Protocol A small aliquot, 0.2ml, of a stock TG2 is diluted into 15ml LB broth, and grown overnight at 37ºC. Six ml of the overnight culture is added to 300ml of fresh LB and allowed to shake at 370C until the OD650 (optical density at 650 nm) is about 0.4. We use the term optical density instead of absorbance in the context of cell suspension. This is because the decrease in intensity of the transmitted light measured by the spectrophotometer is due to the scattering of the incident light by the relatively large bacterial cells and not by electronic transitions taking place in molecular chromophores in solution. At this optical density the cells are doubling exponentially and are said to be in the log phase of growth. At the log phase there being no lack of nutrients or oxygen, all cells are growing rapidly and the cell population doubles in about 30-40 min. Each group will process 30 ml of log phase cells. We begin by pouring the cells into a cold, sterile centrifuge tube and placing it on ice for 5 min. Centrifuge at 4000 rpm/5min/100C. Decant and discard the supernatant and gently resuspend the cell pellet in about 30 ml of cold, sterile water. 32 II. Repeat the wash step three more times, using volumes of 30 ml, 30ml and 20ml respectively. Washing the cells in the water dilutes out the salt from the growth medium and lowers the ionic strength of the suspension. This, in turn, increases the resistance of the solution and prevents current flow across the electrodes during the voltage pulse. This minimizes heat and reduces cell mortality. Washing is all that is needed to make cells competent for electroporetic transformation. After the last wash resuspend the cells gently in 0.5 ml of a 10% glycerol/water solution. This solution should be made with sterile water and glycerol and should not be autoclaved. Combine all competent cell mixtures before using them in your transformation. Competent cells stored in 10% glycerol/water retain their competence for years at –700C. Transforming the Electrocompetent Cells Keep everything ice-cold until otherwise instructed. Each student should have their own stock of plasmid from their miniprep and should use this to transform some cells. We are going to use 100ng of DNA in all transformations. You should calculate the volume of plasmid solution that needs to be added to a volume of 100 L of competent cells to give the specified mass. If dilutions are to be made they need to be made with sterile water and not LB broth or buffer. A control transformation – cells electroporated without added DNA – will be used to demonstrate the use of the electroporator and serve as standard against which we will calculate the efficiency of the transformation. Protocol Use a sterile pipetman tip to transfer 0.10ml of your cell suspension to an electroporetic cuvettes, add a volume of your DNA corresponding to 100ng, to the suspension and shake to mix and to settle the suspension between the electrodes. 33 Put the cuvette in the safety chamber and push the slide in until contacts at the sides of the cuvette touch the electrodes in the base of the chamber. Have 0.5 ml of LB broth held ready in a sterile pipetman tip to add to the cuvette as soon as possible after the shocking. This addition of LB will cool the cells down quickly. The sooner the cells are cooled after their shocking treatment, the better their chances of survival. Press both PULSE buttons until the unit beeps. This indicates that the pulse has decayed. Record the time constant displayed on the unit. Ideally this should be about 4-5 msec. Add the 0.5ml LB to the cuvette, mix and transfer to a sterile, labeled 1.7ml eppendorff tube. Place the eppendorff in the 370C incubator in the balance room. Allow the cells to remain in the incubator for about 30 minutes. This allows them time to recover and begin the expression of the genes that allow them to survive the selection process. During the dead time you are going to clean up your electroporation cuvette for re-use. The method used is Paul Hengen’s “paranoid method” from the Bionet “Methods and Reagents FAQ” with the web address bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts, a good source for information about molecular biology protocols. Wash out with bleach. Rinse six times in distilled water. Fill with 0.25M HCl and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Rinse in distilled water. Boil for 10 minutes in distilled water. Remove immediately and rinse in 95% ethanol. Air-dry upside down and store in a clean container. 34 III. Preparing Chemically Competent Cells The chemical method makes use of a mixture of PEG (polyethyleneglycol), magnesium ions and DMSO (dimethlysulfoxide) to permeabilize cell membranes so that endogenous material can enter the cell. DMSO has been used to carry dissolved compounds such as arthritis medicine, across the skin to relieve arthritic joint pain. So one may imagine that it fulfills such a role in the transport of DNA across the E.coli cell membrane. Each group will make their own competent cells. The cells will be combined before being transformed Protocol A small aliquot, 0.2ml, of a stock wild-type TG2 are grown overnight at 37ºC in 15ml LB broth. Add 6 ml of the overnight culture to 300ml of fresh LB and allow the diluted culture to shake at 370C until the OD650 (optical density at 650 nm) is about 0.4. We use the term optical density instead of absorbance in the context of cell suspension. This is because the decrease in intensity of the transmitted measured by the spectrophotometer, is due to the scattering of the incident light by the relatively large bacterial cells and not by electronic transitions taking place in molecular chromophores in solution. At this optical density the cells are doubling exponentially and are said to be in the log phase of growth. At the log phase there being no lack of nutrients or oxygen, all cells are growing rapidly and the cell population doubles in about 30-40 min. Each group will process 30 ml of log phase cells. We begin by pouring the cells into a cold, sterile centrifuge tube and placing it on ice for 5 min. Pellet the cold culture at 1000g for 10 minutes and discard the supernatant. Gently resuspend the cells in 2 ml ice-cold TSS - Transformation and Storage Solution and incubate on ice for 15 min. 35 IV. The cells are now competent for transformation. Combine the various preps into a common cell suspension for the transformation. What we do not use we can store at –700C for up to a year. Transforming Chemically Competent Cells Keep everything ice-cold until otherwise instructed. Each student should have their own stock of plasmid from their miniprep and should use this to transform some cells. We are going to use 100 ng of DNA in all transformations. You should calculate the volume of your plasmid solution that needs to be added to a volume of 100 L of competent cells to give the specified amount of transforming DNA. A control transformation – cells treated as below without added DNA – will be used as a standard for determining the efficiency of each transformation. Either the TA or assigned students will do the standard for the section. Protocol V. Pipette 100 L of competent cells into a 1.7ml sterile eppendorff. Add 100 ng of your plasmid DNA to the competent cells, mix and incubate on ice for 40 minutes. Add 0.5ml TSS containing 20mM glucose and incubate the cells at 370C for 30 minutes. Some of the cells are now transformed. Selection of Transformed Cells Remember we are going to select for transformants by plating out on LBampicillin solid medium. These are the plates you made as part of experiment six. While the cells are recovering, prepare your plates for the selection process. By this I mean label your plates on their bottoms with indelible marker, with script which identifies the owner of the plate, the plasmid plated and the dilution on each plate. Your plates will go into a big 36 incubator with everyone else’s, so be sure each of your plates can be identified. When the cells are recovered we need to dilute them out suitable before plating them. Even at low transformation probabilities there will be far too many on a plate to count individually. At low dilutions the bacteria would cover the plate in what is accurately described as “a lawn” and be uncountable. Therefore we need to make dilutions of our recovered culture before plating. A good volume to spread out on the plate is in the range 50L. A smaller volume is hard to spread evenly while a greater volume can result in a watery plate where the colonies are smeared out. Therefore we dilute out or cultures before plating and use 50L of the dilution for spreading. Use LB not water as a diluent for your culture. During the recovery time we can also set up some eppendorff tubes in a plastic rack for diluting out our culture before plating. The plating protocol for controls and experiments are given in below. Not every group will need to plate out a control. Only ONE control is needed for each transformation method, as each section will be transforming the same competent cell population a TA or an assigned student will prepare the control for each method for each section. Serial Dilution and Plating of Control Cultures Add 0.5ml of LB to each of three eppendorff tubes, and 0.49ml of LB to a fourth. Label these, “102”, “104”, “106” and “107” respectively. The exponents refer to the dilution factor, the higher the dilution factor the more dilute the cell culture. Add 5L of the recovered control culture to the tube labeled “102” dilution and mix. This will give a 100-fold dilution of the culture. Add 5L of the 102 dilution to the “104” tube and mix. This will give a one hundred thousand-fold. Add 5L of the 104 dilution to the “106” tube and mix. This will give a million-fold dilution. Add 50L of the 106 dilution to the “107” tube and mix. This gives a ten million-fold dilution. 37 Spread 50L of the “106” and “107” dilutions on LB plates and spread 50L of the “104” dilution on a LB-amp plate. The plating on LB allows us to assess the viability of the cells following their treatment. The plating on the LB-amp allows us to check for revertants, contaminants and whether we made an error in making or marking, the plates. It is not necessary to use a fresh tip or spreader every time you add some culture to, or spread some culture on, a plate. As long as the set contains the same type of culture – except for a dilution factor – it is possible to pipette out or spread the entire set using one tip or spreader. To do this just set out your plates in order of increasing concentration of bacteria from left to right. Add 50L of “107” dilution to your “107” plate. Use the same tip to add 50L aliquots of increasing concentration culture to its corresponding plate. When done, you have all your dilutions lying on the agar surface. Spread the cultures in the same order as you plated them and you should be able to use the same spreader for all dilutions. Allow the plates to stand for 15 minutes on the bench and then place them upside-down in the 37ºC incubator on the north wall of the lab. They will be incubated overnight. Plates should be removed from the incubator after an overnight incubation because, if they are not removed, the colonies will grow overgrow each other and counting becomes difficult. The TA will remove your plates from the incubator and place them in the refrigerator. They will keep in the refrigerator until the next lab session when they can be scored. Diluting and Plating Transformed Cells Modify the control protocol above and make a ten-fold and a hundred-fold serial dilution of your transformed culture. Spread 50 L of each of these two dilutions on labeled LB-amp plates. In addition spread 50L of your original transformed culture on a LB-amp plate 38 VI. Scoring Plates “Scoring plates” is the microbiological buzzword for counting transformed colonies on each plate. You need to score your plates so that you can calculate the efficiency of your transformation. This does not usually mean “count every colony”! Remember that your plates are just dilutions of the same original sample, and that “counts” do not have to be exact in bacterial work. You might want to count only one quarter of a crowded plate and multiply by four to get an estimate of the total colonies on the plate. Record your results in you lab book in the form of a table as shown below. Control Control Control Transformed Transformed Transformed Dilutions 104 106 107 100 101 102 Colonies/plate Colonies/ml VII. Analysis of the Experiment There are two numbers usually used in transformation experiments to assess the success of the transformation. The first is the probability of a cell being transformed and the second is the transformation efficiency or XFE. We are going to use our data to calculate both these numbers. Transformation probability – for this you need to know how many cells survived our treatment to make competent and how many of those live cells were actually transformed. If we take the ratio of the concentration (cell/ml) of amp-resistant (transformed) cells to that of the control plates, we have the probability of a single cell being transformed. Transformation Efficiency or XFE – for this value find the total number of transformed cells and divide this by the mass of DNA, in g, used to transform them. XFE has units of transformed cells/g DNA. 39 Sample Calculation – any resemblance between these and actual transformation results is coincidental. Sample Data We added 100 ng DNA to 100uL of competent cells and, after transformation, added 2ml of LB broth to aid recovery. We then plated out 50 L of a ten-fold and a hundred-fold dilutions of our transformed cultures on amp plates and got 25 and 3 colonies respectively. When 50L of the control culture, diluted by a factor of 106, was spread, it showed 30 colonies, when one-quarter of the plate was counted. i. Calculating colonies/ml Ten-fold Dilution calculation 25 colonies Plate colonies X X10 5000 plate 50uL ml Applying the calculation above to hundred-fold dilution should give 6000 colonies/ml. The number used to represent colonies/ml for the original should be the average of the two above results. Control calculation 4 quarter - plates 30 colonies cells X X106 2.4X109 quarter - plate - 0.050ml plate ml ii. Calculating probabilities of transformation Take the ratio of colonies/ml for transformed cells to colonies/ml for control cells. 5500 colonies/m l 2.3X10-6 2.4X10 colonies/m l 9 40 iii. Calculating XFE – XFE’s have units of colonies/ug. We therefore need to get “colonies” and “g DNA” and take their ratio to give us XFE. According to the protocol above we added 100 ng of DNA to 100L of our recovered cells and subjected them to transformation. We then diluted our transformed mixture with 2ml LB broth to cool them off, and plated 50L. In our 100L recovery mixture there must have been: 5500 colonies 2.1ml X 11,550 colonies ml Assuming there has been no cell division during recovery, we can calculate the XFE as follows: XFE 11550 colonies colonies 1.2 X 10 5 0.1g DNA uL Lab Book Determine transformation probabilities and XFE’s for your transformation. As a separate exercise we are going to use the class data to do a statistical analysis of the effect of method and plasmid on transformation probabilities. You will get additional information about this on the web site. This will not go into your lab book so don’t delay writing up this experiment waiting for class data. 41 Experiment 9A – Preparing for the Southern blot In our next experiment we are going to learn how to do a Southern blot, one of the most important techniques in molecular biology. This is the indispensable technique of the human genome project. The Southern blot uses a short piece of DNA to probe for its - the short piece’s – target, a set of complementary sequences in a complex DNA mixture. Our DNA target will be the lacZ gene of E.coli. This is a single copy gene which comprises less than 0.1% of the E.coli chromosomal DNA. Our probe will be made from two short sequences of the lacZ gene. It might seem like circular reasoning to use lacZ to find lacZ, but short sequences of DNA, which can easily be obtained from partial amino acid sequences, allow us to detect larger sequences. From these larger sequences we get new probes which we can fish out other large pieces. This process continues until eventually, we have all the pieces of the gene. By overlapping these pieces, we obtain the linear sequence of the lacZ gene. Today’s Work – Two Southern’s per aisle. A. Preparing Chromosomal DNA. Determining DNA concentration by Spectrophotometry. Practice Calculation for Restriction Digests. Restrict Chromosomal DNA. B. Synthesize a LacZ Probe by PCR. A. Preparing Chromosomal DNA Determining DNA Concentration by Spectrophotometry J.A.Glasel, Biotechniques, 18,62(1995) E.coli chromosomal DNA from Sigma, a commercial biotech company has been dissolved in TE buffer. You will be given an aliquot of this solution and will need to determine its concentration. You need some chromosomal DNA for your Southern blot and we want to know what volume of the DNA is needed for adequate detection. The bases of DNA absorb strongly in the near UV region with a maximum 42 absorbance around 260nm. At this wavelength the extinction coefficient used to determine concentration is usually taken to be 0.02/g/ml/cm. In solution as detailed in experiment I, in solution we have absorption bands not spectral lines. The band for DNA band falls away gradually and an A260/A290 of 1.9 is considered to be pure DNA. We are going to read Glasel’s paper for some discussion as to the validity of this assumption. The protocol for the determination of the DNA concentration is as follows: Use quartz cuvettes for the experiment. Zero the cuvettes from 340nm to 240 nm using TE in both reference and sample cuvettes. Add 50L of your unknown DNA solution to 1.0ml TE buffer. Run the unknown spectrum from 340nm to 240 nm. Get the Shimadzu to print out the spectrum and a list of absorbances, at 10nm intervals, which cover the range of the spectrum. Make a copy of the information for each student. Check the DNA concentration using the fluorimeter. Restricting Chromosomal and Plasmid DNA. We are going to double-digest our pIH1034 plasmid and single-digest our chromosomal DNA. The restriction endonucleases we are going to use on the plasmid are, DraI and NcoI. These cut on both sides of the lacZ gene in pIH1034 and produce a fragment of about 3000 bp. This fragment comprises almost the entire lacZ gene in pIH1034. The NotI will cut at a specific 8 base-pair-long sequence. This will produce, in E.coli, fragments which are, on the average, about 66000 base pairs long. Sample Restriction Calculations: restriction type calculations that we are going to do today are done routinely in molecular biology labs. Each student will do the following sample restriction calculations before restricting our own plasmid and the provided chromosomal DNA. “We have been given a plasmid with a concentration of 100 g/ml, some 10X restriction buffer. “10X” in the context we are using means “the buffer is ten times more concentrated than is necessary for running the digestion” This means the restriction digest is routinely run in a 1X concentration buffer. We also have a 10,000 units/ml 43 solution of Ear I. We want to restrict a given mass of our plasmid simultaneously with enough EarI in a reaction mix with a 30L volume, to restrict all the plasmid. Devise a protocol to restrict 200 ng of your plasmid using 3 units of each restriction endonuclease in a total volume of 30L 1X buffer. You are also given chromosomal DNA with a concentration of 2 mg/ml. Devise a protocol for double-digesting 5 g of the DNA under the same conditions. These calculations need to be handed in before the start of the class and are merely practice for the similar calculations you need to do for today’s restriction of your own plasmid and the group’s chromosomal DNA. Fig. 41 - Restriction Map of pUR290 Restrict an aliquot of Chromosomal DNA for use as target DNA in the Southern Blot. Try to get as much DNA in the restriction digest as you can. Remember lacZ is a single copy gene. Try for 5g DNA per well. The concentrations of the chromosomal DNA and of the restriction endonuclease will, of course, be different from that given in the calculations above. NotI is sold at a concentration of 15U/uL. 44 Your restriction protocol for the practice calculation should be handed in, in the matrix form below. The real restriction conditions should go into your lab book in this form as well. DNA Chromosomal PUR290 Volumes in L 10X Ear I NotI - H 2O Fig 40. Form for Restriction Digest Information B. Synthesizing a Probe by PCR An Overview of the PCR Reaction - we are going to use the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to replicate a small portion of the lacZ gene using a cell-free system. PCR was developed as a working technique for the in vitro amplification of DNA in 1987. The idea had been considered in 1971 by Khorana but was not pursued, as there were no hear-stable polymerases around. In 1987 by Gary Mullis turned Khorana’s idea in to reality and developed, what is now, one of the premier techniques of biotechnology. PCR and its alter ego, the Southern blot, are the two methodologies mainly responsible for the stunning explosion of fundamental discoveries in molecular biology. The basis of PCR is the 5’ – 3’ extension of two small primers complementary to sequences downstream from each other, but on different DNA strands, of a larger target DNA molecule. If the target DNA is made single-stranded, the primer will bind and a polymerase will extend the primer in the 3’ direction using the target strand as a template. The other target strand will have a different primer site and will also be extended, but in the opposite direction, being on the other strand. The net result of these reactions produces a dsDNA copy of sequences between the two primer sites. The way the PCR reaction is run allows this target region to be amplified many-fold. The diagram of the PCR reaction is shown below Fig. 41. 45 The Components of the PCR Reaction Taq Polymerase - the polymerase we are using is called Taq polymerase and is a DNA polymerase that has been cloned from the gene in Thermus Aquaticus, a thermophilic bacterium. Taq has an Mr of about 95 kDa, no 3’ -5’ exonuclease activity, a half-life of 40 minutes at 95°C and can add thousands of nucleotides to the primer in the time, usually minutes, we allow for extension in the PCR machine. Taq incorporates with an error rate of about one substitution per 9000 bases and a frame-shift error of about one in every 41,000 bases. It can therefore replicate target strands quite rapidly and exactly. Taq polymerase can also incorporate modified nucleotide containing bulky side-chains, albeit a little more slowly than its regular substrates. Thus a digoxigenin-labeled DNA, DigdUTP, will compete with the regular dTTP substrate and will be incorporated into the sequence being amplified. Primers – our system includes two primers specific to the lacZ gene that whose replication will result in a 300bp region of the gene being amplified. Label – in addition the system contains a modified nucleotide some digoxigenin-11-dUTP - Dig-labeled dUTP. The label does not radically interfere with the use of its dUTP as a substrate for the polymerase during the replication of the target strand. It is incorporated fairly 46 efficiently into the growing daughter strand in the place of dTTP. In addition, the Dig appendage, derived from a plant hormone, has no bacterial equivalents. Thus a mammalian antibody directed against this plant molecule would find it even in a complex bacterial protein mixture. Thus on labeling DNA with digoxigenin we have synthesized a bipolar probe, one end of which is DNA specific- it will base-pair to the target DNA, and the other end is digoxigenin - it will bind only to the anti-digoxigenin antibody. This arrangement forms the basis for a sensitive, non-radioactive assay for the location of its complementary target fragment. Target DNA – this will be E.coli chromosomal DNA purchased from the Sigma chemical company. It will have been dissolved in TE buffer. The Detection System The detection system contains an anti-digoxigenin-antibody covalently linked to an alkaline phosphatase. This is the same detection system used for the Western blot. The DNA-binding end of the probe will find the target DNA, and the Anti-dig antibody will find the Dig label and the alkaline phosphatase goes along for the ride. Once binding has taken place we can use the NBT/BCIP combination to locate the region on the membrane containing target sequences. See the figure below for a diagram of the visualization sandwich. Figure 42: Visualization Sandwich 47 Protocol for Labeling Probe Reagents Target DNA (Template): E. coli chromosomal DNA 2.5 g/ml to be provided. Primers: Both primers diluted to a concentration of 50 M in water. Primer I: TGC CAA TGA ATC GTC TGA CC Primer II: GGACCA TTT CGG CAC AGC PCR Supermix: A complete PCR solution manufactured by Gibco. All one needs to do is add primers and target DNA. The mix consists of 22M Tris HCl, pH 8.4, containing 55 mM KCl, 1.65 mM MgCl2, 220 M of dATP, dTTP, dGTP, and dCTP and some proprietary stabilizers. Label: 1mM digoxigenin-11-dUTP in water. Protocol DNA 5 Add the reagents in the volumes specified below to a 0.7ml sterile eppendorff tube. Supermix 45 All volume in L Primer I Primer II 2 2 Dig-11-dUTP 3 Mix and run in the PCR using the hot bonnet and the 3-step protocol program in the PCR instrument. The 3-step protocol is as follows: 1 minute at 940C. 40 seconds at 920C – the denaturation step. 40 seconds at 600C – the annealing step.. 1 minute and 30 seconds at 750C – the extension step. Repeat the 920C to 750C cycle 29 times. 5 minutes at 750C- a final extension step. Indefinite hold at 40C. 48 I will remove these reactions from the machine and store them at -200C until the next session when we will to check to see whether the probe has been labeled. Day II: Checking the labeled probe We need to know if our probes were successfully labeled before using them in our Southern blot. We will check the probes by covalently linking a small aliquot to a nylon membrane. This is done by UV irradiation. The UV light causes the formation of covalent bonds between thymidine bases and the nylon membrane, a process very similar to the thymidine dimer formation when UV light mutates DNA. We then wash the membrane with solutions to remove contaminants and cover the membrane surface with a protecting protein and DNA layer - a process called blocking. Finally we treat the membrane with detection reagents to visualize the location of the target DNA. In addition to our probes we are also going to run a set of dig-labeled DNA standards through the same washing, blocking and visualizing procedure. This standard set will allow us to obtain an estimate of the concentration of our probes. Protocol for Checking Probes Prepare 10X and 100X dilutions of your probe using 1L aliquots. Spot 1L of your concentrated probe and your two dilutions onto a properly equilibrated air-dried nylon membrane. Try to keep the are of the spot as small as possible. The TA will show you how to do this. The membrane has to be fairly dry before small spots can be made. Make sure you know which slots you used for your probes. Allow your DNA spots to air-dry for 10 minutes. Along with your probe each section should include a biotinylated DNA standard strip purchased form Roche Biochemicals. These strips consist of precise masses, 3, 10, 30 100 and 300pg, of biotin-labeled DNA crosslinked to the strip. Covalently cross-link the DNA to the membrane using the UV stratalinker. The stratalinker cross-links by breaking double bonds in thymidine bases and allowing the unpaired electrons to form covalent 49 bonds with the carbonyl groups in the membrane. This reaction is analogous to thymidine dimer formation in DNA cross-linking. Equilibrate the membrane in 15 ml of 1X wash buffer (a 0.1M Tris-buffer pH 7.5, containing 0.15M NaCl and 0.3% Tween-20, a non-ionic detergent) for 3 minutes. Block for 45 minutes in 70 ml blocking buffer, a proprietary buffer containing detergent and both nonspecific DNA and non-specific protein. “Nonspecific” means in this context that it will bind nonspecifically to membrane “hot-spots” and coat the membrane, so that components of the visualization solutions will not bind there, and produce false positives. Discard the blocker and incubate the membrane in 20 ml of fresh blocker containing anti-digoxigenin-antibody/alkaline phosphatase conjugate solution for 10 minutes. The concentrations and volume will be given at the appropriate time. We buy several different types of conjugate and do not know beforehand what the active concentration will be. Discard the conjugate solution and wash the membrane in 70 ml of 1X wash buffer for 15 minutes. Repeat the above washing process one more time. Place you membrane in a weighing boat and cover it with substrate solution. Substrate solution is BCIP (bromo-chloro-indolyl-phosphate) and NBT (nitro-blue-tetrazolium in high pH Tris buffer). The TA will show you the recipe for this reagent. Wait for about 30 minutes. If no signal is seen at this time cover the solution and leave it overnight in a drawer to develop. Stop the reaction by washing copiously with water and store in 0.5M EDTA in the seal-a-meal bag. The diagram for the detection sandwich has been given earlier and the reactions giving rise to the visualization are shown on page 50. Lab Book Compare the intensities of your probes’ signal with that of the standard DNA set to derive a qualitative measure of the initial concentration of your probe. 50 Experiment 9B – The Southern Blot Purpose: To locate the lacZ gene in E.coli. Introduction We have seen in earlier experiments that moving fragmented DNA down an electric field through a sieving matrix will resolve those fragments according to size. If it were possible to discriminate between those fragments by making use of some internal differences, such as differences in DNA composition or sequence, one could take advantage of these differences to explore individual or population DNA differences. Using different fragmentation methods and detecting only parts of one particular fragment would allow us to “fingerprint” the chromosomal DNA of an individual. The figure below illustrates this idea. Fig. 43: “Fingerprinting” Chromosomal DNA. In 1975 E.M. Southern devised a technique to do just that- to detect individual differences in DNA. This technique, called the “Southern blot”, has become an essential tool of anyone attempting to understand the relationship between phenotype and genotype, or merely studying DNA at the molecular level. To perform the Southern blot the gel is fragmented in some fashion and resolved on a gel. After the resolution, the DNA is 51 denatured in the gel so that it becomes single-stranded. It is then reneutralized and becomes capable of H-bonding to complementary sequences. The re-neutralized DNA is transferred to a membrane, making a mirror image of gel DNA pattern on the membrane. The membrane is then exposed to a single-stranded DNA probe that contains sequences complementary to those on the target DNA on the membrane. Hybridization then takes place on the membrane and, if the probe has been labeled with some reporter group, it is possible to locate the complementary target fragments on the membrane. Uses of the Southern Blot Determination of the chromosomal location of genes. Forensic usage - comparing or “finger-printing” DNA from different sources. Ferreting out genetic linkages. Diagnostics. An Outline for a Southern Blot This experiment is not particularly difficult, but does require organization and must be done according to the schedule outlined in the protocol section. The outline of the experiment is as follows: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Resolve fragments on an Agarose Gel. In-gel treatment – denaturation and neutralization. Transfer of DNA from the gel to a membrane. On-membrane treatment – cross-linking, prehybridization and hybridization. Washing the membrane. Visualization of the Complementary Fragments. We will give some additional information about each of the above steps and before giving the detailed protocol. I. Resolution of fragments – this will be done as before using a 1% agarose gel cast in IX TAE. The gel is to be run at 90ma for about one hour. 52 II. In-Gel treatment III. Denaturation - raising the pH deprotonates the bases and the hydroxyl groups of the sugars. The combination of these effects – the loss of hydrogen bonding and the formation of a charged functional group – destabilizes (or denatures) the dsDNA and the chains move away from each other. Remember that the interstitial spaces of the gel are much larger than DNA molecules, and the DNA is essentially in solution in the interstitial fluid of the gel. Neutralization – lowering the pH restores the H-bonding capacity of the bases. Even though the molecules are now capable of basepairing, they do not form dsDNA. The rate-limiting step in DNA renaturation is the nucleation event where complementary bases find each other and begin to zip up the helical structure. The time needed for this process depends on the complexity of the molecule. The more complex the DNA the longer the “zipping up” takes. As our target DNA is quite complex, it essentially remains a combination of single-stranded and heteroduplex (mismatched) forms in the gel. These are less soluble than the double-stranded forms and tend to precipitate out of solution. Transfer of the DNA to the Membrane –the DNA in the gel is transferred from there to the membrane by capillary action. The solvent flow from the solvent reservoir through the gel to the solvent sink – a stack of dry absorbent paper - carries the DNA along with it to the membrane. And, as the DNA binds quite strongly to the membrane, it is stuck there as the solvent moves off. The capillary set-up is shown on the next page. The membranes are sold as dry strips and need to be equilibrated before use. You will be given the equilibration details in class. 53 Fig.44: Capillary Transfer Apparatus IV. On-Membrane Treatment Cross-linking the DNA to the Membrane – the DNA is only weakly bound to the nylon and, if not somehow permanently fixed there, would be washed off during the washing steps preceding the visualization. The gel is incubated under UV light for 30 seconds to covalently link the DNA to the nylon membrane. As we said before the cross-linking process is something akin to the formation of pyrimidine dimers in dsDNA with electrons from the base forming covalent bonds with the nylon matrix. Prehybridization - after transferring the DNA to the membrane we have to treat the membrane so that the DNA probe and detection proteins will bind only to their specific targets on the membrane and not nonspecifically to chemical hot spots on the membrane. To do this we wash the membrane in detergent, non-homologous DNA and protein so that these will occupy the non-specific membrane sites. This protection process is called prehybridization. After the prehyb treatment we can incubate the probe with the target DNA, hybridize them, and be reasonably sure that areas of the membrane that light up after the detection process will all be complementary to target DNA sequences and not random. Hybridization – The membrane is now ready for probing and is incubated with single-stranded probe so that it can hybridize with its target single54 stranded DNA on the membrane surface. The components of the hybridization solution and the conditions of the hybridization reaction, under high temperature, are such that only a high complementarity between probe and target will be result in binding. These conditions are called high stringency conditions. The presence of formamide in the hybridization solution lowers the melting point of the probe-target DNA duplex by about 32ºC. Thus we are effectively conducting the hybridization at 75º - a temperature that maximizes the requirements for H-bonding between probe and target for duplex formation. V. Washing the membrane – we wash the membrane extensively in buffer and detergents to remove weakly bound species. VI. Visualization – the washed membrane is incubated in a solution containing an anti-Digoxigen antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. The antibody conjugate binds to the dig label and on adding BCIP and NBT as we did in the Western blot, the reaction produces insoluble diformazan and indigo. We thus “light up” the target fragment on the membrane surface. A schematic diagram of the on-membrane processes is shown on the next page. 55 Fig. 45: Diagram of Membrane Treatment Schedule for the Southern Blot Day I Day II Separate DNA on the agarose gel. Denature the DNA in the gel by incubation in base. Neutralize by incubating in a neutralization buffer Transfer the ssDNA from the gel to the membrane by capillary action. Come in before 10:00 a.m. to dismantle the transfer apparatus and covalently link the ssDNA to the membrane using the Stratalinker. Incubate the membrane in pre-hybridization buffer for 3-4 hours. Do an overnight hybridization of your ss-probe to the complementary ssDNA immobilized on the membrane. 56 Day III Incubate the membrane in blocking buffer to saturate non-specific protein binding sites on the membrane. Incubate the membrane with an antidigoxigenin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. Wash off non-specifically bound conjugate. Add an alkaline phosphatase substrate to visualize the target DNA in situ. Protocol Preparing the Restriction Digests for Running We restricted our DNA last session during the probe synthesis. You may remember that sensitivity required that we digest five times more chromosomal DNA than plasmid DNA. Unequal amounts are used because the lacZ sequence is present in very low concentrations in the chromosomal DNA and our plasmid DNA is, by contrast, present in relatively large concentrations. Loading unequal volumes will help equalize the hybridization signals between the two DNA targets, the plasmid and the chromosomal DNA. Set up the following samples in 0.7ml eppendorff tubes: Type of DNA Chromosomal Plasmid Vol. DNA (uL) 30 20 Vol. Loading buffer (uL) 4 3 The loading buffer contains glycerol and some colored dyes. The glycerol makes the solution denser than the electrode buffer and so it will sink to the bottom of the well and the DNA will migrate through the agarose. The dyes, bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol allow us to monitor the progress of the electrophoresis. The bromophenol blue will co-migrate with DNA of size 1000bp while the xylene cyanol co-migrates with about 5000 bp DNA. 57 I. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA The following controls will be provided and should be run once on each gel. DNA Standard - Dig-labeled HindIII digest. This will allow us to determine the molecular weights of bands on the gel. House Chromosomal DNA – undigested E.coli chromosomal DNA. Negative control - unlabelled HindIII digest. Two groups will pour a 1% agarose gel in 1XTAE and use it in common. The combs we have form, at most, so load in the following order: Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: … Lane 12: 10 L negative control- unlabeled HindIII digest. 10 L labeled HindIII standard. 20 L House uncut E.coli. 20 L your chromosomal DNA. 2 L your plasmid digest. 5L your plasmid digest. 10 L labeled HindIII digest. The above order is for one group. The second group on the gel will load their samples according to the same order in the available wells. The standard on both ends allows us to determine molecular weights where migration is not uniform across the gel. When all the lanes are loaded, run the gel at a constant current of 80-90 mA. During electrophoresis you will equilibrate your membranes. After the gel has run we will look at the gel on the transilluminator to inspect the pattern, before going further. 58 II. On-Membrane Treatment These processes prepare the gel for probe binding by first making the DNA single-stranded and then neutralizing it, so that it can hydrogen bond to the probe. Denature the DNA in the gel by shaking in 50 ml of 0.5M NaOH containing 1.5M NaCl for 15 minutes at room temperature. Repeat the denaturation in fresh base for an additional 15 minutes. Note the change in color of the bromophenol blue dye. Neutralize the DNA in the gel by shaking in 50 ml of 1M phosphate buffer, pH6.5, for 10 minutes. Repeat the neutralization two more times. The DNA is now ready for transfer and competent for base pairing. III. Transfer of DNA to the Membrane Set up the transfer unit according to the instructions that come with the unit. The solvent used for the transfer is 20X SSC. The transfer should take only about 2-3 hours, but can safely be to take place overnight as we shall do. After the transfer remove the membrane from the transfer sandwich. Before separating the gel from the membrane mark the face of the membrane where the membrane contacted the gel, this is the DNA side-up surface of the membrane i.e. the surface to which the DNA is bound, and which should be exposed to the cross-linking radiation. Cutting off one of the corners can do this. This also allows you to orient yourself for the identification of the various bands on the membrane. Even though the bands as loaded on the gel, are not symmetrical, it is sometimes useful to have a clear-cut orientation marker on the gel. IV. Membrane Treatment Place the membrane, DNA side up on a piece of filter paper, in the Stratalinker. Use the autolink mode to cross-link the DNA. This program exposes the DNA to 1200J of UV light which covalently links the DNA to the membrane. 59 Lay your membrane down on the nylon mesh about three membranes per mesh. Roll the mesh package up into a cylinder and place in the hybridization bottle. Add about 50 ml of prehyb solution to the bottle and use the hybridization oven to prehybridize the membranes at 42oC for at least 2 hours. Boil your probe for 10 minutes in 10 ml of fresh hybridization solution and store it in the freezer until you need it. Combine all probes for the common hybridization. Decant the prehybridization solution. It can be reused, so decant it into the container provided. If none is provided find a clean beaker and label it “prehyb” solution and decant into it. Add the single-stranded probe to the hybridization bottle and incubate overnight at 43oC. Decant the used probe solution and save it. The probe can be reused several times if stored at –20oC. Wash the membranes twice for 5 minutes a piece in 40 ml of 2XSSC containing 0.1% SDS. Wash the membranes twice, 15 minutes apiece, at 68oC in 50 ml of 0.1XSSC containing 0.1% SDS. VI. Visualization of Complementary Fragments The membranes are now ready for visualization. We use the almost the same protocol for visualizing our Southern as we did for checking our probes so consult experiment 9A. The only differences are that now, that we equilibrate the membrane for about 10 minutes in the wash buffer instead of three minutes, and we reduce the blocking time to twenty minutes. 60 Lab Report Do one formal report for both parts of experiment 9. Arrange your discussion around your data. Address your data interpretation to answering the questions below. a. b. c. d. e. f. What bands do you expect to see on the gel? How many fragments of what sizes lighted up? Did you see bands you expected? Were there any unexpected bands on the gel? What concentration of probe did your target DNA see? Does your fragment size agree with that expected from the E.coli DNA sequence 61 Making Buffers in a Biochemistry Lab The first lab periods will be devoted to making buffers which to be used during the coming semester. In order to save space, and make enough of a given buffer for the entire semester we usually make the buffers at a higher concentration than we use them at. In the lab terminology we describe the situation above as, we make buffers at, say a, 10X concentration (ten-fold higher than we need) and dilute them to 1X (the concentration of use). To make buffers we need to brush up on some basic calculations from genchem, to relearn the use of chemical balances, and to understand and use pH meters. Choosing a Buffer As you recall from genchem, a buffer is a solution of a weak acid and its conjugate base, the combination of which is able to minimize changes in pH caused by the addition of external acid or base. You also will, no doubt, also recall that the pH of the solution is determined by the pKa of the acid and the ratio of the concentration of the conjugate base to the concentration of the acid. The Henderson-Hasselbach expresses this relation: pH = pKa + log[(conjugate base) / (acid)] Biological systems, including enzyme reactions, often have an optimal pH so that the most sensitive assays are usually be carried out near that optimal pH. So, knowing the optimum pH, we need to choose an appropriate buffer i.e., one which would buffer (or hold the pH relatively constant) at that pH. Buffers are most effective when the pH of the solution is equal to the pKa of the system, as, at this pH, the concentration of the acid form equals the concentration of the conjugate base form, so we have maximal conversion of one form to the other, or buffering. We would be lucky to find both the above conditions fulfilled at the arbitrary pH of one out of many enzymes. Therefore, the best choice of a buffer would be one whose pKa is close to the required pH. Physiological pH is about 7.4 so usually reactions can be run close to pH 7 and we consequently need a buffer with a pKa near 7. Two commonly used buffers are tris-hydroxymethyl amino methane, Tris base, with a pKa of 8.07, and one of the three ionization forms of phosphoric acid, H 2PO 4-, with a pKa of 7.20. 62 Making the Buffer - Theory After the appropriate pKa has been chosen, a buffer of the appropriate pH can be made by adjusting the ratio of the base form to that of the acid form, of that buffer, in one of three ways: 1. A salt of the acid form can be added to a salt of the base form in the correct molar ratio. This will give the desired pH. 2. The acid form of the buffer can be dissolved and its conjugate base can be formed by the addition of an appropriate amount of strong base. HA + OH - = A- + H 2O 3. The salt of the base form can be dissolved, and an appropriate amount of the acid form can be formed in solution by the reaction with a strong acid. A- + H + = HA The Concentration of the Buffer In making solutions we need to make up a given concentration of the solute in a given volume of solvent. In Biochemistry the concentration of the buffer is defined as the concentration of both the acid and the base forms of that buffer. Thus all we need to know when making a buffer is its Mr, its concentration and its volume. When we adjust the pH the forms will proportion themselves out spontaneously to give the desired pH. We will use Tris as a general example of how a buffer is made. First, weigh out the correct mass, in grams, of the base form. “Correct mass” means the mass that will give the desired molar concentration when dissolved in the given volume of solution. We allow the solute to dissolve in a somewhat smaller volume than the final volume calls for, and then titrate the solution to the correct pH with hydrochloric acid. After the correct pH is reached we add more solvent until the volume of the solution is brought to the desired total volume, mix and check the pH. So this is an example of the third method of making a buffer. 63 Procedure: The recipe in the appendices in the lab manuals, unless specified otherwise, indicates concentrations corresponding to their working, or 1X, concentration. As an example of a buffer preparation, let us make 5L of a 4X solution of Tris HCl buffer with a working concentration of 0.1M.concentration at pH 7.6. TrisHCl indicates that HCl is the acid needed to titrate the base form of Tris. You could also titrate with H2SO4 Or CH3COOH to make TrisSO4 or Tris Acetate, if needed. 1. Find all the components of your assigned buffer. In this case the solid Tris base and the HCl solution. All solids are in the west balance room or by the pH meters. The Acids are under the hood in the east lab. Look for the formula weight of Tris, or any solid, on its container. Record the Mr in your lab book. 2. Calculate the number of grams of each component you will need to weigh out. (Remember, grams = 4(V x C x M r), where V = volume, C = molar concentration and M r = molecular weight. This calculation gives the mass of Tris base to be weighed out. (4x5X0.1X121)g Tris base = 242g of Tris base. 3. When you get to the balance, first put the weighing container on the pan and tare the balance. Using a clean spatula, add solid to the container until the correct weight is obtained. Add the solid to a beaker and rinse the weighing container with water into the beaker. Repeat this for each solid component. When you are finished with the balance, clean out any spilled chemicals with the brush provided, and turn off the balance. Clean the used spatulas and return them to their containers. Sloppy lab practices are not tolerated. 4. Dissolve solids into somewhat less water than the total volume needed. For our example the initial volume would be about 4.7L. Use a magnetic stirrer and stir bar. 5. With the standard buffers provided, calibrate the pH meter according to the published instructions. For maximum accuracy the calibrations standards should bracket the desired pH. Place the pH electrode into the buffer solution. 64 6. Titrate the buffer with strong acid, HCl to pH 7.6, the desired pH. Rinse the electrode and put the electrode back into the storage buffer. Turn off the pH meter. 7. Bring the buffer to the desired final volume by adding water and recheck your pH. Adjust again if necessary. 8. Transfer the buffer to an appropriate storage container. Label the container with (a) the buffer name, (b) buffer concentration, (c) date made, and (d) your initials. 8. To use the buffer dilute it buffer to its working, or 1X concentration. For example, if you want 200 ml of a 1X solution starting from a 10X solution then, use the calculation from genchem and insert the “X” designation for concentration instead if molarity: V 1 x C 1 = V 2 x C 2, (200ml)(1X) = (xml)( 10X) Xml = 200(1X/10X) = 20ml. 9. Add 20 ml 10X to 180ml H2O, mix. Decant into appropriate container for storage. 10. Clean all glassware used to make solutions. Hang out to dry on the racks. 65 Reagents Agarose Gels Ampicillin Solution (1000X) Buffers Bradford Reagent for Protein Assay Column Buffer Coomassie Blue Stain for Gels Destaining Solution (SDS) DNA Denaturing Solution DNA Loading Solution (10X) DNA Neutralization Solution Hoescht Assay Solution IPTG Solution (100X) LB (Luria Broth) Liquid Medium LB (Luria Broth) Add 0.5g agarose to 50 ml 1X TAE in a Wheaton bottle. Microwave for 1’ 20”. Cool hot solution under running water, and pour. This makes a 1% gel A filter-sterilized solution of 50mg/ml in distilled water. 50mM appropriate buffer – weigh out enough salt to give a 50mM concentration in desired volume, dissolve in water, pH and then take to volume. Check pH. 100mg Serva Blue dissolved in 50ml 95% ethanol. Add 100ml 85% H3PO4, mix, add water to one liter. Mix. 20mM TrisHCl, pH 7.4, containing 200mM NaCl and 1mM EDTA. 4X 100mg Coomassie blue tablets in 1L of 40:10:50/methanol: glacial Acetic Acid: water. 40:10:50/methanol: glacial Acetic Acid: water. 0.4M NaOH containing 1M NaCl. 0.25g Bromophenol Blue, 0.25g Xylene Cyanol in 50ml 1mMTrisHCl, pH 8.0. Add 50ml glycerol and mix. 1M phosphate pH 6.5. Add 2μL 33528 Hoescht dye to 1 ml 2X TNE in an eppendorff. Make 100mM in water and filter-sterilize. 10g bactotryptone, 5g yeast extract and 10g NaCl in one liter of water. Autoclave after dissolving. Add Bacto-agar to 1.5% (w/v) to LB, liquid medium. Autoclave and pour into Petrie dishes. 66 Solid Medium PNPG Solutions SDS Loading Buffer (10X) If antibiotics are to be added, wait until the agar solution is about 65 C before adding. p-nitrophenyl--D-galactose, PNPG, in Z buffer. Add 15 ml glycerol to 35ml 0.5M Tris HCl, pH 6.8, containing 4g SDS and 15mg Bromophenol blue. 67 SDS Gel Electrode Buffer (10X) Separating Gel Solution SSC (20X) Stacking Gel Substrate Solution for Blots TAE Buffer (10X) TE Buffer Tetracyclin Solution (1000X) TNE Solution – (2X) Towbin Buffer TSS Solution Western Blocking solution Western Salt Solution Western Wash Solution 250mM Tris base containing 1.92mM glycine and 1g SDS, pH 8.3. Add 120ml 30% Acrylamide/bis-acrylamide to 280 ml of 0.54M TrisHCl, pH 8.8, containing 300μL of TEMED, mix. This will give a 9% gel 88.2g sodium citrate and 175.3g of NaCl per liter. Adjust pH to 7.0 with glacial acetic acid and autoclave before use. 13.6 ml of 30% acrylamide/bis-acrylamide to 87ml of 0.145M Tris HCl, pH 6.5, containing 100μL TEMED. This will give a 4% gel. 0.1M TrisHCl, pH 9.5, containing 50mM Mg+2 and 100mM NaCl. TAE is an acronym for Tris-acetate-EDTA. We buy a 50X TAE solution and dilute it with water to make a 1X running buffer. The 50X contains 2M Tris acetate and 50mM EDTA, pH 8.3, 10mM TrisHCl, pH 8.0, containing 0.15M NaCl and 1mM EDTA. 15mg tetracycline in 70% ethanol-water. 20mM TrisHCl, pH 7.4, containing 2mM EDTA and 0.2M NaCl. 0.192M glycine, 0.025M Tris base, 0.0013M SDS, pH 8.3. Make to 15% in methanol. Add 10g of PEG 3350 or PEG 8000 to 100 ml of sterile LB. Add filter-sterilized Mg+2 to a final concentration of 50mM; adjust the pH to 6.66.8 and add enough DMSO to give a final concentration of 5%(w/v) and filter-sterilize. 1g Blocker in 200ml Western Salt solution containing 0.2ml Tween 20. 48.6g Tris base, 47gNaCl in 4L of water. Take the pH to 9.5 with HCl. 0.2ml Tween 20 per liter Western salt solution. 68 eXgal Stock Solution Xgal Agar Plates YT Medium Z Buffer 25mg Xgal/ml in 50%mDMSO/water. Dilute the stock Xgal by a factor of 1000, to give a final concentration of 25μg/ml. Dissolve 0.8g bactotryptone, 0.5g yeast extract and 0.5g NaCl in 100 ml of water. Adjust pH to 7.4 and autoclave. 50mM TrisHCl, pH 7.5, containing 50mM Mg+2 and 2mM DTT, dithiotreitol. 69