Biome PowerPoint Presentation What is a biome? A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plants and animal communities. They are often made up of many ecosystems and occur on both land and in both fresh and salt water. The climate plays a major role in shaping each biome. For example, the climate will determine what plants can live in a particular area. In turn, the plants in an area tend to support only certain animals. The following is a list of common biomes (EACH THAT HAS A DASH): Terrestrial (Land) Biomes Forests - Tropical Rain Forests - Temperate Rain Forests - Temperate Deciduous Forests - Taiga - Savannas - Temperate Grasslands - Chaparral - Desserts - Tundra Aquatic (Water) Biomes Freshwater - Lakes and Ponds - Freshwater Wetlands - Rivers Saltwater/Brackish (fresh and salt water mixed) - Coastal Wetlands/Estuaries - Coral Reefs - Oceans (surface/deep water) Your Job: To create a PowerPoint presentation that explores and describes a particular biome. Each presentation should include at least these topics – where on Earth its found, description (explain what it like there), climate/weather information (rainfall, average temperatures, seasons, etc.), local flora (plants) and fauna (animals), things that make this biome unique, importance of this biome, and threats/what is being done to protect it. You are not in any way limited to the above topics, however, they should all be included. Also to be included: A worksheet that the class can complete while you present. At least 10 questions (fill-ins, completions, short answer, ect.) A quiz (that you make) on your biome. At least 5 questions, should coincide with worksheet. How you will be graded: Quality (did you put time into it?) Organization of information (is it easy to follow/understand?) Content (did you include at least the above mentioned information?) Creativity/appearance How well you present your information Worksheet and quiz Does it reflect what is actually in your presentation? Are they good questions that reflect the most important points? IMPORTANT: Please do not simply copy and paste whole paragraphs onto a slide, read it to the class, and expect everyone to follow. You need to pick through all the information that is out there and put together sides that are easy to read, follow, and understand. Don’t use any font smaller than 28pt and be mindful of what color you are using over your background. Both you and your classmates will be grateful if you do! Email your PowerPoint to me by the below time/date to DUE DATES: Worksheet and Quiz – Wednesday, October, in class or emailed PowerPoint – Thursday, October 14th, emailed Earned Biome PowerPoint Grading Rubric Available CONTENT 5 Where on Earth its found (with a map ) 5 Description 5 Climate/Weather (with numbers) 5 Flora 5 Fauna 5 Things that make this biome unique 5 Importance of biome 10 Threats to the biome 5 Actions to protect it 10 10 MATERIALS Worksheet Quiz 10 10 10 GENERAL Quality/appearance (with Pictures) Creativity Presentation of information 100 TOTAL =