PG Pool Minutes of 10/15 Board Meeting

PG Pool Minutes of 10/15 Board Meeting
Present: Sarah Gardner, Terry Brill, Cathy Bergmann, David Lapp, David McCandlish, Lonni Moffet, Chris
1. The new bank signatories are Sarah, David Lapp, and Linda Mona.
2. There will be a workday at the pool on 10/28.
3. Contracting with Century: David L. and Sarah are in the process of talking with Century about whether
to renew and our terms. The total contract is $42-43 K mostly for staffing. We’d like to get the
contracting done before the usual late-Spring time. David and Sarah will meet with Mitchell to review
the last season and the contract, then they’ll report back to the board. We’ve developed a good
relationship with Century, and they want to work with us again. There is a question of what we can
realistically expect from the guards, esp. in terms of maintenance. Mitchell can provide info here. We
also want to find out the price for 2 weekends in September. We’ve learned that it works better to have
the manager on hourly, not salary. Someday we would be better off being more independent from a pool
company and doing our own staffing, but we’re not ready for that. David the manager from last year did
not sign a no-compete clause, so he could work as an asst. manager.
Parking: We have our first rental (a truck) we negotiated on our own. Sardis has had a few cars towed
and will replace the signs that were pulled. Sarah talked to Mr. Pollard from Queenstown apts.; they have
an interest in the lot and may work with Sardis to get rentals.
5. Pressure Test: David McC. has done some research and gotten 3 bids. (For details there is a hand out
you can get from him.) (Background for new board members: Pressure Test aka Leak Survey is
diagnostic. We know we have leaks in both pools but do not know if they are from the plumbing, shell,
gutters. The pressure test would tell us if we have circulation/plumbing leaks. We haven’t done a
pressure test in about 6 years. There is also a Dual Drain option, but Mitchell says the pressure test is
better for our pool.) We want to get the diagnostic work done by the 1st of the year so we have time for
repairs; also, these companies charge more in the Spring. The Board decided that yes, it is time to do a
pressure test. We will go with Eastern (again, David has details on the bids on the handout, and Eastern
looks best so far) after getting one more dual drain bid. Add approx. $1500 to the cost of pressure test to
re-fill the pool, although David has some creative ideas involving the drainage ditch which would reduce
6. Off-Season phone service: In the past we suspended phone service (i.e., no off-season service) for 50%
reduction in fees (saving $10.50/month for 8 months) with $43 fee to resume service. Our options are:
1) Verizon will forward for free during suspension; or 2) keep the service, attach an answering machine
for 8 mos. costing $40 net. Sarah is willing to have calls forwarded to her home, so Board agreed on
option 1.
7. Mail pick up and handling: Right now Linda picks up the mail for processing checks, but it would help to
have a distribution system to different people. David L. is willing to work with Linda to pay attention to
incoming mail and see how it needs to be distributed.
8. Dues: Sarah would like to set dues because there are advantages to getting out a pre-end-of-year mailing
before 11/15 (while the season is still fresh in members’ minds but before holiday mania.) Although
we’d still like a report from Linda on income/expenditures for the last few years, we know that we are
getting through the year approx. $10K in the black, and we have $17K in the bank (which we might use to
pay off the existing loan if it saves us money). Over the years we have become more fiscally sound,
which lays the groundwork to be able to borrow money in the future for needed improvements. There
was agreement among those present to go ahead with what we tentatively came up with last time: fullfamily membership $390 if paid before 5/20 and $400 after 5/20 (for old and new members). Co-op req
would be $35 or 5 hours. Option of just paying fee with membership if don’t want to do hours; if want
hours would sent in separate $35 check with S.A.S.E. When season is over if they do all their hours they
get the check back in the mail. Sarah is going to do an e-mail poll of board members not here today, and
then Sarah and Lonni will do a membership letter (newsletter format) with the new rates.
9. Food Service: Discussion was tabled b/c Phil and John were absent. We need to meet with the County.
Assuming we need at the least a triple sink and a stainless steel table (table-top). Chris will call the
county about permits to see what would be needed to get it up to code enough to e.g. do fundraisers.
David L. will give Chris his notes on what the county has already said. Lonni will call Mike Franklin for
any tips on equipment.
10. Next meeting: We’ll go with monthly meetings until Spring. Next meeting Sun., Nov. 5, 7:00 pm, at
the Moffet/McCandlish house. Please let Sarah know (301/927-6560) if you cannot attend.
Minutes submitted by Cathy Bergmann