Occupancy Plan City of Oxnard C&D Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Plan Form must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. Date Submitted:_______ _____Approved _____Further Information Needed _____Denied Staff Initials:___________ Applicant: Project Name: Project Number: Job Site: Total Square Footage of Project: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Project Manager: Signature of Person Completing Form: Phone: Fax: Email: Cell Phone: Total Estimated Quantity of Material to be Diverted (reused, recycled): (See Other Side for Occupancy Plan Worksheet) Total Estimated Quantity of Material to be Disposed (landfilled): (See Other Side for Occupancy Plan Worksheet) The City is required by the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, Assembly Bill 939, to divert 50% of waste generated from the landfills. Projects generate a significant amount of material that can be recycled during occupancy. In order to comply with AB939, the City requires Applicant to minimize materials being landfilled by developing and implementing an Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Plan to the extent possible. All Applicants shall prepare an Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Plan by completing the attached worksheet for materials likely to be generated during occupancy. The goal of the Occupancy Plan shall be to divert from disposal at least 50% of materials generated through reuse and recycling methods. Applicant shall provide a drawing that shows the location and dimensions for the refuse and recycling bins, enclosures, and balers, if applicable. The purpose is to ensure the project has been designed with sufficient space for the collection and loading of all refuse and recyclables generated. Applicant shall include the following information: material type to be recycled, reused, salvaged or disposed; estimated quantities; management method; destination of material including the hauler name and facility location. The attached Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Plan worksheet or similar format shall be used. Additional pages may be added as needed. The Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Plan must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. During occupancy, Occupant will complete the Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Report and provide legible copies of weigh tickets, receipts, or invoices for materials sent to disposal or reuse/recycling facilities. For other discarded or salvaged materials, Applicant must provide documentation, on letterhead, identifying where the materials were taken, type of materials, and tons or cubic yards disposed, recycled or reused, and identify the project generating the discarded materials. The Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Occupancy Report shall be submitted annually. For additional information contact: Jay Duncan (805) 385-8059; fax 487-3860; jay.duncan@ci.oxnard.ca.us C&D Recycling Plan Form 07/08 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT & RECYCLING Environmental Resources Management & Recycling Methods Project Name:_____________________ OCCUPANCY PLAN 1. 2. 3. 4. Collection in mixed recycling bin & hauled to recycling facility 5. Not enough generated to recycle Re-used on site 6. Landfilled/Disposed Other on-site reuse: Grasscycling, mulching, chipping of greenwaste, etc. 7. Other (Specify) or Hazardous Waste hauler Source Separation of materials (i.e. cardboard, landscape trimmings) hauled to recycling, composting, salvage, or other reuse facility Materials Generated Example: Mixed Recycling Example: Trash Mixed Recycling (bottles, Method # (See Above) Hauler/Self-Haul (N/A if reused on site) Destination Facility/Location Estimated Quantities Tons Cubic Yd. 1 City of Oxnard Del Norte Recycling/Oxnard 8yd/week 6 City of Oxnard Del Norte Transfer Station 4yd/week Units *Number/location of Refuse & Recycling Bins (two) 4 yard recycle bins/week (one)4 yard refuse bin/week cans, paper, newspaper, catalogs, phone books, magazines, office paper, paper bags, cardboard, etc.) Cardboard Carpet/Foam/Padding Concrete Construction/Demolition material Dirt (clean) Food Glass/Plate/Window Grass Clippings Green Waste: Leaves, Landscape Trimmings, Trees, Stumps, etc. Metals (Specify) Wood/Lumber/Pallets Plastic/FilmWrap/Other Produce Trimmings Salvage Material Textiles Appliances/Electronics (computers, water heaters, air conditioners, etc.) HazardousWaste/Paint Batteries Tires Mixed Trash Other (describe) *Attach drawing of enclosures and indicate recycling & trash bins TOTAL For additional information contact: Jay Duncan (805) 385-8059; fax 487-3860; jay.duncan@ci.oxnard.ca.us C&D Recycling Plan Form 07/08