Appendix F: Introduction to Civilization III Overview Civilization III is a turn-based strategy game developed by Sid Meier and Firaxis. You, the player, are the supreme leader of the civilization of your choice. You lead this civilization from the year 6000 BC up to the present. You decide where cities will begin, how your civilization will grow and evolve, what technological discoveries to pursue, how to balance your economy, and how to manage trade, wars, and peace treaties. Winning the Game There are six ways to win Civilization III: Space Race. One of the peaceful methods of victory in Civilization III is to be the first to colonize another planet called Alpha Centauri. In order to achieve this victory, the player must build the Apollo Program, build a spaceship (which has 10 parts), and then launch the ship before the other civilizations. Domination. Have 66% of the world's land surface within your borders. You can do this by winning wars or having a strong culture. Conquest. A purely military solution: conquer the world, civilization by civilization. Cultural Victory. Make one of your cities or your whole civilization the envy of all man- and woman-kind. A city with a Cultural value of 20,000 or if your civilization is worth 100,000 and at least twice as much as any rival, you win. Diplomacy. Get voted the head of the United Nations. To be a you must either: 1. have built the UN. 2. control at least 25% of the world's territory. 3. control at least 25% of the world's population. 4. If only one civilization is eligible, then the second candidate is the civilization with the largest population. To win the vote, you will need to be popular with the other civilizations. Histograph. Civilization III runs until the year 2050. If the game ends and no one has won, then the winner is determined by constructing a histograph. A histograph looks at the total "Score" generated by all civilizations turn by turn over the course of the game. The civilization that generated the highest score -- on average -- wins. Being powerful in Ancient Times is just as valuable as being powerful in the Modern Era. Civilizations in 4000 BC Hunter Gatherers 15,000 years ago, people were hunter-gatherers. They followed wild animals for food, or moved where they could find wild plants to eat. They lived in relatively small groups (or tribes) that were ruled by a single leader (who was usually male). Most people all hunted or gathered food. There is some debate about this, but many people think that men and women shared roles in ancient societies. The Birth of Civilization. Around 10,000 BC, people in the Middle East invented agriculture (farming) and began domesticated animals like goats, pigs and cows. Most archeologists agree that this new way of gathering food led to the birth of civilizations. Now, people had to stay in one place, so they built up settlements with permanent buildings. With permanent homes, people could create and collect more tools, and pottery. In turn, this let people specialized in tasks, such as farming, making pottery, creating laws or making tools. About this same time, “Native American” hunters and gathers were reaching South America. The Spread of Civilization. The invention of agriculture and domesticated animals spread throughout Mesopotamia by 9000. It reached Europe, Egypt, India and China by 6000 BC. By 4000 BC, the city of UR was founded in Mesopotamia (which is the Middle East). Why start Civilization in 4000 BC? Firaxis probably started Civilization in 4000 BC because the Mesopotamian city of UR was founded in 4000 BC (probably the first city). Many historians think that the Bible starts in about 4000 BC. Between 4000 and 3000 BC, Egyptians developed writing, and cultures flourished in Indian and China as well. Native American Civilizations “Civilizations” were a little slower to develop in the Americas. Native Americans only came over the Bering Strait at around 13,000-10,000 BC. So, people living in Mesopotamia had thousands of years head start in trying to raise crops. The Americas were rich with wild game, so there was less incentive to try the “civilized” lifestyle. It also turns out there are far less “crops” and animals that can be domesticated that are native to the Americas. Most of our grains and animals (like pigs and cows) come from the Middle East. Finally, civilizations in the Americas were so spread out that they couldn’t trade as easily. Civilization III as a Simulation Overall, people about to start civilizations were settlements throughout the world by 4000 BC. For fun, we will imagine that in 4000 BC, any of these groups could have become a civilization. I gave the older civilizations, like the Babylonians and the Egyptians, bonuses. The Babylonians have more food on their map (to reflect the invention of agriculture there), and each group also gets some bonus discoveries, to reflect their “head start”. Choosing a Civilization Think about what Civilization you want to play. Each one has different geographical advantages and challenges. In addition, the game gives each civilization a "natural strength" based on its culture. You might think of this as the game's way of accounting for the difference in values across cultures. Each strength gives a civilization one free Advance and one rules advantage as outlined below: 1. Commercial -- The center city squares of all cities and metros produce extra commerce and less corruption is experienced. 2. Expansionist -- The civilization starts the game with a scout and can build more later, and passive minor barbarians are friendlier. 3. Industrious -- Workers complete tasks faster and the center city square of all cities produces extra shields in cities and metros. 4. Militaristic -- It is easier to build military improvements (barracks, for example), and combat experience is gained more quickly. 5. Religious -- Civilizations do not experience periods of anarchy during revolutions, and religious city improvements (Temples, for instance) are easier to build. 6. Scientific -- Scientific city improvements (like research labs) are easier to build and the civilization receives a free Civilization Advance at the start of every era. ABORIGINES The Aborigines are a very old culture, dating back over 12,000 years. However, Australia is very isolated, so they could not trade goods or share technologies with other civilizations. Further, there are no cows, goats or pigs in Australia, and very few wild grains. Yet, there’s something fun about imagining how Aborigines could have ruled the world. Only choose Australia if you’re up for a big challenge. AZTECS The Aztecs are one of the most successful civilizations in the Americas. At their height, they rivaled the brilliance of the Old World cultures. They ruled over 500 smaller states, and ruled over most of Mexico. They created great buildings, invented corn, and developed many cultural traditions. THE BABYLONIANS The oldest known city was Ur of the Sumerian civilization. Sumeria is in the Middle East covering what is now Syria and Iraq. The first writing was developed in Sumeria. Hammurabi, a Babylonian ruler took over Sumeria around 1700 BC. The great city of Babylon was lost around 1 AD and was only rediscovered in the late 1800s. BANTU The Bantu are one of the world’s oldest cultures. They are a loosely-related family of peoples that come from western Africa. They eventually spread across the entire continent of Africa. We believe that the Bantu displaced the other two main groups of people who live in Southern Africa, the Pygmies and Khoisan. Now, descendents of all three groups live in Africa. The Zulu tribe, which became a great empire is one group who descended from the Bantu. The Bantu developed advanced farming techniques, and possibly military technologies. CELTS The Celts are a group of European “barbarians” that settled much of Western Europe. (The Boston Celtics are named after them). At one time, they were spread throughout France, England, and Ireland, but they were eventually pushed back to Ireland by the Romans. As a barbarian tribe, the Celts have a reputation for being rowdy pagans. CHINESE The Chinese are one of the oldest civilizations on Earth and probably the first to develop a unified “identity”. China is surrounded by oceans and mountains, so it was isolated for thousands of years. The Chinese developed their own language and many unique technologies, such as gunpowder. EGYPTIANS Some archeologists argue that the Egyptians are one of the first civilizations in history. They developed their own writing, the Pyramids, an enduring religion, and mathematics. The Egyptians were a very organized, productive society. GERMANS The Germans are another barbaric group that settled Europe. The Germanic tribes were a loosely related groups of people. They have formed several powerful empires throughout history. GREEKS Many scholars have said that the Greeks are the founders of Western Civilization. Much of Western art, literature, and philosophy has its roots in the Greece. Ancient Greece was really a group of city states. They developed a powerful empire around 1000 BC. INCANS The Incans are an ancient people who built a grand civilization in South America in what is now Chile and Peru. They developed huge temples, were rich with silver, and studied astronomy. The Incans were slaughtered by Spanish conquistadors and devastated by diseases that the Spanish brought with them. INDIA The Indians are another of the world’s oldest and most influential civilizations. Indians developed agriculture around 5000 BC, and India has contributed many of the world’s great religions, philosophers, and art. They also have a strong tradition of democracy. IROQOIS The Iroquois civilization grew from the ancient Hopewell Indians. The Iroquois consisted of 6 nations that occupied much of the Northeast US. Americans studied Iroquois government and based the US constitution on their government. PERSIANS The Persians grew out of Barbarian tribes who settled in Iran. They eventually conquered Babylon and formed a powerful empire throughout the Middle East. The Persians were a rich culture with with inspiring art, food, and architecture. ROMANS The Romans (now in Italy) rose to power around 500 BC. Their empire covered the Mediterranean for centuries. They borrowed many ideas from the Greeks. Roman philosophy, art, and religion were also an important part of Western Civilization. THE RUSSIANS Many races have lived in Russia, but little is known about them. They probably were a lot like the other barbarian tribes. They later became became the Soviet Union. AGRICULTURE July 12, 2001 - BBC Modern farming is based on 13000 years of experience. Modern humans began farming centuries earlier than thought, a new study claims. The move from collecting wild grains to growing crops was one of the biggest changes in human history. “This was the other great change for humanity after the mastery of fire. We began to imagine ourselves masters of the environment," explained Professor Gordon Hillman of University College London, UK. He spent 27 years looking at the remains of a settlement in modern Syria and now believe that growing cereal crops had already begun around 13,000 years ago, 1-2,000 years earlier than previously thought. Professor Hillman believes the first farmers may have been a small community of hunter-gatherers originally tempted to settle in one place by good food growing wild. "It was all very rosy for them. It was getting warmer and wetter and they had a food base so good that they were tempted to settle. But then suddenly things changed," he told BBC News Online. The weather suddenly began to get colder and drier, and the huntergatherers were faced with a choice: either move on and face the possible wrath of other hungry communities elsewhere or stay put and start farming. They chose to stay and start farming, and as they did so, they changed the way that they harvested. Some of the first seeds of civilization sprouted when people stopped chasing dinner and started raising it. Settlers formed villages. Landowners gained power. And a boom in leisure time eventually led to gourmet delis and Internet cafes. But who shepherded the first lamb or watered the first asparagus crop? Goats were likely the first to give up their wild ways, according to archaeologist Melinda Zeder of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Scientists are also on the trail of the first domesticated corn, beans, carrots, and garlic. One group recently announced dating the first domesticated maize, from a cave in Oaxaca, to about 6,300 years ago. Other work is revealing corn's genetic transformation from an unappetizing, unwieldy plant to the easily harvestable and succulent crop of modern times. Barbarians The Chinese, Greeks, and Romans all thought that anyone different from them was noncivilized and called them barbarians. Barbarians were nomad hunters and gathers. They were illiterate and did not settle into civilizations. Many think that the word is biased toward Greek, Roman, or Chinese culture. The barbarians lived in most of Europe, including Germany, Russia, and France. Many Americans are surprised to find that for hundreds of years the “civilized” world was around the Mediterranean, including the Middle East and Africa. The English, French, or Germans would have been seen by “civilized” people as racially inferior. If there is a lesson to be learned from the barbarians, it may be that many cultures have treat anyone who is different as “barbaric,” but this may not always be true. Barbarians in Civilization III In Civilization, Barbarian tribes inhabit every continent of the world and there are two types: Passive and Aggressive. Passive Tribes Passive barbarians reside in small villages. When you send a unit into one of these villages, several things can happen -- some good and some bad. Possible results range from learning a new Civilization Advance to enraging the residents and having to battle them. Aggressive Tribes These [named] tribes also reside in villages on the map, but they send out raiding parties to fight your units and pillage your cities and towns. By destroying a tribal village you can stop the raids from that village. But the survivors will move to a new site in explored or unexplored territory and begin raiding from there. City Radius Every city has a city radius, an area around the city in which its citizens work. The radius is shown on the City Display and potential radii are shown whenever a settler is active. A square is part of a city's radius if it is * within the city's cultural borders, and * within two squares of the city. Citizens of the city work the squares in the city radius, extracting Food, Shields, and Commerce -- the three basic currencies. Worker Actions – Irrigate (I): Increases food output. – Build Mine (M): Increases shield output. – Build Road (R): Increases commercial output and speeds movement. – Build Railroad (R): Increases irrigation or mine output, and provides unlimited movement. – Build Fortress (Ctrl-F): Increases a square's defensive value= Terrain_Combat> by 50%. – Plant Forest (N): Adds a forest to a square. – Clear Forest (Shift-C): Removes forest and sends shields to nearest city. – Clear Jungle (Shift-C): Removes jungle. – Clear Pollution (Shift-C): Removes pollution. – Build Colony (B): Colonies are built atop tradable resource. If connected to a city by a road, a colony provides the resource to that city. Scientific Research Your civilization is constantly striving to learn about the world, science, invention, and creativity. Its ability to succeed at these pursuits depends in large measure upon your allocation of revenue to science. You set the allocation on the Domestic Advisor by sliding the science slider left or right to decrease or increase (respectively) the amount of your tax revenue that you divert into research. By doing this,you determine the percentage of each city's income that will be poured into research. At the start of each turn, the science output of each city is added to the research project currently in progress, eventually resulting in the discovery of a new Civilization Advance. To increase the science production in only one city, you can convert a citizen or two to a scientist. Finally, the science output of individual cities -- and the empire overall, in some cases -can be dramatically increased by building some improvements and wonders in those cities, such as: – Copernicus's Observatory – Libraries – Newton's University – Research Labs – SETI Program – Universities Food Every citizen must eat two food per turn or die. Luckily, most citizens labor in the areas around their city, yielding some combination of food, shields, and commerce, and feeding themselves in the process. In some cases, a citizen produces more food than he needs and the excess is put into his city's food storage box each turn. When it is full, the storage is emptied and the city grows, adding one citizen to its population. In other cases, a city does not grow enough food to sustain its population, so food is drawn out of the storage box to make up the shortfall. If a city cannot feed its population either from new production or stored food, one of its citizens starves and disappears. Food production fundamentally depends upon the terrain within the city radius, because citizens laboring there produce food. When the City Display is open, you can see what the citizens are producing. A citizen working Produces this much food Flood plains 3 4 if irrigated. Grasslands 2 3 if irrigated. Plains 1 2 if irrigated. Hills 1 cannot be irrigated. Forests 1 cannot be irrigated. Coastal 1 cannot be irrigated. Sea 1 cannot be irrigated. Jungle 1 cannot be irrigated. Tundra 1 cannot be irrigated. Fresh Water Lake 2 cannot be irrigated. Note that some natural resources provide bonus food as well. Production and Shields Shields represent common raw materials in the countryside and the labor required to make useful materials from them. In essence they are a measure of production. The shields a city produces are used to complete its current project, which may be to build a military unit, city improvement, or wonder. When the production box is full of shields, the project is finished, the box is emptied, and a new project must be started. 5. Some cities lose shields to waste. 6. Shield production depends upon the terrain within the city's radius, because citizens laboring there produce shields. When the City Display is open, you can see what the citizens are producing. A citizen Produces this many Bonsues working shields Grasslands 0 1 if mined. Outcropping 1 2 if mined. Plains 1 2 if mined. Hills 1 3 if mined. Mountains 1 3 if mined. Tundra 0 1 if mined. Desert 1 2 if mined. Forest 2 cannot be mined. Note that some natural resources provide bonus shields as well. Commerce Commerce is the exchange of goods and cash between communities within and around a city, the exchange of knowledge and ideas, travel and shopping. It is the commercial exploitation of goods and services within your society. Commerce production depends upon the terrain within the city's radius, because citizens laboring there produce commerce. When the City Display is open, you can see what the citizens are producing. A citizen working Flood plains Grasslands Plains Hills Mountains Forests Jungles Produces 1 2 with road. 0 1 with road. 0 1 with road. 0 1 with road. 0 1 with road. 0 1 with road. 0 1 with road. Note any square next to a river produces one extra commerce per turn, and some natural resources provide bonus commerce as well. The government derives Tax Revenue from commercial activity and divides the revenue into three areas, * The build-up of liquid wealth in the treasury * Long-term investment in scientific research or * The entertainment of the population to produce happy faces The allocation of tax revenues into these three categories is set using the Revenue Slider on the Domestic Advisor. Settlers Building a Settler : A city that builds a [settler] loses two citizens from its population. Founding Cities : Settlers are used primarily to found new cities. Move the settler to the desired city site, and, when the settler is active in that square, press B. Joining a City : A settler may also be used to increase the population of an existing city; when the settler is active on a city, click the "Join City" button. The settler disappears and the city's population gains two citizens. When cities grew to a size where the resources were insufficient to adequately insure a decent standard of living for the populace, adventurous groups of citizens set out on their own in search of a place to build a new city. Once a suitable site was found, the settlers would build their new homes, and develop the land surrounding the city. Eventually the whole process repeated, and the new city would send out settlers of its own. This process allowed civilizations to grow throughout history, from the empires of the ancient world to the discovery and settlement of the New World. Workers Building a Worker : A city that builds a worker loses one citizen from its population. Worker Jobs : Workers can improve the countryside to make it more productive. The efficiency of a worker (how quickly it works) depends upon its government type. Joining a City : A worker may also be used to increase the population of an existing city; when the worker is active on a city, click the "Join City" button. The worker disappears and the city's population gains one citizen. Note that workers may be captured and used by rival civilizations. In primitive, hunter-gatherer cultures, there was no division of labor. But every civilization since has had a worker "class," devoted to the production of goods and the unskilled tasks necessary for the maintenance of society. In most early societies, slaves and peasants fulfilled this role. With the coming of the Middle Ages, the more specialized workers organized themselves into craft guilds. The technological advances of the Industrial Age gave rise to a new class of semi-skilled workers: wage laborers, most of which worked in factories and offices. Continuing trends in the specialization and professionalism of labor during the late 20th century has not altered the fact, however, that civilization still rests upon the shoulders of those who till the fields and build the roads.