28 students from Birmingham write letters to persuade



Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you that I strongly oppose the cutting down of all the trees in the rainforest. I would like you to contact the governments and tell them to stop cutting down the trees. I have lots of facts to back this up.

Firstly, I would like to point out that the rainforest used to cover 14% of the Earth’s surface, and now only covers 6% and by the time that I’m

50 there will be nothing left unless we do something about it. Also, if we keep cutting down the trees we will slowly run out of oxygen.

In addition, we lose 100 species per day and four species per hour due to tropical deforestation. At least 42 million acres of tropical forest are lost each year, approximately 100 per minute.

In conclusion I would like to say that unless you do something about this problem there will be no rainforest left, less oxygen and lots of animals would become extinct. I am only in Year 5 and I am trying to help, so please could you?

Yours faithfully

Laura Hampton


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to complain about the destruction of the rainforest. There is only 6% left and by the time I am 50 there will be none left.

You are slowly killing yourself and other people and killing animals. By using machines you are polluting the water where animals drink.

I am just 10 and I’m doing something about it, so why don’t you?

Yours faithfully

Jake Ackrill


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to ask you to stop people cutting down the trees in the rainforest because they are destroying a wonderful place.

I know that trees give oxygen and if people chop all the trees down then we won’t have any oxygen left which means we won’t be able to breathe

(just think about that!).

Did you know that 14% of the Earth’s surface used to be covered by rainforest but now there is only 6%!

In the rainforest there are lots of species of animals and plants but if you let all those people chop down the trees (which is their habitat) then they will become extinct.

I am sorry to say that if things don’t change, in 40 years (when I have retired and have a family) there won’t be any rainforest left. Therefore, my children will not be able to learn about the rainforest because there won’t be any left.

So, in conclusion, I am trying to say “Save the rainforest, save the trees, save the animals!”

Yours faithfully

Callum Oakes


Dear Sir/Madam

What I would like to say is, can you stop cutting down the rainforest because it is killing all the animals’ habitat? When we cut down trees for paper and land we are losing oxygen.

We are sending this email as a reminder not to use and waste so much paper. I am 10 but by the time I am 50 the rainforest will be gone.

There is 6% left now so we have lost 8%.

Also, the animals die because, as well as losing their habitat, the machines are polluting all the rivers which the wildlife drink from.

Have you got a reason for cutting down all the trees? I am only 10 and I am doing something about it – you are an adult, what are you going to do about it?

Yours faithfully

Harry Castle


Dear Sir/Madam

I want the rainforest to be protected. Please stop cutting down the rainforest. If you don’t stop destroying the rainforest we won’t have enough oxygen. Rainforests like Madagascar have plants to stop people becoming ill.

At home I have been looking at rainforest websites. I have found out that we had 14% of the rainforest covering the Earth’s surface. Now there is only 6%!

Finally, you might have had letters sent to you about the rainforest but

I want to save the rainforest because there are rare animals and plants.

When I am in my 40s there won’t be any rainforest left. So please stop cutting down the rainforest!

Yours faithfully

Jake Heyes


Dear Sir/Madam

I have written this letter to you because of the extinction of the rainforest and how it is affecting us.

Firstly, I would like to talk about the animals because by the time I have kids they won’t be able to see all the beautiful animals and I really don’t want that to happen.

Secondly, I would like to say about the people cutting down the trees in the rainforest; rainforest trees are just normal trees, they are 50 metres tall! And it is a big loss of oxygen.

I would also like to say that it is a beautiful piece of the world and I really wouldn’t like it to be destroyed.

And the people doing this aren’t just killing the trees, the animals and the rainforest slowly, they are killing us for loss of oxygen. If we can help stop this, you can too!

Yours faithfully

Lewis Hustwayte


Dear Sir/Madam

Now I am going to tell you about people cutting down the rainforest and destroying habitats of animals. I disagree to all of the people who are cutting down these trees because when all of the trees are gone we won’t lose oxygen and we could die and we will lose four different species every hour.

Furthermore, we could live longer because the trees could give us the oxygen to breathe. Now we must start saving the Earth and animals. Did you know that once the Earth was covered with 14% of rainforest and now it’s only 6%?

Secondly, the rainforest has more species of plants and animals than anywhere in the world and the more we destroy it, the less there will be!

In conclusion, what are you going to do? Are you just going to sit back and watch the world die and hope for the best? If you help the animals you will see loads of different species and the Earth will stay alive.

Please stop cutting the rainforest down because we will lose four species every hour. How tragic would that be?! Please help.

Yours faithfully

Ehlana Thomas


Dear Sir/Madam

I would like it if people would stop cutting down the rainforest because all the animals are losing their homes. But more importantly we are losing lots of oxygen and as you know, trees and plants give us lots of it.

Animals like monkeys and many types of birds are losing their homes in the emergent layer of a tree.

My next point is that there was 14% of the world covered with rainforest but now there is only 6%. By the time I’m 50 (which is in 40 year’s time), there will probably not be any left, unless we try to do something about it.

Remember that by the time I am 50 there will probably not be any rainforest left. There won’t be any animals left either because the trees are where the animals live and the animals that don’t live in the trees need the shade which the trees make. Many animals will be extinct and all the children that go to school won’t be able to learn about them.

Finally, Year 5 and I are doing something to get some money to buy a bit of the rainforest. I am prepared to do anything to save the rainforest, especially the animals. I would hate it if all the animals die.

Yours faithfully

Demi Poller


Dear Sir/Madam

I am not happy about the rainforest being cut down. It’s not fair on the animals and the rainforest. Rare animals are dying – four species are killed every hour. How would you like it? It’s like destroying our world and killing us.

I’ve found many things we would be without. Here they are: bananas, citrus fruits, peppers, cashew nuts, coconuts, vanilla, cocoa, peanuts, coffee, tea, sugar, spices, beans grass and fish. We need coffee to keep adults awake and kids need sugar.

Trees give off oxygen. We will struggle to breathe. Many people will be angry if we have to live without the things listed above. So please, please, please stop cutting down the bountiful rainforest. I am a child from Year 5 and I am trying to save the rainforest, so why can’t you?

We’re doing fundraisers and bake sales to help and jobs like washing cars, so please help.

Yours faithfully

Megan Horton


Dear Sir/Madam

I am Lucy Gregg from Mill Lodge Primary School, Year 5. I’m writing to you about lots of the rainforest in Brazil that wood-cutters are cutting down. There was 14% of the Earth’s surface covered in rainforest, but now there is only 6% left. We are only 9 and 10 years old and we are all really worried about what will happen next.

Wood-cutters are cutting down the trees in the rainforest and lots of animals are losing their homes, like: golden cat, flying squirrels, gibbons, gliding snakes, parrots and lots, lots more. Could you help those animals that have lost their homes? The animals at the top of the trees die when their homes are being cut down.

Also, the rainforest gives out a huge amount of oxygen. This disappears when the trees are cut down. When we lose oxygen we are not breathing properly and we could die. So will the animals – they need oxygen too!

Just to remind you again, please, please, please SAVE THE

RAINFOREST! Please think of everything that is happening out there.

Yours faithfully

Lucy Gregg


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing about the rainforest. Please can we not cut down the rainforest? We are losing oxygen because we are cutting down trees, so we are really killing ourselves.

Do you know that we lose 50 species every day and two species every hour due to tropical deforestation? I think that this is unfair on the animals.

Before the year 2020 (that is in 13 years) 50% of all mammals and 25% of all bird species will become extinct.

Please, please can you stop it so we can save the rainforest and its amazing treasures?

Yours faithfully

Rebecca Tink


Dear Sir/Madam

My argument is about the people cutting down the rainforest to make pencils and paper, but we could stop cutting down all the trees. To get your attention we haven’t written these down on paper and we haven’t used pencils so we are emailing this to you. SO, don’t kill the rainforest.

Firstly, we are killing the animals who live in trees, like birds and spiders and they will die. When people cut down the trees we are slowly killing ourselves, because trees give us oxygen.

Secondly, some people live in the rainforest and if people cut the trees down they will want to move, and if they move to a big city they would probably be scared.

Finally, I would like for them to stop cutting down the rainforest because are taking away the oxygen and we are taking away animals’ habitats and in addition, we are forcing people to leave their homes.

Yours faithfully

Joshua Edkins


Dear Sir/Madam

I have to inform you that too much of the rainforest is being cut down and I would like to try and save some of it, especially because it gives us oxygen.

Although they need to make paper, we don’t need to chop down so many trees – they are living things as well (it may sound silly, but it’s true).

Next, I feel that this is destroying many animals’ habitats and I strongly ask if you could stop. Because of this mayhem we are slowly killing ourselves if you take the time to think about – in maybe 40 years there won’t be a rainforest, so please save it now. It’s not just your life and mine, it’s the world!

My main reason is that there used to be 14% of rainforest and now there’s only 6% and by the time I am 50 there will be none left. As I mentioned earlier, there won’t be as much oxygen left and that’s not fair on animals because every hour, four different species of animal are killed

(one hundred a day) due to this harsh environment and demolition.

I am in Year 5 and with your help this can stop, so please help us!

Yours faithfully

Connor Morris


Dear Sir/Madam

I think you should stop cutting down the rainforest because you are killing creatures that live there. You could be killing rare species. Did

you know that there are more than 30 million different types of animals and plants in the rainforest?

Firstly, stop cutting down the rainforest. You know you could be killing yourselves because trees give you oxygen. Think about what you are doing.

Secondly, I am 10 years old and am I trying to do something about the rainforest. Don’t carry on without thinking about what you are doing to this beautiful place.

Yours faithfully

Alex King


Dear Sir/Madam

I’m writing to you because I would like to tell every government to stop cutting down the rainforest. I would like to point out that we would lose a cool place and lose wicked plants and wildlife. I hope you will agree with me.

Firstly, I love animals lots and I would hate lots of animals to be extinct.

Lots will lose their habitats.

Trees give us lots of oxygen and help keep the world clean. As a matter of interest, there used to be 14% of the earth’s surface covered with rainforest, now it is only 6%. So I feel sad that we are destroying our beautiful environment – the place we live in. I am thinking about the rainforest all the time.

In conclusion, I would like you to tell every government in the world to help this cause. Thank you.

Yours faithfully

Bradley Smith


Dear Sir/Madam

I am Aaron Webster from Mill Lodge Primary School. I have to inform you that you are cutting down too much of the rainforest – lots of people will agree. There is only 6% of the rainforest left and Mill Lodge bought

8 acres of the rainforest to protect it from being chopped down.

Please may you stop cutting down the rainforest – why cut these them down when tropical rainforest trees take at least 60 years to grow and then they are chopped down (what a waste of 60 years), so can you please stop?!

You may be killing some animals and their habitats. Think about all the reasons I have given you – think hard. I hope you stop cutting them down.

Yours faithfully

Aaron Webster


Dear Sir/Madam

I have heard that the rainforest could get chopped down. With your help we can stop that. Without trees, animals wouldn’t really have comfort.

Trees give oxygen and some animals give love and nobody wants anything happening to them. There can be more reasons, such as nature can’t be ruined.

Before I am 50 years old all of the rainforest could be chopped down and animals can be extinct. To some people the rainforest is very valuable and if it gets chopped down those people might not have a very good life. There was 14% of the rainforest but now it has been cut down to 6%.

People that want to cut the rainforest down are wrong, because if they were a tree they wouldn’t want anybody cutting them down. So everybody should want to keep the rainforest and also the rainforest is very special to the world and is a good place.

The conclusion is that we will lose valuable oxygen and animals could be extinct. So, within 50 years the rainforest can be chopped down and could affect animal lovers’ lives.

Yours faithfully

Luke Turner


Dear Sir/Madam

Please can you stop cutting down the rainforest because we are losing oxygen. You could die and so could we.

Another reason to stop cutting down trees is because animals die. The animals will become extinct.

Furthermore, there is only 6% left and there used to be 14% of the rainforest. In under 50 years there will be none left.

To conclude, please stop cutting the trees down because we will lose oxygen and animals and people will die.

Yours faithfully

CJ Cruxton


Dear Sir/Madam

What am I going to tell you? I am going to tell you to contact the governments to tell them to stop cutting down the rainforest trees because the trees give us oxygen.

I would like you to stop cutting them down because as I said, the trees give us oxygen and you are killing species every four hours.

But do remember that we are only nine and by the time we are 50 there will be no rainforest land left, so do something about it and start saving them all. I will disagree with you if you don’t do everything that you can do. Listen to some facts!

For every tropical plant species that becomes destroyed it is thought that 20 insects are not certain to survive.

Did you know that rainforests are home to more species of plants and animals that the world put together?

Yours faithfully

Charlotte Lawson


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you about the destruction of the rainforest.

You have to stop them cutting down the rainforest. They are getting rid of oxygen and it is going down and down. They are slowly killing themselves and other people.

Fact – before I am 50 years old there will be no rainforest. There was

14% covering the Earth’s surface, now there is only 6% left.

So in conclusion, recycle more paper instead of cutting more trees down.

Stop it all now!

Fact – you are destroying all of the animals and they will become extinct.

Yours faithfully

Lee Horton


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter to you to look after the rainforest and to stop people cutting the rainforest down. I have lots of reasons why people should stop cutting rainforest trees down.

Firstly, I think that cutting the rainforest down is very bad for the environment. Secondly, pollution that comes from the machines goes into the water and kills the fish.

Furthermore, animals’ homes get destroyed then the animals become extinct. Little animals get killed by the big machines and birds get their nests destroyed so they don’t have a place to live. When people cut down the trees, the animals and people might not be able to breathe!

In conclusion, me and my friends are trying to raise money to buy some of the rainforest and we are only nine and ten. We feel very strongly about this.

Yours faithfully

Molly Humphreys


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you about the rainforest trees. The trees are very important to the rainforest and for us as well because the trees give us oxygen. Lots of the trees have been cut down and I know lots of people are not happy about it. I am ten and me and my friends are working hard to raise money to buy some rainforest. We are nine and ten so if we can do something about it, you should.

I am an animal love and I want to be a vet when I am older and it makes me sad to think that animals have no home. Not only is it bad that trees are being cut down but the pollution that comes out of the machines goes into the water and kills the fish. There is less oxygen each time a tree is cut down, so as a result, animals die. Animals in the rainforest are the

most beautiful animals and you wouldn’t find a snake that can fly or a spider that eats birds in a zoo!

By the time I am 50 there will be hardly any rainforest left if we don’t change. To start with we had 14% of rainforest and now we only have 6% left so we have lost 8%.

I have thought up some ideas to try and help the rainforest. We can make sure that lots of people have waste paper boxes with a collection once every two weeks. We will try our best to raise as much money as possible so we can keep trees from being cut down. Please inform the government about this.

Save our trees!

Yours faithfully

Katie Pell


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to persuade you to stop cutting down the rainforests.

The action I would like you to take is to tell the government that they should not cut down the rainforests. I am a Year 5 pupil and I am going to do my hardest to stop it and so are the people in my class and we would like you to help us. We are doing what we can to try to help so please can you help? We need the trees to stay there so that they can give us oxygen. If you cut them all down, we – I mean all of us – will die slowly because there is no oxygen.

Firstly, they are places you can go and chill and secondly, I bet you like them! Thirdly, people like going there and listening to the animals and fourthly, animals cannot live anywhere if the forests are cut gone. I know you don’t want to cut them down.

Finally, I love rainforests so please help us – I will send you more letters soon.

Yours faithfully

Callum Makepeace


Dear Sir/Madam

People are cutting down rainforest trees and we don’t like it. Trees give us oxygen and if we cut them down we are slowly losing our oxygen.

There was 14% of rainforest and now there is 6% but when I am 50 years old there will be 0% of rainforest if this doesn’t stop.

In the rainforest there are lots of beautiful animals and habitats and like I said, the rainforest holds lots of oxygen and if we cut all the trees down the animals will die and we don’t want that to happen.

Lots of people love the rainforest. But even if they don’t, they shouldn’t have the right to cut the rainforest down. Anyway, my point is please tell the governments of the world to stop cutting the rainforests down. We are 9 and 10 years old and you’re adults. We’re trying to help – please help us.

Yours faithfully

George Moran


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter to persuade you to stop cutting down the rainforest.

Firstly I think you are being unfair to the animals because you’re destroying their habitats. I think you should do something about it because the trees are for oxygen for animals and us. Please stop because the animals are losing their homes and dying!

Also, within forty years all of the rainforest will be gone! I think we should stop cutting the trees down, it’s a waste.

The rainforest is important because firstly the trees are for oxygen, for animals’ homes and many more things. So I’m trying to persuade you to stop cutting down the rainforest because it will make a big difference.

Please stop!

Yours faithfully

Hayley Walsh


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to inform you that the rainforest is in terrible danger!

People are just cutting down the rainforest to make simple thing and to use it for agriculture.

Firstly, you need to stop people from cutting down the rainforest, as if you don’t do it, millions of animals in the rainforest will be left homeless

(we don’t just need homes, they do as well!).

Secondly, we will lose oxygen (we could die, you know!).

Thirdly, the once beautiful rainforest will have disappeared and the world won’t look as pretty as it was when all of the rainforest was here.

What you have to do is tell the governments to make everyone never use cutting equipment for cutting down the rainforest and ALL the forests, in fact. Imagine all the animals, including tree snakes and tree frogs, all homeless…

We in Year 5 really like nature and we want to do something about this.

If we can do it, so can you!

Finally, the rainforest will be saved if you help.

Yours faithfully

William Hands


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to ask for a favour – please could you pass this message on to the other governments? Please could you try to stop the rainforest from being cut down? The action we want you to take is to tell the world governments about this.

Firstly the trees are important to us because trees give us oxygen. If you cut them down we’re slowly killing ourselves.

Secondly, within 40 years there will be no rainforest left, which means less oxygen! There was 14% of rainforest covering the land, now there is only 6%.

Furthermore I’m an animal lover and the animals won’t have a habitat to live in and they might become extinct which means I can’t study them properly.

Finally, please consider that we’re only in Year 5 and I’m 9 and I’m trying to do something, we’re trying our best. Why can’t you do the same?

What did trees ever do to us???

Yours faithfully

Nicola Sargent


Dear Sir/Madam

I have grown very concerned about the rainforest because far too many trees have been cut down and we are losing the earth’s supply of oxygen.

Furthermore, the numbers of trees have dropped dramatically. There was 14% of land covered in rainforest, now there is only 6%. By the time

I’m 50 there will be no rainforest left/ I myself would like to visit the rainforest when I am older, but I can’t if it’s not there.

Also, four species of animals are killed every hour. That’s one hundred a day (seven hundred a week). Other animals that do survive lose their homes. Please don’t destroy the rainforest and let it grow. We don’t think people respect nature, animals or trees. Please consider that I am only ten years old and I am already taking action to protect the world today.

Yours faithfully

Charlotte Coxon


Dear Sir/Madam

I have written this letter to persuade you to stop people cutting down the rainforest because I believe that, firstly, all trees are living things and do you really think that the people doing this terrible thing want to be responsible for a murder?!

Secondly, trees are very important to us because they give us oxygen, so if trees aren’t around then eventually we won’t be! If there are no trees then the human race will be extinct. There is so much at risk if this isn’t stopped.

Furthermore, this needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Think about all the animals becoming endangered and extinct because they are losing their homes and dying out. At this rate, all of the rainforest will be gone in forty years!

Concluding my argument I believe I must say… save the rainforest, save the trees and save the world!

Yours faithfully

Casey Denaro
