Rainforest Animal Project

Rainforest Animal Project
Miss Nuzzo’s class and Miss Robertson’s class will begin our Rainforest unit after
Spring Break. We will be working on this unit for three weeks. We have fun,
exciting projects planned to help students learn about all aspects of the
Rainforest. Each student will create a poster at home that goes along with the
animal they have been assigned. Each student will research and write five facts
about an animal from the rainforest and draw/create a picture or some sort of
visual image of the animal. This should be done on a whole poster board (the flat
ones not a tri-fold). Please keep in mind that these posters will hang on the wall in
the hall!  These projects will be due Thursday, March 26th. These projects are
not optional and will be a test grade; any project that is not turned in on time will
result in a zero test grade. Please be creative and have fun with this project!
-Miss Nuzzo and Miss Robertson
Student Name:__________________________________________
Assigned Rainforest Animal:__________________________________