AB Biology Chapter 52 Ecology


AP Biology Chapter 52 Ecology

1. Ecology is the study of

2. Ecologists differentiate among levels of study. List the levels in order from the most specific to the most encompassing.

3. What is the scope of landscape or seascape ecology?

4. What is biogeography?

5. List and give examples of the four factors that ecologists examine to explain the geographic distribution of a species.

Explanation Factor a) b) c) d)

6. What four factors determine climate (prevailing weather conditions)?

7. What is the difference in macroclimate and microclimate?

8. What determines regional climate?

9. Mountains affect local climate. Describe their influence in the following three areas: a) solar radiation b) temperature c) rainfall

10. What are biomes?

11. Many aquatic biomes are stratified. Describe the following layers: a) photic zone b) aphotic zone c) benthic zone (benthos) d) abyssal zone

12. What is a thermocline?

13. What is the difference in an oligotrophic and eutrophic lake?

14. What is the difference in the littoral zone and limnetic zone of an eutrophic lake?

15. What turns oligotrophic lakes into eutrophic lakes?

16. Describe the following aquatic biomes or areas and give problems they face today.

Aquatic Biome/Area Importance Problems today



Intertidal Zones

Oceanic Pelagic Zone

Coral Reefs

Marine Benthic Zone

Rivers and Streams

17. What type of organisms are found in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents?

18. Fill in the charts below:
