lecture plan



For B. Tech. Ist Year ( Ist Semester) Engineering Students of all Branches



Total Theory Classes – 28; Tutorial Classes -14.

Lecture/Tutorial Topics

First Term:

L1: Introduction to Physical Optics, Nature of Light, Principal of Superposition, Analytical Treatment of

Interference , Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Theory of fringes.

L2: Conditions for Sustained Interference, Coherent Sources, Interference due to Division of Wave-front,

Fresnel Biprism in detail, Interference with White Light, Idea of Stokes Theorem.

T1: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L3: Interference due to Division of Amplitude, Interference in Thin Films for Parallel Films and Wedge

Shaped Films.

L4: Detailed Analysis of Newton’s Rings, Michelson’s Interferometer: Construction, Working, Adjustments and Formation of Fringes.

T2: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L5: Introduction to Diffraction Phenomenon, Fresnel Diffraction, Concepts of Fresnel’s Half Period Zones and Zone Plate, Fresnel Diffraction at a Straight Edge.

L6: Fraunhofer Diffraction, Superposition of N Harmonic Motions, Diffraction at a Single Slit, and then

Generalizing to N slits.

T3: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L7: Detailed Theory of Plane Transmission Grating, Formation of Spectra, Concept of Absent Spectra,

Dispersive Power of Diffraction Grating.

L8: Resolving Power of an Optical Instrument, Rayleigh Criteria for Resolution, Resolving Power of Plane

Transmission Grating and Resolving Power of a Glass Prism.

T4: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L9: Concept of Polarization of Light, Production of Plane Polarized Light by Different Methods,

Brewster’s Law and Law of Malus.

L10: Phenomenon of Double Refraction and Polarization, Construction and Working of Nicol Prism.

T5: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L11: Study of Polarized Light, Quarter Wave Plate and Half Wave Plate.

L12: Concept of Specific Rotation, Construction and Working of Laurent’s Half Shade Polarimeter.

T6: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

Second Term:

L13: Introduction to Optical Fibers, Concept of Total Internal Reflection, Types of Optical Fibers,

Advantages of Optical Fibers, Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber.

L14: Dispersion in Step Index Optical Fibers and Qualitative Treatment of Graded Index Optical Fibers.

L15: Attenuation in Optical Fibers, Application of Optical Fibers, Block Diagram highlighting Optical Fiber

Communication System.

T7: Numerical Problems relating to above Three Lectures.

L16: Concept of Central Forces, Inverse Square Law of Forces, Equation of Orbit under action of a

Central Force.

T8: Numerical Problems relating to above One Lecture.

L17: Simple Harmonic Motion, Concepts and Characteristics, Equation of Motion, Energy of Particle

Executing SHM, Two Body Oscillations.

L18: Damped Oscillations, detailed Analysis and Concept of Logarithmic Decrement, Q-Factor of an


L19: Forced Oscillations, Equation of Motion and its Solution. Mechanical Impedance and Phase

Characteristics, Power Absorbed, Resonance Condition for both Amplitude and Power, and Quality Factor of the Oscillations.

T9: Numerical Problems relating to above Three Lectures.

L20: Concept of Frame of Reference, Galilean Transformations, Concept of Ether, Michelson-Morley

Experiment in detail and discussion on Results, Explanation of Negative Results, Invariance of Speed of Light.

L21: Einstein’s Postulates, Lorentz Transformation Equations, Consequences of Lorentz Transformations.

T10: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L22: Relativistic Addition of Velocities, Variation of Mass with Velocity.

L23: Equivalence of Mass and Energy, Relation between Momentum and Energy, Explanation for Zero

Mass Particles.

T11: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

Third Term:

L24: Eyepieces and their Cardinal Points, Construction, Theory and Working of Huygen’s Eyepiece.

L25: Construction, Theory and Working of Ramsden’s Eyepiece, Relative Merits and Demerits of the Two

Eyepieces. Block Diagram of an Electron Microscope.

T12: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L26: Introduction to Lasers, Concept of Spatial and Temporal Coherence, Principle of Laser, Stimulated and

Spontaneous Emission of Light.

L27: Relation between Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission Probabilities, Lasing Action, Ruby Laser

Construction and Working.

T13: Numerical Problems relating to above Two Lectures.

L28: Four Level Continuous Laser, Helium-Neon Laser Construction and Working, Characteristic Properties of Laser Beam, Types of Lasers, Application of Lasers.

T14: Numerical Problems relating to above One Lecture.


1) Engineering Physics by R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta.

2) Engineering Physics by Abhijit Nayak.

3) Applied Physics, Volume I , by S. P. Taneja.



Optics by .Prof. G. R. Raizada.


Optics by . Prof. A. K. Ghatak.


Fundamentals of Optics by Jenkins and White.


Fundamentals of Optics by Khanna and Gulati.


Modern Physics by A, Beiser.


Modern Physics by Prof. G. R. Raizada.


Engineering Physics by A. S. Vasudeva.


Mechanics and Properties of Matter by D. S. Mathur.


Mechanics and Properties of Matter by P. K. Srivastav.


University Physics by Freeman and Zemansky.


University Physics by Resnick and Halliday.


Physics, Volume I , II and III by R. P. Feynman.
