科目名 Course Title Hydrology and Hydraulics [水文・水理学 E] 講義題目 Subtitle 責任教員 Instructor 木村 一郎 [Ichiro KIMURA] (大学院工学研究院) 担当教員 Other Instructors 開講年度 Year 2013 時間割番号 Course Number (E3) 092198 (31004) 開講学期 Semester 1学期 単位数 2 Number of Credits 補足事項 Other Information キーワード Key Words river flow, river morphology, numerical model, sediment transport, One-dimensional model 授業の目標 Course Objectives River flow is one of most important phenomena for administration of water resources. Owing to the high performance computers and reducing computational expense, the application of numerical models to river flow problems has become more reliable. This course outlines the one-dimensional (1D) numerical modeling for river flows and river morphology. Basic equations are presented at first and various method of computational fluid dynamics is explained. This is a training course of computational skills for river flows, positive.. Most of times, a computational assignment is given. All students of this class are required to make computational programs and solve them by yourself using your own (or your laboratory’s) PC. Basic skills of computer programming are a precondition of this class. 到達目標 Course Goals Understand Basic flow phenomena in rivers and their methematical modeling. Fundamental skills for modeling and programing on simplified one-dimensional river flows using finite difference and finite volume method. Basic knowledge on river sedimentation and morphodynamics. Cmputational skills for river flow - river morphydynamic interaction problems. Advanced understanding in practical water resouces problmes in rivers, lakes and embayments focussing on both environment and disaster prevention. 授業計画 Course Schedule (1) Basic equations for river flows [1 lecture] (2) 1Dnumerical model for river flow model with uniform cross section [1 lecture] (3) 1D numerical model for river flow model with general cross section [2 lecture] (4) Theory on bedload transport [2 lecture] (5) 1D numerical bed morphlogy with bed load [1 lecture] (6) Theory on suspended sediment transport [1 lecture] (7) 1D numeriocal model for bed morphlogy with suspended sediment transport [1 lecture] (8) Theory on sediment tranport of non-uniform bed materials [2 lectures] (9) 1D numerical model for bed morphology with non-uniform sediment transport [1 lectures] (10) Application of 1D numerical models for some practical river problems [1 lectures] (11) Extension to 2D model, utilization of GUI software, etc. [1 lecture] (12) Quiz [1 lecture] 準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework After every class, students should review the contents of lecture (1hr) and should work on assignment (3-5hrs). As preparation for class, studnets should check the topic of the class, gather related information form books or web-site (1hr). 成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System 15% class participation, 5% presentation (10 min. presentation on water problems in your country), 50%: assignments (7-8 assignments including final report are required during the term), 30% quiz テキスト・教科書 Textbooks 講義指定図書 Reading List 参照ホームページ Websites 研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory 備考 Additional Information