Personnel File Checklist for Schools

Personnel File Checklist
(for employees in schools)
This document should be attached to each employee’s personnel file. Items listed below
are recommended for inclusion, however this is not an exhaustive list nor are all items
listed below applicable to every employee:
Evidence of date of birth and qualifications
and appointment documentation, including offer(s) of employment and
superannuation documentation
Evidence of registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching for teaching positions
Evidence of a Working With Children Check for non-teaching positions
Medical/health information
Documentation relating to probation or salary progression
Performance management related documentation
Leave applications
Authorisation for the payment of allowances and other salary changes
Change of personal details (
relating to complaints, unsatisfactory performance, or misconduct proceedings
(placed in a sealed envelope and marked ‘Confidential – access limited to principal only’)
Cessation documentation
Retention and disposal:
Personnel files are to be destroyed 50 (fifty) years after date of separation if the employee
was not exposed to hazardous materials. If the employee was exposed to hazardous
materials, they are to be destroyed 100 (one hundred) years after date of separation from
the agency.
Important note:
Exceptions to placing records on a personnel file are:
 Documentation relating to the selection process;
 Taxation forms (Tax File Number Declarations and Withholding Declarations) which
are stored separately in a secure location;
 Documentation relating to an employee’s Workers’ Compensation claim(s). A
separate file is created for any such records (Note: where a school based employee
transfers to another location, the file must stay in the location where the injury
Checklist – ‘Personnel File’
Last updated 1 July 2015