Modeling Vegetated Channel Flows: Challenges & Opportunities T. STOESSER, V. NEARY, C.A.M.E. WILSON Institute for Hydromechanics Karlsruhe University 76128 Karlsruhe GERMANY Dept. of Civil & Envir. Engrg., Tennessee Tech, PO Box 5015, Cookeville, TN 38505 Hydroenvironmental Research Centre, Cardiff University, PO Box 925, Newport Road, Cardiff, UK CF24 0YF Abstract: - Research on vegetative resistance in open channel flows has been motivated by the need to develop better methods for evaluating flow and transport processes through vegetated channels, floodplains, and wetlands. Fundamental to this problem is the need to quantify the additional flow resistance caused by the presence of vegetation. Once this is achieved the hydrodynamic processes that are responsible for sedimentation and transport processes also need to be assessed. Past research includes a number of field and laboratory investigations that have related vegetative resistance parameters, such as drag coefficients and Manning’s n values, to plant properties, including height, density, and flexibility. This information has led to the development of semi-empirical formulas for calculating bulk flow parameters and velocity profiles. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models have been developed that solve the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations using two-equation isotropic turbulence models. This paper summarizes the more recent attempts at modeling vegetated channel flows, the main challenges in modeling vegetation effects, and the opportunities for future model development. Key Words: - CFD, Flow Resistance, Vegetation, RANS, LES, Turbulence 1 Introduction Both aquatic and riparian vegetation have become central to river and coastal restoration schemes, the creation of flood retention space and coastal protection projects. Aquatic and riparian plants obstruct the flow and reduce the mean flow velocities relative to nonvegetated regions and the additional drag exerted by plants strongly influence the transport processes and system morphology. Until recently, 1D models have been applied and are typically calibrated by adjusting a bulk energy loss coefficient (e.g. Mannings n or Chezy’s C) to achieve an acceptable match between sparse observed data and model predictions. Yet, as the possible range of friction parameters for any given environment is wide, and the appropriate distributions are model- and grid-dependent, the hydrodynamic and geomorphologic impact of vegetation is largely uncharacterised in these approaches. As a consequence we should explore both conceptuallyand physically-based representations of vegetation-flow interactions and aim to reduce calibration uncertainty rather than add further intangible parameters to our modelling framework. The development of such CFD codes will potentially have enormous consequences for environmental modellers, not least as it will remove or reduce the ability to subsume under-represented processes and data uncertainties within the calibration process. A 3D CFD code with a physically based vegetation roughness closure implementation may be most appropriate in applications where there are considerable velocity gradients (both laterally and vertically) and strong secondary currents, flow characteristics that are especially present in flows through partially-vegetated channels or submerged vegetation. However, an emergent homogenous plant canopy may require a simpler vegetation model than a submerged heterogeneous plant canopy where there may be considerable variation in velocity over the flow depth resulting in shear layer formation between the canopy and surface-flow regions. As scientists and engineers we ultimately need to examine and explore many ways to explain and describe flow through natural vegetation and evaluate a suitable level of representation necessary in order to deliver accurate predictions. In this paper we present recent multi-dimensional approaches for the numerical representation of flow over and through vegetation and we summarize the main problems and challenges in modeling vegetation effects, as well as the opportunities for future model development. We furthermore introduce a physicallybased numerical concept for the representation of vegetation within a 3D finite-volume model framework and present examples from validation studies and the upscaling of such a model to the field environment. 2 3-D Modeling Strategies Numerical modeling of vegetation effects in an on open channel flow can follow several approaches, where each approach allows a specific range of flow features to be simulated. These Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models have been developed to solve the 3D steady or unsteady Reynolds-averaged-Navier-Stokes (RANS/URANS) equations, which resolve local flow and turbulence features of the temporally averaged turbulent flow field. Recently, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) CFD models have been developed to solve the unsteady, filtered 3D Navier-Stokes equations. These models can provide a complete description of the instantaneous unsteady 3D turbulent flow field, capturing organized large-scale unsteadiness and asymmetries (coherent structures) resulting from flow instabilities. The characterization of the flow resistance of vegetation is a topic that will continue to command the attention of both researchers and practitioners alike. In the following we will give a brief overview of this subject. 2.1 Characterization of flow resistance of vegetation For flow through vegetation, where the ratio of plant height K to flow depth d is greater than 0.5, resistance is generally due more to form drag of the vegetation than from bed shear. Emergent vegetation can also induce wave resistance from free surface distortion. Plant properties that affect form drag include the degree of relative submergence (K/d), plant density, spatial distribution, and flexibility. Further complicating matters involve unsteady non-uniform flow conditions which often prevail, wake interference effects that can reduce drag and the various different riparian plant species are typically found in combination, which causes the spatial distribution of plant properties to vary greatly. While it is important to consider the various complexities of flow resistance encountered in fluvial channels, most of our current knowledge on vegetative flow resistance is derived from laboratory flume experiments of steady fully developed flow through simulated vegetation of uniform density within rigid boundary rectangular flumes. These investigations have related vegetative resistance parameters, such as drag coefficients, Manning’s n values, and friction factors f, to plant properties, including height, density, and flexibility (e.g. Kouwen and Unny, 1973; Nepf, 1999; Kouwen and Fathi-Moghadam, 2000; Wu et al., 2000; Stone and Shen, 2002; Wilson et al., 2003). However, the inclusion of Mannings n friction factors in a 3D model may be enough to ensure accurate predictions of water levels, the hydrodynamics of the flow and the pollutant and sediment transport processes can not be represented purely by a coefficient which affects only the bed shear. What follows is the need for a more physically based approach to account for vegetational roughness. In the following we present such an approach and the implementation into a finite volume CFD code. 2.2 Implementation of a physically based resistance scheme into a multi-dimensional CFD code Modification of Navier-Stokes equations As suggested by Wilson and Shaw (1977), a drag-related force term can be included into the Navier-Stokes equation to account for the flow resistance of vegetation. This drag force FD usually takes the form: U2 FD ρ CD A 2 Where CD = drag coefficient and A representing the projected area of a single plant in streamwise direction. The drag coefficient can be determined from experiments or evaluated for simple geometries from the plants’ base shape and the Reynolds number. This force can be included as subgrid force per fluid mass unit in a finite volume cell and is commonly calculated with the definition of plant density as in Fig. 1. FD u2 CD 2 with: CD = drag coefficient u = bulk streamwise velocity = vegetative coefficient as: projected area of plant total volume D ax a y Figure 1: Definition of drag force in a FV cell The implementation of the drag force into the finitevolume discretized form of the Navier-Stokes equations is accomplished using the iterative nature of the code as: ( AP uP CD z ) uP 2 6 m 1 Am um QPu , m E ,W , N , S , T , B Here the drag force is added to the matrix coefficient AP of the numerical point P, which has to equal the surrounding matrix coefficients Am at locations East (E), West (W), North (N), South (S), Top (T), Bottom (B), plus an external Source QPm. Modification of k- turbulence model Based on the assumption that the drag force produces additional turbulent energy in the flow and increases the dissipation rate, the turbulent production term Pk is modified as (Wilson and Shaw, 1977): Pk Pk C fk FDi ui for the k-equation, and as: Pk Pk C f FDi ui for the equation, where subscript k refers to the turbulence energy. The weighting coefficients C fk and C f have to be calibrated (Shimizu et al., 1994; Lopez and Garcia, 1997) in order to optimize numerical predictions. 2.3 Steady RANS CFD Models for Flow through and above vegetation Presently, steady RANS models are the most practical approaches for high Reynolds number fluvial hydraulics applications despite the rapid advancements in computational power and numerical algorithm development. These steady RANS models allow resolution of the time-averaged turbulent flow field by adding the above introduced source term to the RANS and turbulence transport equations to account for vegetative drag effects. Such methods for multidimensional flow problems have been developed by Shimizu and Tsujimoto (1994) and Lopez and Garcia (1997) using a two-equation turbulence closure approach. A modified k- turbulence closure model is used, introducing drag-related sink terms into the turbulent transport equations. Laboratory experiments by have been used to validate the model. Shimizu and Tsujimoto (1994) calibrated their model by adjusting two additional weightings that appear by introducing the vegetative sink into the turbulence equations, to reproduce observed mean velocities and Reynolds stresses. Lopez and Garcia (1997) numerically modelled similar test cases (those experimentally investigated by Dunn et al., 1996) and modified the same weighting factors of the k- model but reported calibrated values which differed by about 500% from those of Shimizu et al. More recently Lopez and Garcia (2001) tested the k model and another two-equation closure known as the k-ω formulation. A constant CD value of 1.13 was used in the drag force sink term in the momentum equations and no modifications were made to the five standard constants of the k- model. However, values for the weighting coefficients for the drag-related source terms for the k and equations (Cfk = 1.0 and Cf = 1.33) were again found to be inconsistent with those previously reported. These researchers claim that the inconsistencies in weighting coefficient values are due to the spatial and temporal averaging technique used within this study to account for the heterogeneous nature of the velocity and turbulence intensity field. No significant difference was found between the numerical performances of either turbulence model. To eliminate the calibration from the validation procedure, FischerAntze et al. (2001) developed a similar drag-force approach but only introduced sink terms into the NavierStokes equations and hence made no modification to the k-ε model. The turbulence closure thus used the standard values for the turbulence coefficients and a CD equal to unity. The model was used to simulate rigid and emergent vegetation in simple-section and compoundsection channel arrangements (experimentally conducted by Tsujimoto et al., 1992 and Pasche and Rouve, 1985 respectively) and good agreement was found between the computed and observed streamwise velocity distributions. Neary (2000) employed the near wall k- model for turbulence closure but reported no improvement compared to the k- model while using the weighting coefficients adopted by Shimizu and Tsujimoto (1994). Naot et al. (1996) were the first who have used a higher order anisotropic closure, the Reynold's Stress model (RSM), to simulate the flow through rigid submerged vegetation elements. They have also used the drag force approach as described above but have additionally accounted for the effect of shading, i.e. the effect of upstream rods resulting in weaker ambient flow and reducing the drag force on the vegetational elements. Furthermore they have related the two vegetative weighting coefficients to a characteristic length scale that can be estimated from the configuration and geometry of the plants. However, according to Naot et al. the sensitivity of this characteristic length and the shading factors indicated the importance of these terms. Choi and Kang (2001) also used a higher-order anisotropic closure (Reynold Stress Model, RSM) and compared these results against the k- model for the data set collected by Dunn et al. (1996). Both models employed a CD value of 1.13. Within the vegetated layer there was no significant difference between the performances in the prediction of the mean velocity profile for the one condition examined. However, within the surface layer region there was a significant improvement in the computed mean velocity, turbulent intensity and Reynolds stress profiles for the RSM relative to the k- model. Tsujimoto and Kitamura (1998) have incorporated a stem deformation model to extend RANS simulations to flexible vegetation. While Wilson et al. (2004) have incorporated the additional projected area of the plants when in bending through the vegetative coefficient used in the classical cylinder drag force approach (this is described in section 3.3). Naot et al. (1996) and FischerAntze et al. (2001) have developed 3D RANS models for vegetated flows in compound channels with vegetation zones in riparian areas and flood plains. These models have enabled prediction of the effects of vegetation on sediment transport in fluvial channels (e.g., Okabe et al., 1998; López and García, 1998). Mean flow features resolved by the steady RANS models include: (1) the suppression of the streamwise velocity profile in the vegetated zone, (2) the inflection of the velocity profile at the top of the vegetation zone, and (3) the vertical distribution of the streamwise Reynolds stress (turbulent shear), with its maximum value at the top of the vegetation zone. However, for some of the experimental test cases, these models have been less successful at predicting the streamwise turbulence intensity. Also, the bulge in the velocity profile that is sometimes present near the bed cannot be resolved. This feature has been observed for some test cases reported by Shimizu and Tsujimoto (1994) and Fairbanks and Diplas (1998) despite a uniform vertical plant density distribution. The present limitations of the RANS models are due mainly to spatial and temporal averaging, and possibly failure to model the effects of turbulence anisotropy. Some of these deficiencies may be offset somewhat through the treatment of the drag and weighting coefficients in the governing equations that account for vegetative drag effects. However, adopting nonuniversal drag coefficients or non-theoretical based weighting coefficients to make up for model deficiencies is not particularly desirable (see López and García, 1997; Neary, 2003). The 3D models distribute the drag uniformly throughout the vegetation layer by introducing body force terms in the RANS equations. Hence, to date 3D models have not simulated flow around individual stems. Due to this simplification, streamwise vortices (secondary motion), a suspected mechanism for momentum transfer that produces the near bed velocity bulge (Neary, 2000, 2003), cannot be simulated with any of the present RANS models. As a result of time averaging, RANS models also cannot capture the organized large-scale unsteadiness and asymmetries (coherent structures) resulting from turbulent flow instabilities due to unsteady shear and pressure gradients induced by vegetation. These coherent structures include: (1) the transverse and other secondary vortices described by Finnegan (2000), which occur at the top of the vegetation layer as a result of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability due to the inflection of the streamwise velocity profile (Figure 2), and (2) 3D vortices produced by the complex interaction of the approach flow with the stem (e.g horseshoe and necklace vortices) and the oblique vortex shedding in the wake of the stem due to spanwise pressure gradients (Figure 3). These unsteady vortices would also contribute, or possibly play a dominant role, in redistributing momentum and producing the near bed velocity bulge. The use of Reynolds stress transport (RST) turbulence closures to be used in a steady RANS model in order to account for turbulence anisotropy and its effects has received only limited numerical investigation [Choi and Kang, 2001] and its benefits are not yet apparent. The laboratory experiments by Nezu and Onitzuka [2001] demonstrate that riparian vegetation has significant effects on secondary currents due to turbulence anisotropy, which increases with Froude number. However, coherent structures may account for a significantly larger percentage of the total Reynolds stresses and anisotropy [Ge et al. 2003]. Under such circumstances, RST modeling would only have limited value. Figure 2: Organized flow structures above vegetation layers (Finnigan, 2000) Figure 3: 3D vortices separating at vegetation stems (Finnigan, 2000) 2.4 URANS / LES Future numerical modeling efforts will focus on advanced CFD modeling techniques—namely statistical turbulence models that directly resolve large scale, organized, unsteady structures in the flow and advanced numerical techniques for simulating flows around multiple flexible bodies. These would include unsteady 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes models (URANS; Paik et al., 2003; Ge et al., 2003) and large eddy simulation models (Cui and Neary, 2002). Such techniques will elucidate the large-scale coherent structures described above, their important role in vegetative resistance, and their interaction and feedback with Reynolds stresses and lift forces that initiate sediment transport and bed form development. To our knowledge the first LES calculations for flow over vegetation were presented by Deardoff (1972) where the atmospheric boundary layer over a wheat field was simulated. Further LES calculations have come from the boundary layer meteorology where the flow and the turbulent structures above forests have been studied (e.g. Moeng, 1984, Shaw and Shumann, 1992, Kanda and Hino, 1993, Dwyer et al., 1997). The advantage of LES lies in the fact that a highly resolved temporal and spatial picture of the flow field can be obtained. Shaw and Shumann (1992) note, that the turbulent coherent structures which play a dominate role in terms of the mass and momentum exchange cannot be captured by a steady RANS model. Kanda and Hino, (1993) showed that utilising a LES resulted in the simulation of the above mentioned coherent structures in the form of “rolls” (vortices with horizontal axis in the crossstreamwise direction) and “ribs” (vortices with horizontal axis in the streamwise direction), as observed and schematised by Finnigan (2000) (see Fig 2). Furthermore the vertical distribution of Reynolds stresses and turbulent fluctuations as calculated with LES are in very good agreement to laboratory and field observations. These simulations show the enormous potential of LES in accurately predicting the flow and its associated timedependent structures. In both the meteorological and open channel Large-Eddy Simulations the drag-force approach is used to represent the flow resistance of the canopy layer. The drag coefficient which is generally set to unity, varies throughout these simulations depending on boundary conditions, vegetation type, Reynolds number etc. A future possibility is to represent the vegetational flow resistance by explicit representation of the plants analogous to the flow around a circular cylinder (e.g. Breuer, 1998) or over a matrix of cubes (Stoesser et al., 2003a). This can be achieved by relating the plan-view mesh to plant geometry and out-blocking particular cells to represent the presence of vegetal obstructions (Fig 4). This approach however is computationally extremely demanding since the boundary layer developing at each individual element has to be represented (not necessarily resolved), such that flow separation is adequately modelled. The accompanying vortex shedding as well as the development of associated flow structures, forces and stresses and the correct representation of transport processes may be worth the increased computational effort. Above mentioned direct modelling of the vegetation is restricted to well-defined singular elements and not applicable to a tree which is submerged past the level of its branches. Nevertheless, the rigid part of a submerged plant (i.e. the trunk or stipe) may be distinct in terms of its location and geometry, and hence this part may be represented as a discrete element whilst the branches and leaves may still be treated by the subgrid drag force approach as known from steady RANS models. In what follows is a roughness treatment which may be applicable to real field situations in the near future. Figure 4: Resolved vegetation elements in a channel with emergent vegetation 3 Some Examples Further research into basic mechanisms of the flow interaction between vegetation and the accompanying correlations between plant biomechanical properties, plant bending and plant movement due to the hydrodynamic forces will allow more sophisticated mathematical formulations for closing roughness to be developed. Prior to this, the drag-force approach provides a useful and practical tool with which to begin exploring the simulation of flow over and through vegetation canopies. 3.1 Rigid Submerged Vegetation in a Straight Flume Numerical simulations of the flume experiments of Tsujimoto et al. (1992) and Lopez and Garcia (1997) were carried out to simulate submerged vegetation [Stoesser, 2002]. The drag force coefficient CD was evaluated for all experiments to be equal to 1.0 for the given Reynolds numbers. Computed velocity distributions were compared to observed data. Good agreement between measured and computed velocities for HYDRO3D and the model used by Fisher-Antze et al (2001) could be achieved for both Tsujimoto et al.’s experiment A31 and for Lopez et al.’s experiment No 9 (see Figure 5). Here there is little difference between the CFD models and the main difference is in the choice of the bed roughness value and the grid resolution. No information was available for the bed roughness of the flume and both studies have employed different values for the bed roughness: Mannings n values of 0.0143 and 0.02 were used for the HYDRO3D and Fischer-Antze’s studies respectively. The HYDRO3D study used a higher grid resolution (see Fig 5 for computational points). As is evident, a better match to the observed data in the vegetation layer could be achieved using HYDRO3D although there is slight overprediction of the velocity near the surface compared to Fischer Antze et al. (2001). For the Tsujimoto et al. (1992) test case, HYDRO3D computed the velocity at the first grid point at the boundary with better accuracy than that of Fischer-Antze et al. For both simulations the weighing factors C fk and C f were chosen to be zero, however it was found that the difference in predictions with and without these additional terms was negligible. erroneous and hence the evaluation of the drag force is erroneous as well, leading to an incorrect flow field. This was apparent in all simulations of flow through vegetation performed in the course of a validation series (Stoesser, 2002). Furthermore, it is important to note that the inclusion of drag-related sink terms in the momentum equations is physically incorrect, since it only accounts for the advective fluxes, ignoring diffusive fluxes and local pressure gradients. Hence a scheme that includes the effects of mean velocity gradients and pressure differences generated by the vegetational obstacles in the flow would be ideal. A possible solution of how to remedy this shortfall is above-mentioned “direct” or explicit modelling of the vegetal elements. Shimizu A31 0.10 Shimizu et al. HYDRO3D z [m] Fischer-Antze at al. 0.05 Top of Vegetation Layer 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u [m/s] Lopez Exp. 9 0.3 Lopez at al. HYDRO3D Fischer-Antze et al. z [m] 0.2 Top of Vegetation Layer 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 u [m/s] Figure 5: Calculated and observed vertical velocity distribution of Shimizu et al.’s A31 experiment and Lopez et al.’s Exp. 9 In all the test cases of flow through vegetation that were performed within the validation study of HYDRO3D a drag force approach was used and it was apparent that the channel bed roughness seemed to be an important issue from a mathematical point of view (not from a physical sense as stated by Nepf, 1999). The reason for this lies in the mathematical formulation and the iterative solution scheme employed. Since the calculation of the velocity field is dependent on the calculation of the drag force, which in turn depends on the calculated oncoming velocity, the drag force is only correctly evaluated at the end of the iterative procedure. Hence, if for instance external forces like the bed shear stress are falsely predicted (due to an over or underestimation of bed roughness), the velocity at the first grid point is 3,2 Up-scaling to the Field – The Rhine Example As pointed out earlier, central to any river design project is the accurate prediction of the flow field in and around riparian vegetation. However, the approaches introduced above to model the flow resistance due to vegetation need to be simplified to be used at field scale in order to provide a practical but physically-based roughness closure approach for vegetative resistance which involves a minimum of parameter calibration. The German Association for Hydraulic Engineering (DVWK, 1991) recommends a method for defining the roughness parameter at large scale. This relates the vegetation geometric properties, including plant diameter and spacing, to the drag force. To implement the method, geometric vegetation parameters of an existing established riparian forest were quantified and used as input to the drag force roughness closure. For the field HYDRO3D was used with the classical drag force approach. The model was then validated in two stages. Firstly, computed water levels were compared against measured water levels. Secondly, the floodplain flow velocity for a 1 in 100 year event was measured by dilution gauging to allow the computed floodplain velocities to be verified. Determination and classification of flow resistance parameters An established groyne field was used as a reference site in order to quantify the vegetation parameters of the existing plant communities. It was composed of a welldeveloped riparian forest with a rich mixture of rigid trees and flexible bushes. An area of 77 m x 45 m was surveyed in terms of vegetation type and its relative location. The vegetation varied over the entire monitoring patch and was classified into five characteristic strips, for which average values of vegetation parameters and an average vegetative flow resistance coefficient were determined. Floodplain velocity measurements Velocity measurements are complicated in the case of vegetated floodplains as the plants act as vertical obstructions to the flow. This results in the production of vortices immediately downstream of the vegetational elements and generates a strongly heterogeneous flow field. Hence, dilution gauging was performed to determine the mean velocity um as a bulk parameter in submerged or emergent vegetation, as this appears to be a good alternative to conventional point velocity measurement methods (e.g. Nepf, 1999). The gulp injection or integration method was employed and the tracer was released from a boat. Three locations in the groin field were selected for the release station, and sampling stations 1 and 2. The injection station and sampling station 1 (SaSt1) were 54 m apart, whilst the injection station and the sampling station 2 (SaSt1) were 99.5 m apart. The concentration was sampled at intervals of 10 seconds for a 10-minute period. In order to acquire an accurate measurement of the mean flow velocities, the tracer injection and concentration measurement was repeated four times. The centroid of the time– concentration curve was evaluated in order to estimate the travel times from the injection point to the sampling stations. The average value of mean flow velocity was evaluated as um 0.07 m/s with a standard deviation of 0.07 m/s. errors in determining vegetation geometric properties this indicates that within a framework where the drag coefficient is believed to be unity, this is the level of precision necessary to achieve these measurements. These calibrated values for bed roughness and form roughness were then used to simulate the 1999 flood. As Figure 6 shows the agreement between observed and calculated waterlevels for the 1999 event is fairly satisfying and provides a simple split-sample test of model prediction skill. Numerical Simulations The test reach of the Rhine between km 190.0 and km 193.46 was discretised according to 26 cross-sections, which were surveyed in 1986. The grain roughness ks was calculated from the average gradation curve of the bed material determined through particle sieve analysis. To provide increased confidence in the hydraulic resistance values, the bed roughness of the main channel and the form roughness of the vegetated floodplains were independently verified using two different flow conditions. These correspond to flow situations where both the water level observations and discharge measurements are available: (Food event on 2.11.1998, where Q = 700 m³/s and flood event on 29.05.1994, where Q = 3040 m³/s). During the 1998 event most of the vegetated floodplains were not inundated, hence this flow condition was used to verify the value of main channel bed roughness. For this flow the bed friction parameter was adjusted, and an optimum value of n = 0.032 was found. The difference between calibrated (n = 0.032) and uncalibrated (n = 0.033) values was negligible and good correspondence could be obtained between the measured and computed water surface profiles for this event for both parameterizations. The vegetative roughness coefficient was verified using the larger flow event (3040 m3/s) where all floodplains were inundated. The parameter was adjusted from 0.11 m-1 to 0.082 m-1 in order to achieve a good match between the observed and computed water levels. If we assume that this need for recalibration is predominately due to Figure 7 shows the distribution of flow velocities in the cross section of the Rhine corresponding to the test site where the dilution gauging was undertaken. There is a marked reduction in velocity at the main channel/riparian floodplain interface, where floodplain flow velocities are approximately between 1.0 - 1.3 m/s. In contrast to the main channel velocity distribution with depth, the floodplain velocity follows a relatively uniform vertical velocity profile. This is in keeping with findings from experimental investigations whereby the velocity profile within both rigid and flexible vegetation layers no longer follows the logarithmic law (Tsujimoto et al, 1992; Nepf and Vivoni, 1999). The uniformlydistributed velocity (over floodplain width and depth) as computed, corresponds well with the observed mean velocity from the tracer field tests. 1999 Flood 222.0 3D Calculation 221.0 WL. Observed 22.02.99 Wl. [m a.s.l] 220.0 219.0 218.0 217.0 216.0 189.0 190.0 191.0 192.0 193.0 194.0 195.0 Rhine km Figure 6: Comparison of observed and computed water surface elevation after the main channel bed roughness and the floodplain vegetative parameters were calibrated Figure 7: Verification of the computed resultant velocity in a Rhine cross section. Velocity magnitude parameter UV is given in m/s. Whilst the roughness closure approach presented herein does not eliminate entirely the process of calibration, we have presented and applied a method which is based on 3.3 Up-scaling to the Field – The Wienfluss Example The Wienfluss test channel in Vienna comprises of a 114 m reach, which is composed of an asymmetric compound channel approximately 7 m in width and is relatively straight in alignment (Fig 8). In the 2001 flood event presented in this paper a relatively large proportion of the willows were submerged. The degree of bending was difficult to quantify from a video as the willow stands are submerged below the water surface and were not visible. It can be postulated that the willow stands were bent from anything between zero and 75 degrees to the vertical. The bending of the willow stands were modeled using the rigid cylinder drag force approach (Fig 1) implemented into a 3D finite volume code with standard k- turbulence closure. No modification was made to the weighting coefficients in the k- model. Bending was accounted for by the following two effects. Firstly when the plant bends, its height decreases in the vertical plane and hence the height of the water column on which the drag force is acting is reduced. Secondly, due to bending a larger portion of form drag and stands’ momentum absorbing area is transferred to lower parts of the flow depth than if the plant were rigid and vertical. This results in a change in the distribution of the frontal projected area with height, with a greater projected area closer to the bed. This was accounted for in the redistribution of the vegetation coefficient in the drag force model. The average plant height and corresponding proportion of the water column that was occupied by the willow canopy was based on the arithmetic mean and this was accounted for in the drag force model. The vegetative coefficient (as defined in Fig 1) as a function of height (known hereafter as the non-uniform density approach) was coded into the vegetation flow resistance model. It is a well established fact that for many trees the trunk diameter decreases with increasing height above the base and this can be observed for the willows in this study. A linear relationship was assumed to exist between the diameter at the base and at one metre height. The nonuniform density approach was tested as well as modeling the vegetation as a uniform diameter with plant height. In the latter case the basal diameter was used. uniform approach less drag is exerted relative to the uniform approach resulting in an increase in velocities in the floodplain zone (see Fig 9a and b). In some locations the computed velocity profile reproduces the measured profile with good accuracy in terms of both magnitude and profile shape (see Fig 9a). Within the vegetated layer region, velocities are reproduced with reasonable accuracy depending on the lateral floodplain location (see Fig 9a, and b). It may be postulated that some of the trees are in pronation, due to the shape of the measured profile depending on the degree of deflection. This deflection transfers a larger portion of the form drag and momentum absorbing area to the lower parts of the flow depth than if the plant were rigid and vertical. This therefore leads to an under-prediction in the upper half of the floodplain flow depth and may account for why the velocities are over-predicted in the near bed region (Fig 9b). In summary this study showed that the degree of bending is an important parameter that should be determined in future field studies. Using this information together with the plant stand diameter and density a simplified model can be formed that is based on the drag force approach. The effect of increasing the drag coefficient from unity to 1.5 decreased the computed velocity by a minimal amount and the degree by which the willow stands were in bending had a greater impact on the computed velocity profile. The impact of using a non-uniform density distribution was greater when the plants are modeled vertically than when the plants are modeled at high degrees of bending. More details and results of this study can be found in Wilson et al. (2004). One of the main aims of this study has been to minimize the need for roughness calibration. This method can significantly reduce the uncertainties of traditional methods of friction calibration. This study showed that modeling the bending of riparian vegetation can have a significant impact on the computed velocities and hence this critical parameter should be determined in subsequent field studies. 2.5 2 Depth [m] the physics of flow resistance and which significantly reduces the modelling uncertainties associated with traditional methods of calibration. More details of this study can be found in Stoesser et al. (2003b). 1.5 1 measured uniform 0.5 non-uniform mean plant height 6 ,8 m 0 113 ,5 m Figure 8: Schematic view of reach indicating velocity measurement section and willow monitoring patches When the vegetation canopy is modeled using the non- 0 1 2 3 Velocity [ms-1] [a] 4 5 2.5 2 1.5 1 measured uniform 0.5 non-uniform mean plant height 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Velocity [ms-1] [b] Figure 9: Measured and computed velocity profiles for two different lateral locations on the floodplain. Elevation refers to a datum level. 4 Summary and Conclusion This paper has demonstrated how recent research studies are at last beginning to generate an understanding of the interaction of flow with natural vegetation and how this is beginning to inform new conceptual and mathematical representations of these effects that can be incorporated in numerical models. These initial studies confirm the complexity of vegetation-flow interaction and highlight why this particular area of hydraulics has for so long defied effective treatment. Vegetation-flow interactions are, clearly, an area where our hydraulic understanding is weak, yet they are central to many problems of practical interest to hydraulic engineers including flood risk studies, sediment transport studies and the analysis of the hydraulic performance of river restoration schemes. However, the increasing availability of sophisticated velocity measurement equipment (such as Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters) as standard tools in hydraulic laboratories and in field, and the hosting of Computational Fluid Dynamics codes on desktop computers rather than mainframes, has in recent years allowed considerable progress to be made. Through analysis of vegetation-flow interaction, and in particular the energy losses generated, we are now beginning to unpack the various components of hydraulic resistance in natural channels. In doing so the primary aim has been to move away from lumped, and often unknowable, friction parameterizations to physicallybased laws describing each component contributing to the energy loss source term in the Navier-Stokes equations. This process marks the beginning of the development of what could be best described as ‘roughness closure’ schemes and these are deserving of the same attention in hydraulics as turbulence closure schemes have had over the last 20 years. Given the availability of a number of adequate, if not perfect, methods of turbulence closure such as the k- scheme and LES methods, roughness closure is arguably a similar important and less well understood problem. The comparison with turbulence modelling is instructive, as both are in effect subgrid-scale closures with strong scale and model dimension dependency. Whilst the role of vegetation in generating energy losses is key, this paper attempts to highlight the challenges of modeling vegetation-flow interactions. It is clear that we need to consider the generation of resistance and turbulence as linked processes in numerical models. Indeed, this is just one of many potential research areas that require investigation, and, although progress is being made, in general our understanding of vegetationflow interaction is still limited. We need to elucidate many basic hydraulic mechanisms and show how these depend on specific plant biophysical properties. In terms of numerical modelling and the incorporation of these processes into CFD codes, we require better model validation data sets for both flume and field situations. Moreover, in beginning to develop roughness closure methods driven by physically measurable plant parameters we need to develop methods to generate the necessary input data, perhaps through remote sensing. Finally, although progress has been made in understanding the hydraulics of flow-vegetation interaction, almost no research has yet been conducted into the influence of vegetation on sediment transport and this is likely to be a key area for studies of the hydraulic behavior and morphologic development of river restoration schemes. In summary, the hydraulic impact of vegetation is a new and exciting area of hydraulics research where there is considerable scope for the development of better physical understanding and theory. These tasks need to be pursued in conjunction with a programme of numerical model development as both a further facet of scientific enquiry and in order to translate the knowledge gained into practical tools for hydraulic engineers. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the donation of the field data from the Wienfluss study from H. P. 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