Biome Project Chosen Biome Name Due Date: ___________Project Due Date: __________ Choose one of the three formats to complete this project. Microsoft Power Point – o (Make sure that you have the ability and knowledge to make a Power Point – a computer is not always accessible in the classroom) o All items listed below must be present in your presentation. Biome in a Box (Diorama) – o The box for the project should be shoebox size or larger o The diorama should contain: The biome must be realistically represented with geographical features such as mountains, streams, rivers, etc. You may also use clay, paint, papier-mâché, small plastic trees or animals, or anything else that you can think of to portray your biome correctly. BE CREATIVE! A back ground on the back and sides of the box The background maybe painted, drawn and colored, or made of a neat collage of pictures cut from magazines. Movie Maker Biome – o (Make sure that you have the ability and knowledge to make a movie – a computer is not always accessible in the classroom) o All items listed below must be present in your presentation. Biome Poster – o All items listed below must be present in your presentation. o Pictures from your biome are to present, geographical features, plants and animals ALL students will complete the following which is to be read during your presentation. Biome Letter – o You have been chosen to join a scientific expedition to the biome you have chosen. While you are there you write a letter to you science teacher describing your biome. Your letter to the science teacher should include all of the items listed below o The paper must be typed and double spaced Items Required for Project Name of the Biome chosen Characteristics for the chosen land biomes: Average, highest and lowest temperature, average rainfall, what latitudes and longitudes are the land biomes found, geographical features Characteristics for the chosen marine(water) biomes; location, levels, salt water or fresh water, geographical features if any. At least 3 animal species found in your chosen biome The animals must be labeled with complete taxonomy(Kingdoms to species) and what type of consumer they are primary, secondary, carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore. At least 3 plant species found in your chosen biome. Plant taxonomy (Kingdoms to species) Unique conditions in your biome, such as permafrost, length of night and day, and any other aspect of your biome that is interesting to you. Bibliography of sources using proper bibliography style. Use the handout on how to write a bibliography for every resource that you used. Plagiarism is unacceptable!! Do not cut and paste information from the internet directly onto your paper (or Power Point or Movie Maker). Put the information in your own words and list source in bibliography. If you quote from the internet you must use “quotes” and then site the source. Rubric 5 4 3 2 1 (Must be redone) Attractiveness and Creativity Exceptional, Could be published!! Above Average Neatness and Creative Average Neatness and Creativity, just a small bit messy Very Messy, might have to redo if over all score is low Unbelievably Messy, so No Credit - Re Do Accuracy of Animals All required info on 5 or more animals All required info on 5 or more animals All required info on 3 or more animals Accuracy of Plants All required info on 5 or more plants All required info on 5 or more plants All required info on 3 or more plants Characteristics (See List on Your Chart) 3 more than required characteristics 2 more than required characteristics All required characteristics Missing a few characteristics Missing lots of characteristics Bibliography All required Bibliography, exceptionally written All required Bibliography ******* Missing some parts to Bibliography, or written incorrectly Missing lots Mechanics (Grammar and Punctuation) Exceptional, Could be published!! ********* A few incorrect Lots incorrect Too many to count 3 animals, but information is not accurate or complete 3 plants, but information is not accurate or complete Missing animals Missing plants