History - HIS (42)

History - HIS (42)
Administered by Department of History
Effective Spring 2007
Prerequisites are subject to modification by the instructor
42.100 Transatlantic World in the 20th Century (3) - Represents an analysis comparing and
contrasting the experiences of Americans and Western Europeans in the 20th century. Focuses
on the decay of Western traditions, the dilemma of the individual in an increasingly complex
society and the rise of "technocratic" civilization. Provides insight into roots of current events,
promotes sense of historic awareness beyond the national level and enhances appreciation of
basic similarities and differences among Americans and Western Europeans.
42.113 The Modern World (3) - Reviews the political, economic, social, intellectual and
technological elements of 19th and 20th century history, showing the progress of the Western
tradition and the growing importance of the non-Western world.
42.121 United States History Survey: Colonial Period to 1877 (3) - Presents a chronological
history to 1877 with emphasis on foreign affairs and the evolution of politics, economics, society
and culture.
42.122 United States History Survey: 1877 to the Present (3) - Presents political, social, cultural,
intellectual, economic and foreign affairs developments of the United States from
Reconstruction to the present.
42.125 Western Civilization to 1650 (3) - Surveys the development of Western Civilization from
river-valley societies to the end of the early modern period (c. 4000BCE-1650CE).
42.126 Western Civilization since 1650 (3) - Surveys the development of Western Civilization
during the modern era.
42.131 Asian Civilization to 1500 (3) - Surveys the history and culture of West, South, East,
Southeast and Central Asia. West Asia, South Asia, East Asia: emphasis on the intellectual,
cultural, social and political development of the Muslim, Hindu and Chinese civilizations and the
influence of these civilizations on Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the rest of Southeast Asia. Central
Asia: emphasis on the development of the Mongol empire and the interchange this empire
allowed between Asia and the European and African continents. Approved for diversity
42.132 Asian Civilization since 1500 (3) - Surveys the history and culture of Asia and the Pacific
region from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Examines inter-Asian relations and the
developing political and economic relations between the West and Asia through the late
twentieth century. Presents an overview of the different Asian paths to independence during the
twentieth century. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.141 The Modern Far East (3) - Focuses on modern China and Japan and closely studies the
value system of these peoples as reflected in their politics, arts and communications in the 19th
and 20th centuries. Particular attention paid to the interaction between the old models provided
by Confucianism and Buddhism with the models provided by the West during modernization.
Not offered every semester. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.142 Latin America: From European Colonization to the Present (3) - A concise introductory
survey of Latin American history from 1492 to the present, stressing the significant economic
and social factors in its evolution. Not offered every semester.
42.143 Black Africa (3) - Presents a survey of the transformation of the societies of SubSaharan Africa from colonialism to national independence. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.144 Islamic and Hindu Worlds: Middle East, India and Malaysia (3) - Introductory course
surveying the religious, cultural, economic and political history of the Middle East, North Africa,
the Indian subcontinent, the Malay Archipelago and their bearing on contemporary Third World
problems. Not offered every semester.
42.145 History of the Muslim World to 1405 (3) - Introduces the history and major
institutions of the Muslim world, from the advent of Islam around 610 C.E. through the
death of the Mongol emperor Timur Lang in 1405. The principal geographical areas that
it focuses on are the Middle East and North Africa. The course analyzes the historical
contexts that shaped the life of the prophet Muhammad and gave rise to the Qur'an, the
early Arab conquests, the rise of Islamic empires, theological, philosophical, and
mystical movements in Islamic civilizations and cultures, interaction between Muslim
and non-Muslim cultures, and the status of religious minorities and women during this
42.151 History of Pre-colonial Africa (3) - Covers the history of Africa before colonialism. Major
topics covered include: the changing African historiography; the origins of man; the Neolithic
revolution in Africa; the history and legacy of Ancient Egypt; population movements; Christianity
and Islam; the trans-Saharan trade; medieval Sudanic Empires; statelessness and state
formation; Europe and Africa from the fifteenth century onwards; the slave trade, the nineteenth
century revolutions; focusing, in particular, on the Mfecane and the Sudanic jihads. Approved
for diversity requirement.
42.152 History of Modern Africa (3) - Covers key themes in the history of modern Africa. These
include: the European scramble and partition of Africa; colonial wars of conquest; colonial
systems of administration; colonial transformation of African societies; economic, social and
cultural transformations; the nature and structure of colonial African societies; African politics
and nationalism in the inter-war years; the World Wars and Africa, Pan-Africanism; nationalism,
and the African struggle for independence, and, finally, the meaning and challenges of
independence. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.208 Contemporary Issues in U.S. History (3) - Examines selected issues of social, political or
foreign affairs within a historical context, describing the origin, evolution, current significance
and importance in American society. The issues may vary each semester.
42.210 Values in Conflict in 20th Century History (3) - Presents select American conflicts in the
1960s involving values of the individual and the civilization; resolutions achieved are reviewed
and evaluated. The selection of conflicts varies each semester. Approved for diversity
42.215 Global Issues in History: A Conflict of Values (3) - Introduces the historical and global
nature of many of today's critical issues that have far reaching consequences. Population
explosion, famine in the underdeveloped world, energy crisis, terrorism and the spread of
nuclear weapons are illustrative of some of the issues that will be examined. Attention will be
given to defining values as related to these issues.
42.216 Africa and the Black Atlantic to 1790 (3) - Surveys the development of African culture
from Africa to the South Atlantic. The course will focus on broad-based themes examining precolonial Africa, the Atlantic slave trade, and the resistance of Africans to the American slave
system. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.217 Africa and the Black Atlantic since 1790 (3) - Surveys the development of African culture
from Africa to the South Atlantic. The course will focus on broad-based themes examining
colonial Africa, the Atlantic slave trade, and the emergence of black states in Africa and the
Caribbean. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.222 Business History of the United States (3) - Focuses on the evolution of business from
1600 to the present, entrepreneurial leadership of major businessmen and the history of major
modern industries.
42.223 Economic History of the United States (3) - Focuses on the changing nature of the
American economy. This course covers three time periods: the commercial-agricultural age, the
industrial age and the modern managerial age. Examines agriculture, banking, business
administration, commerce, labor, manufacturing, mining and transportation, social and political
factors that contributed to changing economic relationships in the United States.
42.224 The Immigrant Experience (3) - Provides an overview of cultural diversity in American
society by focusing on the history of immigration from the colonial period to the present.
Students examine ethnicity in America through the study of political, economic, religious and
social issues; industrialization and urbanization; attitudes of nativism, discrimination and racism;
and powerful influences of immigrant kinship networks, ethnic community associations, cultural
traditions, religious institutions and ethnic group identity. Lectures include new historical
interpretations of cross-cultural relationships and new assimilation theories. Not offered every
semester. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.226 Popular Culture in America (3) - Review of major forms of popular culture in America
from colonial beginnings to the present, telescoped to permit fullest presentation of the period
since 1920. Course blends continuity of values and ideas in American culture with dynamics of
change to which the culture constantly adjusts. Not offered every semester.
42.228 African-American History (3) - Examines the nature and meaning of the AfricanAmerican experience in the United States surveyed from its beginnings to the present. Reviews
black creative expressions in the visual arts, music, literature, philosophic thought and social
history. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.229 Modern World Leaders (3) - Studies significant world leaders in religion, politics, war and
culture and their impact on world history. Focuses on different leaders each time offered and
covers a selected period from the Renaissance to the present. Analyzes the conditions which
helped produce these leaders and ends by discussing reasons for their success or failure.
Includes only leaders who have made a significant contribution outside their national
42.250 History of Science(3) - Studies historical development of the sciences and the nature of
scientific thought and method; provides understanding of the characteristics of the sciences as
well as their significance to human progress from antiquity to the present. Not offered every
42.260 Sport and Society in America (3) - Presents a cultural approach to organized sport in the
United States; proceeds from the premise that sport mirrors the values, states of technology and
the conditions of society. Emphasizes the rise of the institution of sport and its impact on
business, commercialism, leisure, affluence, urbanism, nationalism and the problems of
governance and law. Not offered every semester.
42.281 Military History I (3) - Studies organized warfare from its origins to the last campaign of
Napoleon I, concentrating on strategy and tactics. Examines moral and social problems raised
by warfare. Not offered every semester.
42.282 Military History II (3) - Studies organized warfare and the theory of war from the
Napoleonic age to the present, concentrating on strategy and tactics. Examines the sociopolitical background, especially of the two world wars and the age of guerrilla warfare. Not
offered every semester.
42.298 Historiography and Historical Methods (3) - Provides students with an opportunity to take
a critical approach to the study of history by examining changes in historical interpretations to
analyze why history is written and revised. Affords students hands-on experience in historical
research, utilizing libraries, archives, databases and Internet resources. Prerequisites: 20.101
and one 100-level course in history.
42.315 Origins of Civilization: The Ancient Near East (3) - Surveys known origins of civilization
in the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron ages in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia and Syria-Palestine,
with some attention to India and China. Not offered every semester.
42.318 Early England: The Making of an Island State (3) - Reviews political, economic, social
and cultural life in England to the Glorious Revolution. Not offered every semester.
42.319 Modern England: The First Industrial Empire (3) - Examines political, social, economic
and cultural development in England from the Glorious Revolution to the present with emphasis
on the development of democracy, the Industrial Revolution and the growth and decline of the
British Empire. Not offered every semester.
42.320 French Revolution and Napoleon (3) - Analyzes 1789-1815 era in France and assesses
its significance for the history of France and the world. Not offered every semester. Prerequisite:
42.324 Revolutionary Europe and the Rise of Modern Traditions, 1600-1789 (3) - Discusses the
rise of the modern state; the political, intellectual, social, economic and cultural aspects of the
eras of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment; the establishment of European world
hegemony and a world economy; the diplomatic and military interaction of the European states.
Not offered every semester.
42.326 Europe 1789-1914 (3) - Analysis of Europe's “long nineteenth century.” with particular
emphasis on the nexus of political and social history. Not offered every semester.
42.327 Europe in the Age of Total War, 1914-1945 (3) - Examines origins of World War I and
alliance systems that fought it, diplomacy, military strategy, tactics of the war and the peace
treaties of 1918-1920, plus the rise of Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and the lesser dictators along with
the international crises that finally culminated in the outbreak of World War II. Course stresses
ideological and global pattern developments. Not offered every semester.
42.328 Cold War Europe, 1945-Present (3) - Surveys European powers in the late 1930s with
emphasis on the forces leading to war; military and diplomatic developments of World War II
and the causes of the East-West rift; the reconstruction of democratic Europe and formation of
the Soviet bloc; European integration and political trends in both power systems. Not offered
every semester.
42.329 The American Woman (3) - Studies the history of women in America from colonial times
to the present; topics include women's work, family life, politics, sexuality, education, feminism
and reactions against it and the many facets of women's public and private roles in the nation's
history. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.335 History of Christianity (3) - Promotes student analysis of the ancient, medieval and
modern roots of contemporary Christian denominations and movements. Primary and
secondary historical sources are discussed seminar-style in order to critically examine important
ideas, personalities and historical conditions of Christianity. Prerequisite: Any course in history
or consent of the instructor.
42.336 Medieval Europe (3) - An analysis of European history from 300 to 1400, focusing on
political, social, religious and intellectual trends during the period. Feudalism, church history and
commercial relations receive particular emphasis. Examines the status of women in medieval
society. Prerequisite: 42.125.
42.337 Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation (3) - A detailed analysis of European
history from 1300 to 1650, focusing upon the intellectual and artistic movement known as the
Renaissance and the religious upheaval associated with the terms “Reformation” and “Counterreformation.” Political, social, intellectual and religious trends are highlighted. Prerequisite:
42.340 German History from 1871 (3) – Examines the major political, social and economic
developments in Germany from unification in 1871 to reunification in 1989-90. Major
developments scrutinized include nationalism, the total war era, German experiences with
democracy, the divergent paths of East and West Germany, and the post-reunification tensions
between “Ossis” and “Wessis.”
42.346 Modern European Intellectual History (3) - Relates changes in currents of thought during
the period to political, economic and social developments. Special attention given to
interpretations of major intellectual movements. Not offered every semester.
42.347 History of the Holocaust (3) - Focuses upon the major theme-the genesis and
implementation of the planned destruction of European Jewry from 1933 to 1945; briefly traces
the history of anti-Semitism and evaluates scope of prejudice, discrimination and genocide in
contemporary civilization. Includes an analysis of literature of the Holocaust and evaluation of
the Holocaust's impact on modern-day Israel or the world Jewish community. Not offered every
42.354 Modern Japan: 1868-Present (3) - Surveys the history and culture of Japan from 1868 to
the present. Examines Japan's emergence as an industrial, imperialist nation in the first part of
the twentieth century and the postwar transition from a defeated nation to an economic giant in
the latter part of the twentieth century.
42.355 East Asia since 1800 (3) - Surveys the history and culture of East Asia from 1800 to the
present. Examines the political, social, economic and cultural transformations within China and
those countries most influenced by Chinese culture traditionally: Japan, Korea, and Vietnam,
with an emphasis on inter-East Asian relations and on interaction between East Asia and the
42.356 Russia to 1917 (3) - Analysis of Russian political and social history from the ninth
century to 1917, with emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Not offered every semester.
42.359 20th Century China (3) - Surveys the history and culture of China during the twentieth
century. Examines China's republican and communist revolutions and the transition from the
republican to the communist revolution from the mid-twentieth century onward.
42.372 Colonial America and the War of Independence (3) - Reviews European colonization in
North America with major attention to the establishment and development of England's colonies,
an emerging American society and problems which created conflict between the Americans and
the British resulting in the American War of Independence. Not offered every semester.
42.374 U.S. Social History (3) - Focuses on everyday life in the past and how ordinary people
made history and were affected by historical change. Emphasis on family life, as a way of
exploring issues of race, gender and ethnicity. Prerequisites: 42.121 and/or 42.122.
42.379 The New Nation: United States, 1781-1845 (3) - Reviews the impact of the democratic
experiment on government, the economy, culture and society. Among subjects studied are
political parties, railroads, popular music and anti-slavery. Not offered every semester.
42.380 Old South/New South (3) – Studies the history of the U.S. South from settlement to the
present, focusing on key issues in the history and historiography of the plantation South, the
Civil War, the post-war “New South,” and the Civil Rights Movement.
42.381 Civil War and Reconstruction: United States, 1845-1877 (3) - Surveys the causes of the
Civil War, the war itself, and reconstruction. Topics include politics, ideology, military technology
and tactics, race and gender issues, the economy, labor, immigration and popular culture.
42.383 America 1877-1929 (3) - This course focuses on the transformation of American life from
the Gilded Age through the Roaring Twenties. Between 1877 and 1929 the United States
experience rapid industrialization, massive immigration, and a social revolution that transformed
morals and manners in the 1920s. In government, the era witnessed political upheavals that led
to Progressivism, an early twentieth century reform movement that laid the foundations of the
modern American state. In addition, the country took its first steps toward world power, a trend
that culminated with U.S. entry into the First World War.
42.385 Recent American History: 1941 to the Present (3) - Examines the major political,
economic, social-cultural and intellectual developments in the United States from 1941 to the
present. Cold War, Korea and Vietnam, turmoil of the 1960s, nuclear concerns and the role of
the individual in an increasingly complex, technological society are some of the major themes
examined. Not offered every semester.
42.388 Pennsylvania (3) - Examines major contributions of Pennsylvania to national life,
relations between state and national movements. Not offered every semester.
42.391 Diplomatic History of the United States to 1898 (3) - Presents a critical analysis of United
States foreign relations from the Colonial Period to the 1898 war with Spain. Not offered every
42.392 Diplomatic History of the United States Since 1898 (3) - Presents a critical analysis of
United States foreign relations from the war with Spain in 1898 to present. Not offered every
42.395 African-American Radicalism in the 20th Century (3) - Examines the major black radicals
and their philosophies and movements in 20th Century America. Special emphasis will be be
placed on the following figures: W.E.B.DuBois, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael
(Kwame Toure), Angela Davis, Amiri Baraka, the Black Panther Party and Louis Farahkhan of
the Nation of Islam.
42.397 Independent Study in History (1-4) - The topic selected must be approved by a
committee appointed by the chairperson. Independent reading and/or research related to some
aspect of history is supervised by an appropriate member of the department. A student may
register for this course no more than twice and credits may not exceed 4 semester hours. See
the section on Independent Study. Prerequisite: 60 semester hours. Prerequisites: 42.298 or
consent of the instructor.
42.398 Research and Writing Skills (3) - Focuses on the development of proficient research and
writing skills. Students learn to fully utilize library and research facilities; develop skills in
analyzing and interpreting original/primary research documents; and produce a clear, concise
and well-written lengthy formal paper. In addition, students develop an understanding of how
and why history is written and revised.
42.404 Topics in American History (3) - Seminar allows students to focus on a specific topic or
related topics in American history for in-depth study and analysis. Includes historiography of the
chosen topic, discussion of problems associated with the topic and production of a research
paper. Topics vary from semester to semester.
42.405 / 42.505 - The Jews of Europe: 1450 to Present (3) - Analysis of European Jewish
history from 1450 to the present, with particular attention to the problem of Jews' legal status;
social and economic relatio0ns between Jews and dominant communities; Jewish participation
in national politics; Jewish political self-organization and communal organization; Jewish family
life and gender relations; and the demographics of Jewish communities. Not offered every
semester. Prerequisites: 42.125 or 42.126 if enrolling in 42.405; none if enrolling in 42.505.
42.410 Topics in Non-Western History (3) - This seminar allows students to focus on specific
topic or related topics in Non-Western History for in-depth study and analysis. In the course,
students will gain familiarity with the historiography of the chosen topic, discuss problems
associated with the topic, and produce a research paper. Topics will vary from semester to
42.416 / 42.516 The Classical World: Ancient Greece and Rome (3) - Covers ancient Greek and
Roman history and culture. Greece: emphasis on Aegean civilizations, the age of Pericles and
the Hellenistic age after Alexander the Great. Rome: emphasis on early monarchy and republic,
imperial expansion, the Pax Romana and the decline and fall of the empire; concluding with the
Barbarian age and the rise of Byzantium. Not offered every semester.
42.430 Caribbean Slave Societies (3) - Surveys the development of the Caribbean from
European colonization to the eve of emancipation (c. 1790). Not offered every semester.
42.431 The Caribbean from the Post-Emancipation Era (3) - Surveys the development of the
Caribbean from emancipation to independence. Not offered every semester.
42.432 Plantation Societies in the Atlantic World (3) - Examines the development of plantation
culture in the Americas and its effects on European, African and American societies.
42.452 Soviet Russia (3) - Presents a critical analysis of the political, social, economic and
cultural evolution of the Soviet Union and a study of Soviet foreign policy. Not offered every
semester. Prerequisite: 42.126.
42.453 Problems of Contemporary Latin America (3) - Analyzes recent events or movements
that may indicate recurrence of historical problems or major developments of international
significance in selected countries of Latin America. Not offered every semester.
42.456 History of the Modern Middle East (3) - Aims to give an historical understanding of
social and political change in the Middle East in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural history, the course seeks to
examine the impact of outside powers on the region, the responses of the region’s
peoples to this challenge; problems of political, economic, and cultural decolonization;
the religious and ideological choices dominant in successive periods; gender issues;
and efforts to reassert Islamic identity in an era of tightening globalization.
42.460, 42.461 Topics in European History (3) - Investigates select topics in European history.
Seminar-style course studies variety of problems in European history, in the medieval, early
modern and modern periods. Discusses and analyzes secondary materials on the history,
philosophy, politics, science and art of a chosen period. Research paper required. Topics vary
from semester to semester.
42.469 Women and Gender in European Intellectual History I (3) - Investigates the condition of
women, of female views concerning that condition and the view of males concerning women,
over the course of western history. Women and Gender I covers the ancient, medieval and
early-modern periods (c.650 BC - 1650 AD). Prerequisite: two 100-level courses in history or
consent of the instructor. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.470 Women and Gender in European Intellectual History II (3) - Investigates the condition of
women, of female views concerning that condition and the view of males concerning women,
over the course of western history. Women and Gender II covers the Scientific Revolution to the
present (c.1550-1995). Prerequisite: two 100-level courses in history or consent of the
instructor. Approved for diversity requirement.
42.472 History of Labor in the United States (3) - Surveys the emergence and development of
organized labor from the post-Civil War period to the present. A third of the course is devoted to
an analysis of contemporary labor-management problems and labor's changing role in our
increasingly technological society. Prerequisite: 3 semester hours in history.
42.476 War and American Society (3) – The course explores the impact of war on American
society. Includes the transformation in the role and power of the United States government, the
mobilization of a mass-conscripted army, the political, economic, and cultural aspects of the
home front, and the development and impact of modern war. Concentrates also on the impact
of political, economic, social and cultural issues on United States military strategy.
42.497 Internship in History (3-12) - Provides a work-study experience jointly administered by
an academic faculty member and a sponsoring employer, with about 40 hours of supervised
work generating each semester hour. Prerequisite: For history majors, 15 semester hours of
history, including 42.398. Other majors may enroll with consent of advisers. Note: A student
may not apply more than 3 semester hours of internship toward the fulfillment of the history
major, although a student may enroll for more than 3 semester hours of 42.497.