Provision of eye tests

This instruction applies to :-
Reference :-
All staff directly employed by NOMS (including HMPS)
PSI 35/2010
AI 21/2010
Issue date
Expiry Date
Effective Date
Implementation date
01 July 2010
01 August 2010
31 July 2013
Issued on the authority of
NOMS Agency Board
For action by
Directors of Offender Management, Heads of Groups,
Governing Governors.
For information
All NOMS (including HMPS)staff
Mary Guinness, Occupational Health and Safety Section
020 7217 2760
Associated documents
PSO 3806 – Display Screen Equipment Health and Safety
Replaces the following documents which are hereby cancelled :PSI 37/2008 AMENDMENT TO PSO 3806- Display Screen Equipment, Health and Safety Issues
Audit/monitoring : Health and Safety Officer and SAU
Introduces amendments to the following documents: PSO 3806 – Display Screen Equipment
Health and Safety Issues
Page 1
Annex 1
Executive Summary
Arrangements for the Provision of
EYE Tests and Glasses
Applies to
All NOMS/HMPS staff
Executive summary
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) (DSE) Regulations 1992 as amended
by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 requires
employers to offer employees who are DSE users an eye and eyesight test:
Immediately before becoming a user
At regular intervals thereafter
If they experience visual difficulties, which may reasonably be considered to be due
to continued use of DSE, for example eyestrain or focusing difficulties.
Under the regulations employers must also provide special corrective appliance (usually
glasses) in special circumstances.
Staff who normally wear glasses to correct vision defects and who work in areas where eye
protection is required should be provided with prescription safety glasses. The Service is
required to pay for the cost of the glasses but in this case payment for the eye test is the
responsibility of the individual member of staff.
The purpose of this Instruction is to set out the new arrangements for the provision of eye
tests and, where they are prescribed, the provision of glasses for staff who work with DSE
It also sets out the new process for the provision of prescription lens safety glasses.
It introduces a revision to Sections 3.15 to 3.23 of PSO 3806, Display Screen Equipment,
Health and Safety Issues and cancels PSI 37/2008.
The amendments introduced by this Instruction are to be incorporated into PSO 3806
Display Screen Equipment, Health and Safety Issues.
Annex 1 gives advice on legislation and the new arrangements for providing staff with eye
tests and glasses.
Desired outcomes
The instruction aims to ensure that all staff are aware of the changes made to the
procedures for the provision eye tests and glasses for Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
users and for prescription lens safety glasses.
All staff must be familiar with all sections of this policy.
PSI 23-2010/AI 21-2010
Issue date 01/07/10
Page 2
Mandatory actions
Directors of Offender Management, Heads of Groups, Governing Governors, and line
managers must ensure that the new arrangements for the provision of eye tests and
glasses for staff who work with DSE and the provision of prescription lens safety glasses
are implemented.
Resource Impact
There are no additional resources associated with this Instruction.
Tony Watson
on behalf of:
Robin Wilkinson
Director of Human Resources
PSI 23-2010/AI 21-2010
Issue date 01/07/10
Page 3
This Notice sets out the new arrangements for the provision of eyesight tests and, where
prescribed, glasses are provided for staff who regularly use display screen equipment.
It also sets out the arrangements for the provision of prescription lens safety glasses.
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) (DSE) Regulations 1992 as amended by
the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 requires employers
to offer employees who are DSE users an eye and eyesight test:
Immediately before becoming a user
At regular intervals thereafter
If they experience visual difficulties, which may reasonably be considered to be due
to continued use of DSE, for example eyestrain or focusing difficulties.
Under the regulations employers must also provide special corrective appliance (usually
glasses) in special circumstances.
Who is a display screen equipment user?
A Display Screen Equipment user is anyone who:
Normally uses DSE for continuous or near continuous spells of an hour or more at a
time: and
Uses the DSE in this way more or less daily: and
Has to transfer information quickly to or from the DSE;
And one of;
Where a person needs to:
Apply high levels of attention or concentration; or:
Is highly dependant on the DSE; or
Has little choice about using the DSE; or
Needs special training or skills to use the DSE.
What tests are required?
The test required by the Regulations includes a vision test and an examination of the eye.
The test should take into account the nature of the user’s work, including the distance at
which the screen is viewed. A registered ophthalmic optician or a medical practitioner with
suitable qualifications must perform the test.
What are special corrective appliances?
PSI 23-2010/AI 21-2010
Issue date 01/07/10
Page 4
Special corrective appliances (normally glasses) are those provided to correct vision
defects at the viewing distances used specifically for the display screen involved. Normal
corrective appliances are those prescribed for any other purpose.
Who will pay for eye tests and the provision of glasses?
The employer must pay for the test and for the cost of basic glasses, i.e. of a type and
quality adequate for the user’s work, where these are prescribed.
Prescription Lens Safety Glasses
Staff who normally wear glasses to correct vision defects and who work in areas where eye
protection is required should be provided with prescription safety glasses. The Service pays
for the cost of the glasses but, in this case, payment for the eye test is the responsibility of
the individual member of staff.
New Arrangements for the Provision of Eye Tests and Glasses for DSE Users
A new contract has been set up with Duncan and Todd for the provision of eye tests and
where prescribed for the provision of glasses for use with DSE. This will operate using a
voucher system.
If you are entitled to an eye test you will be sent a voucher by Duncan and Todd
following the raising of an iProcurement requisition.
You should then arrange an appointment with an optician who participates in the
Duncan and Todd Voucher Scheme. This includes many of the high street opticians.
Names of participating opticians can be found at Duncan and Tod web site at
You should take the voucher to the optician when you attend for your eye test.
The optician will carry out the eye test. If glasses are prescribed for use with DSE
these will be provided. You will have a choice of a minimum of six frames.
The voucher will cover the cost of the eye test, glasses and any dispensing fee. You
will not be required to make any payment to the optician.
You will need to return to your optician for fitting of your glasses in the normal way.
For further information on the provision of eye tests and glasses visit My Services web site.
New Arrangements for the Provision of Prescription of Prescription lens safety Glasses
A new contract has been let with Parmelee for the provision of prescription lens safety
glasses. This will operate using a voucher system.
If you require prescription lens safety glasses you should raise an iProcurement
requisition which will be sent to Parmelee.
Parmelee will send a prescription order form through to you.
PSI 23-2010/AI 21-2010
Issue date 01/07/10
Page 5
The prescription order form will cover the cost of the glasses and any prescription
fee. You will not be required to make any payment to the optician for the glasses but
you will be responsible for the cost of the eye test.
You will need to select frames before you visit your optician. You can do this by
going to the My services website and following the links. You should make a note of
the identification number of the frames.
You should take the prescription order form to your opticians (most opticians will
provide this service). Your optician will send all the relevant information to Parmelee
who will make the glasses and return them to your optician.
You will need to return to your optician for fitting of your glasses in the normal way.
PSI 23-2010/AI 21-2010
Issue date 01/07/10