Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 80 City of Olmsted Falls Minutes of a Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at Olmsted Falls City Hall 26100 Bagley Road – Council Chambers, 7:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Ann Marie Donegan Council called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m. Roll call was conducted. Councilmen Kathleen Fenderbosch, Jay Linn, Linda Garrity, Bob Sculac, Kevin Roberts, Sam Pulice, and Terry Duncan, were present. Also in attendance: Gregory Sponseller, Law Director, Steve Presley, Finance Director, Mike DeSan, Asst. Finance Director, Joe Borczuch, Service Director and Rosann Jones, Manager Business & Community Services. Audience: 5. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Duncan moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 2015; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Ms. Duncan moved to approve the minutes from the Council Caucus Meeting of March 24, 2015; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Ms. Garrity indicated three grammatical changes. Poll: 6 ayes; 0 nays; 1 abstain (Pulice). Motion carried. Ms. Duncan moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of March 24, 2015; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Ms. Garrity indicated one grammatical change. Poll: 6 ayes; 0 nays; 1 abstain (Pulice). Motion carried. Consideration of Amendment to the Agenda - None Mayor’s Report and Appointments Ms. Fenderbosch moved to appoint Gary Dingfelder to the position of Reserve Officer in the Olmsted Falls Police Department; Ms. Duncan seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Turnpike – The City has been informed that the bridge on Columbia will not be replaced this season as they only received one bid which was allegedly over the 10% allowed. This means that the city has begun discussions indicating that in 2016 we cannot afford two major bridge closures in the 4.1 square miles. Mr. Roberts stated that the Bagley Road and Columbia Road bridges could be replaced in 2016. Mayor Donegan indicated that the County will definitely replace the Bagley Road bridge in 2016 and it is possible that both will be replaced. She has indicated to the Turnpike that the city cannot afford both bridges to be replaced and closed. She will keep Council posted on any new developments. Safebuilt – Mayor Donegan indicated that she distributed the third party billing report. There has been a lot of activity and is slightly profitable minus the exterior maintenance individual. Major Construction Project Brochure – Mayor Donegan indicated that her administration is finalizing this brochure which will be located at area businesses and could potentially be mailed. This brochure Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 81 will feature all the city projects. Mr. Sheehy and Mr. Borczuch will be in the individuals finalizing the brochure. Miscellaneous – Mayor Donegan indicated that she would request a motion from Council to provide a one time $500.00 premium payment to Lt. Larry Meluch, Lt. Carmen Battaglia, and Asst. Chief Guy Grant. Mr. Roberts moved to provide a one-time premium payment of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to Lt. Larry Meluch, Lt. Carmen Battaglia and Asst. Fire Chief Guy Grant; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Mayor Donegan would like to personally thank Mr. DeSan for taking the lead on the City of Olmsted Falls Cleveland Southwest Safety Council where we received 100% participation for 2014. Mayor Donegan indicated that there will be an annual stakeholder’s meeting at Metro to discuss Metro’s future on Friday, May 8th. She will not be able to attend this meeting and Chief Munteanu will be attending on her behalf. She would also suggest that one member of Council attend with the Chief in order to hear what Metro is planning. Mayor Donegan indicated that the 3rd graders have been visiting City Hall. She stated that Evergreen has provided piggy bank’s for the children which are being handed out during their visits. The containers contain the elected official’s names and were donated by Evergreen. She indicated that the YMCA is offering free fitness classes next week and the following week. Please visit the Olmsted Recreation website for more information. Mayor Donegan indicated that the City has received the totals for recycling. The City has recycled curbside a total 1,546.72 tons which is a recycling rate of about 42.96%. She also indicated that over the summer she has plans to complete in-service training with the staff on telephone skills and service recovery excellence. She welcomed anyone from Council who would like to attend. Communications from Residents – None Approval of Bills: Mr. Sculac moved to approve Pay Ordinance 2015–07; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Mr. Sculac asked if the APA payments are for memberships for Planning Commission members. Mayor Donegan indicated that the City enrolled Planning Commission and BZA members and was included in the city’s budget. Mr. Sculac asked why the City was joining the Ohio School Resource Officer’s Association. Mayor Donegan indicated that this is for the DARE officer, Robert Swope, who is the DARE Officer for St. Mary’s. Mr. Roberts indicated that CVE is receiving a payment of $9,000 and would like to know what projects they are working on. Mayor Donegan indicated that they are working on Phase V Project, coordinating Cleveland Water, Roads, Turnpike Mitigation, flooding issues in multiple areas. She indicated that she will distribute the project plan completed by Mr. Sheehy which indicates what projects he is working on. Mr. Roberts indicated that there is a payment to Mr. Incorvaia and inquired if that payment was for litigation. Mr. Sponseller indicated that the Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 82 City has several current Bowman cases and Mr. Incorvaia is working on several of them. There are also one or two prosecution matters that have been appealed to the Court of Appeals that he is handling. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Officials Reports: Rosann Jones, Manager Business & Community Services Ms. Jones stated that Resolution 15-2015 was completed in anticipation of getting the demolition grant from the County Land Bank. She was informed today that the City has received that grant. She would therefore request that Council adopt the resolution which will allow the Mayor to sign the agreement and the City will begin the process through Safebuilt notifying the property owner and completing all the due diligence in order to be able to demolish the home on Cranage. If by some chance the property owner, who has not lived in the home for years, responds that they want to keep the house there will be a lot of work they need to complete. She indicated that Studio Think provided the City with a 16 page creative brief. She met with the Mayor and 27 different individuals were selected to receive a copy of this brief. There are two Council members, Planning Commission and ABR members, as well as some others. Once the briefs are completed and returned she and the Mayor will meet with Studio in order to combine the 27 responses into one creative brief which is the document Studio Think will work from. She stated that once the final brief is completed she will forward a copy to Council. She also indicated that the City will receive 12 logo/branding choices at which time the City will need to determine how to move forward. Mr. Sculac indicated that he would like to review the brief that was sent out. Ms. Jones indicated that she will forward a copy to all of Council and anyone can complete the brief and return to her. Ms. Garrity indicated that the ABR members have requested that they be kept in the loop. She would also like to know if all members of ABR could attend any meetings being held regarding this project. Ms. Jones indicated that the only meeting she is anticipating is once the logo designs are submitted for review and she will include ABR, if a meeting is held. Joe Borczuch, Service Director Mr. Borczuch indicated the newly hired general laborer began working for the City at the beginning of the month and is getting acclimated to the city. The property maintenance inspector has also begun working for the City as well. He stated that if anyone receives a complaint please contact Ms. Stone. Steve Presley, Finance Director - No Report Mike DeSan, Asst. Finance Director – No Report Councilman Sam Pulice, Ward IV Mr. Pulice asked if there was an update regarding the shrubs at Aces. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he and Mr. Cheatham met with Mr. Gallo this morning. He stated that the shrubs were planted on city property but Mr. Gallo has agreed to replace the dying shrubs. Mr. Pulice indicated that the agreement was that Mr. Gallo would screen the parking lot in order to put up a garage. Mr. Borczuch indicated that his understanding from the morning, in order to put in an extra parking lot Mr. Gallo was responsible for screening the area with bushes. He indicated that Mr. Cheatham was going to review his files more thoroughly in order to make sure everyone is in complete agreement. Mayor Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 83 Donegan indicated that the last she heard about this issue was that the city was attempting to determine whose property the bushes were located on. If they are located on city property why is the area not screened with some type of fence? Mr. Pulice indicated that since this is a residential area and shrubs were already in place he continued with shrubbery. Mr. Borczuch indicated that the fence previously discussed was with the green space coming up to the other board on board that Mr. Gallo installed for one of the property owners. Mayor Donegan indicated that she does not want anything verbally, if Mr. Gallo has agreed to put the shrubs in, she would prefer, in writing, who will keep the shrubs landscaped, and who will replace dying ones. She does not want to get into another situation “well 10 years ago under Mayor Donegan said we would do this,” she wants the understanding clear and concise. Mr. Borczuch indicated that was the reason Mr. Cheatham would be reviewing his file. Mr. Pulice asked if there was any update on the German Club issue, Mr. Sculac replied none as of yet. Mr. Pulice indicated that in the past couple of weeks the signage around the city in right-of-way’s and telephone poles has seemed to gotten out of hand. Mr. Borczuch indicated that is part of the property maintenance inspector’s job, so as he gets acclimated with the city those will come down. Mr. Pulice asked if he would make contact with these companies and explain that they cannot hang signs up. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he could but they will probably still put the signs up. Mr. Pulice indicated that he is looking for some suggestions regarding the trash receptacles in the neighborhoods regarding screening. He lives on a small street and just by looking out his front window he can see seven cans. Once summer is upon us and people begin having picnics they will be cans everywhere. He believes there is something in the books regarding screening which indicates that they can are not allowed in back yards and that they have to be kept indoors. He believes this issue was previously researched but do not believe any answers were developed. He indicated that he is just looking for suggestions and asked if this issue could be placed on a work session. Council needs to come to some type of uniformity as to where these cans should be placed and not in front of garages or on the side of homes. He indicated that there are some individuals who leave the cans on their tree lawns for four or five days after pickup. Mr. Linn suggested going back to the old cans and agrees with Mr. Pulice. He indicated that his old cans use to fit through the gate of his fence and are stored behind the garage next so you couldn’t see them form the street. If he puts the new cans in his garage then his wife has to park outside and they will not fit through the gate in his fence. Mayor Donegan indicated that this issue was discussed previously but no answers were determined and this change was plowed through but Council is free to have the discussion again. Mr. Linn indicated that in heavy snow he does not know how some people get the huge cans back and forth to the street as there was a couple times he had a hard time. Mayor Donegan stated now imagine if you are an 80 pound elderly person. Mr. Borczuch stated that if anyone sees cans left out on the tree lawn please contact Ms. Stone with the information as Mr. Kopchak can site residents for leaving them out. Councilman Charles R. Sculac, Ward I Mr. Sculac moved to acknowledge receipt of the Mayor’s Court report dated 04/01/2015; Ms. Duncan seconded. Voice Vote: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Mr. Sculac moved to acknowledge receipt of the Statement of Cash position dated March 31, 2015 in the amount of $1,532,624.43; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 84 Mr. Sculac stated that as he drives around the city he has noticed that trash cans are still in tree lawns during weekends after Thursday pickup. He knows there are a number of locations where residents have racked leaves to the curb during yard clean up and noticed that as well. He indicated that another issue he has regarding tonight’s presentation and drawing people downtown until businesses are open in the evenings at Grand Pacific this will continue to be an issue. This is a town where people are out of town during the day working they come back and the businesses close at 5:00 p.m. At this point, they do not have complaints regarding not making what they think they should be making and he knows that many shops are what you would call “mom and pop” kind of places which are operated by single owners. Somehow if we are expecting people to go to this location then these businesses need to be open at the convenience of the customer and not the owner of the shop. He has had numerous suggestions from people, for example, open at noon and close at 8:00 p.m. He believes this is a big issue and until it is resolved this will continue to happen. If we are looking for people to draw downtown something needs to change. Mayor Donegan indicated that she understands and is an issue we are addressing with them. Councilman Kevin Roberts, Ward II Mr. Roberts stated that he attended the Morning Mind Share at the Village Bean and it was very productive. He would encourage any Council member to attend because you will hear the voice of the people and they have a lot of good and interesting ideas. Mr. Roberts asked if Mr. Borczuch if he knew why the City of Cleveland water department dug holes on River Road. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he is unsure but more than likely they received a call regarding some type of leak. Mayor Donegan indicated that she will attempt to find out. Mr. Borczuch indicated that once the asphalt plants open he will get the holes repaired. Mr. Roberts stated that on the west side of River Road in the back of the houses there use to be a creek and the City 20, 30 or 40 years ago ditched it in and put the water through the culvert. You can tell that this creek use to be four or five feet wide and three or four feet deep and the underground pipe does not transport water quickly enough through this area. The water backs up to the south end of River Road behind his in-law’s house and last year they ended up with two feet of water in their basement. They have spent a fortune installing extra sump pumps to try to resolve this problem. He stated that you can see the original creek bed on another vacant property but right now it’s stagnate and a mosquito breeding ground. He stated that basically the natural flow of water behind these homes is blocked. He would like Mr. Sheehy to take a look at this area. It seems to him that if you take a creek bed that is made to handle 500 cubic feet per second and install a pipe that only handles 200 feet per second a problem will arise a couple times a year. He believes people thought this was a good idea but it has not been maintained as the pipes are collapsed. Mr. Borczuch indicated that the homeowners agreed that this would be a one-time deal they made with the Mayor at that time for the City to install the pipe and they were to maintain the pipe. Mayor Donegan indicated that she would ask Mr. Sheehy to look at the area. Mr. Roberts stated that when he was completing work for the cemetery a couple of issues arose. One of those issues was the cemetery deeds and the question as to whose name should be on those deeds. As he reads the law, because this is a joint cemetery association all the deeds should be in the name of the City and not the Township. He stated that in Turkeyfoot cemetery those individuals buried in the back are in the Township, those in the middle are in no man’s land as he could not locate the title, and the ones buried in the front are in the City, this needs to be straightened out. Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 85 Mr. Roberts stated that the second cemetery issue is that the official name is Union Cemetery Association. He stated that everyone calls the cemetery Chestnut Grove but that is not correct and believes a formal name change should occur. Councilman Linda Garrity, Council-at-Large Ms. Garrity indicated that Council’s intern, Riley Alton, forwarded information regarding the Council page portion of the website. She introduced Mr. Alton who will summarize the report. Riley Alton, stated that he tended to be practical and not technical for what we can do as a City to hammer out effective content. If a website is designed poorly it jumps out at you in the beginning but if it is designed well, as it should be, the focus is on the content. We want the content to be read and in order to have the content read the City should exercise certain key words that residents would search because everyone uses Google that is how we find information. We should be certain when we are writing information or paying someone to write information or content for the City’s website it is imperative that we use the wording that residents would look for or key words that would allude to the wording that residents would look for. This all contributes to basically create what we would refer to and what I was taught in grade school as the digital footprint that the City would generate. We want that to be in line with where the City is at physically and what we are actually doing. It is imperative that we take time to think about and discern what we are saying. He knows there has been a lot of deliberation in Council of redesigning this website and getting it back up but what good is it if we take this opportunity that we have of redesigning a completely new website just to replace it with the same old content. He indicated that having the website down created issues for the City and made it harder for residents to communicate but at the same time it’s an opportunity and we should take advantage of it through effective content development as was outlined in his report. Ms. Garrity stated that she agrees with Mr. Alton’s summary statement. She asked Council to take time and write a summary of credentials that would be placed on the new website with all the new photos. She indicated that the Clerk will outline each Council member’s committee responsibilities. She would like Council to also review their mission statement and would like to place Council’s Rules of Order on the website as well. Mayor Donegan indicated that the administration approved to color scheme for the website. We also met with Mr. Wright of Wright Path Solutions and all the department heads have signed off on their website pages. She indicated that Council will need to bring conclusion to their page of the website as soon as possible. Ms. Garrity stated that the Clerk did distribute information regarding the tree program and she will also be discussing this program with the Community Development Committee. She stated that the community shredding date is May 2nd and she would recommend that the service employees help out this year as each year this event grows. There seem to be heavier boxes during the spring due to the tax season. There have only been a few volunteers for each event and she believes that having a couple of the service employees would be a great help. Mayor Donegan indicated that she does have a couple of people who need to complete some community service for their National Honor Society but this event does require a lot of work. Ms. Garrity stated that if there are not enough volunteers from Council she believes service employees will be needed as there is a lot of lifting involved. Mr. Borczuch indicated that he would take care of employees. Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 86 Ms. Garrity indicated that the Baptist Church on Columbia Road in North Olmsted will be collecting supplies to be shipped to Illinois for the towns devastated by the tornado. She will distribute a list of items that are needed. Councilman Terry Duncan, Ward III – No Report Councilman Jay Linn, Council Pro-Tempore Mr. Linn stated that the residents on Bagley Road are continually dumping into the culvert behind their homes and the homes on Elmer which creates a mess at the end by Usher Road. Mayor Donegan indicated that she would like to distribute a letter to these residents indicating that dumping into the culvert is not permitted. Mr. Linn stated that there have been old picnic tables dumped over the hill. Councilman Kathleen Fenderbosch, Council President Ms. Fenderbosch reminded Council that the deadline for filing their ethics forms is tomorrow and can be completed online. Ms. Fenderbosch indicated that the Clerk will email Council to acquire dates for a work session to be scheduled. She would like to begin the work session at 6:30 p.m. She asked Mr. Presley to prepare different types of scenarios for the financing of the new service garage. She also asked Mr. Borczuch to put together what the building would look like and how he would like it designed. Ms. Fenderbosch indicated that she will ask the Clerk to see how other cities handling the screening issue for the trash receptacles. Ms. Fenderbosch indicated that due to the fact that she works on Saturday’s she is unable to be present at the community shredding event. If the boxes are heavy she believes the service department should help out. Ms. Fenderbosch moved to approve requisition 19809 to L3 Mobile Vision for body camera purchase and video system upgrade in an amount not to exceed $4,825.50; Ms. Duncan seconded. Mr. Roberts indicated that he spoke with Law Director/Prosecutor for the City of Berea and he indicated that their city purchased cameras for $40.00 which were no good so he is curious as to what type we are purchasing. He is not denying that the city needs them he would like to know why this particular brand and the vetting process involved. Mayor Donegan indicated that Chief Gilles distributed a memo which states that the vendor for L3 indicated that the department must upgrade its software package and the computer that operates our system due to the software being out of date and the computer not being able to operate new versions of the software both L3 and Bailey Communications have provided pricing to obtain the new computer to support the upgrade to the system. His recommendation is to purchase the software, body cameras, charging/downloading systems from L3 and the computer portion from Bailey. Mr. Linn indicated that the system is phenomenal the way it works. He stated that anything that is recorded from the dash cam in the cruiser stays in the car and downloads into the building and is recorded on CD. These new body cameras will work the same way, the information that is contained on the cameras will automatically download to the same system and be stored on CD inside the building without physically hooking the camera to the machine, it is all done remotely. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 87 Ms. Fenderbosch moved to approve requisition 19810 to Bailey Communications for a computer purchase to operate the mobile vision software and archiving video in an amount not to exceed $1,682.40; Ms. Duncan seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Ms. Fenderbosch moved to approve requisition 19811 to Standard Law enforcement Supply for the purchase of four (4) rifles and other equipment in an amount not to exceed $4,826.00; Ms. Duncan seconded. Mayor Donegan indicated that these four additional patrol rifles are being purchased to replace five (5) rifles that are on loan from the military through the 1033 program. The current rifles are not necessarily appropriate for law enforcement use and are approximately 15+ years old. The rifles on loan must be returned to the federal government once replaced with modern front line law enforcement rifles. Ms. Garrity stated that she would like to know how often our officers use rifles. Mayor Donegan indicated that she is aware of one time the rifles were used approximately 10 years ago. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Gregory M. Sponseller, Law Director Mr. Sponseller indicated that Council received the certification from the County for the Southwest General Health Center levy. A revised Ordinance 22-2015 was also distributed as discussed at the work session of Council to reflect the dollar figures discussed and percentage increases. Old Business Ordinance 10-2015 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PERMANENT PARCEL NOS. 281-19-003 THROUGH 011, 281-19-015 AND 281-18-009 LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AT COLUMBIA ROAD AND MAIN STREET FROM P-1 “PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL DISTRICT,” TO C-3, “COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT” Tabled on Third Reading Remained on Table Resolution 13-2015 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING THE SUBMISSION OF A 319 GRANT APPLICATION TO THE OHIO EPA AND ACCEPTING THE GRANT UPON ITS AWARD TO THE CITY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Third Reading Mr. Sculac moved to adopt; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Resolution 14-2015 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION – OHIO TURNPIKE MITIGATION PROGRAM AND ACCEPTING THE GRANT UPON ITS AWARD TO THE CITY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Third Reading Ms. Fenderbosch moved to adopt; Mr. Linn seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 88 Resolution 15-2015 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING THE SUBMISSION BY THE CITY OF OLMSTED FALLS OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY’S DEMOLITION FUND PROGRAM, ACCEPTING THE GRANT UPON ITS AWARD TO THE CITY, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY LAND REUTILIZATION CORPORATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Third Reading Mr. Sculac moved to adopt; Ms. Garrity seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Resolution 19-2015 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE AMOUNT OF TAXES THAT MAY BE RAISED BY A LEVY WITHIN THE TEN (10) MILL LIMITATION AND WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS IN THE CITY OF OLMSTED FALLS TO BE INSUFFICIENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Second Reading Ordinance 20-2015 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SOUTHWEST GENERAL HEALTH CENTER FOR THE LEVY OF A TAX AND PAYMENT OF THE PROCEEDS THEREOF FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AND AS COMPENSATION FOR THE USE OF SAID HEALTH CENTER Second Reading Ordinance 21-2015 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE RATE TO BE PAID BY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY OWNERS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016 FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO CERTIFY THE COSTS OF SAME TO THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY FISCAL OFFICER FOR PLACEMENT ON THE TAX DUPLICATE FOR COLLECTION WITH OTHER CITY TAXES IN 2016 Second Reading Ordinance 22-2015 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL FOR THE TERM OF OFFICE COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2016 AND THEREAFTER Second Reading New Business Ordinance 25-2015 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE CURRENT REPLACEMENT PAGES TO THE OLMSTED FALLS CODIFIED ORDINANCES, AND REPEALING ALL LEGISLATION INCONSISTENT HEREWITH First Reading Approved Minutes 04/14/2015 Page 89 Ordinance 26-2015 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO MAKE EARLY PAY OUT OF A PORTION OF SICK TIME TO QUALIFYING EMPLOYEES WHO SO ELECT AFTER ANNOUNCING IMMINENT RETIREMENT First Reading Mayor Donegan indicated that she would like to refer this piece of legislation to the Finance Committee. Miscellaneous New Business Mayor Donegan indicated that the administration made a one-time purchase of the domain name “” The City owned “” but “” was available for purchase in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Now, when our city is googled with .com they will be rerouted to the .org web address. Such other business that may come before Council Mr. Sculac indicated that he would like to schedule a finance committee meeting prior to the next Council meeting in order to discuss Ordinance 26-2015 and would ask the finance department to provide the 1st quarter reports at that time. Ms. Duncan moved to adjourn; Ms. Fenderbosch seconded. Poll: 7 ayes; 0 nays. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Ann Marie Donegan, Mayor ____________________________ Angela Mancini, Clerk of Council