Monday, October 6, 2015 General Membership Meeting Minutes 2pm Gothic Lounge Meeting called to order @ 2:05. I. President's report: Motion to accept minutes made and seconded. Passed unanimously. Nick Yovnello Social Justice Award discussed. Corinne Reilly, NJCU student, and President of Gothic Knights Grassroots won the state-wide Nick Yvnello Social Justice Award. She received a $1,000 scholarship and the President commended her for her achievement and hard work on campus and throughout the state. The President discussed state-wide negotiations. He indicated that respectively, there have been two negotiation meetings with Full Time and Adjuncts to date, but that there is little to substantively report as of yet. Debra Jenks, Niloofar Mina, Rubina Vohra and President Bill Calathes comprise the negotiating teams. Neither side has offered economic proposals as of yet. The President has invited State Council President Tim Haresign to come to next GM meeting to address how negotiations are being planned and implemented. II. Elections: There are two people candidates for Corresponding Secretary: Alina Gharabagian and Niloofar Mina. Christopher Cofone is running for CNJSCL delegate alternate. Niloofar Mina nominates Lewis Seagull for position as well. Voters can write Lew's name in on ballot. Voting extends to next Monday, with ballots available in Grossnickle 421. President Calathes indicated that there is a need to fill two positions on the promotions committee. Hilary Englert and Andy McCabe volunteered and will be filling those positions. III. State Assembly Candidates Theresa Guerriere introduced Angela McKnight, State Assembly candidate and Nicholas Chiaravalloti, Democratic candidates for Jersey City. Asheenia Johnson spoke about candidates, and their union support and Labor Walks. President Calathes indicated that Labor Walks will be occurring Saturdays from 9-12 (walk with union members and talk with residents about voting). First date is this Saturday. President Calathes encouraged all to make an effort to participate in at least one Labor Walk. A motion to officially endorse each candidate was made and seconded. The motion was unanimously carried. IV. Campus Safety President Calathes discussed the possibilities of bringing an Active Shooter Program to NJCU. Joe Rodriguez of Public Safety, who was invited to speak on this issue by President Calathes, indicated that the University was looking into outside sources to train staff and the faculty. Max Hermann indicated that rooms in Rossey Hall are not lockable. Security measures at other institutions were briefly discussed. Joe Rodriguez indicated that because NJCU is a public university, it is difficult to close this campus. A brief discussion took place regarding the need to inform all faculty of campus resources for student mental health. V. Budget President Calathes informed all that the budget was passed by EC, that there would be no proposal to increase dues. Treasurer Craven reported that there was much less of a shortfall than predicted. There were no questions. Budget was passed. VI. Negotiations. Chief Negotiator Barbara Hildner reported that the most pressing issue is online evaluations. She also indicated that the negotiating team was continuing its work on range changes for librarians. Compensation not yet arranged for staff that were on promotions committee last year, but they will be compensated. Volume of applications is an issue. Summer chairperson compensation agreement is being reviewed. The administration unilaterally Increased on-line course enrollments from 20-25 two weeks prior to the start of the fall semester. President Calathes indicated that administration has right to increase class enrollments but that it appeared to him that Administration violated shared governance in this regard. Union can put in to negotiate on state level; Senate can hold administration accountable. Former state contract had online course size caps, but the current one does not. Course evaluation mechanisms were discussed. Handbook indicates that departments select their own evaluation methods/instruments. President Calathes indicated, however, that, although the negotiated agreement does not preclude such departments, the administration has the right to have its own evaluations, subject to negotiations on a number of key areas. Suggestion was made for faculty/departments to use their own instruments in the classroom as backup Question was raised as to whether President Calathes can post the Board OT Book. He will look into it. VII. Awards, Charities and Scholarship committee Report Dean Brianik provided information about the Robert Arey and that nominations should be forwarded to Sam. Dean Brianik also provided information about the Silberman Award: changes in hopes of getting more students to apply. Dean Brianik also provided information about the Polo shirts and fundraising: Pay $5 for right to wear the polo shirts on the first Thursday of the month. It will make the Local more visible in the community. Dean Brianik will recuse himself from deliberations about who receives money because he is often in contact with outside agencies. VIII. BAAFSO 40th Anniversary President Calathes suggested that the Local purchase 8-10 tickets for BAAFSO 40th Anniversary Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed. IX. Overload. Legally, there can be no cap, but administration can set policy as long as it allows for exceptions. President Calathes led discussion on the unfairness and arbitrary nature of the overload “cap” and its implementation. Motion to adjourn meeting and seconded. Unanimous vote to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 4:00 pm.