The Honors College - Rochester


Dear Applicant,

The Honors College of Oakland University provides an outstanding undergraduate education for students looking for an intellectually engaging and creatively inspiring experience. We are always pleased to hear from qualified students (see below) interested in our lively Honors program

 Students who score between a 22 and 26 on the ACT may still apply to The Honors

College if they have a higher GPA (minimum 3.75)

 Students who have between a 3.2 and 3.6 GPA may still apply to The Honors College if they have a higher ACT score (minimum 28).

The attached application form has three parts: Part one asks questions about you and your qualifications for membership in The Honors College. Parts two and three request evaluations about you for use in determining entry into The Honors College program and should be used as follows:

Part two of the application should be given to one of your senior teachers, most likely in English, History, or one of the sciences.

Part three is to be given to another teacher (you could use someone in another field from above, for example), counselor, or principal familiar with your work -- someone who can evaluate some of your accomplishments and say something about them.

*If you have already completed some college-level work, parts two and three should be filled out by two of your instructors.

Once you have been accepted to Oakland University , mail, email or fax completed Honors College application form to:

The Honors College

Oakland University

112 East Vandenburg Hall

Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401

Fax: 248-370-4479

Thank you for your interest in The Honors College at Oakland University. I look forward to meeting you!

All best wishes,

Graeme Harper

Prof. Graeme Harper BA MLitt DCA PhD FRGS FRAI FAIM FRSA

Dean: The Honors College

The Honors College

At Oakland University

Student No._________________________

Application for_________semester, 20____


(For use by The Honors College)

P A R T O N E : : T O B E C O M P L E T E D B Y T H E A P P L I C A N T




E Mail


(Number and Street)

(First) (Middle)

Grizzly ID Number

( )

(Apt. Number)

(State) (ZIP) Phone

Your answers to the following questions will give us information to supplement what we learn from your Oakland University admission application and your transcript.

1. Please list below any award or distinctions you have received. And specify, if you can, the requirements you had to fulfill to receive the award.

2. Have you participated in any honors courses, accelerated programs, independent projects, or advanced placement courses? Please list and describe briefly.

3. Do your grades adequately reflect your academic abilities and potential?

(For example, you may explain any discrepancies between your record and ability.)

4. Do your ACT scores adequately reflect your academic abilities and potential?

(For example, you may explain any discrepancies between your record and ability.)

5. Tell us what area(s) of study you plan to pursue at O.U.

6. Identify to whom you are sending Parts Two and Three. Indicate what knowledge they have of your work

Name School/College Phone ( )

Name School/College Phone ( )

7. Write an essay explaining “What qualities make you a good candidate for the Honors College and why we should admit you”.

(Maximum 2 pages)

Student Waiver

I hereby waive my rights of access to confidential statements and recommendations that are contained in or are a part of my educational records in the possession of, or used by, the Honors College office, its director and staff. This waiver, which I understand

I am not obliged to sign, can only be revoked in writing and applies only to confidential statements and recommendations placed in my file subsequent to written revocation.

Student’s signature_________________________________________Date_________________________

Once you have been admitted to Oakland University, please mail, email or fax this form to:

The Honors College, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401,

or fax to 248-370-4479


(For incoming freshmen: this should be the student’s most recent instructor in English, History, or one of the sciences.)

To the evaluator: The Honors College of Oakland University provides an undergraduate education for serious students desiring an intellectually rigorous course of studies. The curriculum provides academic depth and breadth and requires considerable persistence on the part of the Honors College student. For a detailed description of the program, or for more information, visit our website at, email ( or call The Honors College, Oakland

University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401; (248) 370-4450.

Please return this form directly to us via mail, email or fax (248-370-4479)

Name of Applicant (signature of applicant granting permission to provide information) is applying for admission and has recommended you to evaluate his/her work. We are especially interested in your evaluation of noteworthy efforts this applicant has made and initiative taken in pursuing scholarly work.

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what courses? Is there any relevant extracurricular activity or outside work you would like to call to our attention.

2. To your knowledge, do the applicant’s grades accurately reflect his/her academic ability?

3. How would you rate the applicant on the following items? (Check the appropriate box.)

Among the top 5% of

Among the top 10% of

Among the top 50% of students students students

I’ve known I’ve known I’ve known

Intellectual energy

Breadth of academic interest

Self discipline


4. Please comment on the applicant’s writing ability and potential for scholarly work. Add any impressions you think might be helpful to us. You may use a separate sheet, if desired.

Evaluator’s name


Title _________________________________________ Phone

Address_______________________________________ E-mail

Application for_________semester, 20____




To the evaluator : The Honors College of Oakland University provides an undergraduate education for serious students desiring an intellectually rigorous course of studies. The curriculum provides academic depth and breadth and requires considerable persistence on the part of the Honors College student. For a detailed description of the program, or for more information, visit our website at, email us at

or call The Honors College, Oakland

University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401; (248) 370-4450.

Please return this form directly to us via mail, email or fax (248-370-4479)

Name of applicant information)

(signature of applicant granting permission to provide is applying for admission and has recommended you to evaluate his/her work. We are especially interested in your evaluation of noteworthy efforts this applicant has made and initiative taken in pursuing scholarly work.

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what courses? Is there any relevant extracurricular activity or outside work you would like to call to our attention?

2. To your knowledge, do the applicant’s grades accurately reflect his/her academic ability?

3. How would you rate the applicant on the following items? (Check the appropriate box.)

Among the top 5% of students

I’ve known

Among the top 10% of students

I’ve known

Among the top 50% of students

I’ve known

Intellectual energy

Breadth of academic interest

Self discipline


4. Please comment on the applicant’s writing ability and potential for scholarly work. Add any impressions you think might be helpful to us. You may use a separate sheet, if desired.

Evaluator’s name






