Course Descriptions and OutcomesEducation

Industry Sector: Education, Child Development & Family Services Career Pathway:_Education _________ Grade Level:10
Course Title: _Child Development and Guidance – Education Academy Careers 1
CBEDS: _4321__
School: John W. North High
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
Child Development and Guidance
The Student Will Be Able To:
Standard 1.0: Responsibilities of Parents
Do you enjoy children and want to know
Students understand the decisions and responsibilities involved in parenting in various
more about how they learn and grow?
Take this exciting course to understand
1.1 Analyze factors to consider when determining readiness for parenting and identify
and observe how children and
adolescents grow and develop physically,
parenting responsibilities.
socially, emotionally and intellectually.
1.2 Describe parenting skills that contribute to the optimum development of children through
Learn the way heredity, the environment,
meeting their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs.
and current medical trends affect
1.3 Analyze the major decisions, changes, and adjustments required of parents.
conception and prenatal development.
Standard 2: Prenatal Development
Become knowledgeable about the value
of play and recreation, health and safety
Students understand the stages of pregnancy, from conception through birth, and the
issues, and positive guidance and
implications of environment and heredity on the health and well-being of a child.
discipline techniques. This course might
2.1 Summarize the stages of prenatal development and childbirth.
be a great beginning to a career in child
2.2 Analyze the effects of prospective parents; nutrition, health, medical care, heredity,
development and teaching.
environment, and lifestyle on prenatal development.
Standard 3: Studying and Understanding Children
Students understand the importance of studying child growth and development from infancy
through infancy through adolescence.
3.1 Explain the benefits of studying child development
3.2 Identify the developmental areas, stages, and principles of child growth
Standard 4: Guidance and Discipline
Students understand positive guidance and discipline techniques that promote feelings of selfworth as they apply to the developmental stages of children.
4.1 Describe and compare various approaches to child guidance and their effect on selfworth.
4.2 Analyze techniques used to provide positive reinforcement with children in given situations
and at various stages of development.
4.3 Describe the relationship of a child’s behavior to the commonly accepted principles of
growth and development.
Standard 5: Play and Learning
Students understand the value and methods of providing infants, children, and adolescents
with play and developmentally appropriate learning activities.
5.1 Identify and describe the purposes of play and learning activities to the physical, social,
emotional, and intellectual development of children and adolescents.
5.2 Identify factors to consider when selecting, purchasing, or creating play and learning
materials that are developmentally appropriate for children.
Standard 6: Changes That Affect Children
Students understand the adjustments needed to adapt to major life changes throughout the
human life cycle.
Identify factors contributing to change in the lives of infants, children, and adolescents and
ways in which they might respond to change.
6.1 Analyze how changes and crises affect infants, children, and adolescents and recommend
strategies that help them adapt.
Standard 7: Heath and Safety
Students understand the importance of wellness and safety to individual and family health and
7.1 Describe methods for maintaining the health and ensuring the safety of children.
7.2 Analyze and apply safety practices that can be used to prevent and treat childhood
illnesses and accidents.
7.3 Describe, plan, and evaluate a nutritionally balanced diet which promotes a child’s
optimum health.
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services
Career Pathway: _Education_ Grade Level: 11
Course Title: Teaching Careers
CBEDS: _4401_ School: John W. North High School
Teaching Careers
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
The Student Will Be Able To:
Do you want a career working with
Standard 1.0: Understand the structure of the education industry and its role in state and local
children or to enter the teaching
profession? This course, Teaching
1.1 Understand the effect of the education industry on state and local economies
Careers, prepares you for high-reward
careers in the largest industry in the
1.2 Understand the legislative, economic, and social trends that affect the education industry
economy. Seeing children develop and
1.3 Understand the basic structure of education in California
learn can be very rewarding. Learn
1.4 Understand the differences in organizational structures at educational facilities, including
how to apply knowledge of child
the relationships and interactions among personnel
development to planning and
Standard 2.0: Understand and apply operational procedures and organizational policies at
implementing developmentally
appropriate learning activities for
various levels of education
children and adolescents. Practice
2.1 Know when and how to use key procedures at the classroom level (e.g., attendance,
guidance and teaching techniques in a
observations, evaluations; and illness, incident, accident, and injury reports)
variety of classroom settings from
2.2 Know the business procedures related to the acquisition of supplies and collection of fees
preschool through secondary school
2.3 Understand the main workforce management strategies in education
levels. See what a difference you can
2.4 Understand the components of professionalism and how to practice professional behaviors make in the lives of children with whom
you will work!
Standard 3.0: Understand specific applications of government regulations in the education
3.1 Know the critical health and safety procedures that are used at a school site
3.2 Know the indicators of child abuse and neglect and the role of the mandated reporter
3.3 Know the credentialing requirements for teachers of students in prekindergarten through
community college
Standard 4.0: Understand critical emergency and disaster procedures at a school site
4.1 Understand the state and federal environmental and safety regulations and the use of
material safety data sheets as they relate the education industry
4.2 Know the staff procedures, duties, and responsibilities related to safety, emergency, and
disaster preparedness plans.
4.3 Know how to use certified first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and other
emergency procedures
4.4 Understand the typical hazards at the work site and now the procedures and practices
that contribute to a safe and healthy environment
Standard 5.0: Understand important elements of physical, intellectual, emotional, and social
development of children and adolescents
5.1 Know how typical and common atypical developmental patterns affect the educational
progress of children and adolescents
5.2 Identify the factors heredity, family, culture, and the environment that may influence the
development of children and adolescents
5.3 Understand the role of parental involvement in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and
social development of children and adolescents
5.4 Know the best practices for inclusion in the education of children and adolescents with
special needs
Standard 6.0: Understand the roles of positive interaction, guidance, and discipline in the
educational environment
6.1 Understand common behavior problems, possible causes, and potential solutions.
6.2 Understand strategies for effective classroom management, including appropriate
6.3 Know the types of positive guidance techniques that are used in various stages of a
child’s development
6.4 Know how to support the development of positive self-image and self-esteem and
independence and respect for oneself and others
Standard 7.0: Understand the role and purpose of standards-based instruction and
7.1 Identify relevant curriculum standards and their use in instruction
7.2 Know the basic components of effective standards-based lesson plans appropriate for
varying ages, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds
7.3 Use teaching strategies that promote student learning, critical thinking, and problem
7.4 Know the types and important elements of student assessments
Standard 8.0: Understand and apply basic principles and practices of good nutrition and
health for children
8.1 Know the appropriate procedures for preventing the spread of infections and illnesses and
for responding to allergic reactions
8.2 Understand the nutritional needs of children and the allergies commonly associated with
8.3 Know crucial safety and sanitary procedures to follow in the classroom related to good
nutrition and health
8.4 Know the common indicator of nutrition-related disorders and diseases
Standard 9.0: Understand how to effectively communicate and interact with families and
community groups
9.1 Understand the factors hat influence effective communication between the school and
home and how to foster parental involvement
9.2 Understand issues of diversity and how to exhibit sensitivity to cultural differences
9.3 Understand the ways in which language, culture, and educational backgrounds may affect
communication within and among families and the school
Standard 10.0: Understand the process of developing quality teaching materials and
resources for classroom instruction
10.1 Understand the appropriate use of current technology to develop instructional materials
and support instruction
10.2 Know various types and sources of quality, grade-appropriate materials and equipment
10.3 Assess available materials and resources for quality and grade appropriateness
10.4 Develop grade-level appropriate instructional materials and resources
Standard 11.0: Understand the role of instructional staff in supporting the learning process
11.1 Understand behavior standards expected of students
11.2 Know a variety of individual and group teaching strategies and learning theories that
promote effective learning
11.3 Understand the common typical and atypical learning challenges for students in a variety
of curricular areas
11.4 Know techniques for providing positive feedback on student work, attendance, and
classroom performance
11.5 Understand how to help the teacher with student instruction and assessments
Standard 12.0: Understand the components of effective after-school and recreational
programs for individuals and groups
12.1 Know the purpose of after-school and recreational activities
12.2 Understand the important components and typical age-appropriate or ability-appropriate
activities of various after-school and recreational programs.
12.3 Assess the recreational interests and needs of individuals and groups
Industry Sector: Education Child Development & Family Services__ Career Pathway:__Education Grade Level:____12_______
Course Title: _Psychology (1st semester) CBEDS: _100118___ Course Title: Sociology (2nd semester) CBEDS: 100121
School:__John W. North High _____________
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
The Student Will Be Able To:
Psychology: The science that will help a
young person gain a better understanding
of self and others. The course attempts
to enhance the students’ awareness of
and curiosity about possible reasons for
their behavior and the consequences of
human behavior. Students will learn
about the importance of psychology in
peoples; lives and careers. It is a study of
human behavior and personality that
examines the nature of the individual as
influenced by relationships with others
and society. Learning and thinking,
intelligence, heredity and environment,
physiology and mechanisms in behavior
and experience, as well as the normal
and abnormal development of
psychological principles to modern
problems will be emphasized, as will the
use of the scientific method in the study of
Sociology: This course introduces
students to sociological concepts,
theories, and research procedures.
Students should learn how sociologists
analyze the basic structures and functions
of societies and of groups within societies.
Students discover how and why these
societies organized, identify the
conditions under which the organization
dissolved, and predict the conditions for
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services Career Pathway: Education
Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Education -1 Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom
School: Riverside City College CBEDS: N/A
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
The Student Will Be Able To:
Teaching in the Multicultural
1. Engage in a variety of culturally different schools and classrooms that provide
experience and successful approaches to the education of linguistically different
Prerequisite: None
students. The schools and classrooms will be culturally, racially, linguistically, and/or
Units: 3
socio-economically different from the student. (CLAD Emphasis)
2. Examine and demonstrate a) an understanding of and b) the evaluation criteria for the
This is the first course en route to
knowledge and skills that underlie the Standards of Competence and Performance in
teaching as a profession. In
Category III (i.e. student rapport and classroom environment, curricular and
addition to an introduction to the
instructional planning skills, diverse and appropriate teaching, student motivation
history of public education, the
/involvement/conduct, presentation skills, student diagnosis/achievement/evaluation,
following topics are covered within
cognitive outcomes of teaching, affective outcomes of teaching, capacity to teach
the context of a multicultural
diverse students, and professional obligations).
/multilingual classroom:
3. Participate in hands-on field experiences that provide a planned sequence of activities
that add meaning to the educational theories and pedagogical principles taught.
Lesson design
4. Observe in a variety of teaching settings and analyze the field experiences including an Teaching strategies
overview of characteristics of all exceptionalities for educational and behavioral
adaptations for special needs children in the general classroom.
Classroom management and
5. Observe in at least one class in which a substantial portion of the students are Limited
English Proficient (LEP) and are receiving instruction designed for LEP students which
includes first and second language acquisition and specially designed academic
instruction in English.
6. Design his/her own attitudes toward people of different cultural and socio-economic
7. Describe historical, philosophical, legal, social, political, economic and
multicultural/multilingual perspectives that impact education, school, and society.
8. Describe socio-cultural and political factors affecting first and second-language
9. Describe theories and methods of bilingual education (i.e. Foundational Programs for
LEP students, Instructional strategies).
10. Describe theories and methods for instruction in and through English (i.e.
Comprehensive input).
11. Describe and demonstrate culturally responsive instructional strategies.
12. Demonstrate competence in the use of electron research tools.
A required guided observation of
class components in the
elementary and secondary schools
is based on the above listed areas.
Lecture – 54 hours.
RCC Education Courses
articulated with
CSU San Bernardino
UC Riverside
Cal State Baptist
La Sierra University
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services Career Pathway: Education
Course Title: Education – 3 Introduction to Literacy Instruction
School: Riverside City College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
The Student Will Be Able To:
1. Demonstrate basic understanding and information skills of the phonological and
linguistic processes related to balance literacy.
2. Apply research-based framework for evaluation and effective learning in literacy.
3. Analyze a variety of reading inventories and assessments appropriate for readers.
4. Demonstrate five instructional literacy strategies.
5. Evaluate and select children’s literature that is culturally relevant and age appropriate
for the K through 8th grade reader.
Grade Level: 13
Course Description
Introduction to Literacy
Prerequisite: None
Units: 3
This course is designed for
students participating in the
teacher preparation program and
considering teaching as a
profession, and for prospective
literacy tutors. Basic processes of
literacy acquisition are presented.
Instructional literacy strategies are
introduced along with essential
competencies for delivering
culturally relevant reading
instruction to emerging readers are
Lecture – 54 hours.
RCC Education Courses
articulated with
CSU San Bernardino
UC Riverside
Cal State Baptist
La Sierra University
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services
Course Title: Education - 4 Introduction to Literacy/Service Learning
Career Pathway: Education
School: Riverside City College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
The Student Will Be Able To:
1. Apply, select and utilize literacy methodology to a classroom experience.
2. Demonstrate reflective thinking and problem abilities as applied to classroom instruction
in written format.
3. Select and utilize instructional literacy practices with students from diverse backgrounds
and with different learning styles.
4. Identify and assess the level of a reader and formulate a plan of instruction
Grade Level: 13
Course Description
Introduction to Literacy
/Service Learning
Prerequisite: None
Units: 1
This course provides early,
supervised experience to preservice teachers in the form of
service learning. Lectures,
orientation, literacy instruction
review, reflections and problem
solving are included. 40 hours of
service learning is required and
covers literacy tutoring at various
educational levels.
Lecture: 18 hours
Service Learning: 40 hours
RCC Education Courses
articulated with
CSU San Bernardino
UC Riverside
Cal State Baptist
La Sierra University
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services
Course Title: Computer Applications for Working Professionals
Career Pathway: Education
School: Riverside City College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
The Student Will Be Able To:
1. Demonstrate basic understanding and utilization relating to the various computer
2. Apply research-based framework for evaluation in form of spreadsheets and
presentation graphics.
3. Select, utilize and create E Portfolio’s of accumulated course work.
4. Evaluate, collect and report student data utilizing database management tools.
Grade Level: 13
Course Description
Computer Applications for
Working Professionals
Prerequisite: None
Units: 3
This course introduces a suite of
computer applications to students
preparing to enter business, office
and teaching professions. Skills
emphasized include:
Basic operating functions
Word processing
Database management
E Portfolio
Presentation Graphics and
Lecture: 54 hours
Lab: 18 hours
RCC Education Courses
articulated with
CSU San Bernardino
Industry Sector: Education, Child Development, and Family Services
Course Title: Child Development
Career Pathway: Education
School: Riverside City College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
The Student Will Be Able To:
1. Describe physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional developmental norms and
deviations from typical development.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of how cultural and family contexts influence development.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical perspectives that have guided thinking
as they pertain to human development and education.
4. Analyze and evaluate research methods and conclusions affecting our understanding of
5. Compare and contrast the historical perspectives regarding theory, research and
Grade Level: 13
Course Description
Child Development
Prerequisite: None
Units: 3
This course is a comprehensive
overview of concepts, issues and
theories of human development
from conception through
adolescence. Emphasis is on
typical and atypical development
that occurs through the following
practices relating to child growth and development.
Social and emotional stages
Students will be introduced to
theories, research and applications
that constitute the field of child
Lecture: 54 hours
Outside observations required
RCC Education Courses
articulated with
CSU San Bernardino
UC Riverside