1920s Party

Party Like It’s 1925!
~20s Party Planning and Presentation via an Electronic Poster~
ELACC11-12SL1, ELACC11-12SL2, ELACC11-12SL5, ELA11-12W7
F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, is thought by many to be the definitive novel of the 1920s.
This fascinating era, know also as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz Age, was a time of great social, economic,
and cultural change in America, all of which is reflected throughout the novel by a number of parties, both large
and small. You can tell much about people by their parties: their tastes, their social statuses, their friends, their
lifestyles. And besides, who doesn't love a party?
The Task
Your task is to become a "party planner" and collaborate to plan a Jazz Age bash worthy of
Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald themselves. Each of you will be assigned a role, and you will
research the 20s from the perspective of that role. After you've gathered the information
and shared it with the other members of your group for that role, you will collaborate to
create a party for the class (minus the bathtub gin, of course!).
The Process
Remember! Creativity is the key to success – and a higher grade. 
Once you have a role, get together with your group members and begin researching that role as it pertains to the
1920s. While researching, be sure to follow the directions and complete the assignments that go along with
your role. Ultimately, I want to see an electronic poster highlighting what you’ve learned and/or your plans for
the party.
Caterers: You are responsible for the food and beverages. It is up to you to plan the menu - this is what will
be displayed on your electronic poster. Give some care and consideration to what to serve the large and
diverse cadre of people who will be coming to the party. You are planning for a time before microwaves and
"fast" foods, so keep that in mind (no nachos!). Your more difficult task, however, will be to stock the
beverages. Remember this is during Prohibition, so you will be required to research just how and where you're
going to find appropriate non-alcoholic beverages.
Party responsibilities associated with this role:
 Bringing the authentic beverages to class on the day of the party.
 Bringing the authentic food to class on the day of the party.
 Bringing the cups, plates, flatware, napkins, and bowl for ice on the day of the party.
Entertainment Coordinators: You are responsible for the entertainment for the party. What was
popular in music and dance during the time? What other forms of entertainment were popular during
the twenties (games, activities, etc.) that people at your party might engage in? Consider what
performers, artists, composers, etc. might you want to “invite” and/or “hire” to entertain at your party?
Your electronic poster will contain the answers to those questions.
Party responsibilities associated with this role:
Bringing appropriate music to play at the party. (Who is the DJ?!)
Teaching the class the appropriate dance moves and dances of the 1920s at the party.
Providing additional games/activities reminiscent of those from the 1920s at the party.
Fashion Consultants: You are responsible for showing the guests the appropriate dress for parties
during the 1920s. Consider, since this is a formal affair, how, specifically, would you suggest they
dress? How would you dress at a West Egg/new money party as compared to an East Egg/old money
party? Don't forget to talk about accessories: hats, shoes, purses, gloves, ties, etc. Pay attention to the
details (just like you do when you go to the prom!).
Responsibilities associated with this role:
Guest Coordinators: You are responsible for setting the guest list. You want a representative guest
list of as many walks of life of the twenties as possible; at a Gatsby party, it would not have been
unusual for a known bootlegger to "hob nob" with the police commissioner, for example. You will
choose at least three people living in the twenties from each of the following areas to invite:
government/politics; the arts (i.e. painting, sculpture, classical music); popular entertainment
(movies, Broadway Theater, radio, sports); business community; the "mob." [Minimum of 15 invited
guests -- most of the people at Gatsby's parties just show up anyway!]
Your electronic poster must educate us concerning typical 1920s dress for parties –
Be ready to talk about fashion accessories of the 1920s – provide visual examples on the
Remember to educate us on fashion for women AND MEN.
Party Responsibility: Assist the teacher on the day of the party with the assessment of
your peers for their 1920s grade 
Responsibilities associated with this role:
 Creatively display the guest list on your electronic poster via photos of the guests! Be sure
to follow the above directions on how to create the guest list.
 Party Responsibility: Each member of this group must take on the persona of one of the
guests on the list for the party (you MUST dress for the party). During your presentation, be
sure to indicate which person you are going to represent!
Journalists: You are responsible for “reporting” on the extravagant affair that will be our party. In
preparation for this, research the famous journalists (this should include broadcast journalists) of the
1920s, and tell the class about five of these “great communicators”.
Responsibilities associated with this role:
 Creatively display the pictures of the five famous journalists you will educate us about on
your electronic poster! Be sure to include a mix of print and broadcast journalists.
 Party Responsibility: Each member of this group must bring his or her camera to the party
and take pictures that day. Ultimately, you must find a way to share your photos with the
class at a later date. In addition to this, be prepared to find and interview the most important
members of the party – the invited guests!