Math - Brownington Central School

Annual Action Plan Year
Grade Levels: K-8
2014 - 2016
School: Brownington Central School
Supervisory Union: Orleans Central
Focus Area: Mathematical Understanding
7.6 Students understand arithmetic in computation, and they select and use, in appropriate situations
mental arithmetic, pencil and paper, calculator, and computer.
7.7 Students use geometric and measurement concepts.
7.8 Students use function and algebra concepts.
7.9 Students use statistics and probability concepts.
Assessment Needs
See School Report provided to Central Office from May, 2014
Identified by Data
Goals for Increased
Student Performance
By June of 2014 goals:
Grades K,1, and 2 will have 80% of students meeting end of
the year PNOA assessments.
Grades 2 and 5 to continue the implementation of the
district Math Assessment and to explore progress
monitoring and benchmark assessments from the SBAC site
Grades 1-5 will have 75% of their students earn 80% or
better on Bridges Number Corner Baseline Assessments.
Grade 6 and 7; 80% of the students will perform at an 80%
level of proficiency on the end of year Mathematics
75% of students will earn 80% or higher on end of year
OGAP Assessment in Numeracy (Grade 4), Multiplicative
Reasoning (Grades 4 & 5), and Fractional Reasoning
(Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6). Proportional Reasoning (Grades 7
& 8)
Grades 2 – 7 teaching year, to have 80% of our
Students proficient or above on SBAC.
To develop or refine the District Benchmark Assessments
for all grades (beginning, middle, and end of year); to
implement SBAC Progress Monitoring Assessments as they
become available.
Purchase IXL subscription for the computer based math
practice to improve student math skills for grades K-8.
Purchase a math intervention program for grades 7 and 8.
1. Participate in district and local PLCs:
 Implementation year 1 for MTSS, focus area of math
 Standards-Based Change Process work on math, four
release days a year
 All BCS math teachers will work with a math
consultant on CCSS alignment and best practices
 Grades 6 – 8 will continue to align CMP 2 to CCSS
math standards during district PLCs.
 Grade 3 – 8 OGAP assessment work in number sense,
fractional reasoning, multiplicative reasoning, and
Proportional Reasoning.
 Continue work to establish student plans for math
Development Required
intervention in areas of numeracy, multiplication,
division and fractions.
 Continue to implement and refine an End of Year
Math Assessment for grades 6-7 (CMP2).
 Grades K-5 refine and implement an end of year
assessment for all Bridges classrooms.
 Rubicon curriculum work (alignment of all curricula
to CCSS) will be the focus for all PLCs at the district
Continue the “expert” team teaching model in grades
4/5/6. Use Jennifer Riendeau to teach mathematics to
grades 5 and 6, and Michelle Bonneau to teach literacy to
grades 5 and 6; JoAnn Martin to teach grades 7 and 8
math/science and Kyle Chadburn to teach grades 7 and 8
humanities. JoAnn Martin and Jennifer Riendeau will
pursue their master’s degrees in math through VMI
Support the grade level math grouping by using our
interventionist, Ellie Primeau to teach grade 4 math.
Brownington will use our licensed, highly qualified
interventionists Sherry Montminy and Ellie Primeau to
provide supplemental mathematical services beyond the
60/90 min. block in grades K-8.
Use three days during the year to do discussions of student
data and intervention; during the last data day, also
determine a schedule for next year.
Integrate Technology into our mathematics curriculum
wherever appropriate and necessary.
All students not meeting targets will be discussed in a
data/benchmarking days in October and February to
provide additional intervention services.
Continued documentation of longitudinal data on
assessment sheets for all students.
Participation in district and local PLCs.
 Continue to work on the Bridges program in the
district through the PLCs.
 Bridges and CMP assessments development at PLC.
Assessment work for Jen Ullrich, JoAnn Martin, Jen
Houston and Ellie Primeau to establish assessment plan for
grades 2-8 in numeracy, multiplication, division and
Professional development for Master’s degrees for JoAnn
Martin and Jennifer Riendeau through VMI.
Student transition day; data support, interventions and
Special Ed scheduling in mathematics prior to next school
Math Consultant to work with all K – 8 math teacher
through MTSS, Ellie Primeau to be trained in being an inhouse coach in the area of mathematics.
Projected Funding
Amounts, with Funding
Expected Completion
Persons Responsible
Updated 8-19-14
1. SWP: licensed HQT team teacher (Sherry Montminy) to
provide supplemental tier II instruction in mathematics to
K-6 students at risk of not meeting state and local
2. Local and GEAR Up: funds for substitutes for math SBCP
meetings and other professional meetings as needed for
assessment work; after-school intervention help through
3. SWP: provide targeted professional development for
being in-house math leadership team for JoAnn Martin and
Jennifer Riendeau through a Master’s Program at VMI.
All goals will be reviewed in the spring of 2015, most goals
are expected to continue through 2016.
Teachers K-8, Interventionists, Curriculum Director, Beverly
Davis, and Principal Elaine Collins.