Glenda B. Claborne LIS 536/Fall 2004 1 The Structure of Evolutionary Theory By Stephen Jay Gould [Note: This is an index of the first chapter of Gould’s book. This first chapter is a comprehensive overview of the whole book so in a sense this index represents most of the concepts contained in the book.] INDEX Agassiz 51, 64 Agency See also Punctuated equilibrium. as the first leg or branch of evolutionary theory 14, 20-21, 54 in a textual analysis of the Origin 59-60 in explicating originality in Gould’s theory 49 Allegiance to a theory criteria of continuity vs. criteria of content 8-10 Architectural metaphors. See under Duomo of Milan. Argentine ant. See under Gould. Bateson, William Materials for the Study of Variation 67 Bermudian pulmonate snail. See under Gould. Buckland, William 45 Cain’s story, reference to 9 Cardinal Newman Apologia Pro Vita Sua 37 Catastrophic mass extinction 50 as a major force in macroevolution 88-89 catastrophists 45 K-T event 26, 45, 88 threat to uniformitarianism and extrapolationism 26, 87-88 Channels and saltations in post-Darwinian formalism 66-70 orthogenesis 66-67 Chopping planes metaphor. See under Scilla’s coral. Collaboration role in solving conceptual problems 27-28 between biologists and philosophers 28-29 Concepts in the growth of theory 26 Conceptual linkages 7 Contingency definition 46 science of 47 Constraint historical 49 internal 49 positive and negative meanings 80-84 structural 49 Creationist formulations Agassiz vs Paley 51, 64 Cuvier, George 57, 64, 65, 69 See also Functionalism. debate of 1830 with Geoffroy 65 Darwin, Charles debate with Falconer on fossil elephants 51 egalitarian approach 1 failure with single-level version of agency 36 famous line, “one long argument” 53, 59 favorite organism, 67 “framework” vs. Falconer’s “foundation” 2-3 letter to Falconer 2 opinion on Vox populi in science 1 Origin of Species 1, 12, 19, 58 exegesis of 58-61 centennial celebrations 70 struggles with levels of selection 50 Variation of Animal and Plants Under Domestication, The 66 Darwinian theory as an entity with “anatomical form” 6 central logic, three fundamental principles agency 14, 20-21, 54, 59 efficacy 14, 21, 54, 59 scope 15, 21, 54, 59 classical Darwinism vs proposed reformulations 31 critiques of 23, 55 pictorial form tripod 15 tree of life 15, 54 coral of life 16 revisions to central logic metaphorical cuts. (see under Scilla’s coral) proposed modern revisions 30-31 thesis 23 De Vries, Hugo 36, 57 intracellular pangenesis, theory of 68 evening primrose (Oenothera lamarckiana) 68 saltational theory of evolution 67 species selection Duomo of Milan as architectural metaphor for theory 2-6, 13, 19, 24 history of construction 3-5 in Falconer’s statement 2 pinnacles Fig. 1-2, 5 West façade Fig. 1-1, 4 Ecclesiastes 3:1-7, dichotomies 24 Efficacy See also Natural selection. as the second leg or branch of evolutionary theory 14, 20-21, 54 Glenda B. Claborne LIS 536/Fall 2004 in a textual analysis of the Origin 59-60 in explicating originality in Gould’s theory 49 Eimer, Thomas 68 Eldredge, Niles 27, 37, 38, 39, 41, 49, 78 See also Punctuated equilibrium. Eliot, George Daniel Deronda 40 Empirics in the growth of theory 25-26 Essence idea of 10-11 of Darwinian logic, defined 12 Evening primrose. See under De Vries. Evo-devo 52, 64, 81 Exaptation 23, 43, 49, 86-87 Exaptive pools 49 Extrapolationism 26, 27, 44, 59 Falconer, Hugh debate with Darwin on fossil elephants 51 “foundation” vs Darwin’s “framework” 2-3 statement on Darwin’s Origin 2 Fisher, R. A. 57 Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, The 70 Formalist explanations of evolution internalist structuralist (see Agassiz;Geoffroy; Goethe.) Functionalist explanations of evolution Adaptationist (see Paley; Darwin; Fisher.) externalist. (see Cuvier). Functional shift. See Principle of cooptation. Galton, Francis Galton’s Polyhedron 39, 66 Geiger, George 28 Geological stage, pattern and progress 68-69 Geoffroy, Etienne St. Hilaire 10 debate of 1830 with Cuvier 65 dorso-ventral inversion, theory of 65 vertebral groundplan 11, 82 Goethe 10, 11, 57, 64 leaf archetype, theory of 82 Goldilocks solution 7, 10-11, 19, 69 Goldschmidt, Richard gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) 68 in Modern Synthesis 68 systemic mutation, theory of 68 Goodman, Nelson 28 Goodwin, Brian 85 Gould, Stephen Jay allegiance to Darwin and Darwinism 9-10, 47 Antioch College 28, 41 collaborative works in paleobiology 27 empirical studies on Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) 52 Bermudian pulmonate snail (Poecilozonites) 42 Gryphaea, case of neotony 52, 81 West Indian pulmonate snail (Cerion) 27, 44, 53, 81 essays in Natural History Magazine 34, 46 2 Ever Since Darwin 34 first publication 44 frustration with an unproductive middle 25 intellectual autobiography 37-48 interdisciplinary collaborations 27-29 Mismeasure of Man, The 37 Ontogeny and Phylogeny 25, 34, 35, 43, 56 personal bases and ontogeny of choices 33-48 Structure of Evolutionary Theory, The abstracts of chapters 53-89 authorial singularities and inputs 54-58 logic and development of argument 54 originality of work 48-53 role of Darwin in the book 58 Gradualism in Darwin’s system 60, 77 Gypsy moth. See under Goldschmidt. Hegel’s dialectics 23 Hierarchical selection, theory of 29 seeds of 61-64 Historical analysis in theory development 35-37 Historical continuity vs shared content 7-10 See also Hull. History of ideas 7-9 Hoffman 55 Homology 52 Hooykaas, Reijer 27 Hox genes 26 Hubbard, Bonnie 28 Hull conceptual linkages by historical continuity 7-11 Huxley, Thomas Henry 1, 2, 13 hippocampus debate with Owen 46 Hyatt, Alpheus 66 Hypothetical vs. Kantian imperatives 7 Ideological fealty 9-11 Jordan, Michael 28 Kantian dictum on concepts 26 Kauffman, Stuart 65 K-T event. See Catastrophic mass extinction. Kummel, Bernie 44 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 23, 58 See also Pre-Darwininian theories. theory contrasted with Darwin’s 62-64 Lankester, E. Ray 25 homoplasy as a category of homology 52, 82 Levels of selection and sorting 27, 50, 63 See also Selection. Lewis, Ed Hox genes in the development of Drosophilia 84 Lewontin, Dick 27, 39, 43 See also Spandrels. Lloyd, Elizabeth 29 Lord Kelvin 69 Lyell 45, 61, 69, 88 See also Uniformitarianism. Principles of Geology 62 Glenda B. Claborne LIS 536/Fall 2004 Macroevolution See also Catastrophic mass extinction. definition 38 (footnote) Mendelism 70 Metaphors for the structure of theory See also Darwinian theory, pictorial form. architectural. (see Duomo of Milan) biological. (see Scilla’s coral) literary. (see Shakespeare, William) Microevolution in Darwin’s theory 15, 21, 32-33 in Goldschmidt’s work 68 in Modern Synthesis 71 Mivart, St. George 85 Modern Synthesis 13, 23, 26, 38, 40, 46, 51, 68 as a limited consensus 70-71 Morphology Fundamental issue 51 Natural selection basic formulation 13 lateral force of adaptation 58 role in theory development 26 Nature magazine editorial on plate tectonics 27 Newell, Norman 44 Nietzche, Friedrich 52 Genealogy of Morals 85 Non-adaptive sequelae. See Spandrels. See also De Vries, Hugo. Organic growth of theories 25 Organismal struggle 59 Owen, Richard 10 as defender of formalism 65 hippocampus debate with Huxley 46 support for structuralist theories 46 Paley 51, 59-60, 64, 65 Pattern vs. pageant, general theory 47 Personal information in scientific works 34 Pre-Darwinian theories 23, 58, 64-66 Principle of cooptation 86 See also Exaptation. Problem of diversity 50, 54 Punctuated equilibrium as coordinating centerpiece 37 in defining agency in evolutionary theory 49 key empirical ingredients 75 role in theoretical development 26 validation of macroevolutionary theory 75-80 Punctuational models in nonbiological fields 79-80 Raup, Dave 27, 89 Rudwick, Martin 27 Sacks, Oliver 37, 39 Schneer, Cecil 28 Schopf, Tom 27 Scilla, Agostino 16 La vana speculazione disinganata dal senso 16 Frontispiece Fig. [1-3] 17 3 Scilla’s coral 16, Fig. [1-4] 18, 20 chopping planes metaphor 17- 22 K-cuts (killing cuts) 19-20 R-cuts (revision cuts) 19-22 S-cuts (subsidiary cuts) 19-22 Scope See also Extrapolationism. as the third leg or branch of evolutionary theory 14, 20-21, 54 in a textual analysis of the Origin 59-60 in explicating originality in Gould’s theory 50 Selection gene (or subcellular) 63, 72 organismal 63, 72-75 replication vs interaction approaches 72 species 63, 72-75 vs drift 74-75 Sepkoski, Jack Shakespeare, William Ariel’s verse in The Tempest Simberloff, Dan 27 Simpson, G. G. The Meaning of Evolution 38 Smith, Adam 14, 29, 59-60 Spandrels 43, 52, 86-87 Species as individuals. See also Punctuated equilibrium. in the hierarchical theory of selection 71-75 Stanley, Steve 41 Stasis 26, 39, 41, 75-79 coordinated stasis 79 Structuralist alternatives Geoffroy’s vertebra hypothesis 11, 82 Goethe’s theory of the archetypal leaf 46 Swift, Jonathan 53 Thompson, D’Arcy Growth and Form 42 theory of form 52, 81, 84-85 Uniformitarianism 44 uniformitarians 45 (see also Lyell) Van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies 2 Vrba, Elizabeth 27, 41, 43, 86 Wallace 1858 Ternate paper and Darwin 64 Weismann, August 36, 57 hierarchical model 50-51, 63 West Indian pulmonate snail. See under Gould. Whitehead, A. N. 57 Whitman, Charles Otis 67 Williams and Dawkins 72 Woodruff, David 27 Wright, Sewall 71 Wright’s Rule 74 Zeitgeist definition 29 role in theory development 29-32