Vocabulario en contexto, pp

SPA 1 Lesson plan
Recognize target language words and
phrases spoken in context. Acts. 4–5;
PYP; Act. 9; Act. 11
Interpret basic oral and written
information in the target language on a
variety of topics in the present time
Act. 3; Acts. 6–8; Acts. 10–12
Present oral and written information
in the target language using familiar
vocabulary and correct structure in the
present time frame.
Acts. 4–5; PYP
Identify similarities and differences
between words in the target language
and in English, including
pronunciation, intonation, stress
patterns, and simple
written conventions of language.
Acts. 7–9; Act. 12
Week of September 23 27, 2013
Obj. A Understand and respond
to simple, short spoken texts
Communicate information in a
limited range of everyday
Request and provide
information in a limited range of
everyday situations
Use language appropriate to a
very limited range of
interpersonal and cultural
Use some aspects of register
in formal and informal oral
Use basic vocabulary accurately
Interact in simple and rehearsed
exchanges using comprehensible
pronunciation and intonation/
correct tone
Standard 1.1: Students
engage in conversations,
provide and obtain
information, express feelings
and emotions, and exchange
Standard 1.2: Students
understand and interpret
written and spoken language
on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3: Students
present information,
concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
Standard 4.1: Students
demonstrate understanding
of the nature of language
through comparisons of the
language studied and their
Standard 2.1: Students
demonstrate an
understanding of the
relationship between the
practices and perspectives of
the culture studied
Cynthia Curry, Instructor
Application- applying knowledge to
actual situations
Analysis- breaking down objects or
ideas into simpler parts and seeing
how the parts relate and are organized
Understand what others say about activities.
Practice talking about activities they and others like to do.
Recycle: weather expressions, p. 20.
Present and practice subject pronouns and the verb ser.
Practice using ser de + location to tell where someone is from.
Practice the verb ser in context.
Culture: discussion of a well-known Latino award show in Miami.
Practice names of Latin American countries.
 Telehistoria escena 1, Strategies. Read Cuando lees strategy, p. 35
 Presentación de gramática, p. 37: Using gestures, establish the difference between the subject pronouns yo and tú. Say, “Yo soy
de_____”. Ask individual students;“¿Y tú?” to elicit “Yo soy de _____” responses.
 Telehistoria escena 2, Strategies, p. 40. Read the Cuando escuchas strategy.
Telehistoria escena 1, p. 35. Have students repeat the dialogue after you for correct pronunciation and intonation.
Video Program DVD 1, Unit 1. Show the video for scene 1. Listen for the activity expressions and raise hands each time they hear a new
activity. Write the expression on the board.
Audio Program TXT CD 1, track 25. Play audio for scene 1.
Ask what activities students like or don’t like to do. Give them a choice and model the answer: “Me gusta . _____No me gusta _____”
Explain that nosotras, vosotras, and ellas are used when all the people in a group are female. The masculine forms (nosotros, vosotros,
ellos) are used with a mixed group.
Explain the difference between tú and usted and give the plural form of each. Explain that vosotros is used only in Spain and ustedes will be
used in class.
Nota grammatical, p. 38. Have students use different forms of ser plus de to tell where someone is from
Telehistoria escena 2, p. 40. Direct students’ attention to the photo and have them guess what is happening in the scene.
Video Program DVD 1, Unit 1. Show video for scene 2. Listen for the use of subject pronouns and forms of ser with de. Have students raise
their hands each them they hear one of these expressions.
Audio Program TXT CD 1, track 26. Play audio for scene 2.
Telehistoria escena 2, p. 40: Read the dialog and have students repeat after you.
Comprensión del episodio, Activity 3, p. 36. Play TXT CD 1 track 25. Call on students to give the answers.
Review weather expression on p. 20 before doing Activity 4, p. 36. work in pairs.
Práctica de gramática, Activities 6–8, pp. 38–39. Write the answers.
Have students work in groups to do Activity 5, p. 36. Record conversation
Práctica de gramática, Activity 9, p. 39. Practice orally in pairs. Call on students to ask and answer questions for the whole class to hear. Ask
for volunteer pairs to ask and answer original questions in front of the class.
Ask students to assume the role of Sandra in the dialog and respond to Alicia according to what they like and do not like.
Presentación de gramática, p. 37: Ask: “¿Tú eres de ____?” Elicit response: “Sí, yo soy de ____.”
Explain that the placement of prepositions in questions often varies between English and Spanish: “Where are you from?” “¿De
dónde eres?”
 Para y piensa, p. 36. Do a quick review of activity expressions beforehand.
 Para y piensa, p. 39. Write other subjects and endings on the board and have students draw lines between the two to match.
 Para y piensa, p. 41. Complete the sentences based on the Telehistoria. Ask the following questions:
“¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde son tus amigos?”
Vocabulary Production Quiz, On-level Assessment, p. 12
Homework: Cuaderno, pp. 4–6
Grammar Quiz 1, On-level Assessment, p. 12
SPA 1: Calentamiento
Nombre:__________________Fecha: el 24 de septiembre de 2013 Periodo:_______
Vocabulary Choose a verb to complete each sentence: mirar, escribir, escuchar, pasar, montar.
1. Me gusta _________música.
2. A mí me gusta _________en bicicleta.
3. Los sábados me gusta_________ la televisión.
4. Después de las clases me gusta _________un rato con los amigos.
5. No me gusta _________correos electrónicos.
SPA 1: Calentamiento
Nombre:__________________Fecha: el 27 de septiembre de 2013 Periodo:_______
SPA 1: Calentamiento
Nombre:__________________Fecha: el primer de octubre de 2013 Periodo:_______