
Unit 2 –Energy & States of Matter – Part 1 - Objectives
1. Relate observations of
Show on a particle level how a gas diffuses from the
diffusion to particle motion center of the room to the whole room. Do the same
and collision in the gas
for food coloring in water.
and liquid phases.
2. Relate observations
regarding the addition of
energy by warming to
increased particle motion.
With pictures show on the particle level the
difference between a cold and a hot material.
3. Describe the
characteristics of solids,
liquids and gases in terms
of particles and their:
arrangement: use particle
diagrams to account for
motion and density
differences; describe the
process of how the
arrangement of matter
particles changes during
phase changes.
Use pictures to show how particles are arranged in a
solid, liquid, and gas. Show then a picture at the
particle level of melting and of boiling.
4. Relate temperature to the
thermal energy (Etherm)
of particles in motion.
Show particles with low thermal energy and those
with high thermal energy.
5. Explain, at the particle
level, how a thermometer
measures the temperature
of the system.
Show particles in a thermometer that is cold and one
that is hot.
Modeling Chemistry
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6. Explain the basis for the
Celsius temperature scale.
Show a thermometer with the major temperatures.
7. State the basic tents of
Kinetic Molecular Theory
What are the three things about matter that
explains the states and changes.
8. The 3 variables P, V and T
are interrelated. Any
factor that affects the
number of collisions has
an effect on the pressure.
You should be able to:
 Predict the effect of
changing P, V or T on any
of the other variables.
P T V T
Solve for the following situations:
1) A gas at 50 ml is heated from 30 C to 90 C.
Explain (in terms of the
collisions of particles) why
the change has the effect
you predicted.
2) A gas at 50 mL an 120 kPa is increased to 360
3) A gas at 90 kPa is heated from 20 C to 80 C.
4) A gas in a balloon at 50 mL has 150 particles.
It is then filled with 450 particles. What is
the new volume?
Explain the basis for the
Kelvin scale. Use the
absolute temperature scale
5) A gas at 400 mL and 100 kPa leaks. The mass
to solve gas problems.
drops from 4.5 grams to 1.5 grams but the size is
still 400 mL. What is the new pressure?
Use factors to calculate the
new P, V or T. Make a
decision as to how the
change affects the variable
you are looking for.
Modeling Chemistry
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