Phonics Lessons

First Grade - Spelling/Word Work Proposal
Phonics Lessons – focus of priority lessons
Spelling – pacing for spelling units/tasks
September (8 lessons)
Recognizes names, recognizes own name in text, hears syllables, recognizes rhymes,
hear sounds in sequence, say words slowly to predict letter sequence, change first
letter of a word.
Write own name, spell kindergarten no excuse words correctly:
a, go, I, is, me, my, no, to
October (10 lessons)
Hearing beginning and ending sounds, identifying onsets and rimes, hearing and
blending onsets and rimes, letter features, noticing letters in words, learning HF
words, adding “s” to make plurals, changing and adding beginning sounds
Learn some High Frequency words using Phonics Lesson format:
Look, say, cover, write, check
November (9 lessons)
Begin formal spelling starting second quarter
Learning about beginning consonant letters/sounds, noticing vowels in words, sort
short vowel word patterns, spelling patterns at/ an, learning HF words
Short a patterns: at, an, -ad, as, -ap
December (6 lessons)
Hearing middle sounds, hearing and changing first/last sounds, identifying
consonants and vowels, introducing consonant clusters
Short i patterns: -it, -in, -ig, -id, -is
Mixed ă and ĭ practice: -ad, -an, -am, -ip, -ix, -it
January (10 lessons)
Recognizing consonant clusters: s, l, r families, two letter spelling patterns, -at,-an,in,-it,-op,-ot,-ut,-og, sort words with similar parts: -ate, -ake, -ike, recognize
Make new words by changing last letters, notice and use word parts to read and write
Short o patterns: -ot, -op, -ox,-og, and on
Short u patterns: -ug, -un, -up, -ut, -us
Mixed ŏ and ŭ practice: -op, -ot, -og, -ud, -ut
February (11 lessons)
Short e patterns: -et, -en, -ed, -eg, -ent
Mixed ă,ĕ,ĭ,ŏ,ŭ practice
-all, -ill, -ell
Silent e markerth-, sh-, -sh
Double e
ink, -ank
ing, ang, ong
-ar, -ay
-ack,-ick, -ock
Complete spelling units.
Recognizing long and short vowel sounds: a, e, i, o, u, HF words, changing, middle and
ending parts
March (6 lessons)
Looking at and using patterns to read new words: -an,-ake,-ay,-and, making plurals by
adding “es” to words ending in x, ch, sh ,ss, v
April (6 lessons)
Consonant digraphs, word solving actions
May/June (9 lessons)
Open sorts, vowel + “r”, hard/soft “c” and “g”, 3 sounds of “ed”, contractions for is,
will, are, not, hear and look for syllables in words