Air Quality Information Applications to India Systems and GEOSS: A Type I Proposal in response to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Decision Support Call for Proposals A collaboration among: Washington University in St. Louis The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Ansal Institute of Technology National Environmental Engineering Research Institute University of Maryland – Baltimore County Colorado State University Centre for Development of Advanced Computing May 1, 2010 Overview of proposal This proposal is in response to the GEO Decision Support CFP, and addresses the objectives therein by applying GEOSS principles, and the evolving GEOSS information infrastructure to the enhancement of air quality information systems and decision processes. The proposed effort will establish processes that integrate key earth observation data from remote-sensing platforms to augment the, often sparse, in situ measurements, along with multi-scale, multi-pollutant atmospheric chemistry-transport model outputs and advanced analysis tools for the Indian sub-continent. This will be enabled in part by making globally accessible information more easily available to local, regional and national decision support systems to meet the goal of increasing the capacity for effective air quality decision-making within India. The current system of air quality monitoring, emission inventory, air quality modeling and action plan development are need based and addresses the questions partially to resolve overall science based air quality management in urban and industrial clusters. One of the major issues encountered quite often in the process of action plan development is availability of good data, accessibility as also adequacy of spatial, temporal and chemical information. The importance of urban air pollution management in India has been felt even by Judiciary which has directed the Government to prepare an action plan for 16 cities. Recently the need for industrial clusters across country to address air quality problems besides other environmental pollution has been also felt. These upcoming and urgent issues are being addressed in India, however, it could be strengthened through the processes and systems developed during this project. The initiative would provide the infrastructure for access, training materials, and ongoing guidance on the use of earth observation data, models, and analysis tools. The project would result in the evolution of an India Air Quality Community of Practice (IAQ CoP), which would provide an environment for collaboration and coordination among Indian air quality organizations and systems as well as providing a collaborative connection with the GEO Air Quality Community of Practice (GEO AQ CoP). 2 Table of Contents Overview of proposal .................................................................................................................................... 2 Names and contact information for each project team member ................................................................ 4 Description of decision or problem needing improvement ......................................................................... 5 Technical/Management Section ................................................................................................................... 6 Background of Air Quality Monitoring in India ......................................................................................... 6 Technical Scope of Proposed Effort .......................................................................................................... 8 Community Building.................................................................................................................................. 8 Education and Outreach ....................................................................................................................... 9 Advancement of Information Infrastructure .......................................................................................... 10 Enhancement of Decision Support Systems ........................................................................................... 11 Existing Systems and Community-oriented Efforts ............................................................................ 11 Application of Systems to Air Quality Characterization in India ......................................................... 14 Project Framework.................................................................................................................................. 15 Deliverables from project ........................................................................................................................... 16 Air Quality Communities ......................................................................................................................... 17 India AQ Community of Practice ......................................................................................................... 17 Workshops/Training............................................................................................................................ 17 Reports and publications .................................................................................................................... 17 Air Quality Information Infrastructure Processes ................................................................................... 17 Process for using GEOSS in support of AQ characterization analyses ................................................ 17 Reusable and reproducible demonstrations....................................................................................... 17 Air Quality Science and Decision-ready Knowledge ............................................................................... 17 Algorithms and tools for integrated, multi-data source analyses ...................................................... 17 India urban/industrial air quality characterization analyses .............................................................. 17 Approach to transitioning to operational system of systems................................................................. 18 Anticipated results, benefits, and beneficiaries ......................................................................................... 18 Specific roles of each project team member .............................................................................................. 18 Project budget (estimated) ......................................................................................................................... 20 Project schedule.......................................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix A: References .............................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix B: Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 24 Appendix C: Personnel (2-page CVs) ........................................................................................................... 26 Appendix D: Detailed Budget .................................................................................................................. 52 3 Names and contact information for each project team member Project team members are listed alphabetically by last name. Stefan Falke, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, Box 1180, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 USA Rudolf Husar, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, Box 1180, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 USA Akshara Kaginalkar, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Sc&Eng Computing Group, Pune, INDIA Rakesh Kumar, Mumbai Zonal Center, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, 89B, Dr.A.B.Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 018, INDIA; (91) 98 208 39821 Shawn McClure, Colorado State Univ. – Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, 1375 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375, USA Rashmi S. Patil, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, INDIA (91) 22 2576 7858, (91) 98 209 10299 Ana Prados, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 5523 Research Park Drive, Baltimore MD 21228 Virendra Sethi, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, INDIA, (91) 98 207 87 567, (91) 22 2576 7851 Uma Shankar, Institute for the Environment, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Bank of America Plaza, CB # 6116, 137 E. Franklin St., Room 644, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA M.P. Singh, Ansal Institute of Technology, Sector 55, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122003 INDIA, (91) 99715 11455, (91) 124 411 6493 Chandra Venkataraman, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, INDIA, (91) 22 2576 7224 A.K. Yadav, Ansal Institute of Technology, Sector 55, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122003 INDIA, (91) 98715 92061, (91) 124 4750 502 4 Description of decision or problem needing improvement It is now well accepted among the air quality management community in India that there is a need for science based tools to support decision making during the formulation of action plans leading to improved air quality. This has been motivated more so because recent decisions based on short term or limited data spectrum have not proved adequate for providing sustained solutions for air quality management. Many cities in the country have shown high levels of pollutants and do not meet the norms (UNEP, 2001). Further, sixteen most polluted cities were noted by the Indian Supreme Court and were directed to make air quality management action plans. Subsequently, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) listed 53 cities as polluted urban areas for which action plan was needed. In a recent initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, a Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) has been developed (CPCB, 2009) and used for 88 industrial clusters spread across India. This index accounts for the levels of air pollution in these clusters. The choice of these industrial clusters is also partially based on their proximity to urban region, with risk of exposure in such high population areas. In another effort, the results from recently completed 6-city air pollution source apportionment studies (CPCB, 2010), underscores a national need for a system to continuously monitor, assess and develop action plans for improving the air quality in Indian cities. Most of these efforts are need based, and often sporadic in nature. The accessibility for decision makers to have a holistic understanding of the air quality issues in a region is limited by factors such as lack of availability of air quality data, scattered data sources, and absence of time series data. For example, the estimation of the CEPI is a dynamic, as well as ongoing process and needs continuous flow of additional data and information for assessment and analyses for appropriate and prudent decision making. Further, there is no robust structure or a platform for the air quality community to participate and share research, education and practices. For example, a level of capacity was built in India through the 6-city source apportionment study (funded by CPCB) [REF?/URL?]. However, in the absence of such a community, the activity ended abruptly from want of a vision and commitment for sustained efforts towards long term air quality management. The proposed project is expected to be a leap-frogging activity for the Indian air quality management practices. This project shall lead to: - - - Creation of a dynamic and interoperable, distributed data network where multiple earth observations (such as ground, satellite and model based) related to air quality are catalogued for easy access, visualization and analysis over dimensions of spatial, temporal and nature of pollutants. Use and understanding of tools and services within the GEOSS infrastructure will lead to immense benefit to air quality managers and researchers in the country. Developing some of the viable activities under this system such as, emission source identification, exceptional event analyses, forecasting, assessment of air quality scenarios and identification of air pollution hot spots in the country. Integrating the AQ-COP of India with others for further strengthening of knowledge in India and elsewhere. Providing a window to learn and take action as also see the effect of the action and improve the methodologies for future decisions. Further, this would be accomplished through evolution of a community of practice for air quality in India. 5 Technical/Management Section Background of Air Quality Monitoring in India The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) are the government agencies responsible for managing air quality at national and state levels. The ground based monitoring networks in India include the National Ambient Monitoring Programme (NAMP) network operated under the guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board, state level air monitoring networks operated by respective State Pollution Control Boards, and other networks operated by the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), universities and research groups. Studies on the health impact of air pollution in India have been limited and the high pollution levels in a large number of cities with high population densities are a cause for concern. An example issue in need of improved decision support tools and technologies is the impact on crops due to ozone and climate change, including early warning systems and public service bulletins to targeted communities. The NAMP network consists of 342 operating stations within 127 cities in 26 states and 4 Union Territories of the country. All these stations monitor sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) ), Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide on every third day. More than 100 continuous monitoring stations have been also commissioned by CPCB, SPCB’s and the Industry in cities of concern such as Mumbai, Delhi, Pune etc. Periodically, heavy metals in PM and PAHs are also analyzed from many of these stations. Major Issues with Air Quality Monitoring System The present system of measurement does serve a purpose of providing city specific plan however, it has limited role in terms of understanding of little extended region around these cities. The point measurements from the monitoring stations are thus limited in their temporal frequency and geographic coverage, and lack the spatial continuity to provide a synoptic view of air quality in the region. The current monitoring network also lacks monitoring in rural areas that are impacted by pollution transport downwind of urban and industrialized areas. The other related problem is with regard to data of background against which the cities air quality can be compared. The background data points are very limited compared to urban centric or industrial clusters data from monitoring stations. With the addition of continuous monitoring stations is some cities, issue pertaining to inter-comparison of data within the cities as also across the country, becomes a major concern. Responses needed Additional modes of monitoring are needed to better assess air quality and recent developments in the earth observation (EO) systems provide an excellent opportunity to integrate satellite data with surface measurements to support the decision-making processes for effective air quality management. Presently, these data are not utilized to their full potential for air quality management in India, and are, for the most part, limited to the research community. The opportunity to find, access and understand air quality data from different sources for examining, processing, overlaying and displaying would offer an added dimension to the air quality management processes in the country. The GEOSS vision provides a structure for environmental data to be easily available through an interoperability framework that allows them to be used via various subsets and combinations in support specific research and decision applications (Figure 1). 6 Figure 1: GEOSS connecting observation and modeling systems with decision processes The use of data and their application for air quality achieved in GEOSS through web and data standards would allow disparate data to be accessible to a variety of decision support tools. The GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) on one hand would provide a channel for data providers to register and catalog standards-based web service interfaces to satellite, surface and modeled data, and on the other hand, for data consumers to find and access those data. The atmospheric composition over India is determined by the sources within India as well as by the contributions from neighboring regions. A full air quality characterization requires a multi-scale approach, consisting of global, regional/national and local perspectives as depicted in Figure 2. Global data, analyses and models provide the broad geographic and chemical pattern and visualize pollutant transport into and out of the Indian sub-continent. Surface observations are inherently local and the analysis of local conditions is necessary for the full understanding of air quality, particularly in megacities and industrial areas. Air quality monitoring networks managed by the Indian national agencies provide important observation data that can be augmented with satellite data and model results. It is anticipated that a key contribution of the proposed project will be the India-scale characterization of air quality facilitated by the Indian and GEOSS Air Quality Communities of Practice (AQ CoPs). The regional/India-scale observations, analyses and modeling results can be synthesized from the combination of global observations provided by the GEO AQ CoP and national observations within India. 7 Figure 2. Multi-scale perspective needed for AQ characterization This proposal focuses on strengthening and developing new capabilities for Indian air quality management activities, which has ample intellectual capacity to benefit from such infusion in a few key areas, and which could be expected to carry the program forward operationally on its own in approximately 3-4 years. This is a reasonable estimate for the development of a prototype system that is ready to be transitioned into an operational system for routine applications based on experience in related projects to develop air quality decision support systems in the U.S. Technical Scope of Proposed Effort The work proposed is a collaboration among India and US organizations to develop a prototype integrated air quality information system for India, which is linked to the GEOSS GCI both as an information provider and as a user. The project is expected to encompass three primary activity areas: 1. Community Building 2. Advancement of Information Infrastructure, and 3. Enhancement of Decision Support Systems Community Building A Community of Practice (CoP) is a user-led community of stakeholders, from providers to the final beneficiaries of Earth observation data and information, with a common interest in specific aspects of societal benefits to be realized by GEOSS implementation. Based on experiences with the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Air Quality Workgroup in the United States, and the emerging GEO Air Quality Community of Practice (GEO AQ CoP), a key objective of the proposed effort is to initiate an India Air Quality Community of Practice (IAQ CoP) that could coordinate with peer-level CoPs, such as ESIP and contribute to the international GEO AQ CoP. Discussions and interactions that stemmed from the development of this GEO Decision Support proposal have already initiated efforts to form the India AQ CoP and interest across the India air quality community is high. The proposed project will help formalize the IAQ CoP and to apply GEOSS principles and best practices. Using and enhancing the concept of the GEO AQ CoP to develop a process for engaging organizations in a collaborative environment across the Indian air quality research, management and policy communities as well as the global air quality community. Community building includes fostering education and outreach via demonstrations, workshops and training courses to aid in more widespread use of GEOSS and related systems, and to iteratively improve the process at multiple stages of the project using the feedback from the user community. The community building activity addresses the task of engaging local resources in the development of the new decision support system, and will be led by the principal team members in India. The efforts would be directed through the following sub-tasks: 8 1) Identifying stakeholders, such as air quality researchers and managers in India, and mobilizing information, infrastructure and financial resources 2) Conducting workshops to build capacity for access and utilization of Earth Science Observations for decision-support, 3) Working with stakeholders in indentifying decision-making activities and defining applications in support of decision-making activities (not sure I understand the rest of the sentence) and engaging in the providing and accessing of data, 4) Setting up India-specific structures to establish and sustain an IAQ-CoP. The key stakeholders for the IAQ CoP may be comprised of Government of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB’s), Academic Institutes (IITs, IISc, Universities, NITs), Research Institutes (NEERI, IITM, Pune, CDAC), Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Practitioners (Industries, Consultants), Professional bodies (IEA) and other groups, all of whom are to be invited to participate. The principal team members from India, foresee that the IAQ CoP will begin to engage and coordinate around questions, such as storage, presentation, sharing data, and use of currently available CPCB data; How best to supplement the SPCB procedures for utilization of the CPCB monitoring network for their decision making; Use of SPCB inventory data industry by industry; data system for area and line sources; where are modeling efforts located , and for scales that are (a) local (b) regional (c) global use of satellite data from ISRO and its usage; need for an operational speciation network with resolution in terms of chemical composition for PM measurements; geographic coverage for urban, rural and background air quality; need to establish the role that the region has to play in the global decision making for global decisions The IAQ-CoP will be created through scheduling occasions for structured national and regional level symposiums and meetings. The theme area will be “Practices and Structures for Sustained Air Quality Management in India” and will be supported through commitments from the GOI, Industry and hosted by academic institutions. Stakeholders will be invited to participate in the first such event, which will include brain storming, establishing a need for systemic approach, demonstrations, sharing from GEOSS experiences, and formulation of pathway for the work in India. This event will be followed by two similar events where the progress and accomplishments will be shared. In addition to these events, specific specialty workshops will be conducted on a more frequent and geographically dispersed schedule throughout the country as described in the next section. While such physical meetings are felt as a need at the initial stages of the formation of CoP, the mode of such meetings would be augmented and phased into a virtual mode through suitable collaboration technologies. Education and Outreach An important part of the community-building will be accomplished via end-user training activities. All training activities will provide hands-on experience with model, satellite, and surface intercomparisons. We will also provide end users in India with the skills needed for leveraging the GEOSS Common Infrastructure in order to find and access distributed Earth Science data and tools. There will be two main types of trainings 1) Satellite workshops 2) Modeling Workshops. The satellite workshops have three main components a) Atmospheric satellite remote sensing basics b) Accessing Earth Science Observations via GEO Portals and other online tools; c) Using Satellite Observations, GEO portals and web tools for decision-support via hands-on Case Studies. Satellite trainings will be conducted following the structure of existing NASA Applied Sciences Program Training Workshops (Prados et. al., 2010) to include hands-on activities for online access, visualization and analysis of satellite imagery. The second type of training will provide in-depth workshops on air quality modeling , complementary to the CMAS 9 training to community end users on the use of the air quality models relevant to the India with an emphasis on their synergistic use with Earth observations. Case Studies on utilization of both satellite and model data will be prepared specifically for India applications to include different types of pollution episodes, which a decision-maker may encounter in India such as long-range transport of industrial pollution or dust storms. Advancement of Information Infrastructure This aspect of the proposed effort focuses on using and enhancing the GEOSS GCI, and communitybased extensions thereof, as defined by the data, information and analytical needs of the India air quality research, management and policy communities. The foundation of this task is the GEOSS Common Infrastructure and the air quality community information infrastructure components developed during the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 2 (AIP-2; and currently being advanced in AIP-3. The GEOSS Air Quality community has been building entities on top of the GCI to accommodate unique characteristics of air quality data and analysis web services through metadata standards and an associated community catalog (Figure 4). The resulting framework is intended to simplify the process for providers to share their data and provide ways for web applications and decision support systems to connect with the data. This part of our proposal addresses the task of developing the necessary components for an interoperable network of data and tools to support the air quality science and management efforts in India and connect it with GEOSS. The foundation of this task is the GEOSS Common Infrastructure and the air quality community information infrastructure components developed during the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 2 (AIP-2). Figure 3: An air quality community infrastructure connected with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure An underlying principle of AIP is the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with the publish-findbind protocol, where data services are published to a common registry, search tools allow the finding of those data, and a wide variety of applications and tools can connect to those data for visualization, processing or analysis. Key activities include: Creation of standards-based web service interfaces to satellite, surface and modeled data 10 Registration of web services in a GEOSS air quality community catalog and harvesting of the Community Catalog by the GEOSS Clearinghouse. Access of services through the GEOSS Clearinghouse with AQ Clients and portals for the use of those services in web applications and decision support systems The publish capability in the information architecture will involve the creation of metadata needed for finding, understanding and using the data. The AQ metadata record developed in AIP-2 is based on the ISO 19115 standard and can be semi-automatically generated based on a combination of metadata extracted from web service descriptions and manually entered information. The generated metadata record is saved into a community catalog that is already registered as a component in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry (CSR). The GEOSS Clearinghouses query the GEOSS CSR for catalogs and then “harvest” the catalogs for their metadata records. In order to find the data access services in the GEOSS Clearinghouse one has to know what to search for and how to extract the relevant information from the GEOSS Clearinghouse. AIP-2 has helped define this process for AQ-related searches. General search parameters defined by the GEOSS Clearinghouses are used as a first filtering step and then further refined in customized search parameters specific to AQ communities. Further, subsequent to finding the data for AQ decision-making, there is a need to bind, or use, those data in meaningful applications. The information returned from search results should provide the necessary information to connect those data with processing, visualization or analysis tools of the user’s choice. This aspect of the information infrastructure will be a focus area for the proposed project to define conventions for connecting GEOSS earth observation services with decision support tools. The end result of this task will be data services that are made available to stakeholders in India through GEOSS along with a capability for users to register data services with GEOSS, and mechanisms to connect those data services for use in decision support systems. Enhancement of Decision Support Systems The proposed project intends to leverage existing data and information systems, tools and methods to facilitate the integration of global and local data from multiple sources (surface-based and satellite measurements, models and analysis tools) to allow air quality management groups to better understand the air quality issues in specific regions of India, and conduct analyses, such as emission source identification, exceptional event analyses, forecasting, assessment of air quality scenarios and identification of air pollution hot spots in the country. To meet the needs of the intended beneficiaries, the information infrastructure should effectively provide information that can meaningfully enhance decision support systems. The project team has extensive experience in developing information and analysis tools in support of air quality science and management, and also has experience in communicating, collaborating and coordinating with related systems. We seek to leverage implemented technologies, best practices, and existing information systems for application in India. Existing Systems and Community-oriented Efforts The proposed project relies on and builds upon previous efforts. An important activity is the assessment of existing systems and capabilities along with determination of how they are best applied to the India air quality problem. 11 Recent Studies and Experiences in India In a recent effort by CPCB in India, a nation-wide study was undertaken to address air quality issues in the context of the Auto-Fuel Policy for India (MPNG, 2003)). Seven agencies, namely, IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Madras, ARAI Pune, NEERI Nagpur, NEERI Mumbai and TERI Bangalore undertook a study of source apportionment for the cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kanpur, Mumbai and Pune (CPCB, 2010). The study followed a common methodology for the six cities and the results were used to project future air quality scenarios based on control/management options exercised. A community of researchers, practitioners and government agencies participated in this first ever effort of this scale. As a follow-up of the 6-city study, an exercise was carried out through collaboration between ISRO, IIT Bombay, and NEERI Mumbai to relate satellite data with the ground data measured for the city of Mumbai. While the spatial and temporal resolutions were limited, the results indicated episodic events that influenced the local measurements on particular days. In 2004, the annual meeting in IASTA focused on the theme of satellite and remote sensing studies in India. A large body of data is available in the research communities of IITM Pune, ISRO, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, and IMD and several such focused, yet to be integrated with a common multi-dimensional thread, that could provide greater access and a platform for thinking. More recently, the MoEF, through CPCB has asked the State Pollution Control Boards to prepare an abatement action plan for 88 industrial clusters that are above the critical CEPI. While there is debate on the relevance and effectiveness of using CEPI and the methodology used to arrive at CEPI, the prominent outcome emerging from the debate is the need for comprehensive data sets that are sourced through multiple sources, and even further, the quality and sanctity of the available data. A recent round table co-hosted by Indian Environment Association (members from Industries) and IIT Bombay pointed to the need for community participation in national level decision making processes. The recent experiences in India point to the need for a framework that fosters collaboration among organizations in exchanging air pollution data and information from multiple sources. Such collaborative efforts to develop tools that allow integrated data analysis to derive decision ready information shall be highly valuable. Other countries and communities face similar challenges and lessons learned by these other organization can be useful in addressing the Indian challenges. The following section outlines some of the ongoing community-oriented efforts. Other Related Efforts Coordination and effective interoperability among air quality systems is a well documented challenge. In the US, an Air Quality Data Summit was convened by EPA to discuss challenges in and approaches to address information and capability sharing among projects and organizations. During the GEO VI Plenary in November 2009, an air quality meeting was organized to discuss similar topics. Members of the proposed project team have been actively engaged in these interoperability efforts and the GEO Decision Support RFP provides an opportunity to address these issues and achieve the interoperability goals of GEOSS within the context of air quality decision support in India. Table 1 describes some of the systems and projects that the project team has been involved with and others that are expected to be part of the collaboration pursued during the project. These only represent a starting point that will be more comprehensively expanded during the proposed effort. For example, a recently initiated project with the goal of air quality forecasting and mapping for Indian cities seems to be a project with which we would gain from collaboration and that might be interested in participating in the IAQ-CoP. Project/System Name Description Connection with proposed effort Team member involvement CEOS web standards-based information Giovanni and DataFed are S. Falke, R. Husar 12 Atmospheric Composition Portal (AC Portal) sharing and analytical tool collaboration for remotely sensed atmospheric composition data. involved in the AC Portal effort and advances in the AC Portal will be leveraged during the proposed effort. (Washington University) contributes to the AC Portal Technical Team Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) used by a world-wide community of air quality researchers, planners and policy analysts for their air quality modeling and analysis applications, and also provides training on the use of the modeling system in the U.S. and at requested user locations CMAS plans to work with the project team to define approaches to connecting its modeling system and emissions processing methodologies with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure, provide data and expertise related to models and emissions inventories for use in air quality characterization, and develop training modules. U. Shankar (University North Carolina - Institute for the Environment) hosts the CMAS Center CyAir Contributing to the development of an air quality cyberinfrastructure that fosters interoperability among independent air quality monitoring, modeling, and analysis projects CyAir shares objectives with the proposed project and can both contribute and gain from collaboration with the project team S. Falke and U. Shankar are collaborators on CyAir DataFed a web services infrastructure that is dedicated to air quality that provides mechanisms for accessing distributed datasets, data processing for filtering, aggregation, and fusion, and data browsing and visualization work with the project team in developing and implementing the GEOSS Air Quality community infrastructure and in the integration of multiple data sources for air quality characterization and analysis. R. Husar, (Washington University) develops and maintains DataFed (Husar and Poirot, 2005) Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure (GIOVANNI) an online web based tool for visualization, exploration, and analysis of NASA Earth Science data, designed and implemented based on service- and workflow-oriented asynchronous architecture. Work with the team to facilitate access to web services for integration into the GEOSS infrastructure. Giovanni will be one of the primary tools using to train end users on satellite imagery visualization, interpretation and analysis. A. Prados (UMBC) is a Giovanni Science Team member Visibility Information Exchange Web System (VIEWS) Used by a large community of U.S. state and local agencies in analyses of air quality data to develop state and tribal implementation plans to assess and mitigate the impacts of air pollution. VIEWS integrates satellite data with existing groundbased observational databases, providing services to access modeled data and applying analysis tools for a consolidating the decision support tools. VIEWS plans to work with the project team to connect its services with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure and in developing collaborative visualization and analysis tools for air quality characterization. S, McClure (Colorado State Univ. – CIRA) develops and maintains VIEWS 13 Table 1. Summary of related projects, programs and systems These systems, projects and tools provide various capabilities for information access, visualization, processing and analysis for air quality, each with its unique interfaces and specialties. An objective of the proposed project is to make use of these systems and other related systems within the GEOSS infrastructure that is outlined in the previous section so that data and tools are broadly available for multiple decision support uses. A combination of existing capabilities applied to India would offer a wide-range of decision support capabilities that dynamically use earth observation data distributed across the Web, such as integrated data visualization and analysis over multiple spatial, temporal, and air pollutant dimensions and tools to reconcile observation data and modeled output. Application of Systems to Air Quality Characterization in India The characterization of air quality is an integrative activity that is a precondition for all AQ decisionsupport activities shown in Fig.1. The characterization of air pollution over India will consist of deriving the spatial, temporal and chemical pattern of air pollutants over the Indian sub-continent. The spatial characterization will utilize to the maximum degree possible the surface-based observations from the monitoring networks in India. This will include the 348 station routine monitoring network. The additional, available monitoring data in India will be identified and their use facilitated by the IAQ CoP. These regional and local monitoring data will be made accessible and registered in GEOSS through the Air Quality Community catalog. The characterization of air pollution over India will also utilize the global and regional datasets provided by the GEOSS Air Quality Community. An illustrative subset of these data resources is shown in Figure 4. For more details and for access to these datasets see the GEOSS Air Quality Community console (Husar et al, 2010b). Figure 4. Global and regional datasets provided by the GEOSS Air Quality Community The digital population data (Population Density) will be useful for estimating pollutant exposure and human health effects. The emission data (Emission Density) from high resolution inventories of anthropogenic emissions will be available as inputs to regional, chemical transport models. These inventories will be augmented with estimates of biomass smoke emissions derived from remotely 14 sensed fire pixels and detected smoke. The global datasets will include light extinction observations derived from surface based visual range observations (Visibility). These daily data are available for over 100 monitoring sites in India since the 1970's. Remote sensing observations will be crucial for establishing the spatial pattern of aerosols (Hoff and Christopher, 2009; Husar, 2010), NO2 and other gases. These daily, global-scale observations will include Aerosol Optical Thickness from the MODIS and MISR sensors as well as Absorbing Aerosol Index, columnar NO2, SO2 and CHCO from the OMI sensor. It is anticipated that the spatial AQ characterization will consist of an iterative process through which the ambient and remotely-sensed observations are reconciled with the emission estimates using suitable chemical transport models. The temporal characterization of air pollutants will consist of time series analysis of the long term datasets. The diurnal, weekly and seasonal cycle of the pollutants will be characterized along with the synoptic scale variation, including air pollution events from man-made and natural sources. For longterm trends, effort will be made to reconstruct the natural background concentrations and the anthropogenic perturbation over the recent decades. The chemical characterization of the Indian subcontinent will focus on aerosols since the observation of gaseous pollutants is sparse in both time and space. Locally available emissions data will be compiled to augment an existing emissions database for the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding regions influencing air quality in India. We plan to use regionally relevant emissions inventory data in the use case modeling studies to be identified in the course of the project. Based on Ms. Shankar's previous collaborative research with IIT-Mumbai in modeling the INDOEX observational period of 1999, we have access to a fine-resolution (0.25 degree x 0.25 degree) inventory of emissions collected for several emissions sectors in India, and have the tools available to convert them to CMAQ-ready format. We will include updates in the biofuel and open burning sectors, and growth and control projections to 2006 conditions made recently by Dr. Venkataraman (Cherian et al., 2010; Venkataraman et al., 2006; Venkataraman et al., 2005; Habib et al., 2004) to capture more contemporary impacts of black carbon, which is very important to the region, due to both its air quality and health impacts and its climate impacts. Air quality modeling output is another component of the integrated air quality characterization analysis. We anticipate running retrospective air quality model simulations and targeted emissions control studies for time periods identified by the India Air Quality Community of Practice. This activity would include enhancements to available analysis tools and their application to evaluate the model results against Earth observations, both surface- and satellite-based. The modeling and analysis results will be made available to the GEOSS Air Quality Community Infrastructure for reuse in other applications. A series of demonstrations and workshops are planned in order to reach a broad audience and to collect critical feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the prototype approach, analyses and applications. The demonstrations and workshops will highlight the processes used in the information infrastructure as well as the insights gained from the integrated air quality characterization analyses. The feedback will be used to refine the developed systems in order to provide the most robust and meaningful information systems for the intended beneficiaries to incorporate into their operations. Project Framework The key project activities in community building, information infrastructure development, and air quality characterization analyses are brought together in a framework based on the connections among the activities. The enhanced decision support is achieved by integrating multiple sources of data from observations, models, and emissions to arrive at new insight useful for developing air quality action plans for Indian cities and industrial areas. The needs for new information and the data used to generate 15 the insight are provided through the IAQ-CoP. Access to the data and analysis tools are made available through the air quality community infrastructure. Combined within a integration framework all three activities can be leveraged in a way that promotes reuse and scalability to other air quality applications. Results of the characterization analyses are connected with the AQ Community Infrastructure, thereby simplifying their use by other organizations in other types of analyses. The analyses and decision making processes are used by the IAQ-CoP to determine their effectiveness and to refine community needs that drive the next round of decision support analyses. Figure 5. Framework leveraging community and infrastructure for air quality decision knowledge Deliverables from project The framework developed during the proposed effort will foster the exchange, processing, analysis and use of earth observations for air quality research and management. In the process of working within this framework, three types of output are anticipated in the first 3 years, including those that: build and connect the air quality community across India and internationally define processes and best practices for working with shared, distributed datasets and analysis tools create novel air quality analytical information and knowledge that provides new insight into the characterization of air quality in India 16 Air Quality Communities India AQ Community of Practice A key result of the proposed effort is the establishment of a functioning Air quality community of practice in India that collaboratively builds and maintains an AQ community Infrastructure defines needed data, information and decision support tools for the community and work to make them available and usable in the GEOSS framework and defines and implements best practices for contributing to and benefiting from common pools of data resources Workshops/Training The planning and training workshops developed during the project will build upon previous workshops and training materials. The enhanced and tailored workshops and training material will be available for other organizations to use in their own communities and further enhance. Reports and publications Insight gained and lessons learned during the proposed effort will be documented and shared with the community through conference proceedings, reports, and per-reviewed publications. Air Quality Information Infrastructure Processes Process for using GEOSS in support of AQ characterization analyses The proposed effort will define a reusable approach within the GEOSS framework to integrate data of multiple types (satellite observations, surface measurements, emissions model output), of multiple spatial and temporal scales, and from multiple sources in order to characterize Indian air quality. The processes will be able to use different tools to arrive at analyses relevant for action planning. An important result of the processes will be the ability to feedback into GEOSS architecture by providing new data and information products through web services to the common and shared resources of GEOSS. Reusable and reproducible demonstrations Throughout the course of the project, there will be demonstrations conveying progress, engaging others in the community and for defining how to participate within the framework. Each demonstration will build on the previous and can be reconfigured and reused, thereby demonstrating some of the benefits of a modular, service approach. The demonstrations will be designed so that a new user could follow a sequence of steps and recreate what they see in the demonstration. Air Quality Science and Decision-ready Knowledge Algorithms and tools for integrated, multi-data source analyses The algorithms and tools developed will be available for use by the broader community. The goal will be for these to be available through web service interfaces and registered within GEOSS. India urban/industrial air quality characterization analyses The output of the analytical portion of the effort will include new datasets and information products that are useful for action planning and offer new insights into the characteristics of air pollution in urban and industrial regions of India. 17 Approach to transitioning to operational system of systems A fourth type of output, the focus for year 4, is a set of recommendations and steps that define an approach to transition the developed framework to a sustainable and operation system of systems integrated with decision processes. The different types of deliverables will help serve different beneficiaries of the proposed effort. For example, air quality researchers will likely make the most use of the algorithms and tools for integrated data analysis while air quality managers will likely find the most use on the information generated from the air quality characterization analyses. Anticipated results, benefits, and beneficiaries The deliverables from the proposed project are expected to be multi-beneficial for the end users depending on their operation. The air quality decision support system would provide the government a systemic structure for well informed and scientifically supported decisions for national and international policies. The beneficiaries of this project include Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs), academia and research community, industry/development sector, the broader GEOSS air quality community and other GEOSS communities. At the level of regulatory agencies, the tools and services that would be made available through this project are anticipated to be beneficial for improving/optimizing existing monitoring networks, source identification, exceptional event analyses, retrospective air quality data analyses and forecasting. This would also provide opportunities for monitoring the progress of abatement plans and making decisions on modifications if needed. The academia and research community will benefit through the improved data availability and accessibility. The ability of the system to provide a holistic view of multiform data would promote research in areas such as air quality and human health. Validation of models and satellite retrievals are examples of other activities that would be of interest for research community. The proposed effort is also expected to benefit judiciary organizations which have previously used surface air pollution measurements in their decision making processes. An enhanced decision support system would be useful for judiciary in their status assessments and requests for action. Apart from the improved air quality due to improved decision making, the other benefits to the public may be the opportunity for up-to-date information on state of air quality and early warnings. The Industry/ development sector will be benefited through the support for environmental impact assessment and assessment of control strategies. The proposed project will create a partnership between the regulatory agencies and industry/development sector through providing opportunity to share the information about the state of environment. While the project is focused on applications in India, the benefits would be at a global scale. The framework, conventions and processes developed during this project will be applicable in other regions of the world, and the expertise gained in India will be educative in the effort needed to develop similar capabilities elsewhere. Specific roles of each project team member The collaborative team for this project has come together through previous collaborations within the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Phase-2 (AIP-2), the Federation of Earth Science Information 18 Partners (ESIP), McDonnell Academy Global Energy and Environment Partnership (MAGEEP), and other interactions. Name Organization Role Stefan Falke Washington University Co-PI (Point-Of-Contact), Project coordination, GEOSS Common Infrastructure, collaborative analytical tools Uma Shankar University of North Carolina Co-PI, Modeling, training Virendra Sethi IIT Bombay Co-PI, Community building, India air quality monitoring and data, application to decision processes Rudolf Husar Washington University Co-PI, Multi-data source air characterization, GEOSS Infrastructure Rakesh Kumar National Environmental Co-I, Air Quality Monitoring and Decision Support Engineering Research Institute System for Air quality Management decisions, Economic analysis, Technology issues of air pollution control Chandra Venkataraman IIT Bombay Ana Prados University of Maryland Baltimore County Akshara Kaginalkar Centre for Development of Co-I, Advanced Computing Shawn McClure Colorado State University Co-I, Web services, analysis tools Rashmi S. Patil IIT Bombay Co-I, Air Quality Modelling and Measurements M.P. Singh Ansal Institute of Technology Co-I, Conducting modeling studies, dissemination through training, workshops and conferences A.K. Yadav Ansal Institute of Technology Co-I, Air Quality Characterization and analysis, training workshops Erin Robinson Washington University GEOSS Common Infrastructure and Air quality community infrastructure Ratish Menon IIT Bombay Air quality characterization methods Kari Hoijarvi Washington University Web developer quality Co-I, Modeling, India regional-scale emissions inventory, model inter-comparisons – Co-I, Satellite data for air quality analysis, training 19 Project budget (estimated) The following represents a budget estimate for the proposed work. They are intended as a ball-park figure and to indicate the budget distribution across collaborators and project activities. We look forward in working with GEO to identify potential sponsors of this work. Once sponsors are identified, detailed budgets will be generated and finalized. Please refer to Appendix D for detailed breakdown of US organization budget estimates along with budget justifications. For contractual purposes for the US organizations, Washington University in St. Louis will serve as the PI institution. TOTAL COSTS (India + U.S.) United States Labor (includes fringe) Washington University in St. Louis University of North Carolina University of Maryland - Baltimore County Colorado State University Total Labor (U.S.) Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 $996,272 $970,431 $939,806 Yr1 Yr2 $166,809 $172,854 $170,605 $173,004 $21,686 $22,771 $36,735 $38,725 $395,835 $407,354 Yr3 $184,095 $177,088 $23,909 $40,823 $425,915 Yr4 $947,245 TOTAL $3,853,754 Yr4 TOTAL $190,270 $714,028 $171,008 $691,705 $25,105 $93,471 $43,034 $159,317 $429,417 $1,658,521 Travel Washington University in St. Louis University of North Carolina University of Maryland - Baltimore County Colorado State University Total Travel (U.S.) Equipment Washington University in St. Louis University of North Carolina University of Maryland - Baltimore County Colorado State University Total Equipment (U.S.) Other Direct Costs Washington University in St. Louis University of North Carolina University of Maryland - Baltimore County Colorado State University Total Other Direct Costs (U.S.) Total Direct Costs (U.S.) $8,416 $15,140 $11,005 $6,066 $40,627 $8,416 $15,746 $11,005 $6,369 $41,536 $8,416 $16,366 $11,005 $6,687 $42,474 $8,416 $17,008 $11,005 $6,802 $43,231 $33,664 $64,260 $44,020 $25,923 $167,867 $9,800 $17,600 $0 $0 $27,400 $8,000 $18,624 $0 $0 $26,624 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,800 $36,224 $0 $0 $54,024 $7,540 $5,740 $2,615 $3,606 $1,300 $0 $933 $979 $12,388 $10,325 $476,249 $485,839 $5,740 $2,595 $0 $1,020 $9,355 $477,744 $5,740 $24,760 $2,664 $11,480 $0 $1,300 $1,071 $4,002 $9,475 $41,542 $482,122 $1,921,954 Indirect Costs Washington University in St. Louis University of North Carolina University of Maryland - Baltimore County Colorado State University Total Indirect Costs (U.S.) $134,038 $97,245 $90,413 $92,331 $8,838 $8,782 $20,554 $21,654 $253,843 $220,012 $103,091 $94,104 $9,078 $22,809 $229,082 $106,302 $91,526 $9,389 $23,926 $231,143 U.S. Direct and Indirect Costs $730,092 $705,851 $706,826 $713,265 $2,856,034 India Labor (includes fringe) IIT Bombay (Sethi) and NEERI (Kumar) Ansal Institute Yr1 $51,600 $20,000 Total Labor (India) Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 $51,600 $21,000 $51,600 $22,000 $51,600 $23,000 $71,600 $72,600 $73,600 $74,600 IIT Bombay (Sethi) and NEERI (Kumar) Ansal Institute $13,000 $4,000 $13,000 $4,000 $11,000 $4,000 $11,000 $4,000 Total Travel (India) Equipment IIT Bombay (Sethi) and NEERI (Kumar) Ansal Institute $17,000 $17,000 $15,000 $15,000 $12,000 $4,000 $10,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Equipment (India) $16,000 $14,000 $0 $0 $440,676 $368,374 $36,087 $88,944 $934,081 TOTAL $206,400 $86,000 $0 $0 $292,400 Travel $48,000 $16,000 $0 $0 $64,000 $22,000 $8,000 $0 $0 $30,000 20 Project schedule Assuming adequate levels of support for the project team, we plan for a 4-year effort in 5 partially overlapping phases. A key milestone occurs in the later half of year 3 with a demonstration of the integrated approach to air quality characterization. For planning purposes, the overall project period is 1 January 2011 – 31 Dec 2014. Phase 1 (~ 9 months) o Phase 1a (~9 months) - community building, engaging stakeholders and partners and identifying available data for the use in the prototype and where those data nodes will be maintained for the India air quality network o Phase1b (~3 months) - identify existing data resources and make available for project Phase 2 (~18 months) - create and test standard web service interfaces to the data and in ensuring access to already existing services, and the registration of the services in an air quality community web catalog connected with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) and the necessary interfaces to decision support tools Phase 3 (~18 months) - application development using GCI and coordination with decision support processes in air quality characterization Phase 4 (~6 months) - demonstration of prototype GEOSS Air Quality Applications for India to multiple air quality audiences and conducting workshops for learning how to work with the air quality infrastructure, multiple sources of data, and analytical tools Phase 5 (~12 months) Refine the prototype analysis system based on feedback from demonstrations and workshops and develop a plan to transition to an operational status. Figure 6. 21 Appendix A: References Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests, "Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of Industrial Clusters," Ecological Impact Assessment, Series: EIAS/5/200910, December 2009. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests, “Air Quality Monitoring, Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment for Indian Cities,” 2010 Cherian, R., C. Venkataraman, A. Kumar, M.M. Sarin, A.K. Sudheer, S. Ramachandran (2010) Origin of aerosols influencing atmospheric extinction: Integrating PMF and PSCF with emission inventories and satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res., in review. GEO 2005. Group on Earth Observations | Home., 2005 Habib, G., C. Venkataraman, M. Shrivastava, R. Bannerji, J. Stehr and R. Dickerson (2004). New methodology to estimate biofuel consumption in India: Atmospheric emissions of black carbon and sulfur dioxide, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2003GB002157. Hoff R.M. and S.A. Christopher. 2009. Remote Sensing of Particulate Pollution from Space: Have we Reached the Promised Land? J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 59: 645–675. Husar R.B. Satellite Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols. In: Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques, and Applications Baron P.A., K. Willeke, P. Kulkarni (Eds.) Wiley-Interscience, New York. 2010a. Husar, R.B., E. Robinson, K. Hoijarvi, GEOSS Air Quality Community, User-defined console for India,,SEAsia_E missions/India/SE_ASIA_2006_Emissions_map,GSOD/India/GSOD_60Perc_YR_Fbext_map,MODIS/India/ MODIS_AOT_map,MISR/India/MISRm_map,OMI/AbsAerIndex/India/OMAERUV_Global_Monthly_map, OMI/NO2/India/OMI_NO2_map,OMI/CHCO/India/OMHCHO_map&image_width=300&image_height=2 20&datetime=2007-05-24&title=GEOSS%20Global%20Datasets%20%20India&lat_min=7&lat_max=38&lon_min=68&lon_max=98, 2010b Husar, R. B., and R. L. Poirot. 2005. DataFed and FASTNET: Tools for Agile Air Quality Analysis. Environmental Manager (September): 39-41. IGACO, 2004, The Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation, for Monitoring of the Environment from Space and from Earth, The Changing Atmosphere, An integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation Theme for IGOS Partnership. ESA SP-1282, September 2004Report GAW No. 159 (WMO TD No. 1235), September. Lindsay, F.; Lynnes, C.; Leptoukh, G.; Falke, S. R.; Robinson, E. M.; Hildenbrand, B.; Goussev, O.; Sommer, P., Interoperability in an Atmospheric Composition Portal, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009. Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MPNG), Government of India, “Auto Fuel Policy,” 2003 NRC, 2010. Global Sources of Local Pollution: An Assessment of Long-Range Transport of Key Air Pollutants to and from the United States, National Research Council, National Academy Press. 22 Prados, A. I., R. Kleidman, and S. Christopher, Training Workshops: How to Use NASA Data and Tools for Air Quality Applications, presented at the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Annual Winter Meeting, Washington D.C., January 5-7, 2010a. Prados, A. I., G. Leptoukh, C. Lynnes, J. Johnson, H. Rui, A. Chen, and R. Husar, et al., Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets Via the Giovanni Online Tool, Special Issue on Heterogeneous data access and use for geospatial user communities, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), accepted, February 2010b. Venkataraman, C., G. Habib, A. Eiguren-Fernandez, A.H. Miguel and S.K. Friedlander (2005). Residential biofuels in South Asia: Carbonaceous aerosol emissions and climate impacts, Science, 307(5714), 14241426. Venkataraman, C., G. Habib, D. Kadamba, M. Shrivastava, J.-F. Leon, B. Crouzille, O. Boucher, and D. G. Streets (2006), Emissions from open biomass burning in India: Integrating the inventory approach with high-resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active-fire and land cover data, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB2013, doi:10.1029/2005GB002547. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), State of the Environment: India, ISBN: 92-807-2014-7, 2001 23 Appendix B: Acronyms Air Quality AQ Automotive Research Association of India ARAI Pune, Center for Development of Advanced Computing CDAC Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index CEPI Community Multi-Scale Air Quality Model CMAQ Community Modeling and Analysis System CMAS Central Pollution Control Board CPCB Community of Practice CoP Component and Service Registry CSR Earth Observation EO Environmental Protection Agency EPA Federation of Earth Science Information Partners ESIP GEOSS Common Infrastructure GCI Group on Earth Observations GEO GEO Air Quality Community of Practice AQ CoP Global Earth Observing System of Systems GEOSS GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 2 AIP-2 Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure GIOVANNI India Air Quality Community of Practice IAQ CoP India Aerosol Science and Technology Association IASTA International Energy Agency IEA India Institute for Science IISc, India Institute for Technology IITs Indian Meteorological Department IMD Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO McDonnell Academy Global Energy and Environment Partnership MAGEEP Ministry of Environment and Forests MoEF National Ambient Monitoring Programme NAMP National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) NEERI National Institutes of Technology NITs 24 Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 Particulate Matter PM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) RSPM State Pollution Control Boards SPCBs Suspended Particulate Matter SPM Sulfur Dioxide SO2 The Energy and Resources Institute TERI Visibility Information Exchange Web System VIEWS 25 Appendix C: Personnel (2-page CVs) 26 Stefan R. Falke Department of Energy, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering Washington University in St. Louis Campus Box 1180, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130 e-mail: Northrop Grumman Information Systems Suite 1740, 1010 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63101 Phone: (314) 259-7908, e-mail: Professional Appointments 2002– Research Assistant Professor, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University 2005– Manager, Geospatial Information Services for Energy & Environment, Northrop Grumman Corporation Information Systems, St. Louis, MO 2000–2002 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellow, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information 1999–2000 University Research Associate, Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis, Washington Education 1999 1993 1992 D.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Washington University M.S. in Engineering and Policy, Washington University B.A. in Physics, Lehigh University Active Research Projects 9/2006–8/2010 PI, Sensor-Analysis-Model Interoperability Technology Suite, NASA Earth Science Technology Office 3/2010–9/2010 co-I, Cyberinfrastructure for Air Quality Management, US EPA Office of Air & Radiation 1/2010-12/2010 PI, Integrating Global Change Information Systems, Northrop Grumman R&D 27 Teaching 2005-2006 Introduction to GIS, University College, Washington University 2003– 2005 Environmental Spatial Data Analysis, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Washington Univ. 2003 Short course in spatial data analysis presented to EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Washington D.C. Professional Service Lead, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), Working Group on Information Systems & Services (WGISS), Atmospheric Science Interest Group Co-lead, Air Quality and Health Working Group, Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 2 Co-chair, Earth Science Information Partners Federation (ESIP) Air Quality Workgroup Co-chair, Open Geospatial Consortium Earth Systems Science Workgroup Co-chair Decision Support Systems, Air & Waste Management Association Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visual Air Quality and Radiation Balance Conference, 2008 Co-chair Web Based Information Systems, EPA International Emission Inventory Conference, 2006 Co-chair Decision Support Systems for Wildland Fire Management, EastFire Conference, 2005 Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US Environmental Protection Agency Manuscript Reviewer for Atmospheric Environment, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Geophysical Research Selected Publications Fairgrieve, S. , Makuch, J., and Falke, S. (2009), “PULSENet: An Implementation of Sensor Web Standards,” 2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Baltimore, MD, May 18-22, 2009. McCabe, D.C., P.G. Dickerson Jr., R.B. Husar, T.J. Keating, F.E. Lindsay, E.M. Robinson, S.R. Falke, (2009), “The GEO Air Quality Community of Practice: a Call to Participate,” 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), Stresa, Italy, May 3-8, 2009. Falke, S.R., and Fialkowski, E., (2009), “Your Output is My Input: Collaborative Portals,” 18th International Emission Inventory Conference: Comprehensive Inventories - Leveraging Technology and Resources, Baltimore, MD, April 14-16, 2009. Husar, R.B., Hoijarvi, K., Falke, S.R., Robinson, E.M., and Percivall, G.S. (2008), “DataFed: An Architecture for Federating Atmospheric Data for GEOSS” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 366371. 28 Falke, S., and Sullivan, D., (2008), “Processing Services in Earth Observation Sensor Web Information Architectures: Using Sensor Webs for Air Quality Science and Applications Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday,” Earth Science Technology Conference, University of Maryland, June 24-26, 2008. Falke, S., and Husar R., (2008) “Web Resources for Sharing and Analyzing Information about Smoke from the October 2007 Southern California Wildfires,” Air & Waste Management Association Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visual Air Quality and Radiation Balance Conference, Moab Utah, April 28May 2, 2008. Falke, S., G. Stella, and T. Keating, (2007) "Cyberinfrastructure for Emissions Data and Tools," in proceedings, 15th International Emission Inventory Conference: Reinventing Inventories - New Ideas in New Orleans, US EPA, May 15-18, 2006. Falke, S., E. Dorner, and Dunn B. (2007) “Sensor Observation Interoperability and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Specifications” in proceedings, Data Sharing and Interoperability on the Worldwide Sensor Web Workshop, IEEE, Boston, MA, April 22-24, 2007 Yuan Z., Ramaswami B., Casaletto D., Falke S., Angenent L. T. and Giammar D. E. (2007) “Evaluation of chemical indicators for tracking and apportionment of phosphorus sources to Table Rock Lake in Southwest Missouri” Water Research, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 1525-1533. Falke, S., G. Stella, T. Keating, and B. Hemming, (2006) "Cyberinfrastructure for Emissions Data and Tools," in proceedings, 15th International Emission Inventory Conference: Reinventing Inventories New Ideas in New Orleans, US EPA, May 15-18, 2006. Falke, S., and S. Ambrose (2005) "Seeing Through Smoke – Earth Observations Enhance Fire and Smoke Decision Support Systems in the Eastern United States" Earth Observation Magazine, vol. XIV, no. 6. Falke, S.R., R.B. Husar, K. Höijärvi, and M. Parikh, (2005) “Using DataFed to Build Fire-related Web Applications,” in proceedings, Earth-Sun System Technology Conference, University of Maryland, June 28-30, 2005. Falke, S., G. Stella, T. Keating, and B. Hemming, (2004) “Data Management Challenges in Developing a Network of Distributed North American Emissions Databases,” in proceedings, 13th International Emission Inventory Conference: Working for Clean Air in Clearwater, US EPA, June 7-10, 2004. Falke, S.R., (2002) “Environmental Data: Finding It, Sharing It, and Using It” Journal of Urban Technology, 9, p. 111. Falke, S.R., R.B. Husar and B.A. Schichtel, (2001) “Fusion of SeaWiFS and TOMS Satellite Data with Surface Observations and Topographic Data During Extreme Aerosol Events,” Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51, p. 1579. 29 Rudolf B. Husar Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA), Campus Box 1124, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. Phone: (314) 935-6099 Fax: (314) 935-7211, e-mail: Professional Preparation 1962–66 Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University, Berlin, FRG. 1966-71 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, US. 1971-73 Post-Doctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, US. Appointments 2007-Present Professor, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Eng., Washington U. St. Louis, MO 1979-Present Director, Center CAPITA, Washington University St. Louis, MO 1976-2007 Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Washington U. St. Louis, MO 1976-77 Visiting Professor, Meteorological Institute, Stockholm U., Sweden 1973-76 Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Washington U. St. Louis, MO Activities Rudolf Husar is currently a Professor of Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering at Washington University St. Louis, MO. For over three decades Husar has been an active researcher, advisor and teacher of air pollution, with special interest in atmospheric aerosols. He has made pioneering contributions to the size distribution and composition of atmospheric aerosol, regional and global scale distribution transport of atmospheric aerosols, and to long-term air pollution pattern and trend analysis. Husar’s research has contributed to development of NAAQS for PM2.5 and the associated Exceptional Event Rule. Since the 1970’s Husar has demonstrated the application of Earth observing satellites to air quality management. Currently, he is participating in the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) as a data architect and systems designer. He is working on aerosol data accessibility, interoperability and sharing. His particular interests are satellite and surface observations data, multi-sensory data integration. He was a contributor to the Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter documents, served on various National Science Foundation committees and EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) committees. Professionally, Husar works on the combination of atmospheric science and environmental informatics. He is the developer of the Federated Data System, DataFed hosted at Washington University. He is the co-leader of the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Air Quality Workgroup. Lead air quality analyst for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Task US-09-01a and lead of NASA Data Systems Web Services subgroup. Husar has promoted openness and inclusiveness in his activities as part of the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP) and International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) program. He demonstrates and encourages teamwork and the use of the web as a communication/data-sharing medium. Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998 Associate Editor, Atmospheric Systems, The Scientific World, 2001-present 30 Member of Editorial Board, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2000-present Past Executive Editor, Atmospheric Environment Chair WMO Panel on Global Aerosol Data System, Chair, 1991, 2006 WMO Panel on Space Observations of Tropospheric Aerosols, Group Leader, 1990 Thesis advisor and Postgraduate sponsor: Dr. B. A. Schichtel, NPS Air Resources Division, CIRA, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Dr. Stefan Falke, Northrup Grumman Corp and Washington Univesity, Dr. Fang Li, University of California, La Jolla, CA, Marin Bezic, MSc., Microsoft, Redmond,WA.15 additional Ph.D. and Masters Theses and 21 post-doctoral associates and science visitors since 1973. Selected Publications Scheffe, R.D., P.A. Solomon, R. ,Husar,, T. Hanley, M. Schmidt, M. Koerber, M. Gilroy, J. Hemby, N. Watkins, M. Papp, J. Rice, Joann, J.Tikvart, R., Valentinetti.The National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy:Rethinking the Role of National Networks J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 59, 579-590, 2009. Hidy, G. M., J.R. Brook, J.C. Chow, M. Green, R.B. Husar, C. Lee, R.D. Scheffe, A.Swanson, Aaron, J.G. Watson, Remote Sensing of Particulate Pollution from Space: Have We Reached the Promised Land, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 59, 1130-1139, 2009. Husar, R.B., Hoijarvi, K., Falke, S.R., Robinson, E.M., Percivall, G.S., DataFed: An Architecture for Federating Atmospheric Data for GEOSS, IEEE Systems Journal, 2, 366-373, 2008. Husar, R.B., Poirot R.L., DataFed and FASTNET: Tools for Agile Air Quality Analysis, Environmental Managers, Air & Waste Management Association, September 2005, 39-41, 2005. Husar, R.B., D. M. Tratt, B. A. Schichtel, S. R. Falke, F. Li D. Jaffe, S. Gassó, T. Gill, N. S. Laulainen, F. Lu, M.C. Reheis, Y. Chun, D. Westphal, B. N. Holben, C. Gueymard 1 I. McKendry, N. Kuring, G. C. Feldman, C. McClain, R. J. Frouin, J.Merrill, D. DuBois, F. Vignola, T. Murayama, S. Nickovic, W.E. Wilson, K.Sassen, N. Sugimoto, and W.C. Malm. The Asian Dust Events of April 1998. ( J. Geophys. Res., 106(D16), 18317-18330, 2001. Chapters in Books Husar, R.B., Intercontinental Transport of Dust - a Historical and Recent Observational Evidence. In: Intercontinental Transport of Air Pollution, A. Stohl, Ed. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 4G, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York , 2004. Heintzenberg, J., F. Raes, S.E. Schwartz, I. Ackermann, P. Artaxo, T.S. Bates, C. Benkovitz, K. Bigg, T. Bond, J.L. Brenguier, F.L. Eisele, J. Feichter, A.I. Flossmann, S. Fuzzi, H.F. Graf, J.M. Hales, H. Herrmann, T. Hoffmann, B. Huebert, R.B. Husar, R. Jaenicke, B. Kärcher, Y. Kaufman, G.S. Kent, M. Kulmala, C. Leck, C. Liousse, U. Lohmann, Tropospheric Aerosols. In: Brasseur, G.P., R.G. Prinn, A.A.P. Pszenny, eds. Atmospheric Chemistry in a Changing World, The IGBP Series, Springer, 2003. Husar, R.B., Sulfur and Nitrogen Emission Trends for the U.S. In: Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development, R.U. Ayres and U.E. Simonis (Eds.), United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1994. Husar, R.B., Ecosystem and the Biosphere: Metaphors of Human-Induced Material Flows. In: Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development, R.U. Ayres and U.E. Simonis (Eds.), United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1994 Husar R.B. Historical Trends in Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition and Methods for Assessing Long-Term Trends in Surface Water Chemistry, with T.J. Sullivan, D.F. Charles. In Acid Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies, D.F. Charles (Ed.) SpringerVerlag, New York, 1991. 31 Husar R.B. and Husar J.D.Sulfur, In The Earth as Transformed by Human Action, B.L. Turner et al. (Eds.) Cambridge University Press with Clark University, Cambridge, 1990. 32 Shawn McClure Software Engineer Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Education B.S. Computer Science, summa cum laude, Southwest Baptist University, 1990 B.S. Mathematics and Physics, summa cum laude, Southwest Baptist Univ., 1991 Professional Experience Software Engineer, CIRA, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (2002-Present) Developed a relational database management system to import, verify, and manage national air quality data and an enterprise-level suite of online tools for visualizing, analyzing, and disseminating the data on the web; worked closely with scientists to develop standards and best practices for managing air quality data and metadata. (Microsoft .Net Framework, VB.Net, ASP.Net, C#, IDL, Javascript, DHTML, MS SQL Server, Transact-SQL, ADO, Windows Server, IIS) Software Engineer, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, Univ. of California, Davis (2005-2006) Developed a relational database management system for managing the aerosol sampling data, site metadata, instrument calibrations, operational and historical logs, and analysis metadata for the IMPROVE monitoring network; developed online visualization and analysis tools for performing quality assurance and validation of the data. (Microsoft .Net Framework, VB.Net, ASP.Net, C#, IDL, Javascript, DHTML, MS SQL Server, Transact-SQL, ADO, Windows Server, IIS) Software Engineer, PLM Technologies, Lakewood, CO (1997-2002) Developed a web-based, enterprise-scale system to collect, manage, analyze, and present the electrical and natural gas consumption data of all the state-owned facilities in the State of Florida. (Visual Basic, Javascript, DHTML, ASP, Java, MS SQL Server, ODBC, ADO, Windows NT/2000) Software Engineer, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Fort Collins, CO (1993-1997) Developed a nationwide resource management and planning system for the regional field offices of the Natural Resources Conservation Service; developed a mobile mapping application and decision support system to facilitate onsite development of land owner conservation plans. (C++/C, X Windows, Visual Basic, ASP, Javascript, Oracle, UNIX, ESRI Arc\Info, ESRI AML) Software Engineer, Boeing Computer Services, Richland, WA (1991-1993) Developed a mission-critical emergency response system for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Nuclear Reservation utilizing real-time remote meteorological and air quality data to identify, assess, 33 and coordinate response to actual and potential hazardous material incidents. (C++/C, FORTRAN, UNIX, X Windows, ESRI Arc\Info) Software Engineer, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (1990-1991) Designed feedforward backpropagation neural networks and applied them to the development of speech recognition and signal processing software that was later used to analyze the video tape evidence in the Rodney King incident of 1991 in Los Angeles. (C++/C, UNIX, X Windows, CRAY XMP/YMP, Connection Machine) Representative Publications and Presentations D. Chand, S. McClure, B. A. Schichtel, J. Huddleston, W. C. Malm, T. Moore: Inter-annual variation in NO2 over the United States, American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, USA, Dec 14-18, 2009. Ames, R.B., S.E. McClure, B.A. Schichtel, D.G. Fox, 2006: Examples of Web-Based Reporting and Analysis Products from VIEWS and the WRAP TSS. AWMA 2006, New Orleans, LA McClure, S.E., 2005: The WRAP Technical Support System: An Integrated Architecture for the Management, Analysis, and Presentation of Monitoring, Modeled, and Emissions Data. WRAP Attribution of Haze Workgroup Presentation 2006, Denver, CO Ehman, J., S.E. McClure, T. Moore, 2006: Developing an Integrated Mapping and Analysis Tool for an Online Decision Support System. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Grant Proposal (Awarded) 2006 Ames, R.B., S.E. McClure, B.A. Schichtel, D.G. Fox, 2005: The Visibility Information Exchange Web System (VIEWS), Air Toxics Data Archive, and IMPROVE Web Sites: Database-driven Internet Sites for Access, Intercomparison, and Online Analysis of Air Quality Data. AWMA 2005, Oak Brook, IL McClure, S.E., 2004: The Visibility Information Exchange Web System (VIEWS): An Approach to Deposition Data Management and Presentation. NADP Annual Conference 2004, Halifax, Nova Scotia McClure, S.E., R.B. Ames, D.G. Fox, 2004: Developing a Unified Air Toxics Data Archive and Web System. Presentation to the EPA Air Quality Analysis Group, OAQPS McClure, S.E., R.B. Ames, 2003: Facilitating Regional Visibility Assessments and Air Quality Planning through the Visibility Information Exchange Web System. National RPO Conference 2003, St. Louis, MO McClure, S.E., T. Thomas, G. Papcun, 1990: The Application of a Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Network to Signal Processing and Noise Reduction. 1663: Los Alamos Science and Technology Magazine Representative Online Products Visibility Information Exchange Web System (VIEWS): The WRAP Technical Support System (TSS): 34 The Air Toxics Data Archive (ATDA): 35 RASHMI S. PATIL Name : Prof. (Ms.) Rashmi S. Patil Designation & : Professor Address Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400076 INDIA Fax : 091-22-2572 3480 & 2576 4650 Telephone : (022) 2572 2545 Ext. 7858 and 2576 7858 email : Date of birth : 26th March 1946 RESEARCH INTERESTS : Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling; Indoor Air Quality and Exposure Assessment; Air Quality Monitoring and Management; Aerosol Science; Environmental Impact Assessment. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Ph.D. (Physics), 1971, Delhi University M.Sc. (Physics), 1967, Rajasthan University (Gold Medal) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : Rashmi S. Patil is a Professor at CESE, IIT Bombay, and has been involved in the teaching, research and consultancy services in Environmental Science and Engineering at this institute since last 30 years. Her teaching and research has been in the field of atmospheric dispersion modelling, air pollution monitoring, assessment of integrated human exposure to air pollution and environmental impact assessment. She has guided about 50 postgraduate students, eight doctorate thesis and has about 70 technical research papers in national and international journals. Prof. Patil's research work on air quality dispersion models for stationary, mobile and area sources has been used for various applications like monitoring site selection, impact assessment and emission standard formulation. She has worked on a sponsored Indo-US collaborative research project on Urban and Regional Scale Air Quality Modelling with North 36 Carolina State University, Raleigh. She has also been involved in conducting Environmental Impact Assessment of several developmental projects like power plant, fertilizer, port and harbor, highways and railways. She has coordinated a nationwide study on Status of EIA in India under the aegis of UNDP. Currently, another area of her research interest is monitoring and risk assessment of integrated human exposure to air pollution for low/middle socioeconomic group of population. Professor Patil has coordinated several training programs and workshops on EIA, Air Quality Management, and Environmental Science and Engineering Education under the sponsorship of World Bank, GTZ-FRG, UNDP etc. She has been a member of several professional national committees like Formulation of Air Quality Modelling Guidelines, Committee of Environmental Planning and Coordination and Environmental Health and Risk Assessment. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS (SELECTED) “Estimation of Air Pollutant Emission Loads from Constructional and Operational Activities of a Port and Harbour in Mumbai, India”, Joshy Joseph, Rashmi S. Patil and S.K. Gupta, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 159, Issue 1, 85-98, Dec. 2009. *”Prediction of Air Pollution Concentration Using an In situ Real Time Mixing Height Model”, Sunita Nath and Rashmi S. Patil, Atmospheric Environment 40, 3816-3822, 2006. “Particulate Respiratory Dose to Indian Women from Domestic Cooking”, S.K. Varghese, Gangamma S., Rashmi S. Patil and V. Sethi, Aerosol Science and Technology, 39 (12), 12011205, 2005. “A Composite Receptor and Dispersion Model Approach for Estimation of Effective Emission Factors for Vehicles”, A. Vinod Kumar, Rashmi S. Patil and K.S.V. Nambi, Atmospheric Environment, 38, 7065-7072, 2004. “Modelling the Size Separated Particulate Matter from Vehicular Exhaust at Traffic Intersections in Mumbai”, S.B. Gokhale and Rashmi S. Patil, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 98, 23-40, 2004. *“Cluster Analysis of Delhi’s Ambient Air Quality Data” by S. Saksena, V.Joshi and Rashmi S. Patil. Jnl. of Envtl. Monitoring, Published by Royal Soc. of Chem., 5, 491-499, 2003. *“Exposure of Infants to Outdoor & Indoor Air Pollution in Low Income Urban Areas – A Case Study of Delhi”, Sumeet Saksena, P.B. Singh, R.K. Prasad, Preeti Malhotra, Veena Joshi and Rashmi S. Patil. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2003, 13, 219230. *“An Empirical Model to Predict Indoor NOx Concentrations” Milind M. Kulkarni and Rashmi S. 37 Patil, Atmospheric Environment, Vol.36, 4777-4785, 2002, *“Source Apportionment of Suspended Particulate Matter at Two Traffic Junctions in Mumbai India”, A Vinod Kumar, Rashmi S. Patil and K.S.V. Nambi, Atmospheric Environment 35, 4245, 2001. Daily Integrated Exposure of Outdoor Workers to Respirable Particulate Matter in an Urban Region of India", M.M. Kulkarni and Rashmi S. Patil, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 56:128-146, 1999. *"Factors Influencing Personal Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide in an Indian Metropolitan Region", M.M. Kulkarni and Rashmi S. Patil, Indoor Built Environment , 7, 319-332, Aug. 1998,. PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN ( SELECTED) Sampling and Analysis Techniques for Bioaerosols : Standardization and Field Evaluation for Airborne Endotoxin, Sponsored by Dept. of Sc. & Tech., GOI, 2008-2011. Development of Air Pollution Source Profiles for Indian Cities, Project by CPCB, Virendra Sethi and Rashmi S. Patil, 2006-2008. Comparative Study of Traditional and Improved Chulhas with respect to Indoor Air Pollution; Collaboration with IWSA and sponsored by MNES, Delhi, 2000-2003. Indo-US Collaborative Research Project on "Modelling of Urban and Regional Scale Air Pollution in India" Sethuraman, NCSU, Raleigh U.S., R.V. Madala, NRL, Washington, US and Rashmi S Patil, IIT Bombay, Sponsored by USIF and ONR/NRL (1997-2004). "Monitoring of Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Highly Industrial Area" Sponsored by CPCB, Delhi, (1994 - 1997); Rashmi S. Patil. 38 Dr. ANA I. PRADOS, co-I Education Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, 2000. M.S. Public Policy Candidate, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, 2011. B.S. Chemistry and Physics, New College of Florida, Sarasota, Florida, 1992. Research Experience Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Baltimore, Maryland and NASA GSFC, Oct. 2005- Present Visiting Research Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD, Oct. 2003- Dec. 2006. National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellow, Naval Research Laboratory. Washington, D.C, Jan. 2001-Oct. 2003. NASA Air Quality Applied Remote Sensing Trainings and Outreach: Currently leading Air Quality Applied Remote Sensing Trainings for the NASA Applied Sciences Program Led the Development of 19 Training Modules on the basics of remote sensing and NASA Air Quality Data Products. Developed many additional modules on decision-support tools. Developed and led 7 remote sensing training workshops in the U.S and Europe since 2009. Co-lead trainings in Central America. Trained U.S state and Federal regulators, air quality forecasters, modelers, scientists, and World Bank employees in Applied Air Quality Remote Sensing via collaboration with host institutions. Tailored trainings to their various levels of expertise and application areas. Developed Case Studies for dust, industrial emissions, and smoke applications. Published bi-weekly online analysis of U.S air quality for the general public from 2006 to 2009 relying on U.S monitor and NASA global satellite observations. Air Quality Decision-Support Tool Development: Provide policy makers, regulatory agencies, and the public with better access to remote sensing data for tracking air pollutants Collaborated with a team of scientists from various federal agencies and academic institutions as a co-I in the design of the NASA ROSES “Three Dimensional Air Quality System”. Developed an Air Quality capability for NASA Goddard’s Giovanni web-based tool by integrating EPA chemical pollutant data to enable surface and satellite inter-comparisons. Represented the Giovanni team at the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Air Quality Implementation Pilot I to enable interoperability between Giovanni and other web-tools. Provided Satellite Data expertise for the VIEWS web-tool application as co-I in the NASA ROSES " Improving an Air Quality Decision Support System through the Integration of Satellite data with Ground-based, Modeled, and Emissions Data”. Satellite Remote Sensing Algorithm Retrieval and Validation Managed and provided improvements to the GOES Aerosol and Smoke Product (GASP) computer algorithm at NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite Data Information System. Improved and reduced noise in the Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement Instrument (POAM) ozone data algorithm. Validated OMI NO2, MODIS AOD, GASP AOD, and POAM ozone data by comparisons to AERONET, EPA surface monitor data, and aircraft observations. 39 Examined Trends in OMI NO2 over the continental U.S as co-I in the NASA ROSES “Monitoring Air Quality Effects of Anthropogenic Emissions Reductions and Estimating Emissions from Natural Sources” Global Air Quality Modeling: Assessed the impact of U.S industrial emissions on the North Atlantic Ocean using 3D Chemical Transport Model. Public Policy Experience Washington D.C. Council of Governments Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee Stakeholder Representative, 2009 - Present State of Virginia Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Implementation Workgroup, 2008 Fairfax County Federation of Civic Associations, Environmental Committee, 2006-present Joint Activities with Local and State Decision-Makers Advise governments in the Washington D.C metro area and state regulatory agencies on regional air pollution and climate mitigation strategies, such as revisions to National Ambient Air Quality Standards, renewable fuel standards, and mobile source emissions inventories. Review and assess Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and scientific modeling analysis of air pollutants for integration into local policy initiatives. Develop County greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies with locally elected officials. Develop State of Virginia interim policies for PM2.5 including Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) increment analysis, Significant Impact Levels (SILs), and secondary PM2.5 impacts with local and state regulators and stakeholders. Selected Publications Prados, A. I., et al., Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets Via the Giovanni Online Tool, Special Issue on Heterogeneous data access and use for geospatial user communities, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), accepted, 2010. Neil, D., Kondragunta, S., Osterman, G., Pickering, K., Prados, A., I, and Szykman. J., Satellite Observations for Detecting and Tracking Changes in Atmospheric Composition, Environmental Management Featured Article, Air and Waste Management Association, October 2009. Hoff, R., H. Zhang, N. Jordan, A. I. Prados, J. Engel-Cox, A. Huff, S. Weber, E. Zell, S. Kondragunta, J. Szykman, B. Johns, F. Dimmick, A. Wimmers. J. Al-Saadi, and C. Kittaka, Applications of the Three-Dimensional Air Quality System (3D-AQS) to Western U.S Air Quality: IDEA, Smog Blog, Smog Stories, and AirQuest, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, AW-08-00147, 2009. Prados, A. I., S. Kondragunta, P. Ciren, and K. Knapp, The GOES Aerosol/ Smoke Product (GASP) over North America: Comparisons to AERONET and MODIS Observations, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D15201 doi:10.1029/2006JD007968., 2007 Prados, A. I., G. E. Nedoluha, R. M. Bevilacqua, D. R. Allen, K. W. Hoppel, and A. Marenco, POAM III Ozone in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere: seasonal variability and comparisons to aircraft observations, J. Geophys. Res., 4218, 108, doi:10.1029/2002JD002819, 2003. Prados, A. I., R. R. Dickerson, B. G. Doddridge, P. A. Milne, J. T. Merrill, and J. L. Moody, Transport of Ozone and Pollutants from North America to the North Atlantic Ocean During the 1996 Atmosphere/Ocean Chemistry Experiment (AEROCE) Intensive, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 26,219-26,233, 1999. 40 Uma Shankar Education/Training North Carolina State University M.N.E., Nuclear Engineering 1986 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill M.S., Physics 1979 University of North Carolina at Wilmington B.S., Physics & Mathematics 1975 Professional Experience 2003 – Present: Research Associate, University of North Carolina – Institute for the Environment, Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development, Chapel Hill, NC; Principal Investigator of various modeling studies within and outside the U.S. to develop and/or evaluate models for particulate matter (PM) chemistry and microphysics in the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling (CMAQ) system, and in the coupled meteorology-chemistry model, METCHEM against field observations, surface network measurements and remotely sensed data. 1992 – 2002: Research Scientist, MCNC–Environmental Modeling Center, Research Triangle Park, NC. Developed the PM module in the Multiscale Air Quality Simulation Platform, and ported the code to Models-3 for the initial prototype of the CMAQ aerosol module; developed and performed preliminary testing of the Denver Air Quality Model Version 2 Modeling System; provided the jumpstart modeling support (CMAQ performance analysis, tools and modeling protocol) for the Western Regional Air Partnership. 1989 – 1992: Senior Computer Specialist, Computer Sciences Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC. Developed and tested the EPA Regional Particulate Model under an EPA contract. Honors and Awards NOAA/EPA Certificate of Appreciation for the successful completion of Models-3 system, March 1999. Professional Affiliations Air & Waste Management Association, American Geophysical Union, American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), Sigma Xi. Professional Service Activities Participant in Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot Phase 2 (AIP-2) project to develop a Common Infrastructure for data sharing in Air Quality. information on end users’ data needs Member, Earth Science Information Partnership (ESIP) Federation. -2009) and research coordinator (2009-present) for the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center’s modeling applications. a pilot training course with NASA contractors on satellite data products for air quality in 2009; currently coordinate and help teach the course through the CMAS Center 41 -Agriculture peer review panel (2009); EPA-STAR peer review panel (2005 and 2009). Uma Shankar 42 – Atmospheres, Geophysical Research Letters, and Atmospheric Environment. an Association for the Advancement of Science to scope out a capacity-building project in India for regional climate change assessments. Selected Publications/Presentations Ackermann, I. J., H. Hass, M. Memmesheimer, A. Abel, F. S. Binkowski, and U. Shankar, 1998: MADE: Modal Aerosol Dynamics Model for Europe: Development and first applications, Atmos. Environ. 32, 2981-2999. Binkowski, F. S., and U. Shankar, 1995: The Regional Particulate Matter Model 1. Model description and preliminary results, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 21,191 - 21,209. Kelly, J.T., P.V. Bhave, C.G. Nolte, U. Shankar, and K.M. Foley, 2009: Simulating emission and chemical evolution of coarse sea-salt particles in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2, 1335-1374. Mathur, R., U. Shankar, A. F. Hanna, M. T. Odman, et al., 2005: Multiscale Air Quality Simulation Platform (MAQSIP): Initial applications and performance for tropospheric ozone and particulate matter, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D13308, doi:10.1029/2004JD004918. Shankar, U., B. Henderson, S. Arunachalam, Z. Adelman, N. Davis, L. Ran, E. Adams, M. Barna, and M. Rodriguez, Evaluation of CMAQ performance during the Rocky Mountain Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) Study. Presented at the 8th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 19-21, 2009. Shankar, U., and L. Husain, 2008: Evaluation of aerosol model performance in a coupled meteorology-chemistry model against speciated measurements. Presented at the A&WMA Specialty Conference on Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visual Air Quality and Radiation, Moab, UT, April 28–May 2, 2008. Shankar, U., J. Kelly and P.V. Bhave, 2007: Development of a Modal Aerosol Module with an Efficient Non-equilibrium Treatment of Size-Dependent Gas-Particle Mass Transfer. Presented at the First International Aerosol Modeling Algorithms Conference, Davis, CA, December 5-7, 2007. Shankar, U., The Cyclical Relationships of Climate Change, Forest Biomass, Fire Emissions and Atmospheric Aerosol Loadings, 2006: An Integrated Modeling Study. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Fire Ecology & Management Congress, San Diego, CA, November 13-17, 2006. Shankar, U., A. Xiu, D. Streets, J.M. Vukovich, M.S. Reddy, C. Venkataraman, R. Mathur, A.F. Hanna, F.S. Binkowski, and S. Arunachalam, 2005a: Evaluation of a coupled meteorology-chemistry model against INDOEX. In Proceedings of the Asian Aerosol Conference-2005, Mumbai, India, December 13-16, 2005. Shankar, U., P. V. Bhave, J. M. Vukovich, and S. J. Roselle, 2005b: Implementation and Initial Applications of Sea Salt Aerosol Emissions and Chemistry Algorithms in the CMAQ v4.5 - AERO4 Module. Presented at the 4th Annual CMAS Models-3 Users’ Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, September 26-28, 2005. Shankar, U., R. Mathur, and F. S. Binkowski, 2002: WRAP Experience: Investigating Model Biases. In Proceedings of the1st CMAS Models-3 Users’ Conference, October 21-23, 2002, Research Triangle Park, NC. 43 VIRENDRA SETHI Professor & Head Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076 email : Office :(022) 2576 7851 Cell : 91 98 207 87 567 EDUCATION 1996 Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1990 M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1984 A.E.P. Advanced Entry Programme (First Year) National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. 1983 B.Tech Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India. TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS Combustion Aerosols, Energy and Environment, Aerosol Processes, Air Quality Management. RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2000-Present Professor, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai. 1999-2000 Research Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 1996-1999 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. 1994- 1999 Oak Ridge Fellow, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Postgraduate Research Program, on appointment at the National Risk Management Research Laboratory, USEPA, Cincinnati. 1991-94 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Project funded by Drinking Water Research Division, U.S. EPA. 1990-91 Research Scientist, California State Department of Health, Berkeley Project funded by National Science Foundation and conducted jointly at the University of California, Berkeley and California Public Health Services, Berkeley. 1988-90 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Project funded by USEPA, Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, NC. 1984-87 Production Engineer, Oil & Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), Bombay Offshore Project, India. 44 1983-84 National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad Graduate studies in industrial design, ergonomics and product design.. 1982-83 Senior Project, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Bombay. Designed and conducted experiments for membrane development, and a feasibility study for concentrating sucrose solution using a reverse osmosis process. REFEREED JOURNALS PUBLICATIONS (Partial List) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sethi, V., and Biswas, P., "Modeling of Particle Formation and Dynamics in a Flame Incinerator", Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 40 : 42-46 (1990) Sethi, V. and Biswas, P., "Fundamental Studies on Particulate Emissions from Hazardous Waste Incinerator", Remedial Action, Treatment, and Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Proceedings of Annual USEPA-RREL Hazardous Waster Research Symposium (16th ), Cincinnati, Ohio, April 35, 1990. Lin, W. Y., Sethi, V., Biswas, P., "Multicomponent Aerosol Dynamics of the Pb-O2 System in a Bench Scale Flame Incinerator”, Aerosol Science & Technology, 17 : 199-133 (1993). Sethi, V., and John, W., " Particle Impaction Patterns from a Circular Jet”, Aerosol Science & Technology, 18 :1-10 (1993). John, W., and Sethi, V., "Breakup of Latex Doublets by Impaction", Aerosol Science & Technology, 19 : 57-68 (1993). John, W, and Sethi, V., " Threshold for Resuspension by Particle Impaction", Aerosol Science & Technology, 19 :60-79 (1993). Sethi, V., Patnaik, P., Biswas, P., Clark R.M., and Rice, E.W. "Evaluation of Optical Detection Methods for Waterborne Suspensions", Journal of the American Water Works Association, 89 (2) : 98-112,(1997). Clark, R.M. Adams, J.Q. Sethi, V., and Sivaganesan, M., "Controlling Microbial Contaminants and Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water : Cost and Performance", (Accepted in AQUA). Sethi, V., and Clark, R.M., "Cost Estimation Models for Drinking Water Treatment Unit Processes", (Accepted for publication in IJEMS Special Issue). 10. Coauthor, Chapter on Drinking Water in Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Ed. Robert Corbitt, McGraw Hill (New edition under revision), 1998. 12. Selvakumar,N., Parikh, P.P., and Sethi, V., “ Size Distribution of Particulate Matter in Biomass Producer gas”, MNES Project Number 203/01/13/2001-BM (Manuscript under Preparation) Tiwari, V., Jiang, J., Sethi, V. and Biswas, P, “One step synthesis of noble metal-titanium dioxide nanocomposites in a Flame Aerosol Reactor”, 2008, Applied Catalysis A: General, 345(2), 241246 Basak, S.; Tiwari, V.; Fan, J.; Achilefu, S.; Sethi, V.; Biswas, P., “One step bottom-up synthesis of core-Fe2O3/ SiO2 nanocomposite and surface functionalize with Cypate-II for biomedical applications”, Advanced Materials, 2007, Under Review Tiwari, V., Bellare, J., Sethi, V. and Biswas, P, “Single step synthesis and characterization of naosized crystalline calcium phosphate apatite (Hydroxyapatite (HA), Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP) and biphasic HA/TCP) using high temperature Furnace Aerosol Reactor (FUAR), To be Submitted to Journal of American Ceramic Society) 13. 14. 15. Ph.D. THESES GUIDANCE 1. Radiation effects of anthropogenic aerosols on global climate (Completed) 2. Injection Process and Spray Characteristics as Influenced by Fuel Rates and Fuel Viscosities (Completed) 3. Characterization and Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5 and PM10 in Mumbai and Pune (Completed) 45 4. Tar and Particulate Matter Assessment and Control in Biomass Thermo-chemical Gasification Systems (Completed) 5. High Temperature Gas Phase Synthesis and Characterisation of Nano-composites for Possible Biomedical and Catalyst Applications (Presynopsis Completed) 6. Spatial and Temporal Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Air Quality (In progress) SPONSORED AND CONSULTANCY PROJECTS(Partial List) 1. Characterisation of Particulate Matter in Biomass Based Producer Gas From Different Types of Gasifiers, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Now MNRE) 2. Studies for Design of Systems for Removal of Tar and Particulate Matter from Producer Gas (For IC Engine and Gas Turbine Applications), Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Now MNRE) 3.. High Temperature Gas Phase Synthesis and Characterisation of Tailored Ultra Fine Powders Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi 4. Development of Air Pollution Source Profiles, Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi. 46 Prof. M.P. Singh Prof. M.P. Singh, a Fulbright Scholar, earned Ph.D. from University of Maryland, USA after which he joined the Cornell University where he worked in the 60s followed by 1year stint at NASA. On returning to India, Prof. M.P. Singh was one of the founding faculty members of the prestigious IIT–Delhi. At his initiative, a Centre for Atmospheric Sciences was set-up at IIT Delhi; today it is the leading research center of the country well known internationally for its work in climate research, cyclone prediction and air quality modeling. Prof. Singh has supervised 27 PhDs and has published over 100 research papers in journals of International repute. He is the co-author of the book, (written jointly with Prof. Sethu Raman) titled “Dynamics of Atmospheric Flow” published under the ‘Advances in Fluid Mechanic Series, UK’. He has been one of the Guest Editors of the special issues (on Air Quality) of the prestigious international journal “Atmospheric Environment” which appeared in 1991 and 1995. He had been on the Editorial Board of the journal “Atmospheric Environment” (1988–94); “Non-linear World” (1992 -96) and “Advances in Fluid Mechanics Series” under the aegis of Computational Mechanics Publications, UK (1994 – 1998). The prestigious journal, “Pure and Applied Geophysics”, (PAGEOPH, a Switzerland based journal) has brought out a special edition - a book entitled “Weather and Climate: The M.P. Singh Volumes I & II”, in honor of Prof. M.P. Singh with leading experts from all over the world as contributors. Recently, a book entitled “Air Quality”, a PAGEOPH Topical Volume with Prof. Singh as one of the guest editors of the prestigious publication by Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. Boston. Berlin has appeared in early 2003. Prof. M.P. Singh directed several International conferences & workshops on topics related to Environment in India, Italy and Brunei. At AIT, he has provided leadership to organize three International Conferences, one on Industry - Academic Interaction and the other two on Nanotechnology in 2006, 2007 and 2009 respectively. The proceedings of Nanotechnology Conference, after peer review, have been brought out in special issue (s) of the prestigious "International Journal of Nanotechnology" and the proceedings of 2009 Conference would also be brought out in a special issue of the prestigious International Journal of Nanotechnology. Prof. Singh was a visiting Professor at Cambridge University (for one year) in 1973. He has been a Visiting Professor at several Universities including University of Alabama, USA; University of Brunei; University of Calgary, Canada; University of Kuwait; University of Reading, UK; National Institute of Informatics & Automatics, Paris, France; National Institute for Research & Environment, Japan. Prof. Singh has visited China & Poland as a guest of the respective Academies. Prof. Singh has played a trail-blazing role in developing multidisciplinary programs in the country. He represented India in the scientific delegation to the then Soviet Union in 1988 and in the Indo-US Sub-commission on Science & Technology in 1985 and 1987. He was a member of the Indian delegation to attend the prestigious Science & Technology initiative meet in 1983, the so-called Blue Ribbon Panel on Meteorology set up by the then Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi and then US President, Mr. Ronald Reagan. He was a member of ICSU International Committee for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction during 1990-92. Other Contribution: After retirement from IIT - Delhi, Prof. M.P. Singh has been 47 spearheading Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon as its founder Director since 2000. Today, Ansal Institute of Technology is a leading Institute in the country to provide higher education in professional fields. It has established International reputation for its US based collaborative education. Awards: Prof. M.P. Singh is a fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, Delhi; a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, and had been the President, Indian Mathematical Society; President, Physical Sciences Section of the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad and Sectional President (Math), Indian Science Congress Association. Prof. Singh had been a member of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (1987 – 92). He was given the 4th Dr. Y. S. Parmar Gold Medal and Oration Award, 1984 and was UGC National Lecturer during the year 1976 -77. Prof. M.P. Singh has been awarded Knight of the Order of Academic Palms by the Prime Minister of French Republic in November 2008. The Order of Academic Palms is one of the oldest civil distinctions in France and was created by Napoleon in 1808. Selected Publications 1. Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Model simulation of the dispersion scenario: Journal of Hazardous Materials, 1987, 17, 1-22, with S. Ghosh. 2. Vulnerability analysis for airborne release of extremely hazardous substances: Atmospheric Environment, 1990, 24 A, 4, 769-781. 3. A Mathematical model for the Oleum leakage in Delhi: Atmospheric Environment, 1990, 24 A, 4, 735-741, with Manju Kumari and S. Ghosh. 4. Analysis of vertical dispersion of an elevated plume using video digitization: Atmospheric Environment, 1990, 24A, 4, with B. Templeman, Sethuraman and S. Nigam. 5. Atmospheric Dispersion of inflammable substances for estimating vulnerable zones in Hydrocarbon Industry: Risk Analysis, (1991-Sept issue), with Manju Mohan and T.S. Panwar. 6. Predicted and observed concentration of SO2, SPM and NOx over Delhi: Atmos. Environ., 1990, 24A, 783-788, with P.Goyal, T.S.Panwar, P.Agarwal, S.Nigam and N.Bagchi, 7. Mathematical model for atmospheric dispersion in low winds with eddy diffusivities as linear functions of downwind distance: Atmospheric Environment, 1996, 30, 1137-1145, with Maithili Sharan and Anil Kumar Yadav 8. Surface layer turbulence processes in low wind speeds over land: Atmospheric Environment, 1995, 29, 2089-2098, with P. Agarwal, A.K.Yadav, A. Gulati, Sethu Raman, Suman Rao, S.Nigam and N. Reddy 9. A mathematical model for the dispersion of air pollutants in low wind conditions: Atmospheric Environment, 1996, 30, 2595-2606, with Maithili Sharan, A.K.Yadav, P. Agarwal and S. Nigam 10. Atmospheric dispersion in low wind conditions. Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, p.3567-3593, Tampa, Florida, Aug 19-26, 1992, Editor V. Lashmikantham, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1996) with Anil Kumar Yadav, Maithili Sharan 11. Comparison of sigma schemes for estimating air pollutant dispersion in low winds: Atmospheric Environment, 1995, 29, 2051-2059. with Maithili Sharan and Anil Kumar Yadav 12. Forecasting Daily Maximum Surface Ozone Concentrations in Brunei Darussalam - an ARIMA Modeling Approach: Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 2004, 54, No.7, 809814, with Krishan Kumar, A.K. Yadav, H. Hassan and V. K. Jain 48 Dr. A. K. YADAV Education: Ph.D., 1995 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India M.Sc. Mathematics, 1989 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Experience: Present Position Dean, Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon, Haryana, India since Aug 2007 Responsible for the Overall Planning & Development Previous Positions Professor, Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon, Haryana, India (since Aug 2006) Associate Professor, Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon, Haryana, India (Aug 2004 to July 2006) Assistant Professor, Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon, Haryana, India (May 2001 to July 2004) Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, G.J. University, Hisar, India (Mar 2000 to May 2001) Post doctoral Fellow, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA (June to August 2000) Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, G.J. University, Hisar, Haryana, India (Mar 1996 to March 2000) Visiting Scholar, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA (April 1995 to July 1995) Senior Scientific Officer, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (Sept 1993 to April 1995) Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (July1989 to August 1993) Fellowships: Research Fellowship based on GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, All-India) during Ph.D. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) conducted jointly by Council of Science & Industrial Research and University Grants Commission (UGC) for Research Fellowship and Lecturer-ship Honors: Received HP 2009 Innovation in Education grant worth $170,000 Nominated twice (1999, 2000) for the Young Scientists Award of Indian National Science Academy (INSA) New Delhi Leadership Award by IUCEE (Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education) Academic Visits Abroad (on Invitation): 49 Jan-Feb 2009: Visiting Professor, North Dakota State Univ., Clemson Univ., North Carolina State Univ., Nov 2006: Visiting Professor, University of Science & Technology, Lille, France June-Aug 2000: Post doctoral Fellow, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA Nov 1999: Co-organized an International Workshop on Air Quality Modeling & Management at University of Brunei, Brunei Darussalam April–July 1995: Visiting Scholar, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA Invited Talk: Delivered an invited talk at NOAA research lab in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA in July 1995 Professional Affiliations: Air & Waste Management Association Indian Society for Technical Education (Life Member) Indian Meteorological Society (Life Member) Computer Society of India (Member) Convener, Regional Center of IUCEE (Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education) Selected Publications 1. Krishan Kumar, A.K. Yadav, H. Hassan, M. P. Singh and V. K. Jain (2004) Forecasting Daily Maximum Surface Ozone Concentrations in Brunei Darussalam - an ARIMA Modeling Approach. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 54, No.7, 809-814. 2. Maithili Sharan, Manish Modani and A.K. Yadav (2003) Atmospheric dispersion: an overview of mathematical modeling framework. Journal of the Proceeding of Indian National Science Academy, 69, A, No. 6, 725-744. 3. A.K. Yadav, S. Raman and D.D.S. Niyogi (2003) A note on the estimation of eddy diffusivity and dissipation length in low winds over a tropical urban terrain, PAGEOPH, 160, 395-404. 4. A.K. Yadav, Krishan Kumar, Awg Makarimi bin Hj Awg Kasim, M.P. Singh, S.K. Parida and Maithili Sharan (2003) Visibility and incidence of respiratory diseases during the 1998 have episode in Brunei Darussalam. PAGEOPH, 160, 265-277 5. Maithili Sharan, Anil Kumar Yadav and Manish Modani (2002) Simulation of short-range diffusion experiments in low wind convective conditions. Atmos. Environ, 36, 1901-1906. 6. A.K. Yadav and K.N. Mehta (2000) Sensitivity of plume descriptors of a Gaussian plum mode to deposition and source elevation, II Nuovo Cimento, Vol 023C, issue 03, 251-262. 7. Maithili Sharan and Anil Kumar Yadav (1998) Simulation of diffusion experiments under light wind, stable conditions by a variable K-theory model, Atmos. Environ., 32, No. 20, 3481-3492. 8. Maithili Sharan, Anil Kumar Yadav and M.P. Singh (1996) Plume dispersion simulation using a mathematical model based on coupled plume segment and Gaussian puff approaches. J. Appl. Meteoro., 35, No. 10, 1625-1631. 9. Anil Kumar Yadav, Sethu Raman and Maithili Sharan (1996) Surface layer turbulence spectra and eddy dissipation during low winds in tropics. Bound.- Layer Meteoro., 79, 205-224. 10. Maithili Sharan, M.P. Singh and Anil Kumar Yadav (1996) Mathematical model for atmospheric dispersion in low winds with eddy diffusivities as linear functions of downwind distance. Atmos. Environ., 30, 1137-1145. 50 11. Maithili Sharan, Anil Kumar Yadav, M.P. Singh, P. Agarwal and S. Nigam (1996) A mathematical model for the dispersion of air pollutants in low wind conditions. Atmos. Environ., 30, 25952606. 12. Anil Kumar Yadav and Maithili Sharan (1996) Statistical evaluation of sigma schemes for estimating dispersion in low wind conditions. Atmos. Envorn., 30, 2595-2606. 13. Anil Kumar Yadav, Maithili Sharan and M.P. Singh (1996) Atmospheric dispersion in low wind conditions. Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, p.3567-3593, Tampa, Florida, August 19-26, 1992; Editior V. Lashmikantham, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. 14. Maithili Sharan, Anil Kumar Yadav and M.P. Singh (1995) Comparison of sigma schemes for estimating air pollutant dispersion in low winds. Atmos. Environ., 29, 2051-2059. 51 Appendix D: Detailed Budget 52