UN-CONFIRMED MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING OF MICHAEL COMMISSIONERS HELD IN THE COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE ON WEDNESDAY 4th July 2012 AT 7.00PM PRESENT Mr B. R. Corlett (Chairman) Mr P. Hayes (Vice-Chairman) Mr J. P. Barron Mr S. W. Hamer Mr D. Goldsmith Mrs C. J. Clague Mrs J. G. Bailey Mrs K. A. Malcolm (Clerk) Mr M Diehl (Glen Wyllin Campsite Warden) Mrs Ruth Dermott (Glen Wyllin Campsite Relief Warden) Members of the Public 3 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS (13/06/2012) The minutes from the previous monthly meeting held on 13th June 2012 were approved and confirmed. 2. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman, Mr B. R. Corlett, opened the meeting by welcoming the Board and the members of the public to the meeting. Mr B R Corlett acknowledged that that we had received correspondence from Mr & Mrs Naylor regarding ownership of the Main Road Playground and land. This was noted. Mr B R Corlett then went on to mention the presentation dinner that was to be organised for Mr R A Kennaugh and Mrs H M Quinn at the Glen Helen Inn. He stated that the date he had booked the inn for was Friday 20th July, and asked for numbers to be confirmed by next week. Mrs J G bailey and Mrs C J Clague told Mr B R Corlett that they would not be available to attend. Mr B R Corlett went to tell the Board that a resident had reported that she had visited the sewage works in Bride and that there had been an unpleasant smell, this was discussed and Mr P Hayes stated that he had also visited the site with Mr P Kelly and there was not a smell on the day he visited. The resident said that she would be in touch with Mr B Barnett from the Authority to speak to him on this and other matters. This was noted. Mr B R Corlett then read the correspondence received on road closures for filming. This was noted. A resident had sent an e-mail to request copies of the minutes for the last 12 months. The Clerk was asked to send a reply stating that she could come into the office to look at the minutes but, we could not supply copies. 3. DEVELOPMENT REPORT 4th July 2012 DECISIONS BY DOI 12/00885/A: Approval in principle for conversion of existing stables to ancillary living accommodation. Ballahowin, Orrisdale, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man IM6 2HP. Applicant: John Potts No Objection 12/00844/Installation of a replacement roof to conservatory and replace existing windows with a doorway. 8 Mull View, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1AQ. Applicants: Mr William & Mrs Sue Lowe. No Objection 12/00833/B: Erection of a timber footbridge over river. Glen Wyllin Campsite, Shore Road, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1HA. Applicant: Mrs Krystina Malcolm, Clerk, Michael Commissioners, Main Road, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1ER. No Objection 12/00326/B Alterations and erection of extensions to existing clubhouse, Lough NY Magher Clubhouse, Balleira Road, Kirk Michael, IM6 1EE. Applicants: Michael United AFC. Amended Plans No Objection 3. MATTERS ARISING, BUSINESS CONTINUING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING A. Department of Infrastructure Matters 1. Footpaths Mr B R Corlett read the correspondence that had been received from the Right of Way Officer, regarding the overgrown footpaths. She had stated that they would be cut next week. This was noted. 2. Car Parks The car park on Station Road was discussed. The Commissioners said that while the work was being completed it had been emptied and it had been nice to see it clear for a few days. A car that had been parked there for a while and had been left with no tax disc on was discussed. The Clerk was asked to speak to the DOI and ask them if they would come and remove it. 3. Highways Mrs J G Bailey reported that the walk way between the Main Road and Kerroocruin was very over run with weeds. This was discussed at some length and the Clerk was asked to speak to the DOI and ask if it could be cleared as soon as possible. B. Glen Wyllin 1. Warden’s Report and Updates Mr M Diehl reported that the season had started out well. TT had been very busy had been up on numbers from last year there had been a few problems but apart from that things had gone well. The drainage at the campsite was causing a concern as with the more rain that we are experiencing the fields are not able to dry up. Mr M Diehl said that the problems with the skips had caused some issues but, as the skip wagon had broken down not a lot could be done at the time. Mr B R Corlett suggested that may be a few bigger bins would help the situation and maybe this should be considered. Mr B R Corlett asked Mr M Diehl if they gave the campers a bin bag each, Mr M Diehl replied that they didn’t but, that they made them available. They did provide bags for the furnished tents. Mr M Diehl went on to say that if the Board are considering larger bins then ones with flaps wold be advantageous as the seagulls take the food and rubbish out of the others. Mr B R Corlett asked how often did we empty the bins that belong to DEFA, to which Mr Diehl replied when it was needed which could be most days. The gas store was discussed and Mr M Diehl told the Board that Mr B Boyd had been asked to repair it. Mrs C J Clague asked if there were any recycling bins on the campsite and if they were used. Mr B R Corlett confirmed that yes there were recycling bins but, they are not used very well, the campers are informed about them when they come on site. Mrs J G Bailey told the Board that when she had been down there to cover some of the time the warden was away, she had found bleach and other chemicals left out. This was discussed at some length and Mrs J G Bailey said that with COSHH Regulations these chemicals must be locked away at all times. Mr M Diehl said that a new lock was required and also some new shelving to store the chemicals on. It was agreed to look at these issues. Mr M Diehl said that the gas store room could also do with a new floor fitting to store the gas bottles on as they are rusting. This again would be looked at. The sit on mower was also discussed and it was agreed that the shed that had been erected for the mower, should be cleared out so that it could be kept dry as it would cost £13,000 to replace it. Various other issues for the end of the season meeting were discussed. The need to revamp the showers and toilets, a grate at the back of the showers was required, new mirrors, new flooring, the extractor fan and baby changing facilities need to be also looked at. Mr M Diehl said that the washing machine was also not working very well, so that would also need to be looked at or replaced. A new ironing board was also required for the campers wash room and the Clerk was asked to chase Osborne carpets for the shop flooring as they had still not provided us with a quote. Mrs J G Bailey suggested setting up a working group for these items which she thought may be helpful. Mr B R Corlett asked each member to go down to the site and have a look round at the showers, toilets and other items that had been discussed before the next meeting. Mr B R Corlett finished by thanking the wardens for attending the meeting. Mr P Hayes then went on to say that he did not understand why the Commissioners run the campsite; it causes a lot of work for the Chairman and other members of the Board. This was discussed at some length, and Mr B R Corlett said that it would worry him what would happen to the campsite if the Commissioners did not run it and that is why they had decided to take on the lease again. The warden for the next season was discussed and it was agreed that this should be advertised at the end of September 2012. Mr B R Corlett told the Board that a meeting with DEFA had been organised to discuss the drainage issues. It was to be held on Friday 13th July 2012 at 2pm if any member would like to attend. 2. Refund Correspondence from a camper had been received requesting a refund. This was discussed at some length and Mr P Hayes PROPOSED that the camper was refunded all but the £25.00 deposit that he had paid. This was SECONDED by Mr J P Barron. All agreed. 3. Price Review for Campsite The booking system and booking forms for the campsite were discussed. The figures from two other campsites were looked at, and it was PROPOSED by Mr P Hayes and SECONDED by Mr J P Barron that the price per adult would be changed to £8.00 and the price per child would be £4.00, the furnished tents would remain at £55.00 per night for next season. Any other changes would need to be discussed further and Mrs J G Bailey suggested a separate meeting for this. All agreed. This matter is on-going. C. Michael Community Civic Centre 1. Board for Citizenship Award This would be discussed at the next meeting in August. 2. Shelving for Heritage items The Shelving and items for the Heritage centre were discussed. It was agreed that Mr P Hayes would ask the Michael Heritage group to meet with some of the Commissioners to set things up. 3. Heritage Centre/Community Centre This would be discussed at the next meeting. 4. Standing Orders The standing Orders are now almost complete. A meeting is to be arranged on the next agenda the Standing Orders to be circulated by e-mail. 5. Cups/Utensils for Kitchen Mr B R Corlett had asked for this item to be added to the agenda. He felt that the Commissioners should have their own set of cups and saucers to be given to guests. Also a free standing boiler was discussed. The Clerk was asked to order 30 cups, saucers, and side plates, Tea, Coffee, and sugar canisters and also tea towels. Mr B R Corlett said that the kitchen was a mess with all the mops and buckets being out and it was proposed that Mr W D Corlett be asked to quote for a cupboard to be installed under the stairs or in the kitchen. Also the Commissioners asked how often the cleaner came in to clean and tidy the Community Civic Centre it was agreed that a list should be made up for the cleaner for the jobs that would need to be looked at on a weekly basis. Mr B R Corlett said that he had been approached by a lot of residents regarding the Garden Competition. They had been very disappointed that this was not going to go ahead. This was discussed and it was decided that the adverts would be put up and as long as there was enough interest the Garden Competition would go ahead. The Clerk was asked to put the entry forms out and ask for them to be returned by Friday 20th July 2012. D. Amenity Areas 1. Updating Village Playground The prices and location for the play equipment were discussed at some length. Mrs C J Clague said she would approach some other companies for a quote, she also suggested that maybe we should look for donations or funding for the items. It was suggested that the Isle of Man Bank may be willing to donate a piece of equipment as they were leaving the village. The Clerk was asked to write a letter to see if this would be at all possible. 2. BMX Park Glen Wyllin Mr B R Corlett told the Board that a meeting was to be held on Tuesday 10th July 2012 at 7.30pm with the sub-committee. The Clerk was asked to arrange for the packs to be sent out to interested parties. E. Recycling and Waste Management Nothing to report. F. Michael Messenger 1. Report from Michael Messenger Committee A meeting had been organised for the 12th July 2012. It was hoped that a quarterly Messenger would be produced and the first one would be out in September. G. Web Pages 1. Report from the Web Master Mr B R Corlett reported that the web pages are running fine and that the photographs of the Diamond Jubilee Queen are on the web site. 4. OTHER BUSINESS A. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration’s Mr B R Corlett reported that the Diamond Jubilee Queen had been judged by the Queens stand in Ms E Slack from Ramsey with the help of Mrs Donna Charlton. Amy Midwood had been crowned as the Queen and the two attendants were Lola Tebay and Cara Davies this had taken place in the Commissioners Offices. A meeting had been held on Tuesday 3rd July 2012 to make final arrangements. It had been decided that the day would go ahead come rain or shine but, if it did rain the venue would be moved indoors. The procession if going ahead would start at 1.45pm at Ellison’s Green. Mrs Brenda Stevenson had kindly offered the use of a car to take the Queen and her attendants to the school. Various items were discussed such as signs that were needed to be made up for the day i.e. Car parking for the band, No Dogs, No parking, No Alcohol, Refreshments, face painting, Bouncy castle, Heritage display and Raffle. Also floats would need to be made up. B. Boundary Signs/Flag Design This matter is on-going. C. Onchan District Commissioners-Partnerships This was read and noted. D.The Treasury Mr B R Corlett read the correspondence received regarding the accounts. This was noted. E. DOHA Consultation on Bribery Bill 2012 This was read and noted. F. DOI Consultation on Proposed Draft Building (fees) Regulations 2012 Mr B R Corlett said the notes on the DOI Consultation on Proposed Draft Building (fees) Regulations 2012 could be obtained off the web site and that the replies would need to be in by the 6th August 2012. G. DOSC Partnership Consultation on Draft Carers’ Charter Mr B R Corlett informed the Board that the DOSC Partnership Consultation on Draft Carers’ Charter was available to be viewed. The closing date was the 21st September 2012 H. Michael Methodist Church Invitation Mr B R Corlett read the invitation from the Michael Methodist Church for the 5th August 2012. He asked for Board members that would be available to attend so that the Clerk could Reply. Mr B R Corlett said that he would be attending, Mr D Goldsmith, Mr J P Barron, Mrs C J Clague and Mr S W Hamer said that they would also be attending. I. 2013 Poppy Appeal Street and House-to-House Collections Correspondence regarding the 2013 Poppy Appeal, Street and House-to-House Collections had been received. The Clerk was asked to reply to say that the Commissioners had no objections. J. DOI/DOCCL Consultation on Revised Speed Limits for Buses Mr B R Corlett read the correspondence that had been received regarding the DOI/DOCCL Consultation on Revised Speed Limits for Buses. The Clerk was asked to send a reply to say that the Commissioners have no objection to this and were happy for this to go ahead. K. DOI Date for Meeting with Mr Richard Ronan Mr B R Corlett read the correspondence that had been received regarding DOI Date for Meeting with Mr Richard Ronan. The Clerk was asked to contact the DOI to ask if a meeting could be arranged for Tuesday 11th July 2012. This matter is on-going. L. DOI User Group Meetings Mr B R Corlett read the correspondence that had been received regarding the DOI User Group Meetings. The Clerk was asked to send a reply to say that the Commissioners would be interested and that they feel it would be useful. M. Dog Fouling in Village / Bye Laws Officer / Bye-Laws for Village The dog fouling was discussed. Mrs C J Clague said that she felt that the situation had improved at the moment. This matter is on-going. N. Peel & Western District Housing Committee Mr J P Barron reported that a meeting had been held. Asbestos is the biggest problem at the moment and Safety Net are doing a report. O. Western Swimming Pool Mrs C J Clague reported that a meeting had been held. She had found it very interesting to be shown round and that they had been very welcoming. The new boiler was now in place. P. Western Civic Amenity Site Mr B R Corlett reported that a meeting had been held at Peel Town Hall, he and the Clerk had attended. The DOI are still running the site. Q. Neighbourhood Policing Team Local Tasking Mrs J G Bailey reported that a meeting had not been held. R. NPRCB Mr D Goldsmith reported that a meeting had been held on the 6th June 2012. The Board had elected Mr Richard Martin from Andreas Commissioners as the Chairman. Mr Arthur Radcliffe from Lezayre had been elected as the Vice Chairman. It had been decided that each member of the Board would be a signature on the account in case the Chair or Vice Chair were not available. A fee collection issue had been discussed, collection of bins in car parking areas had also been discussed which the DOI had handed over. S. The Municipal Association Mr S W Hamer reported that a meeting had been held with Mr Richard Pearson Director of Transport. He stated that he is working with a reduced staff so is concentrating on certain areas. The next meeting to be held with Mr Richard Ronan. 5. DATES FOR DIARIES a. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Friday 6th July 2012 Michael School Field at 2pm b. Carole Male Jail Break 2012 Glen Wyllin Campsite Friday 13th July 2012 c. Belarus children to visit Glen Wyllin/Kirk Michael on Monday 23rd July 2012 at 12.00pm d. Peel Town Commissioners, Civic Sunday Service, Sunday 15th July 2012 at 11.00am, Peel Methodist Chapel, Athol Street, Peel. e. Onchan District Commissioners Civic Sunday Service 2012, Sunday 29th July 2012 at 3pm 6. FINANCE REPORT/DISCUSSION ON NEW STYLE The Finance report for June 2012 was approved. A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of having the Commissioner’s Rates, Water Rates, Gas, and Manx Electricity paid by direct debit instead of by cheque. This would need to be investigated. An inventory would also need to be produced each year as the Auditors still had items from 2003 that had not been written off. 7. PRIVATE SESSIONS 1. Finance Officer Only one application had been received for the position of accountant, to prepare the accounts for the auditors It was PROPOSED by Mr P Hayes and SECONDED by Mr J P Barron that Mrs Ruth Dermott be appointed as the accountant after approval from Government. Under section 21(3A) of the Local Government Act 1985 any appointment of a responsible finance officer/accountant would need the approval of the Department. All agreed. 2. Unsightly Buildings The correspondence that had been sent to the owners of The Old Court House and Church View House was discussed. No replies had been received, so it was agreed that the Clerk should send out the second warning letters if no replies had been received by the 9th July 2012 3. Garden/Playing Field The Clerk told the Board that she was still waiting on a reply from solicitors Cain Gordon Bells. This matter is on-going. 4. Contracts Mr B R Corlett said that he would like to contact the relevant Government Department regarding conditions of the campsite warden’s contract. The Clerk said that Mrs J G Bailey dealt with contracts as she had a number of employees working for her at the Phillip Christian Centre and was happy to look at the contract and report back. The Board supported the Chairman’s suggestion. This matter is on-going. 8. DATE OF NEXT MONTHLY Wednesday 1st August 2012 9. CLOSURE OF MEETING The Chairman Mr B. R. Corlett closed the meeting at 11.58pm Signed ……………………………………………………..Dated………………………..