1 Confirmed MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING OF MICHAEL COMMISSIONERS HELD IN THE COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE ON WENDESDAY 3rd OCTOBER 2012 AT 7.00PM PRESENT: Mr B R Corlett (Chairman) Mr P Hayes (Vice-Chairman) Mr J P Barron Mr S W Hamer Mr D Goldsmith Mrs J G Bailey Mrs H M Quinn Mrs Krystina Malcolm (Clerk) Members of the Public: 3 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes from the previous monthly meeting held on 3rd September and 5th September 2012 were approved and signed. 2. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Chairman reported that correspondence had been received from the DOI regarding the Local Authority Induction Courses and Government no longer being able to continue with them. Mr James Kennaugh (Michael Heritage Trust) had sent in correspondence asking for a meeting on the 10th October with the Commissioners. This was agreed and noted. Mrs B Dawson had sent in a letter of thanks to the Commissioners for presenting her with the citizenship Award for the year. This had been presented at the garden competition presentation. 3. DECISIONS BY THE DOI 12/01094/B: Alterations to existing car port to provide additional living accommodation, 49 Slieau Curn Park, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1EL. Applicants: Mr David Callister. APPROVED 12/01098/B: Alterations and extension to outhouse to create a studio, Lyndale, Glen Wyllin, Kirk Michael, IM6 1AN. Mr Daniel Edward Kneale. APPROVED 12/01040/B: Erection of an extension to dwelling, 58 Broogh Wyllin, Shore Road, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1HU. Applicants: Mr Paul & Mrs Helen Gilbraith. APPROVED 12/01033/B: Erection of a timber BMX ramp (Retrospective). 5 Queig, 5 Faaie Ny Cabbal, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 2HS. Applicants: Mr & Mrs Paul Rowley. APPROVED 2 12/01062/B: Installation of Dormer to rear elevation and roof lights to front elevation. Sheeoil Reesht, 70 Slieau Curn Park, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1EW. Applicants: Mr Tom & Mrs Clare Cain. APPROVED 12/01134/B: Alterations and extension to dwelling (amendments to PA 11/00876/B) Mountain View 36 Cannan Avenue, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man IM6 1HG. Applicant: Tracy Hurt APPROVED 12/01065/B: Erection of a replacement dwelling, Ballarehenny, Orrisdale, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 2HJ. Theodore & Julia Matthews. APPROVED 12/01178/B: Alterations and erection of extensions to dwelling, Ballig Cottage, Handleys Corner, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1AY. Applicants: Mr & Mrs Fred Stokes. APPROVED PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION 12/01201/B: Erection of replacement stables, Baltic House, Baltic Road, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1EF. Applicants: Mr & Mrs Callister. NO OBJECTION 12/01204/B: Erection of detached dwelling with integral garage, land to rear of Cooil Avenue, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man. Applicant: Mr Robert C Astick. NO OBJECTION 12/00575/B: Erection of an extension over existing detached garage, 26 Kerroocruin, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1AG. Applicants: Mr & Mrs John Callister. Amended Plans NO OBJECTION 12/01246/B: Alterations to barn conversion to provide an attached garage with roof terrace above, Ballagawne Farm, Peel Road, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1HL. Applicant: Andrew Walker NO OBJECTION APPEALS: 12/00573/B: Residential development of 95 dwellings with highway and drainage infrastructure, new school field and playground, public open space and landscaping. Part Field’s 234267,234456.234555 & 230578. Parts of Adjacent gardens, School Grounds & Adjacent Highway, Main Road Playground, Part Public car park & Verge/hedge of Slieau Curn Park, Kirk Michael. Applicants: Dandara Homes Limited, Isle of Man Business Park, Cooil Road, Braddan The re-convened inquiry into the above application which was due to commence at 10.00am on Thursday 4th October 2012 in the Ebenezer Hall, Kirk Michael, has now been postponed. 3 4. MATTERS ARISING, BUSINESS CONTINUING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: A. Department of Infrastructure Matters 1. Footpaths: The Chairman read the replies that had been received to the correspondence the Clerk had been asked to write to the Highways Division last month This was noted. Mr J P Barron asked if the Clerk would contact the DOI regarding the no parking signs that are still in place at Orrisdale South. This was agreed. 2. Car Parks: These can now be places scheduled under Dogs Act bylaws as areas where dogs must be under control, albeit informed by the DOI that they cannot be added to the schedule for picking up dog dirt. Schedules being revised. 3. Highways: Mr S W Hamer reported that a reply had been received from the DOI regarding the double yellow lines on the Main road. Also the speed signs are to be recalled by the DOI with a view to equipment standardisation across the Island and may then reissue them to Local Authorities. Clerk to continue to source alternatives. It was agreed that Footpaths/Car Parks/Highways would now be grouped together as a single item on the agenda. B. Glen Wyllin Campsite 1. Warden’s Report and Updates No report from the Warden. The chairman told the Board that the Clerk had written to the contractors regarding refurbishing the shower block. No replies as yet. 2. Seasonal Leases and Price Adjustments The prices for the seasonal pitches were discussed. It was agreed that the prices should all increase by 5%. PROPOSED by Mr D Goldsmith SECONDED by Mr J P Barron. All agreed. 3. Estimate for drainage Glen Wyllin Campsite. No Further replies received. 4. Trees on the Campsite. The tree maintenance at the campsite was discussed. The Clerk was asked to write to DEFA and ask if they could recommend a local contractor who would be able to carry out the work. 6. Changes in Management for 2013 This was discussed briefly. It was agreed that a separate meeting should be held on the 10th October 2012. 7. Letter from Cannon Hygiene – Renewal of Contract This was discussed briefly. It was agreed this would be discussed at the separate meeting on the 10th October 2012. C. Michael Community Civic Centre: 1. Board for Citizenship Award Mr J Barron reported on this matter. He told the Commissioners that the Board should be received by the next monthly meeting. 2. Heritage Centre/Community Centre A meeting with Michael Heritage Trust would be held on the 10th October 2012 in the Commissioners offices. 3. Standing Orders The Standing Orders were discussed and agreed. Mr D Goldsmith asked for some underlining to be removed. He told the Board he would do this and send them back by email next week. 4 4. Garden Competition Report The Chairman told the Board that the presentation which was held on Sunday 16th September had gone very well. Mr J P Barron asked for the Chairman, Mr B R Corlett and his wife Mr W A Corlett to be thanked for all their hard work in making the presentation such a successful event. 5. Conversion to Natural Gas – Conversion Date Notification. Correspondence had been received regarding the date for the conversion to natural gas. This was noted. 6. Banking Facilities A further discussion ensued regarding the Isle of Man bank closure and the option of opening an account with the Post Office in the Village. It was agreed to leave the accounts as they are for the time being but to regularly review the situation. 7. Hop Tu Naa Party The Hop Tu Naa Party was discussed. The Clerk was asked to make the normal arrangements and speak to Mrs B Dawson regarding the hire of the Ebenezer Hall for Wednesday 31st October 2012. D. Amenity Areas: 1. Updating Village Playground The Chairman told the Board that since Mrs Caroline Clague had resigned a committee would be required to update the new village playground. It was agreed that Mr D Goldsmith, Mrs H M Quinn and Mrs J G Bailey form this committee. 2. BMX Park Glen Wyllin The Clerk was asked to invite Mr R Charlsey to sign the lease for the BMX park on Tuesday 9th October in the Commissioners offices at 2pm. If this was not convenient, to arrange another time and date with him. The Clerk was also asked to contact Paul Bergin and tell him to go ahead with the survey that was required and submit a statement to the planners as to why the BMX park was required in the village. E. Recycling and Waste Management No report. F. Michael Messenger 1. Report from Michael Messenger Committee No report, no new Committee in place as yet. The Clerk was asked to post an advert asking if any members of the community would be interested in helping and forming a committee. G. Web Pages 1. Report from Web Master Mr B R Corlett reported that he is building a new website at the moment. 5. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Isle of Man Marine Plan-Marine Development Consenting Consultation This was noted. B. Boundary Signs/Flag Design. No report. This is to be taken off the agenda. C. The Right Fuel Card Company. This was noted. D. Department of Community Culture & Leisure Hop Tu Naa festival 2012 Correspondence had been received regarding the Department of Community Culture & Leisure Hop Tu Naa festival 2012. The Clerk was asked to complete the form and send it back to say we would be holding a party and would like a donation from the fund. E. Department of Infrastructure Local Authority General Election Review This was noted. F. Letter from Michael Endowment Committee re: Diamond Jubilee Committee Correspondence had been received from the Michael Endowment Committee thanking the Diamond Jubilee Committee for their contribution to their fund. G. Dog Fouling in Village / Bye Laws Officer / Bye-Laws for Village. 5 The Dog Bye-laws were discussed. The Clerk was asked to make the amendments and return them to the DOI. H. Date for December 2012 Commissioners Monthly Meeting. It was agreed to add this to the November agenda. I. E-mail from Department of Home Affairs r: Fire Precautions (Flats) Regulations 2012. This was noted. J. Council of Ministers – ‘Consultation of Scope of Government’ – Mr S Hamer It was agreed that Mr S W Hamer would type up a response to the Council of Ministers Consultation on the Scope of Government’ and e-mail it round before it would be sent off. It would also form the basis for a Press Release. K.Peel & Western District Housing Committee Mr J P Barron reported on the meeting that had been held. L.Western Swimming Pool PROPOSED by Mr J P Barron SECONDED by Mr D. Goldsmith and resolved (nem con) that Mrs H M Quinn be elected representative to the Western Swimming Pool Board in replacement of Mrs C J Clague. Clerk to advise the Swimming Pool Board. M.Western Civic Amenity Site Mr B R Corlett reported that there had not been a meeting. N.Neighbourhood policing team Local Tasking Mrs J G Bailey reported that there had not been a meeting. O. NPRCB Mr D Goldsmith reported that there had not been a meeting. The Clerk was asked to send a letter asking for an up to date position on the NPRCB accounts for 2010 2011 and 2012. O.The Municipal Association Mr S W Hamer reported on the meeting and correspondence received. 6. DATES FOR DIARIES: a. Town of Ramsey Municipal Sunday, Trinity United Reformed Church, Waterloo Road, Ramsey, Sunday 28th October 2012 at 10.30am b. Andreas Parish Commissioners, Civic Sunday, Sunday 7 October 2012 at 11.15am in Andreas Parish Church. c. Lonan Parish Commissioners Civic Service 2012 Sunday 21st October 2012 at 11.00 am, All Saints Parish Church, Lonan Church Road, Lonan. 7. FINANCE REPORT: The Finance report for September 2012 was approved The Clerk had asked the Chairman to speak to the Board and enquire if any of the members would be taking their meeting payments for this year. All members, other than Mrs J G Bailey declined the payment. 8. IN PRIVATE SESSION: 9. DATE OF NEXT MONTHLY MEETING: Wednesday 7th November 2012 at 7.00 pm. 10. CLOSURE OF MEETING: 6 The Chairman Mr B R Corlett closed the meeting at 10.44pm. Signed………………………………………………………Dated……………………………………………………