Part-A : General Information 1.1 Introduction: 3 kgs of rice were distributed to students in primary institutions under the National Programme for Nutrition Support for Primary Education in the State prior to 2003. The first radical shift took place in 2003-04 with the distribution of pre-cooked ready to eat food items. From the academic year 2005-06, the major thrust of the scheme was the coverage of all the children in government and government aided primary schools. Upper primary schools have been covered during the current financial year 2009-10 1.2 Basic Information: (Year 2009-10) S. No. INDICATORS 1. No. of Institutions i) Approved by MDM-PAB for 2009-10 ii) Covered during the year 2. No. of Children i) Approved by MDM-PAB Ii) Enrollment as on 30.9.2009 ii) Average No. of children availed MDM during 01.04.2009 to 31.12.2009 3 Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) i) Average no. of children availed MDM as per QPR-1 ii) Average no. of children availed MDM as per QPR-2 iii) Average no. of children availed MDM as per QPR-3 * :- % of PAB Approved 2. No. of Working days PRY 1,117 1,124 STATUS U PRY 420 421 TOTAL 1,537 1,545 76,509 74,773 74,363 [97%]* 87,411 89,719 88,712 [101%]* 1,63,920 1,64,492 1,63,075 [99%]* 66,427 [87%]* 74,808 [98%]* 74,496 [97%]* 0 [0%]* 88,388 [101%]* 88,712 [101%]* 66,427 [41%]* 1,58,696 [80%]* 1,63,208 [99%]* PRY U PRY 39 11 28 65 52 13 47 49 2 39 0 39 65 52 13 47 49 2 (220 days for PY & U PY approved by PAB for FY 200910) i) Approved for Q-1 Achievement during Q-1 ii) Approved for Q-2 Achievement during Q-2 Difference Difference iii) Approved for Q-3 Achievement during Q-3 Difference 1 3. Financial Status AVERAGE UNIT COOKING COST PCPD i) ii) State’s contributions in cooking cost per child per day Budget Provision for cooking cost for the year 2009-10 PRY 3.83 U PRY 5.32 0.62 0.94 Rs. 16.18 Cr. (Central and State ) 4. QPR Status i) 1st Quarter dated 13.08.2009 ii) 2nd Quarter dated 30.11.2009 iii) 3rd Quarter dated 15.2.2010 Status Received Received on 12.1.10 (Late) Received on 4.03.2010 (Late) --oOo— 2 Part-B : Review of Performance in 2009-10 (01.04.09 to 31.12.2009) 2. Based on the information provided by the State Govt. in its AWP&B 2010-11, the performance during 2009-10 (01.04.09 to 31.12.2009) was reviewed. The major issues in implementation during 2009-10 are summarized as under: 2.0 NON-COVERAGE (Institutions) Coverage in terms of No. of institutions. Difference between PAB Approval (Target) Vs No. of institutions covered (Achievement) – i) PRIMARY The number of institutions approved by MDM PAB for 2009-10 Number of institutions covered during 01.04.09 TO 31.12.09 = 1,117 = 1,124 (100%) ii) UPPER PRIMARY (including PY attached) The number of institutions approved by MDM PAB for 2009-10 Number of institutions covered during 01.04.09 TO 31.12.09 = 420 = 421 (100%) 2.1 NON-COVERAGE (No. of Children) 2.1.1 Coverage in terms of No. of children. Difference between PAB Approval (Target) Vs Average No. of Children Availed MDM during 1.04.09 to 31.12.09 (Achievement) –PRIMARY (Refer Table 2.3 of the Analysis Sheet). The number of children approved by MDM PAB for 2009-10 = 76,509 Average number of children availed MDM during 01.04.09 TO 31.12.09 = 74,363 (97%) 2.1.2 Coverage in terms of No. of children. Difference between PAB Approval (Target) Vs Average No. of Children Availed MDM during 1.04.09 to 31.12.09 (Achievement) – UPPER PRIMARY (Refer Table 2.4 of the Analysis Sheet). The number of children approved by MDM PAB for 2009-10 = 87,411 Average number of children availed MDM during 01.04.09 to 31.12.09 = 88,712 (101%) 2.1.3 No. of Meals: Difference between No. of meal to be served (Target) Vs. No. of meals served (Achievement)- PY+U PY (Refer Table 2.5 of the Analysis Sheet). The number of meals to be served during 01.04.09 TO 31.12.09 The number of meals served during 01.04.09 TO 31.12.09 = 2.47 Crore = 1.73 Crore (70%) 2.2 FOODGRAINS (PRIMARY + UPPER PRIMARY) 2.2.1 Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09: The State has nil opening balance of food grains against the total allocation for 2009-10 as on 1.4.09. (Refer Table 3.2.1 of the Analysis Sheet). 3 2.2.2 Level of unspent balance as on 31.12.09 : The State level closing balance as on 31.12.09 is 4% against the total allocation of food grains for 2009-10. (Refer Table 3.2.2 of the Analysis Sheet). 2.2.3 Availability of Food grains: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09) Considering that three-fourth of the year was over by 31.12.2009, the districts should have availability of at least 85% of the food grains allocation. State level availability as on 31.12.09 was only 51%. (Table Refer 3.5 of the Analysis sheet). 2.2.4 Utilization of food grains: Considering that three-fourth of the year was over by 31.12.2009, the State should have utilized 75% of the foodgrains allocation. State level utilization was 48% as on 31.12.2009. (Refer Table 3.7 Analysis Sheet) State Govt. is requested to explain about low utilisation of food grains. 2.3 COOKING COST (PRIMARY + UPPER PRIMARY) 2.3.1 Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09: The State has 16% opening balance of cooking cost against the total allocation for 2009-10 as on 1.4.09. (Refer Table 4.3.1 of the Analysis Sheet) 2.3.2 Level of closing balance as on 31.12.09 : The State level closing balance as on 31.12.09 is 52% against the total allocation of food grains for 2009-10. (Refer Table 4.3.2 of the Analysis Sheet). 2.3.3 Utilization of Cooking cost Considering that three-fourth of the year is over by 31.12.2009, the districts should have utilized at least 75% of the allocation of cooking cost. State level utilization is only 48%. (Ref : Table no. 4.7 of Analysis Sheet) State Govt. is requested to explain about low utilisation of cooking cost. 2.4 Reconciliation of utilisation and performance during 2009-10 (1.4.09 to 31.12.09) 2.4.1 Mismatch in utilization of Food grains vis-à-vis cooking cost: Ideally the percentage utilization of cooking costs and foodgrains should tally with each other. State level utilization is as under: Food grains Cooking cost Mis-match Primary+ Upper Primary (against 75%) 48% 48% 0 pp 4 2.5 Utilization of MME (Reference Table – 6.3 of Analysis Sheet) A sum of Rs. 17.19 lakhs was available during 2009-10 (including unspent balance of Rs. 13.17 Lakhs as on 31.3.09) as Central Assistance towards MME. The State Govt. has utilized only 58% of the MME grant during the period of 1.4.2009 to 31.12.2009. 2.6 Utilization of Transport Assistance (Reference Table – 7.3 of Analysis Sheet) A sum of Rs. 34.25 lakhs was available during 2009-10 (including unspent balance of Rs. 22.08 lakhs as on 31.3.09) as Central Assistance towards Transport Assistance. The State has utilized 26% of the transportation assistance. --oOo— 5 Part-C Recommendations for quantification of Central assistance for 2010-11. 3.1 Number of children (Primary) Year Projected Enrollment Opted for Avg. no. Population (DISE) MDM Availed MDM 2008-09 NA 1,06,980 ----76,179 2009-10 NA 98,921 74,363* 74,363* * State govt. has provided the figures for primary for classes I-IV. Trends in average number of children availed MDM [PRIMARY class I –IV ] during 1.4.09 to 31.12.09: 3.1.1 From 2008-09 to 2009-10, there is 2% decrease in average number of children availed MDM (from 76,509 to 74,773). (Reference Table 9.4 of Fact Sheet) 3.1.2 99% of the enrolled children have availed mid day meal in 2009-10. (Reference table 9.5 of analysis sheet) 3.2 Number of children (Upper Primary) Year Projected Population Enrollment Opted for Availed (DISE) MDM MDM 63,672 2008-09 ---0 2009-10 65,571 88,712* 88,712* * State govt. has provided the figures for upper primary for classes V-VIII. Trends in Enrollment and Average number of children availed MDM [ UPPER PRIMARY Class V-VIII]: 3.2.1 In 2009-10, 99% of the enrolled children have availed mid day meal during 1.4.09 to 31.12.09. (Reference Table 9.7 of Analysis Sheet) 3.3 Number of School days (PRY and U PRY: Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 DISE Data MDM Sanctions 188 220 194 210 NA 220 220 (State’s claim) 2010-11 6 Achievement -220 112 – Pry, 101 – U pry (till 31st Dec, 09) 3.4. No MDM-PAB decisions Details No. of Institutions as per State Plan (Table No. of Children as per State Plan (Table Recommendations by Appraisal Team (No. of Children) Approval by MDMPAB No.13 /13-A) 3, 3A and 3B) 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 3 No. of Children & Institutions Primary Govt. + Govt. aided + LB schools EGS AIE Mad/Maq NCLP TOTAL (A) Govt. + Govt. aided + LB schools EGS AIE Mad/Maq/NCLP TOTAL (B) GRAND TOTAL (A) +(B) No. of Working days Primary Upper Primary No. of Cooks-cum Helpers* 1,109 73,953 98,000 15 210 1,124 74,363 98,000 418 88,672 65,000 3 40 421 1,545 88,712 1,63,075 65,000 1,63,000 210 200 210 220 * The work of supply of MDM has been allotted to register self help group. All the arrangement of appointments of cook cum helper and the remuneration is managed by the SHG. The State has submitted the requirement of one helper to serve the meal to the students in each primary school and two helpers for each upper primary school. 4. Kitchen-cum-store* * Work of supply of Mid day meal is allotted to self help groups having their own kitchen and license from Directorate of Food & Drugs administration. 7 3.5) QUANTIFICATION OF CENTRAL ASSISSTNCE FOR 2010-11: 3.5.1 Food grains: No. Stage 1 2 Primary (@ 100 gms) Upper Primary (@150 gms.) TOTAL 3.5.2 Sl. No. Recommendations by Appraisal Team Quantity in MTs. No. of Children No. of Working days 98,000 210 2058.00 65,000 220 2145.00 1,63,000 215 4203.00 Cooking cost, MME and Transport Assistance Component/norm Amount admissible (Rs. In lakhs) Primary 1 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for 1029 MT rice and @ 4150 per MT for 1029 MT wheat 2 Cooking cost @ Rs. 2.02 per child/day (98,000 x 210 days x Rs. 2.02) 3 Transportation Cost @ Rs. 750.00 MT (98,000 x 210 days x 0.0001 MT x Rs. 750 ) 4 Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of 100.84 415.72 15.44 9.58 foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation TOTAL Upper Primary 5 Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for 1072.5 MT rice and @ 4150 per MT for 1072.5 MT wheat 6 Cooking cost @ Rs. 3.02 per child/day (65,000x 220 days x Rs. 3.02) 7 Cost transportation @ Rs. 750.00 MT (65,000x 220 days x 0.00015 x Rs.750) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost 8 541.57 105.11 431.86 16.09 9.95 of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation TOTAL 563.01 GRAND TOTAL 1104.58 --oOo— 8 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION AND LITERACY MID DAY MEAL DIVISION MDM-PAB meeting to consider and approve AWP&B 2010-11 STATE: GOA (Date of the Meeting: 03.03.2010) INDEX S. No. Part-A Part-B Part-C Part-D Chapters General Information Review of implementation during 01.04.09 to 31.12.09 Recommendations of Appraisal team and quantification of variables for Central Assistance during 2010-11. Analysis sheet. 9 Page No. 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-18